Smith Accused Of Wal-Mart "Bribe"
Members of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council are telling us that City Councilman Greig Smith has agreed to support a new Wal-Mart store in his district contingent upon several conditions, one of which is a payment by the Bentonville, Arkansas chain of $166,000 to a fund "controlled by the Councilman to spend as he sees fit."
"This was yet another misguided political attack on me from the Council office" said Alger.
Mayor Sam actually has no problem with Wal-Mart building a store on their property, its their right. But I'm a little skeptical of our elected officials 1) allegedly selling their support to the highest bidder, and 2) going to war with citizen activists.
If this is all true, Smith should be ashamed of himself.
"This is nothing short of a bribe" said Sherry Ramstead Vice President of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council, "we completely oppose that."This apparently went down during a public hearing on the matter, which is another twist in the ongoing battle netween NWNC and the Council office. Of course, NWNC is led by Assembly candidate Jim Alger, one of the biggest thorns in Smith's side. The Council office scolded Algers' group for not filing a response to a Mitigated Negative Declaration, and eroneously claiming the proposed project was outside the jurisditcional boundaries of the Neighborhood Council.
"This was yet another misguided political attack on me from the Council office" said Alger.
Mayor Sam actually has no problem with Wal-Mart building a store on their property, its their right. But I'm a little skeptical of our elected officials 1) allegedly selling their support to the highest bidder, and 2) going to war with citizen activists.
If this is all true, Smith should be ashamed of himself.
Not only is it true, Smith delivered it IN WRITING to planning today. I am sure Mayor Sam could get a copy of the letter.
That was pretty fucking stupid Greig.
Smith's pomposity is showing! Constituents need to recall this guy NOW.
Smith has been pulling this shit for years. He started holding developers hostage when he was Chief of Staff for Bernson.
He has been holding up approval of projects over these questionable means forever... about time someone called him out on it.
Smith did WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!
What an IDIOT!
Smiths office has been in a battle with many activists, ask Kim Thomposon who is now persona non-grata now that he is done screwing her on sunshine canyon
What a moron.
Wow no one likes Smith!
This is why Smith hates Neighborhood Councils. He was unlucky enough to get stuck with a Neighborhood Council that actuelly represents the community and exposes his backdoor dealings. (actually he has a few that do that... poor bastard)
We as a city should highlight these NC's and help bring them all to that level instead of concentrating on the few that don't work.
Let me see if I have this staight.
Greig Smith, the City Councilman who has been attrempting to undermine the credibility of Neighborhood Council President / Assembly candidate Jim Alger by accusing him of impersonating a Councilman thereby pissing Alger off, has now gone on the record not just in favor of a project the community doesn't support but has excepted cash to do it??? In Algers' Neighborhood Council district???
Then he attacks the whole Neighborhood Council in a room packed with the people they are fighting to protect???
Holy shit! What a dumbass!
Someone thought they ate their Wheaties and figured out to late it was Fruit Loops.
Seriously Greig, that took balls...
To bad for you that when you placed your balls on the table, Alger ran away with them!
So what your saying is Greig is a crook... I am shocked! NOT!
For every claim of bribery, there's an equal an opposite claim of extortion.
It is legalized extortion. Just proves Greig is a slime.
I was at the meeting this morning and what I saw was disgracefull.
Here is what happened:
Phyllis Winger and Mitch Englander were there. Phyllis was introduced to speak for the council office. She read a letter from Greig.
First he took credit for holding the meeting up (it was originally scheduled for April 1), this was later contradicted by Jim Alger.
Then she scolded the Neighborhood Council, 4 members were there, for not utilizing the time to draft a response. (Of course it wouldn't have mattered because the plans changed this week) Greig said he was "Shocked and appalled" that the NC hadn't filed a response to the MND. Then she stopped, said "Let me repeat that" and said the shocked and appalled line again.
Then she said the NC had no standing as the project was outside their boundaries. (Challenged later)
Then she read the part where Mr Smith asked for $1.00 per square foot to be placed in an account for CD12. The room gasped. Noone could believe they heard it but she said it.
Alger then gets up and blasts right back that he was "glad the council office finally went on the record in their approval of this project" (Grieg had been saying they opposed the project)
Then he schooled the council office on the fact that their boundaries are from the 118 to Nordhoff and therefore this project on Nordhoff is in their boundaries.
He then explains that Smith had nothing to do with the delay from April 1st, it was he who discovered they were hoodwinked in March into believing that they had until May to respond. He then called from the Senate office and pressured Wal Mart to hold off as they were acting in bad faith.
They were there to respond to the application, didn't oppose wal mart but the location was already the most congested in Northridge.
NC wins 30 days to review the revised application without one bit of help from the Council office.
Thats what happened...
As a memebr of this community I must say THANK YOU JIM!!! At least SOMEONE is fighting for us.
I knew there was something I didn't like about Smith. He always struck me as a pompous ass.
How many postings can one guy (Jim Alger) have? On the state's dime?
Greg Smith comes off as a pompous asshole even during council meetings. Didn't he have something to do with BFI as well? I hope the neighborhood council show their power and sends all this info to Rick Orlov at Daily News. Crooked city council members need to be exposed. Isn't Smith up for re-election next year?
Puhleease...Are you all the Alger fan club or what? This guy is totally self-promoted and has zip for substance. You might not like Smith, but since when did Alger become the greatest thing since sliced bread?
Padilla, are you watching? Take notes of what not to do.
Alger, let your computer cool down dude!
What strikes me as funny is that EVERY councilmember imposes demands on EVERY developer. Isn't that "bribery" or "extortion"?
If the claim is true, I would argue that Smith lobbied for additional resources for his district in addition to bringing a major retail outlet there. Mind you, other districts with WalMarts haven't gotten squat from America's #1 Corporation . . . in fact, they've given subsidies to them!
So, Jim Alger, shut up!
is alger a dem. or what? his website makes no mention of it? those images are definately not of the 38th. crappy shaped district by the way.
Why should it matter what he is? According to the Sec of State he is running as a Dem.
To the Wal Mart lover, when exactly does the desire of the COMMUNITY come into play? Remember those people, the ones that VOTE???
Sure Wal Mart can bring in cash, as well as lower quality of life. No amount of money will fix that.
I have heard someone on this blog call Alger a "self promoter" before. The guy is running for Assembly who should he promote? Someone else?
The guy is doing what he was ELECTED TO DO which is represent HIS constituents within the NC boundaries. That isn't self promotion, that is doing what he is supposed to do.
Now here is the funny part. I know Jim Alger personally and I can tell you that he has said that personally he doesn't care about the Wal Mart but he is known in Northridge and people came to HIM.
He used the issue successfully in the NC elections and he has always said that he was going to force Mr Smith to either stand up for what he says, (remember Smith told the community that he OPPOSED theWal Mart) or that Smith would be exposed for not fighting for the people. It is safe to say that Smith has definately been exposed.
Look, Smith did this to himself. He sent a letter to the community saying that the project was pretty much a done deal (a letter that is available on his website) but said he was opposed to the project. The NC always suspected that if Smith didn't want the Wal Mart he wouldn't have waived the EIR and cleared the way for the project instead he would put up roadblocks.
Smith claims he alledgedly sold his stock in Wal Mart just so he could get involved.
Jim said today "I am done covering for him". Good for him. Not beause he is a friend of mine, but because someone needed to do the right thing. If you support a project, just be straight with the people and tell them why, don't lead them down a path of deception.
FYI Jim reads the blog twice a day but has been advised not to post on here ever since Harvey Englander, (The BFI Lobbyist and Mitch Englanders Uncle) sent a letter to the Senate office complaining about a post Jim made... threatening all sorts of stupid stuff, because when Jim posts he puts his name to it.
As for the "on the States Dime" comment... Jim is on HIS dime. He left the Senate to run.
Hey it's me again.. read up and forgot that the self promoter comment said Jim had Zip for substance...
-Jim is responsible for Defeating the DWP rate hike last year personally going to dozens of NC meetings to get support.
- He then organized the MOU process (he is the signature on the letter of intent to enter into the mou signed by the DWP and personally sheparded it through for over a year to its completion. (this accomplishment is universaly recognized as one of the top accomplishments of NC's)
- He stood up against LAUSD to preserve homes in North Hills from being taken to build a school.
- He personally went accross the City to achieve support on the Sunshine Canyon issue on a request from the Granada Hills North NC.
- He was named Green Ribbon Commissioner by Mayor Hahn
- He was hired by the Senate to work on NC issues
Thats just a FEW of his "no substance" accomplishments. Lets not forget he did this for free while fighting a disability, assisting his elderly parents and raising a son (with the help of his wife ofm course Sorry Dawn).
Greatest thing since sliced bread, no. But he is a man I am honored to call a friend. It is why he gets respect so quit trying to tear him down with the same old one liner bs.
Jesus Christ, I leave for 3 days and all hell breaks loose!
OK... all the Alger stuff aside for a moment, I don't know the guy, It seems to me the issue here is 3 fold;
1) Smith flip-flopped/lied / whatever to the community and got caught bad.
2) The 100k+ indicates a motive for the lie or flip flop
3) Clearly the council office has declared war on all or part of a Certified Neighborhood Council.
Whether 1 and 2 are correct, I dunno. Don't live there.
As for 3, I can tell you that it is NO secret at all that the council office is all but in a state of war with the Neighborhood Council, Alger, and at least 2 other activists in CD 12 and to me THAT is the big issue here.
I have't heard Smith say anything but his staff has been flapping their gums for weeks with one bizzare claim after another.
One person wants to sleep with Greig, one is impersonating a councilman, one is taking money, someone is making phone calls, all kinds of nonsense targeted at civillian activists and constituents.
I personally found these rumors amusing for 5 minutes. Of course I dismissed them quickly. Who would want to sleep with Greig? Impersonating a councilman is just a rediculous claim to make especially with who it was made against. Accusing a man whos' life has been the defeat of BFI and Sunshine Canyon of taking money to roll over is just insane. And as for phone calls... aren't activists SUPPOSED to make phone calls???????
My advise to Mr Smith would be... time to clean house Greig or at least get your staff to shut up. From what I can see, that is what got you in at least half the trouble your in, maybe even all of it.
As for the Alger thing, I have been following this blog and from what I can tell, maybe Alger wouldn't have been so inclined to blow your boat out of the water if your staff hadn't been running around shooting at his. Accusing him of rediculous things made you look rediculous and made others take him more seriously.
What did you think, no one would tell him? The only time I ever saw him was at a City Council meeting where he was calling out the council for transferring money from DWP. What exactly is it about Alger that gives you the impression that he would take these shots from your staff lying down? What amazes me is that it took him this long but while yours was a shot accross his bow, hate to say it but he sunk your Battleship.
Bottom line is Greig, YOU need to fix this. The last thing you need is an Assembly Candidate shredding you. Add a serious challenger and your in trouble at your election. Think your a shoe in??? So did our last Mayor, didn't work out so well for him... now FIX IT!
The saddest part of this is that many of those that supported Greig Smith for CD12 have been constantly disappointed in the recent decisions that he and or his office have made.
As a voter you elect the person you feel will best represent you whether it is local, state or federal. In the local case voters elected Greig Smith because of the many years he helped CD 12 as Bernson’s Chief of Staff. Many did not want him as the Councilman because of the many decisions that Bernson made, however, when he campaigned he proclaimed he was different. Now he is in office and he has pretty much the same staff as he had when Bernson was there, this alone should tell those loyal supporters that we would get four years of the same.
With the new charter we got neighborhood councils and this has empowered those that would otherwise silently disagree with the council office,to get up and be heard.
Those that attended the hearing heard the council office proclaim that noone called to oppose the project or wrote in to oppose the mitigated negative declaration. The truth is that many people called and that the people did not know that a mitigated negative declaration was something that had a deadline for response.
The mitigated negative declarations appear in the paper on Thursdays in tiny print in the classified section and not many people even knows that the public only has about twenty days to respond and then if the city sees no problem the mitigated negative declaration is granted. The impact is that the public essentially misses the first comment period. The council office does know or should know this and inform those that would be impacted but they do not otherwise more people would probably send comments.
Like I said the saddest part of this is that many elected Grieg Smith because they thought that he would represent the people and yet it appears that he has represented his interests. He has some time before his next election, I wonder if he uses that time to convince his district that he deserves another four years. I hope someone is keeping track of all the issues that the voters have to fight with him about.
At the State level it is clear that Jim Alger is a good choice, at least we know he will speak his mind.
I am a neutral reader on this blog, as it is my first time. But from all accounts, Mr. Alger seems to be a fine choice for California Senate. His background and commitment to public service are to be admired. We need elected officials who can stand up to special interests and defy the special interests. I happen to live in Mr. Alger's district and can tell you that from what I have read here, I plan to full support Alger for CA Senate.
Mrs. Alger
Of course obviously that wasn't Mrs. Alger, had it been the poster would know that Jim is running for ASSEMBLY!
Sounds like "Mrs. Alger" is a few years ahead of herself. Let's get him elected to the Assembly first.
Anonymous said...
Why should it matter what he is? According to the Sec of State he is running as a Dem.
12:07 AM, July 09, 2005
Because it's a safe seat for the Republicans? He should be focusing on gettign his name out in the Santa Clarita Valley. A crappy shaped district by the way.
I venture to say Jim knows what he is doing.
Jim won't win the seat. It as simple as that...unless of course redistricting helps him out in the future. He should just focus on City Council. I am sure a dozen people will come out of the woodwork when Smith's term is up
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