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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Eternally On the Chief's Not List

There is no way the Chief will ever add Pacheco to his hot list unless he beats his beloved Huizy, but in the meantime you have to love the spin on the newest E-mail blast from Team Pacheco:

Nick Pacheco:
The Vision to Fix Our Schools
The Problem:

"Clearly, the whole system needs to be changed. When you have only 39 percent of Latinos graduating from high school, this is perfectly evil. We owe it to children to give them a quality education and we just aren'’t doing it"”
Former Mayor Richard Riordan
Los Angeles City Beat Interview - March 31, 2005

"the district needs serious change. I don'’t think any body is accountable over there. [The schools have] more dropouts than graduates; something is very wrong."
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
LA Weekly - May 27-June 2, 2005

The Vision:
Dear Voters:

The Honorable Mayors Antonio Villaraigosa and Richard Riordan, respectively, are unequivocally correct about the crisis in education at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). I am ready to lead the battle in Council District 14 to hold people accountable at LAUSD and bring about major change at our schools.

The fight to improve our public schools will not be an easy struggle, but it needs to start somewhere. With your support we can change how they are doing business at the school district. I am committed to have parents, teachers and other stakeholders working together to achieve the following goals:

* Eliminating the achievement gap and improving student graduation rates
* Creating Safe schools free of violence.
* Transforming all of our schools into community centers for the entire family.
* Encouraging and empowering parents to be more involved in their children'’s education.
* Increasing teacher pay and making sure that our education dollars are spent in the classroom rather than the LAUSD bureaucracy.

The failure of our educational system and the fight to improve our schools is the moral issue of our times. We can do many things right as a society, but if our public schools continue to fail in educating our children then we will ultimately fail in all of our other endeavors.

Join my campaign and be a part of a movement to bring our schools closer to our communities.

-- Nick

Huizar Contradicts Mayor:
Bigger Issues Facing City Than Education Says Huizar

Mayor Villaraigosa since the beginning of this year has brought forward the importance of reforming the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and highlighted this point in his inaugural address.

"I can'’t say it more clearly: Reforming our public schools is the central challenge facing Los Angeles. And it will be a central priority of my administration."
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
Inaugural Address - July 1, 2005

Today, the Daily News reported that School Board Member Huizar wants to "move on" and "deal with the bigger issues facing the city" -- directly contradicting Mayor Villaraigosa's position that the biggest issue in Los Angeles is education.

"Huizar said he is prepared to defend his record, but also to move on to the City Council, where he said he can deal with the bigger issues facing the city. "
School Board Member Jose Huizar
Daily News -– August 2, 2005


Come one Chief. Admit good spin when you see it!


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Talk about a stretch! Pacheco makes as much sense as Walter Moore.

August 03, 2005 6:59 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sleazy Huizy is an idiot! He can't even fix the problems or at least ONE problem at LAUSD but wants to move on "bigger city issues." How? He has no experience, no knowledge, no maturity and no vision. Without Antonio and all his cronies Jose wouldn't even be in the CD14 race. They're all coming out cause they know he wouldn't have a chance in hell without them. Jose can't stand alone like a real man and get the job done. Every single speech Jose has made he always mentions Antonio.

August 03, 2005 8:31 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Of course Huizar can't stand up like a man, 'cause he's on his knees all the time.

August 03, 2005 8:39 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What 8:31 says about JH applied to Nick in '98-99, and then some, substituting XB for MAV.

August 03, 2005 9:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Huizar's strategy is simple: say nothing, ignore Nick and don't screw up.

It's sad that we can't find a better candidate.

August 03, 2005 4:47 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Raising money and winning endorsements are just basics -- and Jose is obviously winning the race.

August 03, 2005 5:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Guess what, thanks to the Times "pronouncement" that Huizar is the front-runner, all 15 other also-rans who want to get on the ballot just shifted their focus to nailing Jose. That won't be hard!

One is already calling Huizar a "carpet-bagger" flown in from South Pasadena (sound familiar?)

August 03, 2005 5:28 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Having a lying weasel like Parker put Pacheco on his "not hot" list is the BEST endorsement nick can get on this blog.

Just WATCH, no 80 NEIGHBORHOODS will now be in Pacheco's back pocket (now THAT's funny).

August 03, 2005 5:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sleazy Huizy, "I have edorsements coming out of my ears." Yeah, and every single one of them is under scrutiny. Weazel has nothing to say when he speaks cause he has no list of accomplishments. He just has Antonio's cronies who want favors from the mayor and that's the only reason they're endorsing Sleazy Huizy.

August 04, 2005 8:45 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Note how the Pachuecos ooze envy, resentment and bitterness like running sores.

August 04, 2005 9:35 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

9:35 AM
Hola Villaraigosa Eagle Rock Staffer, Jennie.

August 04, 2005 12:10 PM  

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