A Note From The Editors
So, here's the deal.
To the prepubescent 3rd grader going by the name of "Juan" who is infatuated with candidates penises, we don't care. We don't care about your fantasies with farm animals or that your lack of sex life causes you to lash out at those of us who can actually get a date with a fellow human. Your jealousy is obvious and we don't care to read it.
As you have seen and we have demonstrated, our voices will always be louder than yours in this forum. Yours can easily be silenced, and will continue to be as long as you post your dribble.
If you seek help, try Dr. Phil or better yet Jerry Springer. They seem to be much more up your alley.
As for everyone else, there is plenty of ammunition to blast any subject of any post. No one in city hall is the second coming of Christ. They all have plenty of crap to attack them with. You don't need to drag yourself into the gutter with baseless accusations and gay humor to make your point.
As we have shown all along, just about anything else flies around here. We don't back down and we can take the heat in the kitchen unlike some of the other blogs in town. We enjoy reading your blasts at us and find humor in your viewpoints towards others.
All we are asking is that you act like a reasonable member of society so that those individuals who enjoy reading and commenting on the topics of the day can do so. It is a fairly simple request for civil discourse. I know you can do it. You all did it up until yesterday.
As for the content that gets posted for everyone to comment on, there are many contributors sharing tons of information which we are more than happy to post as long as it can be backed up with some sort of reasonable certainty. If you want something posted that you don't see, you can email any of us:
Mayor Sam: mayorsam@aol.com
Mayor Frank: mayorfrank@gmail.com
Chief Parker: chiefwilliamparker@hotmail.com
Any one of us can and will post your stuff. To protect your anonymity, you can easily create a yahoo, hotmail, or gmail account to forward your items. It isn't that difficult.
Now back to our regular programming...
To the prepubescent 3rd grader going by the name of "Juan" who is infatuated with candidates penises, we don't care. We don't care about your fantasies with farm animals or that your lack of sex life causes you to lash out at those of us who can actually get a date with a fellow human. Your jealousy is obvious and we don't care to read it.
As you have seen and we have demonstrated, our voices will always be louder than yours in this forum. Yours can easily be silenced, and will continue to be as long as you post your dribble.
If you seek help, try Dr. Phil or better yet Jerry Springer. They seem to be much more up your alley.
As for everyone else, there is plenty of ammunition to blast any subject of any post. No one in city hall is the second coming of Christ. They all have plenty of crap to attack them with. You don't need to drag yourself into the gutter with baseless accusations and gay humor to make your point.
As we have shown all along, just about anything else flies around here. We don't back down and we can take the heat in the kitchen unlike some of the other blogs in town. We enjoy reading your blasts at us and find humor in your viewpoints towards others.
All we are asking is that you act like a reasonable member of society so that those individuals who enjoy reading and commenting on the topics of the day can do so. It is a fairly simple request for civil discourse. I know you can do it. You all did it up until yesterday.
As for the content that gets posted for everyone to comment on, there are many contributors sharing tons of information which we are more than happy to post as long as it can be backed up with some sort of reasonable certainty. If you want something posted that you don't see, you can email any of us:
Mayor Sam: mayorsam@aol.com
Mayor Frank: mayorfrank@gmail.com
Chief Parker: chiefwilliamparker@hotmail.com
Any one of us can and will post your stuff. To protect your anonymity, you can easily create a yahoo, hotmail, or gmail account to forward your items. It isn't that difficult.
Now back to our regular programming...
Mayors & Chief,
This is why I love this place.
Chief Parker do you believe in Jesus?
Chief Parker,
Is this directed to my post? This is what I meant, I love this place because people like yourself can monitor this site from fabricated crap like that Juan guy. I enjoy to read opinions from all walks of life. Some here may be city workers, professionals, students, etc... I love it due to the fact that you can read this stuff and take it the way you want, but respect the fact that you do have to delete some posts. Some posts go beyond reality and serve no constructive purpose.
Now this is what I meant. Do not confuse my post or relate it that I love the Juan crap, I hate those posts.
Please rest assured that the only idiot dribble (drivel?) that will be tolerated on this blog will be Chief Faker's overt and unashamedly undocumented lies about Villaraigosa's accomplishments while he pretended to be a councilmember for the 14th District (and "started" 80 neighborhood watches in a CD with rouhgly a dozen "neighborhoods").
The freedom to "dribble" without ever offering any proof belongs to those who hold the keys to this dribble cup known as Mayor Sam's Sister City
That's the AMERICAN way!
Hi Mayor & Hi Chief,
Don't worry, I accept. The CD 14 election is interesting and opinions do count. Therefore, let's picture this (hypothetical), if Huizar did not have our Mayor's support or endorsement for this election; What would the endorsements look like?
For individuals that are undecided and love our Mayor, this does matter. Example, "I voted for the Mayor, but I don't see Huizar as the right choice."
Censor that, Bullshit Parker!
Your "numbers" are up. . .
Hi Mayor & Hi Chief,
Don't worry, I accept. The CD 14 election is interesting and opinions do count. Therefore, let's picture this (hypothetical), if Huizar did not have our Mayor's support or endorsement for this election; What would the endorsements look like?
For individuals that are undecided and love our Mayor, this does matter. Example, "I voted for the Mayor, but I don't see Huizar as the right choice."
The best thing to do here is attend the debate between Pacheco and Huizar.
LAUSD does have a horrendous drop out rate & corruption scandals under Huizar's watch, but will Pacheco be able to work with City Hall? They are two valid observations and I will attend some events and the next debate to finalize my choice.
True, that last part -- and Hahn was still fairly popular and untarnished when the last regular council election was held.
Can't have it both ways. If being on the "team" of a popular sitting mayor is supposedly so good this time around, why not 2-3 years ago?
For AV fanatics, the answer to last question is simple. We want him in office -- we don't care whose team he plays on, or if he ever gets anything done.
AV's not the second coming, he's the FIRST (that Jesus thing was a false alarm), to air-headed cult followers like Parker etc.
Want proof? Look back and see if Chief Parker has EVER said anything negative about Villaraigosa?
Keep looking...
Keep looking....
You're getting colder. (Every other "dead pol" here has slammed every other current pol at one time or another -- except, yup, you know who!)
I see your point, but I strongly believe that all council members have an obligation to the constituents in having synergy with City Hall. The districts are not on their own entirely, they are intrinsically attached to City Hall through many departments and future votes. Who ever wins needs to work with City Hall and City Hall needs to work with the new councilman for the benefit of the people. The people should not be hurt by any personal vendettas or grudges.
Precisely, this is why I made the hypothetical question. There is concern as to why Huizar has these endorsements. Are they out of his own merit, or for our Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Keep in mind, I am a Villaraigosa supporter, however I am not convinced about Huizar. I care about our kids too much to promote a person who may have hurt their future.
ONE ITEM, from almost a year AGO, before he was mayor, before he was even the leading contended to oust Hahn?
300 or so days, with you posting headings 2-3 times a day (500-800 items), and you have ONE DAMN criticism of AV in all that time???
My Gawd, you're right, Chief Faker. You're NOT a kiss-up. You're the CHIEF of all kiss-ups.
You're either shitting me with that flaccid excuse for "negativity" against boy-toy Villaraigosa, or you shit yourself every time AV walks on water into the room in your presence.
(Hell, Parke Skelton talks more and better crap about AV than that, and AV owns his sell-out, hippie-dippie soul. Tell them about the "AV's head's too big to put that givewaway campaign t-shirt on over it" comment, Parke!)
~ For the life of me, I cannot understand why any voter in CD 14 would cast their vote in favor of Mr. Huizar for City Council (this is not to say voters should select Mr. Pacheco). What is known about Mr. Huizar is that he has served a very short time in elected office on the School Board. During that brief stint, Mr. Huizar was President of the Board and oversaw a District that can most charitably be described as dysfunctional.
Mr. Huizar disingenuously likes to point to the District’s yet to be completed construction and modernization program as his crowning achievement. Yet, the idea to build schools, originated with Mr. Romer, not Mr. Huizar. Moreover, Mr. Huizar has done nothing to decrease the drop out rate at two of the major high schools in his District (Roosevelt and Belmont). He has stood idle while others around him clamor for half-baked solutions. The one things Mr. Huizar can claim credit for is selecting his staff, a staff mind you, that has often been derided – both privately and publicly on this blog – as the least competent of the Board staff.
So, why is it that we should reward Mr. Huizar with our votes (besides the fact that he is supported by AV)?
I’m going to keep looking until I find a better candidate.
Personal vendettas are the only reason Villaraigosa ran for mayor.
Personal vendettas are the only reason Villaraigosa backed Huizar.
The city of Los Angeles is now being run not on on "milk of human kindness," but on the venom of vengence as it's primary motivation for all things coming out of the mayor's office. Every move AV makes is aimed at making Hahn, or his supporters or past appointees look bad by comparison. It started well before this, too, including when he voted against a police sales tax that 70 percent of CD14 constituents wanted him to vote for (because Hahn supported it).
This is the only way the next four years of Villaraigosa's ineffectiveness and rudderless pandering to all sides will possibly come to look successful.
Two years of his getting NOTHING done in CD14 taught that to anyone who was watching with clear vision.
He was unwilling to complete ANYTHING Pacheco started for fear Pacheco might get some credit. He was also unable to START or finish anything himself, for fear he might alienate some small faction he might need to beat Hahn as mayor.
So he did.... nothing. For two years -- 24 month -- 730 days.
Nothing whatsoever to improve CD14.
It's interesting that none of the people who endorsed Little Jose with the exception of maybe 2 have actually worked for him. I agree Antonio is fixing this election with strong arm tactics with city council members and those who endorsed AV looking for special favors. The intelligent people can see this plain and day. The Antonio lovers see it but are in denial. Jose will show his true colors of incompetence at the debates. He has no clue what's been going on in the district just like Antonio. Little Jose is now attending community meeting trying to figure out what are their issues. Pacheco has always cared about the district and that is the reason constituents constantly met with him and called him when they had problems even though Antonio was their councilman.
PLEASE, Chief Faker, you're killing me!
Anything since the PRIMARY???
Anything SINCE the RUNOFF???
Anything SINCE THE CROWNING of King Villaraigosa I???
(HELL NO, and certainly not since he started lying about the 80 neighborhood watches).
SO you went on Parke's payroll sometime after the first of the year.
You've shelled Pacheco more in the last week that you have Villaraigosa since - FOREVER.
And Pacheco's still a private citizen.
And AV's still making you wet your pants in anticipation of the WONDERS he'll perform as mayor.
Buy LOTS of pampers, Faker, he'll NEVER deliver (says two years of wasted support in CD14).
Wait for it -- here it comes -- the cry from his supporters.
"But he's only been mayor for 6 weeks! Give him some time."
Which originally began as:
"But he's only been a councilmember for 6 months! Give him some time."
Followed by:
"But he's only been a councilmember for 9 months! Give him some time."
"But he's been busy helping John Kerry. . ."
"But he's been back from helping out in the presidential campaign for a few weeks! Give him some time."
"But he's running for mayor to save us all from destruction. Then once he's MAYOR, he'll fix everything!"
Anybody who's not snorting AV-dust see the pattern?
If not, you will. . .
1:20/1:47/2:52 - Funny this should come up. I happen to have spent much of the last two nights looking through the archives from the start last year. I've gotten up to May 27 so far.
One of the complaints about this blog up to the Spring was that it was anti-AV. Parker's atttitude was clearly a part of this perception. But it was obviously an anti-Hahn project from the start more than anything else, with a clear tilt toward Bob H.
After the first round election, it was pretty natural that an anti-Hahn blog would lean toward AV. So far WYSIWYG. Parker clearly went the furthest in this direction, but until then he had really not had anything good to say about AV.
The second round campaign changed things considerably. If you were to research only this blog, you would easily conclude that the anti-AV crowd suffered a tremendous loss of credibility in LA as a whole as the election approached, reaching a climax with the collapse of the recall. Parker took to spanking them, as well as Hahn, pretty hard and pretty often.
The Pachueco/Huizar story line is a sort of spin-off series. "BitterNick" comes in as an extension of the discredited anti-AV crowd. No surprise to see Parker pounding away at him since the runoff -- the point of a blog is to keep the discussion going, after all.
Some anti-AV types tried to interpret Parker's jumping on the AV bandwagon as a pre-planned strategic move. They claimed that he had been the pro-AV "Meat" all along, and apparently only faked being critical of AV for months in his Chief Parker guise -- and that the man behind the curtain is Parke Skelton.
What's the bottom line here? Some people hate AV so much that they need an interesting theory to explain the world, and a big part of that theory is that Skelton is truly an evil genius, who can take the chance of working against his instrument of evil (AV) for months, just to set up a clever way to help him out in the second round and once he's elected.
There might be a paranoid political thriller movie script in all this...
Nothing clever about it.
Parker goes from being star-struck by one empty suit, after another, after another (Hertzberg/ADV/Sleazy Huizy)...
Some people just can't handle politicians with any depth, who can get anything done, or ones who can speak in something more substantive than bumper stickers.
"Big Ideas"
"80 Neighborhood Watches"
"Roll up My Sleeves"
"Pacheco was Divisive"
"Tricky Nicky"
"160 New Schools being Constructed"
The only change is where Parker gets the bumper-sticker length pablum from. Since the runoff, it's been Skelton, et al.
(Parke's just evil; not a genius... ask AV about 2001 and why he needed Ace Smith to really win this year!)
I have had my suspicions of who is who, but I have no evidence, so I will not take a stab at it at this time.
From what I can gather, there might be sensitive data floating, but it is probably emailed to the Mayors and Chief. Although, Mr. Skelton should be amused at the attention he is getting here at Mayor Sam's Sister City.
3:41 PM
Your comments are strong, and I would hate for them to have any truth. If so, it would be devastating to have campaign managers stoop that low. Again, I said a big "if it is true." At the moment, I don't really believe there is a politician trying to keep the constituents uneducated to promote personal agendas. What I do believe is constituents should get educated to make their own decisions about their future, local government, and financial situation. Go to school no matter what age you are, just get an education.
Parke's not a "he" Janet.
It's an "it!"
3:36 - If you think Parker is a simpleton, you may just not be up to speed yourself. What you are complaining about is rooted in the George Lakoff applied cognitive linguistics theory of "political frames." One of Parker's posts during the runoff contrasted Hahn's shifting political frames to AV's single stable frame.
If you don't know this stuff, google the name and the term, or look up Lakoff's books on Amazon, or for a free lesson go to:
For a literate critique, see:
I agree with Janet -- you guys must amuse Skelton to no end.
4:43 PM
Stop humoring me :)...well that is fine...I don't know who Chief Parker is, but I do think he is a "HE." It really doesn't matter to me who Chief Parker is, I enjoy reading many of the comments here regardless of who ANY OF YOU are.
I too had read much of the archive and am pretty sure that Parker is not Skelton, Ace or MEAT. Its laughable to even assume that he's Villaraigosa.
I also notice a slight change in voice at some point (not just the switch from Bob to Antonio cause the other bloggers did the same too). Not sure if someone was trying to change up their writing style to avoid detection, or if the person writing the Chief Parker pieces actually changed. I suspect it was the latter and most likely presume that Chief Parker was a disgruntled Hahn staffer who might have been parnoid of being caught. Free of his Hahn employment, the Chief now has a free reign (assuming he has found some new profession) and delights in the vanquishing of his oppressor - Jim Hahn - by his new hero Antonio.
Therefore, if you are attempting to determine Chief Parker's identity, I would look torwards the Hahn camp.
This thread alone should be titles Conspiracy Theories.
Lying pond-scum runs deep.
Remember the Maine, Pearl Harbor, and the 80 Neighborhood Watches lie.
He's no dummy -- he's got us blogging about nothing.
5:05 - There was a turning point, but I think it came with the discovery that the recall was a fraud, the Hahn campaign may have been involved, and the pro-AV Meat went silent and wouldn't come back.
That put AV in a new light, especially for someone who, as Parker said, had refused to go with a lot of stuff that Meat had been urging on him. AV wasn't just the way to get rid of Hahn anymore. He was bigger than that, and the anti-AV crowd looked lower than ever.
Do we AMUUUUSE you, "Pesce" Skelton. Do we make you LAUGHHH, at how gullible the little people are to believe the campaign lie of the day, EVERY damn day.
One must enjoy the mathematically progressive nature of the lies, to.
From empty suited ADV and his "I get lost in CD14" staff of lame-o nitwits supposedly "launching" 80 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES, to agenda-less, land-losing Sleazy Huizy being the "brains" behind starting 160 NEW SCHOOLS in the city.
Next up. . . 240?
What's that supposed to be, the IQ of AV's grossly underqualified MH-based pick for Jose's school board seat, or maybe just the number of out-of-context bible verses pawn-poseur-Parker's going to lob at Janice Hahn before some (pick your supreme being) strikes him dead.
I've heard that Skelton has some kind of personal vendetta against Nick for some development project in his neighborhood. Is that what this campaign is about, Parke Skelton's NIMBYism?
NIMBYism? What does this mean? Vendetta? It is just politics and campaign competition, that is all.
Nah, Parke couldn't care less about the Oak Hill bastards tearing up the hillsides near him. Pacheco did more to make the best of that lousy situation than Skelton ever even tried to... he was too busy trying to get donations from the developers for Villaraigosa.
I am tired of hearing Huizar take credit for building of the schools. Antonio and Hertzberg are the two people most responsible for it as well as the voters of California. The person that is most responsible for adminstering it is Roy Romer. Jose Huizar was just one of seven members who had oversight authority. As you can tell there was not much oversight. The building of the schools has been a failure thus far, ran way over budget and finally getting into gear but it did not have much to do with Huizar.
That should be the real story. Huizar taking all the credit for the good things about LAUSD (though not many) and trying to seperate himself for the numerous failures of LAUSD. That is what I call a sleazy politian.
I am not the biggest fan of our Mayor but I have to give it up to him, at least he ran on his own record and not on someone elses record like you are Jose.
No Way Jose.
If you want people to act in a reasonable manner and have some proff at what they say, Why do you still have thepost on John Edwards up? Is he a seperate rule because he can be linked to Pacheco? If you want bloggers to take you seriously you should really delete the entire post from your archives.
nice try John. Won't happen. There is truth to the post
I have an option to this problem. At the next public event, debate, or announcement from Huizar-just ask publicly the following questions.
Why is the dropout crisis so severe under your management?
Why did you do nothing while in office?
The construction of the schools are Roy Romers original project, why are you tagging along?
What accomplishments are you proud of for all the years at LAUSD that are your original ideas and not of others?
Why did you do nothing about Taylor Yard, Belmont and the Meruelo situation.
You delayed the process for the land that LAUSD was going to buy giving Meruelo a chance to outbid you by a mere difference, why did you do that?
Would you send your child to Roosevelt H.S?
Are you proud of the fact that the Mayor has to endorse you to get council endorsements?
How does it feel to have no accomplishments?
What do you tell a student that dropped out under your management? "Sorry, but we do not have a program for you, we cannot help you, we are working on it"
LAUSD does not follow up on dropouts, they are just statistics.
Huizar does not care, except the image of caring catapults at the last minute (like now) during election.
He will say anything to get elected. He is a fake.
Go to topic "Apologies for the Spam Comments" at the beginning of this blog
Huizar posts.
Also ask Sleazy Huizy why he spent sooooooo much money on his new big office when the poor students in CD14 don't even have air conditioning during this hot weather? He's a lame moron who doesn't have a clue what's been going on in the district. Everyone is waiting in anticipation of Pacheco hammering him at the debates. You watch...after the debates Little Jose will be using Pacheco's answers to questions and WE ARE ALL GOING TO CALL HIM ON IT. HOPE THOSE PARENTS WILL PROTEST
During the HBO filming of "Walkout" Huizar was on hand to say the following, "I forgot to walkout, maybe next time I'll support your cause, it's campaign time. By the way, are you one of my dropouts from LAUSD, I thought I recognized you!" Congrats, I see you got an unpaid job here as an extra!
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