Jim Alger - Web savvy? Yes or No
Over to the right you'll notice a new ad through adbrite.com for Senator Jim Alger.
We applaud Jim for doing what the past Jim and other local pols didn't. He recognizes that no matter how many tinhorns try to spread the rumors of our "emanate demise and declining numbers" our numbers actually are steady (over 175,000 visits to our site since the counter was posted). He also has the guts to draw attention to himself on a site that is well known for being rough on our topics of interest. None of the Mayor wannabes had the guts to take this site on, and reports are that the winner of the wannabes even has gone out of his way to threaten those people that participate on our site.
As for Alger, just because he advertises here doesn't mean we are in any way endorsing him. He did manage to get a mention in Orlov's column on Monday as well, so he is starting to show up on the local radar.
We thank him for the ad. For those of us who think we're lining our pockets, we won't even get enough dough to buy our departed Poopy a going away gift.
I have been in contact with Alger this morning via e-mail and have come to learn that an e-mail tip we had received did not come from him although it **claimed** to be from Jim's campaign. Here's his e-mail:
So now the question is, who's laccd12@aol.com? Feel free to spam the hell out of this address until they come clean. From the comments posted already, I think some of you already know!
As for Alger, just because he advertises here doesn't mean we are in any way endorsing him. He did manage to get a mention in Orlov's column on Monday as well, so he is starting to show up on the local radar.
We thank him for the ad. For those of us who think we're lining our pockets, we won't even get enough dough to buy our departed Poopy a going away gift.
I have been in contact with Alger this morning via e-mail and have come to learn that an e-mail tip we had received did not come from him although it **claimed** to be from Jim's campaign. Here's his e-mail:
From: jim.alger.pc@northridgewest.com
To: mayorfrank@gmail.com
Date: Jul 7, 2005 11:38 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: NC & your candidacy
For the record,
laccd12 is NOT affilliated with me, or my campaign. I have an idea of who it is but don't know for sure. Whoever it was went out of their way to make you think it was me, but an email to my council email would have verified.
Please correct this if possible.
Jim Alger
Jimbo Alger, aka “Dumbo Algae”! How can you be so stupid! Nice tip (from yourself). Perhaps those turtle-necks (which is all you seem to wear) are too tight. No wonder why your parents abandoned you- just like the voters will too. You’ve impersonated yourself as a councilmember. Your email and personalized license plate speak to that… so it’s obvious that you need some serious medical help. You try to take credit for the DWP MOU, which you really had nothing to do with, you try to take credit for Neighborhood Council’s successes too -hah. You better watch out Al Gore, I hear Dumbo Algae invented the internet. The difference between Gore and Dumbo...Al doesn’t still live at home with his teenage wife’s parents.
(Dumbo’s last name in the dictionary: Any of various chiefly aquatic, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms, ranging in size from single-celled forms to the giant kelp. Algae were once considered to be plants but are now classified separately because they lack true roots, stems, and embryos.- how fitting!)
First of all, if an "address card" had Jims' info, it was done on purpose. I so happen to know who laccd12 is, and it isn't Alger... although someone wants Mayor Sam to think that. Jim is a little smarter than to send an email like that.
WOW That is Mitch if I ever saw it... he has been bashing Jim here every chance he gets.
Jim DID get the DWP MOU going and was honored by the City Council and Mayor for doing so.
As for his wife, (nice low blow by the way attacking his wife) his wife is 32 and he is taking care of HIS elderly parents.
If your going to attack people, at least get your facts straight.
I do think that you have touched on a serious issue. I have been to several community events where the Neighborhood Council people have insisted on being announced as Councilmember.
Jim IS a "council member". he is President of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council.
I presume your implying that Jim impersonated a CITY Councilmember, while I don't know the specifics someone in CD 12 has to lord knows Greig Smith isn't!
I attended a meeting of a "Council on Foreign Affairs" and each person was introduced as "Council Member" which I guess they were.
Sounds to me more like a City Councilmember and his staff have their panties wrapped around their egos, which most don't deserve.
For their part, these Neighborhood Council volunteers who take the time to make LA better deserve twice the credit than half of the crooks in City Hall.
JIM, CHILL! That wasn't a personal attack. Jim is not a "Councilmember". Jim is a member of a Neighborhood Council. Just like Mayor Sam is a member of his Homeowners Association. There is an Honorable aspect to an elected official. Mayor, Councilmember, State Senator, not "Neighborhood Councilmember". Which is largely honorary.
By the way Jim, you have noooooooo chance. Cam is going to walk away with it.
"No wonder why your parents abandoned you???" What kind of depraved moron makes that statement? You have a problem with his license plate? someone needs to get a life!
Did someone say there is no honor in being a Neighborhood Councilmember? Neighborhood Councils are NOT "Homeowner Associations". These folks must be ELECTED like anyone else, and they volunteer their time... there is alot of honor in that.
Yes, they are volunteers, like the Homeowners groups. Some do a great job. But they are honorary. They do not live by election laws. They run like a caucus where almost anyone who shows up can vote. MAV should make them real. Give them districts, budgets, power, and put them on the ballot. Would Gordon Murley really win that way?
I noticed on his website, many members of the Neighborhood Councils.
As Rick Orlov eluded to, Neighborhood Councils are elevating one of their own. Good for them.
As for whether he will win, we'll have to see but Jim has stepped up to the plate and for that deserves credit.
Funny you should say that. One of Jims' points is that the system is currently broken and they should have more authority, with more "real" as you put it, rules. But the City in their desire to limit the people having any power created this mess and you have to admire people like Jim Alger, Jayson Lyon and the others who work hard within the system they were iven to get change.
For all you morons in blogland - I got "CD12" because "AD38" was taken. I got Ann Ziliak as my Environmental Policy advisor because no one from Exxon was available. Plus, turtlenecks are very fashion-forward. Ask anyone. As for my wife, I wake up every day at the crack of Dawn.
To bad that your not "Jim Alger". Because if you were, you would know that Jim HAS THE PLATE "AD 38"!!
God some of you people need help.
It is nice to see Jim running for Assembly. He has said he was planning on running for some time now.
Of course, now we must all jump up and tear him down... and wonder why the system is the way it is.
To bad I can't vote, but you have my support.
I would support Jim Alger in a heartbeat. Anyone who reads the papers can tell you that if it wasn't for Jim Alger, the MOU would never have happened, it is that simple. (You don't get honored by a City Council Committee and the Mayor because you "had nothing to do with it").
Of course the council staffer who wrote that comment knows nothing of Neighborhood Councils and is the ultimate wannabe.
Jim has been a champion of not just empowerment of the local community, but transparency in government. Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of him knows that.
He isn't afraid to "call it like he sees it" and that scares the hell out of the carreer pols. Jims' idea of a "Special Interest Group" is the people, and he says so.
Remember, this is a guy with Muscular Dystrophy who could be home collecting Disability but instead chooses to go and fight for what he feels is right. Jim Alger didn't get my respect, he earned it.
Hey Mayor Frank,
I got 2 bucks that says it was Mr Englander, he is the only one who gains from a false CD 12 run rumor.
He and his boss launched into an attack on Alger a few weeks back (I heard he even complained to the Senator) and the only way he clears it with his boss is if his boss thinks Jim was running for CD 12 and posed a threat.
Alger has ALWAYS said he was running for the 38th, but Mr Englander wants to be a councilman sooooooo bad he can almost wet his little tiny pants just thinking about it.
Alger used to say that Englander was always in "campaign mode". I didn't believe him at first but he was right. Englander has Smith convinced he is running for Smiths seat. Perhaps Smith should have given Alger the stop sign he promissed him and maybe none of this would have ever happened.
Truth is, until recently that's all I ever heard Alger complain about. Smith promissed a stop sign and never delivered. When will these politicians figure out it is the small issues that usually drive people over the edge?
Anyway, this pans out... I expect 2 bucks!
I say lets support Jim. He's from our town. We don't need to elect a moron from Santa Clarita to represent the Valley.
By the way - what's up with Smith's spelling of his first name? Don't you hate people who put on airs by spelling common names with offbeat spellings? Its G - R - E - G, you idiot.
I give Alger credit for one thing - he has Bart Reed of the Transit Coalition as his transportation advisor. Now that's a smart move, especially if we want to upgrade transit in LA, we need people who are willing to learn how it really works. Bart will be an excellent advisor for Jim.
On the other hand, all they know in Santa Clarita about transit is how to ship their homeless to Sylmar.
The truth is revealed..Mayor Sam is Bart Reed!
Zilliak is another good choice. She is very knowlegable especially on Sunshine Canyon and Land Use.
Jim is taking some very good first steps.
No Mayor Sam is Hal Bernson -
Mayor Sam - old
Hal Bernson - old
Mayor Sam - Republican
Hal Bernson - Republican
Mayor Sam - grouch
Hal Bernson - grouch
Mayor Sam - Valley
Hal Bernson - Valley
Of course that also means that Mayor Sam could be Hal Netkin. But I don't think Hal Netkin could ever write as well as Mayor Sam.
And - other than Ernani Benardi - Hal Bernson is one of the few guys left who actually knew Sam Yorty.
Yea, but Hal Bernson can't play the sax like Bernardi.
Give credit where credit is due. Some of the most active neighborhood council members citywide who care about this city and their neighborhoods enough to volunteer their time on weekends and nights to meet with communities and do something positive like go after the DWP and win are people like Jim Alger, Jason Lyon from Silverlake, Rust Mullard, Brady from Downtown, Louise from the Valley and others.
These leaders can organize in a heartbeat. Don't ever go against them because you will LOSE. They are very smart and do their homework. Whenever city council members see them in chambers they get nervous and rightly so.
Thank you for standing up for us NC's.
What Ann Ziliak knows about land use belongs in Sunshine Canyon.
The fact that we're all talking about him, and mostly good to, speaks volumes on Algers' ability to get people motivated. All he did was spend a few bucks on an ad and that has gotten everyone talking about him.
I have seen him mobilize hundreds of people out of thin air, not to mention getting 40 some odd nc's to agree the earth is flat is a task, but Jim not only got resolutions from them, got them to stand with him at City Hall. The guy went unescorted to the Empowerment Congress NC meetings in South Los Angeles to address them for petes' sake, that's dedication.
I know he is organizing a bus trip to planning in Van Nuys tomorrow morning over a Wal Mart battle in Northridge.
Those that are going to run against him would be very wise not to underestimate him. From what I have seen, he is a much shrewder player than anyone gives him credit for.
What belongs in sunshine canyon is Greig Smith. Two timing scum that he is. Screw em with a smile Greig.
I must admit I am a little dissapointed. I was really looking forward to Jim running against Greig. Oh well, at least I can vote for him in the 38th!
Hey did anyone look at the "Calender" section of Jims' site? He is going from a Republican event to a Democratic event on the same day.
Politically, that's brilliant. (First doing it and secondly telling people)
Jim never struck me as a partisan so I am not suprised he would do a Republican and Democratic club... the same day is kindof interesting.
He does know the election is next year right?
I guess it's never to early. Props go to Rick Orlov for getting the scoop!
Is Jim the first Neighborhood Council member to run for office or have their been others?
I don't think so but he is the most organized.
I'm a block captain in Devonshire division and we love Jim.
I don't know Jim, but I do respect those that sign up for public service, especially when they aren't the "annointed son" of a previous leader.
We all know who made the first post. There is only one person who has been bitching about a license plate and the so called "impersonation", and only one person who would have bothered to look up that Jim was adopted.
This is the same crew that complained about anonymous and alledgedly untrue attacks against dear Mr Smith. Except those so-called "attacks" were actually true from what I could tell.
Who is this ingrate? None other than dear Mr. Mitchell Englander, Chief of Staff for Mr Smith.
Taking a shot at a mans family is the lowest of low. Jim has proven to be twice the man as you, in size and character. No, he isn't perfect but he knows his faults and talks about them openly.
Mr Englander, you are a pathetic little man who is in some desperate need of phsycological assistance. That was a nice job by the way, being the only Staff member on the stage last week behind Greig. Do you have any idea how much we all despise you? You are an absolute joke in City Hall.
Now, you can spend the next 4 weeks getting a "federal investigation" to find out where this post came from. Or maybe you get scurry up a supoena for some phone records... HA HA HA you are such a joke. Of course you will probably blame Jim for it because your so scared of him, but may I suggest spending the time in a treatment center instead? You suffer from a severe inferiority complex.
If you're going to attack Jim do it on the issues not his family. Jim Alger is the type of person that if there is an issue you need his support on in any other part of the city and he agreed with you he would be there to stand up with you. There's not too many people in this city that would do that. One thing I know about Jim and that is YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON HIM. He's not one of these flakes who just speak the words. He's a doer. This city should have more people like him who are involved and care about the communities they live in.
If the posts bashing Jim are from Mitch then we should demand he refund the taxpayers for using the publics time to bash constituents instead of working.
Is that why we get Walmart because he didn't have time to find a better use for that property?
Oh I forgot once a lobbyist, always a lobbyists, old habits die hard.
Its no wonder we get walmart.
Jims just an all around jackass get use to it you want him in city council....i mean at the state level
Took you from July to OCTOBER to call him a jackass??? what a moron you are!
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