Huizar Replaced
Yeah, I know you tinhorns want to bash on Huizar for losing his presidency of the LA School Board (See the comments on this post), but alas you are actually wrong. He didn't run for a third term because he is focusing on CD14. The Times and Daily News have write-ups about it.Nice try though!
He only gets bashed because he's a a do nothing board member.
Tactical move, making it look this way for Huizar. What is the next move, this is what I'm pondering.
Canter is another candy in Villaraigosas Trick o' Treat Bag. Canter will move with the AV wave. Huizar was pushing for Canter to win and made sure this would happen.
Who knows, maybe Canter will be covering up all the Huizar/AV/Meruelo mess for free (for LAUSD power).
"...In recent days the LAUSD has proposed spending $49 million on a parking garage for its employees, a new school construction bond -- the fourth in eight years -- and a parcel tax on property to pay for operational expenses.
However, for those living within the confines of the LAUSD, especially homeowners, the situation is no laughing matter.
L.A. property owners strain under the LAUSD's constant demand for new bonds and now, a parcel tax, for which they will be exclusively liable. For the typical homeowner, the annual cost of the three recently passed LAUSD bonds is close to $500 annually. If another bond is passed, these taxpayers will pay closer to $600 a year. To this add another $150 for the parcel tax. And, lest we forget, property owners are also paying for two Los Angeles Community College bonds approved since 2000.
Los Angeles-area taxpayers have been generous to schools. In 1997, they overwhelming agreed to a multibillion-dollar school construction bond when the required vote for approval was two-thirds. After a group of Silicon Valley multimillionaires and billionaires spent $60 million in 2000 to change the rules and allow school bonds to pass with a 55 percent vote, the LAUSD struck at taxpayers twice more, making the total of bonds to be repaid nearly $10 billion, or $20 billion after adding interest payments.
But to LAUSD officials, money is no object, as long as the money comes from taxpayers...",1413,200~24781~2951975,00.html
LA school district wrestles with environmental issues in building boom
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - The gold walls and chrome balconies of Santee High School gleam against a backdrop of warehouses and aging homes. The newly planted grass on the football field awaits trampling by hundreds of cleats.
When it opens July 5, the campus in tough South Los Angeles will become the first completely new high school built in 35 years in the city. It's part of the biggest ongoing school construction project in the United States and stands as a symbol of revival for the nation's second-largest district.
Yet Santee, built upon the contaminated site of an old dairy, also symbolizes the challenges the Los Angeles Unified School District faces in building environmentally safe schools in an area where contamination and earthquake faults cut through the earth.
Last month, the state Department of Toxic Substances Control said Santee's developer used contaminated rubble from the dairy as backfill about 15 feet beneath the school. The material contained varying levels of PCBs, lead and other potentially toxic chemicals.
Tests overseen by state officials later determined the rubble posed no threat to students, but the state is looking into whether the district violated the law by failing to report the contaminants when the material was first discovered in 2003.
For some parents, the situation has stirred bitter memories of past environmental fiascos. The most notorious occurred at Belmont High School five years ago, when the district spent $270 million on what became the nation's most expensive public school campus.
However, its doors remain closed because it was built atop explosive pockets of methane gas and an earthquake fault just west of downtown.
Hweezy has been focused on CD14 for months. No one can remember the last time he actually attended an entire Board meeting. And no one can possibly remember the last time he was engaged in the issues enough to even pose as if he cared about the District. He has only sat there long enough to put forward his biweekly attempt at a press event (Board resolution). Not exactly big shoes for Canter to fill.
Huizar telephone pitch (true story):
"Hi. My name is Jose Huizar. And I am going to be your next councilmember. You may know that I am the LAUSD president. Or was until yesterday. Also, you should know that Mayor Villaraigosa is supporting me. He thinks I wil be a great councilman. And soon he will endorse me. Because he wants to work with me. The unions are also supporting me. But did I tell you Antonio, the mayor, is soon going to endorse me. Well, it's been a pleasure letting you know my plans for the 14th district. Oh, before I go...did I tell you that Mayor Villaraigosa will soon endorse me"?
Replace the waste!
I heard about those Huizar calls. It's true. He says nothing about himself or what his plans are. Just keeps saying Antonio Villaraigosa will endorse him.
Poor Jose. He doesn't have a clue. He's leaving LAUSD in a mess with major problems and now thinks he can run CD14. Will someone tell Jose he needs experience which he doesn't have and a vision, leadership, goals etc. Jose has nothing to offer CD14 residents.
He's hiding behind Antonio's coat tails and coming off like a very weak man without a clue. CD14 can't afford for little Jose to be toliet trained. WE need someone who can come in running like Pacheco. He knows how the system works, experience as a city council member and has a record of accomplishments. At the end of the day there's no comparison.
Why does Antonio just come down his high horse for the sake of prosperity in CD 14 and work with Pacheco?
Is Antonio's grudge going to affect this community negatively due to pride and machismo?
Antonio needs to work well with who ever wins, that means he must fine class in a some part of his mind and body and initiate consensus to be productive within our city and work with other politicians. Antonio is not an angel, he should remember this, why does he seek revenge at any cost. The true entity inside this mask will come out during his term. Many will say, "I told you so!" It will be too late. Be a man Tony and work with who ever wins in CD14, stop your vengeful tactics at the cost of your OLD neighborhood. Payback is not alwyas the christian/catholic way, right tony?
huizar= BIG LOSER in the POLITICAL WORLD... And especially in the Environmental Justice World...
AV is not that STUPID to endorse a loser like Jose.
ADV has his term in CD14 (or half of one) and wasted it running for another office. He doesn't get another half-assed term through his puppet-proxy.
Hello first off I would like to remind everyone I am supporting Jose Sleezy *cough..cough* Hueezy for Councilboy District 14.
He is the type of person who will miss most of the important meetings and make sure he has a representative in his place. As a matter of fact he sort of reminds me of Ed Reyes CD 1, " actually I kicked him off of the MTA board....he didn't support me at all and people in Cypress Park don't like him at all...the only way he won his seat was by lying to the Oaxacans and centro american community of all his wonders, when in reality he is setting up his own planning firm, anyways back to Hueezy shhh!!!, extremely confidential"
Yes, of course Jose has been my buddy and like all buddies I support him vasely and he will do a great job in City Hall.
"Is that it? Oh I forgot the other part of the script because I love to be in front of cameras, plus it was amazing to see my great news anchor friends over at KCAL 9, somehow I held myself and had the perfect answers...I think"...
Jose Huizar is being endorsed by me Antonio Villa rye go you know how to pronounce my merged surname....I mean I understand that Hueezy is better to pronounce....okay fine!
Jose Huizar will be a great councilperson for CD 14 if he is able to hold his term as president then he shall be able to hold on to this election on November and avoid the box out with Paul Gonzales.
I hate Nick Pacheco he is grass roots and I only joined MECHA to be cool in School. But now its even cooler here in City Hall and Mount Washington over looking sorry Reyes'c council...poor people how do they go about their daily tasks knowing they have such a Napolean leader....I hate that little guy...go away Ed I kicked you off the MTA board you jerk!
Does anyone know if hueezy is taller then Ed Reyes?
Please email me at City Hall 8-5pm Monday - Friday
To conclude, Please do not forget to register and vote 4 Hueezy ...the guy is great especially when he has Alvin Parra- nada, who likes to kiss ass because he is upset once again he was not able to get my support...Alvin you and Milagro SS are losers and you will never be a councilman even though your auntie works in the city....loser!
Antonio Villaraigoza supports Jose Hueezy for council district $14 and hopefully he slaps Ed on the seat during our morning sessions. Nick Pacheco its all good brother...I don't smoke GrassRoots...
Even though they told me you did lots of good things in this community...but what, the past is the past
"I owe Hueezy a favor come on he endorsed me for Mayor"
Question for Nick?
I totally forgot to open up my desk and lost the key, If you win the elections can you please FedEx my toothbrush to my Office at city hall?...Thanks for the temp but I rather sit up here and watch you...
Good Luck Nick Pacheco for Council District 14 bring the pride back to the East Side !
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