Extreme Makeover - Local Pol Edition

For those of you who watched ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition Sunday evening may have recognized a former elected official from LA.Any guesses?
The winner is...
Carl Washington, Ex-Assemblymember and reverend extroidinaire. He not only got the party started for this family, but presided over the nuptials. Here's the details.
Talk about a small world!
I saw the Hahns and Steve Soboroff Extreme Makeover featuring Sweet Alice Harris. What a BBQ she got!
Mayor Sam what has happened to all your traffic? A few months ago you would have had over 100 posts on one article. Now you have a couple with no one visiting.
Maybe you've gone a little overboard on some of them.
So you're saying we should write things you agree with so we will get more traffic?
Our traffic has not gone down, we average close to a 1000 visits per day, but it drops off quite a bit on weekends and holidays.
Comments have no relation to traffic necessarily.
During the election, we had comments galore, but until the last few days of the race (when traffic certainly did spike up) the traffic was the same even though the cutting and pasting was through the roof.
Since the election ended, and the Hahn staffers found other work, the number of posts have gone down in most cases, but most of the posts are high quality, compared to those during the cutting and pasting craze.
New to Blogging -
Is there any way to limit the comments to the subject at hand, instead of having unrelated personal gossip & attacks?
Are they saying Carl Washington dropped the ball so the TV show stepped in?
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