Daily Breeze Controversy
We all have by now read about the Doug Dowie indictment -- which on May 2nd I blogged about here. Kevin Roderick, who i actually like has questioned our accuracy before and I wonder if he will at least acknowledge that the Sister City really does get news first before others.
But that's not why I am blogging right now -- Sister City has been tipped off yet again to another fascinating story regarding today's story regarding Fernando Guerra.
In David Zahniser's story he quotes this man -- Art Pulido. A man whose criminal history has been well documented by the LAPD.
Then there is frequent clashes with fellow neighborhood council members documented here.
There is the fact that him and the entire Pulido family were on the Hahn payroll listed here.
Then there is this footage of Art Pulido here protesting the Kerry endorsement of Antonio. (special thanks to race baiter Hal Netkin for the footage)
But I suppose David Zahniser never researched that Art Pulido was a known Pacheco supporter and Hahn supporter. Question is -- if you ask the enemy (who is paid) a question about his enemy what kind of answer do you suspect?
This proves that yellow journalism is alive and well in Los Angeles.
David Zahniser welcome to the Chief's shit list. (FYI -- Z-man I am not mad that you wrote the Guerra story like martini republic is, I am upset that you used a known Hahn groupie for your quotes like he was an impartial juror.
But that's not why I am blogging right now -- Sister City has been tipped off yet again to another fascinating story regarding today's story regarding Fernando Guerra.
In David Zahniser's story he quotes this man -- Art Pulido. A man whose criminal history has been well documented by the LAPD.
Then there is frequent clashes with fellow neighborhood council members documented here.
There is the fact that him and the entire Pulido family were on the Hahn payroll listed here.
Then there is this footage of Art Pulido here protesting the Kerry endorsement of Antonio. (special thanks to race baiter Hal Netkin for the footage)
But I suppose David Zahniser never researched that Art Pulido was a known Pacheco supporter and Hahn supporter. Question is -- if you ask the enemy (who is paid) a question about his enemy what kind of answer do you suspect?
This proves that yellow journalism is alive and well in Los Angeles.
David Zahniser welcome to the Chief's shit list. (FYI -- Z-man I am not mad that you wrote the Guerra story like martini republic is, I am upset that you used a known Hahn groupie for your quotes like he was an impartial juror.
I guess now that the election is over, your job description now - Chief Barkan - is to protect Tony's special interest, i.e. Guerra, Meruelo, Alatorre, etc.,. It' funny how Tony started his political career in Gloria Molina's camp which vowed to take on the "old boys network" that sought to exclude her from political office. Now Tony is heading up that "old boys network." Alatorre gave Guerra his political start when Richard needed credible members of academia to cover up his drug habits and protect his "historic legacy." Then you wonder why Eastside community activists question Tony's principles.
Just a little more insight, Pulido is a non-factor, just as he was in Alarcon's, Hahn's and Pacheco's campaigns. He's another Big O, a big mouth with no accomplishments. I hear he doesn't even live in Cypress Park but does own property there and is somewhat of a slumlord.
Regarding Fernando Guerra, money has always been his motivating force. He uses the Chicano mantra just to get money in his pockets - pretty much the way Tony uses it to get votes. Guerra's published polling results themselves would lead any self respecting political operative to question his integrity. BTW, Guerra's right hand man at LMU and his proxy when the press targets his clients is David Ayon. David is Monica Lozano's "mantenido". The best english translation for this is "kept women." David never did get his Ph.D. and has to kiss Guerra's ass for a paycheck. Monica is the editor of La Opinion and currently a high profile member of Tony's transition team. Chief Barkan, you want to talk about yellow journalism, start here - your next stop should be the Times.
The "Z" man has been touted as the most successful "reporter" during the recent Mayoral election.
Several bloggers have referred to him as the leading edge in reporting.
Now we know how he gets his stories out so quickly. It's easy if you just don't do the work that journalism demands.
That is the difference between blogging and journalism.
He's not a "Blogger", he's a "Reporter". Not.
It really shows how LA's journalists are out of touch with things when they quote Art Pulido. The guy lost all his credibility years ago. Everybody knows that except David Z (and the Hahn & Alarcon campaigns, it seems). Both Alarcon and Hahn lost big time in the areas where Pulido did "field work".
Once again, Tony Lovers/Truth Haters can't see the forest because of the trees. The story here is not Pulido, it is Guerra and his ties to Tony. Chief Barkan is just pissed because Zahniser blew the lid on FloridaGate. While Skelton and crew were out neutralizing Times and Daily News reporters, the Daily Breeze blew by them and as with everything they can't control, they try to discredit.
Give me a fucking break. Pulida IS NOT on Hahn campaign team anymore. When Daivd Z got his quote it was from a community member. This tells me the Antonio people are after Mayor Sam to once again DO THEIR DIRTY WORK and try to discredit David Z the best reporter in LA.
You act as if Antonio's people are all good boys. Pleas, LA Times quoted tons of Antonio people who were PAID CAMPAIGNERS and yet you don't say a word.
You're missing the point!! Guerra was the paid lobbyist. You're just mad because David Z is doing his job and going after the hard stories you're to wimpy to post.
Keep up the Great work David.
JUNE 3 - 9, 2005
Ethics in Transition
Antonio’s camp defends latest chance for fund-raising: “Everyone Does It”
One of the first things Antonio Villaraigosa did after raising and spending nearly $6 million in campaign cash and getting elected mayor of Los Angeles was open up a fund for additional donations, these for the six-week transition between election day and July 1, when he takes office.
The new spate of fund-raising won’t be governed by the city reporting and disclosure laws or the campaign-contribution caps that are administered by the City Ethics Commission, since these new contributions will be neither campaign funds nor officeholder funds under city law.
The City Council cheerfully signed on to a program that is run through the controller’s office but puts Villaraigosa himself in charge of the fund, which will be capped at $200,000. In the resolution put forward by the council, the public is supposedly assured that the new donations from free-spenders in the city are in the public interest, since taxpayer funds won’t be used.
In its nascent form, the transition-fund details were chilling. Anyone who wanted to throw around his or her weight in the new administration and be owed a hefty share of gratitude by the mayor had been frustrated by the city-imposed $1,000 campaign-contribution limit. After he takes office, if some influence-seeker wants to show Villaraigosa his, uh, appreciation for the fine job he’s doing, he can add to his officeholder fund, but still, only at $1,000 a year. How can you buy access and get your calls returned for a measly $1,000? Why, just about anyone could donate $1,000!
Ah, but with this new opportunity, you could shovel as much as $10,000 in the new mayor’s direction. Sure, he’s already been elected, and your donation is for transition staffing and an inaugural party rather than leading him on to victory. But still, $10,000! That’s real gratitude-inducing money. That’s enough for several years of hobnobbing, returned phone calls, maybe even a special meeting to discuss a city contracting opportunity.
And the bonus — this is a good one. If you wanted to donate money to the campaign or the officeholder fund, everyone is going to know it. You put in $100 or more, and the public gets to know your name, how much you gave and what you do for a living. They can pull it right off the Ethics Commission’s Web site. It’s that bothersome “openness” thing. But for the transition team, you could donate just under $5,000 and still keep it under your hat. What a deal!
Now you voters or would-be contractors who donated your $1,000 or some such pittance and thought you could enjoy the same access as a business tycoon or a union boss, wise up! Sure, they could only put in $1,000, just like you. But that was then. This is now. Ten grand. Fork it over. Or else wonder why the phone doesn’t ring.
By the way, good news for you people who couldn’t read the writing on the wall and gave your paltry grand to Jim Hahn. You thought you were pretty much cashed out of the new era, but wait! You get another chance. A few thousand bucks to the transition team and you’re back in the game. This is as great an opportunity as when Hahn opened his legal-defense fund and you got to curry favor by donating to that pot. But hurry, because there’s that $200,000 cap on the transition fund, and there just may be 20 bigwigs with their checkbooks already out.
The real chilling part of the story is the response that the mayor-elect’s defenders gave when an eyebrow or two was raised at the transition fund-raising. It’s Antonio, many said. You know how he feels about ethics and buying City Hall. He’s not like Hahn. You can trust him.
But then we thought we could trust Hahn, too. Didn’t we?
Then there was this one: Don’t you think things like transition staffing and an inaugural party should be paid for privately, instead of by the taxpayers?
Well, no, since you asked. The transition — doesn’t that mean interviewing and hiring and loads of paperwork to make sure the new mayor can hit the ground running? That’s public business. Those transition people holed up in the 15th floor of City Hall — are they paying rent? No. They’re doing public business. To the extent it’s not public business, it’s a continuation of the campaign, and campaign reporting, spending and contribution-limit laws should apply. That’s especially true if these donations are for a big inaugural gala.
Then there was the kicker. Hahn did it this way! Riordan did it! Everyone does it!
There it is. Those words. You may have had a sinking feeling they were coming, but so soon? Before Villaraigosa even takes office? The watchwords for the new era at City Hall?
“Everyone does it.”
But wait. Villaraigosa apparently thought this whole thing over and decided there was something amiss with a chance to write him a check for $10,000. It took him a few days, but that’s okay. He’s been busy.
Robin Kramer, who is heading Villaraigosa’s transition effort, said on Tuesday that the mayor-elect had decided to put a $1,000 cap on individual contributions after all. No one could say exactly when the decision was made, but it was done sometime after last Friday afternoon. It’s still not perfect. There’s still another chance for the access-seeker to jump in with a now-smaller contribution to pay for something that ought to be an accepted city function. But it’s surely a step in the right direction.
What is the money for? There is a “rough budget,” Kramer said, with costs being allocated to lawyers, Web site maintenance, a fax machine, “a lot of paper” and a few “woefully underpaid” staffers. According to transition spokeswoman Elena Stern, there are no contributions so far.
Kramer noted that Villaraigosa’s six-week transition is twice as long as Hahn’s. I’m not sure I buy the implied argument that the new mayor therefore should be able to raise more money than Hahn did, since there’s now twice as much time to get things done before July 1, but we’ll let that go. I still don’t see why it’s such a great idea that Villaraigosa’s people, instead of the Ethics Commission staff, examine the checks to make sure that no one is sneaking in an extra $1,000 by using a nickname or a pet’s name, but okay.
And about that requirement that only checks in the $5,000 range or higher are subject to disclosure: That’s moot now, and Controller Laura Chick claims that any funds handled through her office will be a matter of public record.
Villaraigosa is a creature of politics, and of the entire money-based system on which elections are based, so it should come as no surprise that despite his high-minded and self-serving campaign talk about changing the pay-to-play culture of City Hall, his first instinct is to raise cash at every opportunity.
But he deserves credit for stepping back from the brink in this case, even if it’s just to acknowledge his campaign claims that he would be different.
There will be more along these lines in the coming months. Villaraigosa is having all of his appointees and hires sign an ethics pledge. Having the pledge by itself does nothing, and could be considered at least a little bit sanctimonious. Same with the various pledges about lobbyists serving on commissions or making campaign donations, especially when they can still make “independent” expenditures, and especially when business and labor movers and shakers can host political fund-raisers that bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars without reporting their involvement.
Still, with another month to go before he’s sworn in, it’s good to see that Villaraigosa has the sense to make new rules for himself — better ones — on the fly.
is it true that kevin roderick is jealous of david z?
I will not forget the people in my district,” said Villaraigosa, My staff will remain in place, taking care of the needs of the 14th; the people in my district have been very good to me. “I will be working two jobs until someone is elected to take my place on the council. We will continue to do the district’s work, fill the potholes, and represent the district on the city council.”
Asked if he has considered who he would like to replace him in the 14th and if he anticipates making an endorsement, Villaraigosa said the he will endorse someone for his position, but is not yet ready to say who that person will be.
Carefully choosing his words with a sincerity that spoke volumes about his desire to reassure the people of his district that he is still committed to seeing after their welfare, Villaraigosa said, “The people in the 14th district deserve a leader with the highest integrity, and the skills to get the job done. This district is diverse, from Eagle Rock to Boyle Heights, whoever is elected must work with all the people of the district, and not just one group or another. And I will work with that person to make sure that the 14th gets its fair share of support from the city,” concluded Villaraigosa.
What an asshole! Antonio hasn't even been in his own district since the election. All of a sudden he's acting as if he cares. CD14 has been without a councilman for 2 yrs.
8:50 poster
Stop instigating. The lack of judging a good story is shown through the LA TIMES. This paper is biased and uninteresting.
Excuse me Mayor Sam but why didn't you get on the Daily News, Rick Orlov when he also had a quote from Art Pulido during the election? Seems you choose who to blast when it suits yours and Antonio's purpose.
David "Z" Man is without a doubt one of the best reporters LA has to offer. The jealous naysayers like Jessica Villagarrison (who couldn't write a credible piece in her life) Patrick MCGreevey, Noam Levy, Rick Orlov, Beth Barnett, Richard Faussett, and the other lazy, groupies of Antonio's report like they're writing for STAR magazine. We need more credible reporters like DAVID who isn't afraid to print the truth. Since the election David has gotten tons of support citywide because his stories are e-mailed to neighborhood councils, non profit organizations, city entities etc. They absolutely think he's one of best. Valley folks love him.
9:22 ANON
This is why the Skelton Crew is out to discredit David Z. How much more of that $6 million dollars that Tony raised comes with skeletons in the closet?
No one, on either side, seems to have pointed out the most interesting tidbit about this.
Pulido is not a board member of the neighborhood council he claims to be from... 1) they've never held elections; 2) the "interim" board un-elected him some time back.
Even his detractors like Sissy City don't do their homework.
(Oh, and he's not from Cypress Park).
Out of fairness, David Z. did his job in reporting this story, especially in light of the recent Armstrong Williams controversy. It's misleading to the public to have lobbyists publishing "neutral" articles that seemingly promote officials they're lobbying. However, that's where newspapers and radio hosts need to do their homework and simply check the published lobbyist list.
On the other hand, David Z. was not critical of the REAL lobbyists making hundreds of thousands of dollars in this City. These guys/gals not only raise tens of thousands of dollars for candidates, but are frequently quoted in the papers and are welcomed guests on all of our favorite public affairs radio shows. Highlighting Guerra for $70K is paints an incomplete picture.
David is a Hahn groupie, friend of the family for years.
And you bash Rick Orlov? You got a lot to learn.
Zahniser is one of the most respected reporters at City Hall. Ron Kaye at the Daily News has been trying to hire him for years, but can't pay as much as Copley does.
Dave Z. has the guts to write the hard facts even if it isn't pretty.
we sure could use more reporters like him right now! It's amazing he hasn't been picked up by the Times. Maybe the Times can't handle the truth.
Rick Orlov is a great writer.
Enough said.
What! mr. villaraigosa's people can't handle the truth! so now they continue to try to discredit any truth seeker to uncover adv's true corrrupt side and reason he should have not been elected. But, why worry he's aready elected right? will there be a "villaraigozagate" the truth will not be stopped!
new on the blogg....truthseeker
Who will rescue Tony from the Dark Side? Will it be
Han Solo Huizar - solo because that's the way you're going to end up in the special election, Tony's going to hang you out to dry - he'll break his commitment to you just like he has with any other meaningful commitment he has ever made.
Princess Maria E-Leia Durazo, will she find out that Tony is actually her twin brother? There'll be some red faces if this is true.
Jabba the Big O, maybe he can freeze Tony's ass in carbonite so it's the first thing he kisses in the morning.
Darth Sidious Alatorre, proving the dark side is powerful indeed.
Chewbobby Hertzberg - who's more cuddly than a wookie?
Ludlow Calrissian - another twelve inches and the spitting image of Billy Dee.
Obi Wanna-be Skelnobi - for getting a dumb ass like Tony elected, Parke should be granted immortality.
Queen Amagorda Molina - with the right hair due and a ton of integrity she might pull it off.
Darth Barkan - running this blog is indeed doing the emperor's dirty work, any Jedi left?
of course
Tony's new name would have to be Loose Truthtalker, what shall his destiny be?
Not even this blog can escape the marketing force of George Lucas coupled with too much time on my hands.
3:07 fuck you loser.
5 in the morning what are doing jacking-off on the blog.
3:24 ANON
The early bird gets the worm. It's also called discipline.
This is why the Skelton Crew is out to discredit David Z. How much more of that $6 million dollars that Tony raised comes with skeletons in the closet?
Ask BFI. How many skeletons are in the landfill?
The most creative and intelligent post on this thread. Villaraigosa's skeletons have been coming out of the closet already and the "County Whale" Molina is one of many. Smart post. This was the only post worth reading, so if you are the early bird with discipline, good for you, Villaraigosa people are lazy...they would not know what it means to wake up early and do something.
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