Unnerved Right-Wing Nutsos
With all the immigration crap that gets dropped in the comments section of many posts of completely unrelated topics, I figured you could use to hear someone else's opinion on the subject:
Have fun wasting your weekend with your hate filled rants. As for me, I have a life and will check back in on Monday.
Guest commentary by Roger Hernandez
The smiling face of newly elected Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the cover of last week's Newsweek unnerved right-wing nutsos desperate to prove Hispanics are no-way, no-how assimilating and becoming a force in American politics.
Inside the magazine the main story noted that the multiethnic coalition that elected LA's first Hispanic mayor in 133 years - 84 percent of the Hispanic vote, more than half the white vote and almost as much of the black one - was further evidence of a political coming of age. Villaraigosa realized the key to victory was "galvanizing his Hispanic supporters without coming across as ethnocentric and thereby alienating other racial groups," Newsweek reported. He did not run as a Hispanic candidate but as a candidate who happened to be Hispanic - and that made a difference.
Have fun wasting your weekend with your hate filled rants. As for me, I have a life and will check back in on Monday.
An Anon posted this on the "Daily Breeze Controversy Thread"
Who will rescue Tony from the Dark Side? Will it be
Han Solo Huizar - solo because that's the way you're going to end up in the special election, Tony's going to hang you out to dry - he'll break his commitment to you just like he has with any other meaningful commitment he has ever made.
Princess Maria E-Leia Durazo, will she find out that Tony is actually her twin brother? There'll be some red faces if this is true.
Jabba the Big O, maybe he can freeze Tony's ass in carbonite so it's the first thing he kisses in the morning.
Darth Sidious Alatorre, proving the dark side is powerful indeed.
Chewbobby Hertzberg - who's more cuddly than a wookie?
Ludlow Calrissian - another twelve inches and the spitting image of Billy Dee.
Obi Wanna-be Skelnobi - for getting a dumb ass like Tony elected, Parke should be granted immortality.
Queen Amagorda Molina - with the right hair due and a ton of integrity she might pull it off.
Darth Barkan - running this blog is indeed doing the emperor's dirty work, any Jedi left?
of course
Tony's new name would have to be Loose Truthtalker, what shall his destiny be?
Not even this blog can escape the marketing force of George Lucas coupled with too much time on my hands.
3:07 PM, June 03, 2005 ___________________________________
Non assimilation is going to be the destruction of the latinos in the US. They will be a large force, yes, but of welfare recipients. How many lazy thugs do you see in your district and cannot read or write, let alone have a job. They like nice cars, have tons of kids, and spend like crazy. Where does the money come from? Us, the taxpayers. We support this bulk of dependants. We encourage them through liberal government to continue their lack of productiveness. There is no money for college, but there is money for Quinceaneras. They may not have money to pay the rent, but they wear $100 shoes, they don't go to school, but they sure stay home and know all of the cartoons. Go to any apartments that are subsidized by our government, and you will see how many people do not work just lazy around all day. These people do not want anything else in life, but the tax dollars to support them.
Seriously, the higher voter-turnout was financed by the US governments "Help America Vote Act" voter registration provisions.
Will these new voters, who have election materials provided to them in Spanish, be doing the reading involved about the complicated issues involved in Gobernador Arnold's upcoming "Special Election"?
Miguel Mena, Los Angeles, Mexico.
10:38 said it best.
10:48 said it best (prev. typo)
Interesting that the Newsweek story didn't even mention Antonio being a city councilman. Big piece to omit.
Antonio doesn't want to be associated with Latinos in the mainstream media only when he's with them. Another interesting way to start your administration.
Hey 10:48, Have you ever actually been to one of those "subsidised apartments" and visited or taken the time to meet the people who actually live in them?! You think Latinos are the only people who lack "productiveness", "have tons of kids", "spend like crazy" and "don't go to school?!!" Your blog is ignorant, narrow minded, and makes you sound very uneducated. You are definitely a contributor to our problems dealing with diversity in LA. If you have children, please tell me that's not what you are teaching them. There are plenty of white Americans who waste away their lives in a country where they are given so much. It's easy to blog and complain about people in your district from your nice cozy home. It takes a lot more effort to be properly informed and actually make a difference.
8:46 Anon
Why even bother with 10:48. You can't change the mind of the narrow minded, it is a fuitless effort. Instead just think of the future. Take a look at the Latino birth and growth rate and watch a prophecy being fulfilled right before your eyes. Who do you think is going to be paying the social security benefits of the aging white population. Who do you think is going to be bestowed with the responsiblity of looking out for the well being - that worthless, lazy rabble.
Why assimilate when Latinos are well on the way to becoming the dominant cultural, politcal, social and not far behind - economic force in CalifAztlan. It is whites that should assimilate to our culture if they want their children and grandchildren to compete. In the near future, even their grand kids will be Latino - this is what has got them scared shitless. 500 years ago Europeans wiped indigenous culture right off the face of the earth - payback is a motherfucker, quite literally!
10:48 You sound like a person I know. In this city exists diversity, it is embraced by people like myself and not stereotyped or knocked down as you have just done. You sound restless and maybe this is not a city for you. This city welcomes and embraces all, not just one color-white. You are probably a white middle aged male, maybe I'm wrong, but that is my guess. Get a life and the labeling could have fit in for the 50's not in 2005.
Who is Roger Hernandez and why is he posting here?
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