The Girls are Swooning over...
Nathan James and Jeff Millman.
In today's LA Times both these gentlemen are given great bios regarding them. If you have a hard copy of the LA Times - the front photo of the Calendar section has a huge photo of Nathan James - the wind flowing through his hair -- the chiseled features of Jeff on the next page.
In today's LA Times both these gentlemen are given great bios regarding them. If you have a hard copy of the LA Times - the front photo of the Calendar section has a huge photo of Nathan James - the wind flowing through his hair -- the chiseled features of Jeff on the next page.
What the hell does "operational" mean? Who is this guy Mike Trujillo - does anyone know him?
What positions are these two running for... do people vote based on their staff?
If that was the case, Pacheco would still be CM in CD14, not ADV.
Looks like the media, and maybe even the candidates themselves are all suffering from premature electoration... nothing of any consequence left to say in the last 72+ hours.
Not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that, right 11:31 a.m. (Unless you're a hypocritical ACLU-loving, ADV groupie trying to out some Hahn people in front of their more conservative supporters).
I am cancelling my L.A. Times subscription. I had given them many chances to be an unbiased paper, but I will not tolerate the agenda of this paper.
The side view of James in yesterday's made him look link some wimpy geek from Caltech.
Maybe they airbrushed this time?
Nathan James looks dorky...what happened to diversity, why are Antonio's consultants socialist, white, hippies.
Too bad ADV couldn't find a qualifie flack to work his lies up from right here in the LARGEST city in the West - had to get someone from OAKLAND.
JUST like his Sacramento-imported field office staff - for a guy who "loves L.A." ADV sure hires a lot of people from other cities for key positions.
Can't find qualified people among the 4 million in L.A., city-lover Tony? Got to run to leftist cities one-quarter the size of this one to find people rabid enough (and who dont' KNOW you well enough), to carry your dirty water.
MAYBE the stem cell people were taking a page from YOUR book... look North for a more "quality" workforce.
If it's good enough for ADV's field office's it's good enough for the Stem Cellers.
ADV hires 60's leftover hippies and their progeny because:
a) they've fried their minds on LSD so much they can actually BELIEVE his lies;
b) compared to them, the Mecha-Boy, ACLU-loving ADV looks more moderate;
c) they know where to get "stuff" (wink, wink).
Hernandez' and Alatorre's source have dried up.
Ace Smith a socialist? He is a direct descendent of Adam Smith and actually is kind of a right wing pig. And he too white to be white.
Smith is propping up a socialist, big time.
Same diff. Enabling counts for 100 per cent.
If anyone's swooning over ADV's spokespeople, it's from the stench of their campaign.
Glad the Times at least had the sense to waste this drivel on the Saturday paper -- the least read day of the week.
(If it wasn't for car and real estate ads, they probably would have cancelled Sat. editions years ago).
copies of the papers on Sat. are often found sitting on top of the newsracks -- people pull out the ad sections and dump the rest on the top.
If it's "important" they figure, it will be in the Sunday edition, with more updated info.
Hurray for Sarno and that other lady at the cleanup, the accomplished more people to get pissed off at AV!
Baca is a Vignali sympathizer, so there you have it. It is the same little club, AV-Baca-Molina-Bexerra...
Chief Parker Antonio must have sent you an e-mail pressuring you to post this story. Intersting you failed to post the following...
The letter emerged less than two weeks after Villaraigosa returned $47,000 in donations from employees of two Florida companies and their relatives.
On Sept. 27, 2004, Villaraigosa had dinner with Sean Anderson, the president of Travel Traders, one of the Florida companies, and Art M. Gastelum, a lobbyist who represents Los Angeles International Airport concessionaires. Villaraigosa said they did not talk about the airport.
The day after Anderson dined with Villaraigosa, employees of S.E. Florida Investments, which is affiliated with Anderson's firm, contributed $10,000 to Villaraigosa. Their relatives gave $3,000.
Villaraigosa collected an additional $34,000 for his mayoral campaign from employees of Travel Traders and S.E. Florida Investments and their relatives.
Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley opened a preliminary inquiry April 29 into whether the $47,000 had been laundered.
I heard that tape (damaging ADV conversations) from the volunteer kid is going to be made public on May 16th, the day before the election.
What is on that tape? Brng it out now. The way Tony is looking like on TV, he can't possibly defend himself, why give hime only one day to trample over his tongue again.
The REAL LAPD endorsed HAHN. The reporters now know that Antonio has FAKE cops in his tv ad. Can hardly wait til they ask him? BACA everyone knows doesn't matter cause he's in the county. Both he and Antonio wrote those drug dealer letters. Yup, these are the guys sending out a good moral message. Support drug dealers and they'll give you money.
The blacks now know that Antonio got the white drug kingpin off and left 30 blacks still doing time in jail. Why hasn't the LA Times written that? BOYCOTT TIMES BOYCOTT TIMES BOYCOTT TIMES
I still want to know who made up the word "operational?" What does it mean?
If a politician is having an affair with a staffer, it should be of interest. The politicians entire career is public, ethically we hold him/her to higher standards since they show by example, otherwise they should not be politicians. Some of individuals cannot cut it in this field of work, as you have for example Villaraigosa. I want to know if he is having an affair, then, do I trust him? No.
Vignali's supporters provided letters of support that were
false and misleading.
A key element of the campaign by Carlos Vignali and
his father Horacio, was a series of letters on Carlos' behalf
from prominent Los Angeles politicians. A number of these
letters contained misleading statements calculated to create
the impression that Carlos Vignali was innocent. The officials
who submitted letters included Representative Xavier Becerra,
Representative Esteban Torres, State Assembly Speaker Robert
Hertzberg, State Assembly Member Antonio Villaraigosa, State
Senator Richard Polanco, Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria
Molina, Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Hernandez, and
Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles.
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca provided critical support
for the Vignali commutation that was inappropriate, given his
Here's the stuff on Southwest
Alvin Parra is known to launder money and buy up property under his siblings names. He has property up in San Bernardino with taxpayers dollars under a sister's name
It's 501(c)3 previous poster and the Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project under Antonio Gonzalez has nevr acted as a non-profit. Gonzlaez uses this project as his personal pigy bank. The main benefactor of SWVREP is Gloria Molina who has sifted hundreds of thousands from her personal "discretionary" fund to SWVREP. And guess why, because Gonzalez is married to Alma Martinez, Gloria's chief of staff. Gonzalez had first dibs on Alma aftr Tony got through with her, just like Miguel and Maria Elena Durazo. This is why Gonzalez is referred to as THE WHORE by CSUN professor, Dr. Rudy Acuna, the father of Chicano Studies.
SWVREP has tried carnivals, bounties, and expensive billboards, all to no avail. $125,000 to get 12,500 registered voters - $10 per regitration, and 90% of these were probably just change of address - pathetic. If such a project were successful, the number would be up in the hundreds of thousands - 550,000 elligible Latinos will still stay home May 17th.
It is surely unethical given the fact that Gloria Molina's "discretionary fund" which she gets $1,000,000 every year that she can do a she pleases - Gloria has been an ineffective Supervisor for 15 years now, do the math - this is taxpayer dollars. But SWVREP will probably get away with it, just as they did for Tony in 2001 and 2003 - because technically they are supposed to be non-partisan. Although we all know that partisan can mean any given side in a campaign, SWVREP interprets this part of the law as a reference to partisan politics - you know, Republican/Democrats/Green. Since the last three Tony opponents have been Democrats - Hahn 2001, Pacheco 2003, Hahn 2005 and they have all been in non-partisan races, as the L.A. elections are conducted - they think they'll get away with it.
BTW, to launch a District Attorney investigation all that is needed is a written complaint detailing suspected illicit activities -it can even be anonymous! This comes directly from the "how to stymie political opposition" room at Gloria Molina's Office at the Kenneth Hahn County Administration Building. The current caretaker of this room is non other than Gerry Hertzberg, Huggy Bear's special little brother.
You fellas have no taste or idea what a girl wants. The best looking guy was Bob Hertzberg's man - Robert Urteaga.
AV helped get Vignali out of jail*****************************
Mr. Vignali went to jail because he was involved in distributing 800 pounds of cocaine. His lawyer said, no, it wasn't that bad, just a thousand kilos of cocaine.
Do you have any idea of how much damage 1,000 kilos of cocaine can do? Well, 800 pounds of cocaine could effectively provide one rock of crack for every kid in Los Angeles. It's 1,000 kilos less, but still, a substantial amount of cocaine.
There are black co-defendants who are still in jail and will be for a long time. But Carlos Vignali is now out. He is a white man. KING: Because he had influence...
What really threw Mrs. Clinton off stride last week was her brother's decision to accept $400,000 to lobby for two controversial clemency petitions: those of Carlos Vignali, a Los Angeles drug dealer, and A. Glenn Braswell, a Florida marketer of dubious health treatments. Rodham, who often spent the night at the White House, insisted last week that he purposely never spoke to his sister or his brother-in-law about his clients.
What he did do for them is unclear, especially in the case of Braswell, convicted of mail fraud, perjury and tax evasion in connection with questionable marketing of his health-care products. Rodham was brought into the case sometime in Clinton's final two weeks as President and was paid $200,000 as a "success fee" when Braswell's pardon came through.
Hugh's work for Vignali was of longer duration, beginning when the drug dealer's father Horacio asked Rodham to work on the clemency application. Rodham, a former public defender in Florida, was reluctant at first, but finally agreed. The elder Vignali, a wealthy Los Angeles businessman, had some sense of politics. He contributed generously to politicians in both parties, beginning in earnest in 1994 shortly before his son was to stand trial on conspiracy and cocaine-distribution charges. Prosecutors said the son deserved no quarter and expressed no remorse. Carlos was a key financier of a drug ring that transported about 800 lbs. of cocaine from L.A. to Minnesota in the early 1990s, and he came across as a blustery bully in tapes of wiretaps. He was sentenced to 15 years behind bars.
Is Robert Urteaga that good looking?
L.A. Daily News on-line poll results from Friday, May 13th:
Would you like to see Mayor James Hahn re-elected?
Yes - 63%
No - 37%
Robert U. is a pretty nice looking guy (but I'm a straight male, what do I know), but he has another thing going for/against him -- depending on your POV. He has those nasty things called scruples. He wouldn't do dirty deeds for a conman like ADV if it was the last job on earth.
He got yelled out by one of the psycho ADV-loving bitches who was a former Pacheco supporter, for "whoring" herself out to the new "pimp" daddy in CD14 to do his cold calling so he could jump ship after less than two years.
Robert can't last in politics, though -- too honest and sincere. Thinks it's about "helping" people and providing good constituent service.
What a boy scout -- ADV's flunkies will eat him alive, and pretend he deserved it.
Breaking News!!!!!
ADV broke up with Jenni (the one with the fast mouth and hands)
ADV wants to look good for Tuesday, no surprises I suppose.
Good looking and scruples. Robert Urteaga is the perfect man, then.
Can they DO plastic surgery on his aging, sagging puss by then?
Someone out there, even in Spanish-language media, must not want him to look good, however. One of the TV stations replayed his La Opinion-sponsored debate and, again, he was off base, angry, and distracted.
This is one his people should have saved him from - and from himself, since there was really no reason for this forum -- any and all of their other debates could have been translated into Spanish just as easily.
Spanish speakers must be looking at these two guys and thinking, "what kind of Latino is this guy -- he has to be translated just like the gringo mayor." What's the difference? Just his last name??
Urteaga was Hertzberg's Eastside captain for awhile - now he's supposedly rallying Latino's for Hahn there and in the Valley.
Getting Hertzberg's endorsement really hasn't paid much for ADV has it? He's losing ground in the Valley, and most of Bob H's Eastside supporters were already Anti-ADV, based on his CM (non) performance there.
Robert U is a very good man. He respects others even though they may be on the opposing side. He has the manners of a saint and respects women. He was extremely disappointed when Huggy endorsed ADV. He truly cares about senior citizens and constituents. Without a doubt he has been one of the best field staffers CD14 had under Pacheco. Robert would either call or be at your door knocking to help you out. He would always follow up to make sure your problem was solved and if not wanted to know why and then follow up again. Wish CD14 had many more of his kind.
I can't believe how many times Antonio has acted like a crybaby. Grow up and be a man for once. He filed with ethic commission because of phone scripts Hahn phoners were using. PLEASE as if his phoners were super nice. Can you imagine if HAHN nailed Antonio for every LIE he's been saying? How about those FAKE cops in his tv ad, that Blair Witch tv ad misleading the voters about the school board. Antonio just showed voters how he flip flops because just weeks ago he said the mayor had no power over schools.
Intersting post on laobserved.
Councilman Tony Cardenas becomes (probably) the last one in to the Villaraigosa pool, endorsing him yesterday in the Valley. Everyone I talked to assumes a deal was cut and that Cardenas still had to swallow his pride, since they had a feud going back to the Sacramento days
The best thing about Robert Urteaga is not his looks, but his balls. He had the balls to stand up against Pacheco's first chief of staff - Adriana Rubalcava, who is probably the reason Pacheco didn't get re-elected. There are enough YES men out there in politics which is the reason we end up with morons like Tony running for high office, Robert is definitely a throwback to the Roybal days of community organizing.
Like the LA Times, you miss the point.
They put this fluff on the front and relegate to the rear of the paper the important information about the finances of the campaign as a yardstick of the support.
See Ken Reich's Blog post, below:
Los Angeles Times Falling Down In Its Coverage, Editorializing Of Mayoral Campaign
The Los Angeles Times, the newspaper owned by outsiders who do not have the city's interests at heart, is falling down badly in both its coverage and its editorializing of the campaign for Mayor between City Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa and the inept incumbent, Mayor James Hahn.
Although the Times finally endorsed Villaraigosa last week, it was a very weak endorsement, and now, as usual, the ersatz liberal Michael Kinsley, editor of the editorial pages, hasn't followed through on the endorsement with any editorializing on the racist nature of the Hahn campaign.
Hahn isn't an effective mayor. All he can do is smear, the way Sam Yorty smeared Tom Bradley 35 years ago. The Times wasn't very effective in its support of Bradley in his first run for mayor, against Yorty, in 1969, but at least it did try to point out the nature of the Yorty campaign. Now, the Times, keeping the absentee Seattle resident Kinsley in a position he doesn't deserve, hasn't even done that.
Just as serious is the illogical placement of stories in the Times on the campaign. This morning, May 13, for example the lead campaign stories are an innocuous feature on the campaign managers on Page 1 and another innocuous one leading the California section on the telephone campaign by Michael Finnigan and Jessica Garrison, while the significant story, the one about Hahn's ad, resurrecting a four-year-old attack against Villaraigosa, by the more trenchant writer, Richard Fausset, is buried in the back of the California section.
This is an old trick of weak newspapers, keep the hard news at the back. Harrison Salisbury, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times correspondent, used to point out how Pravda, the Soviet Communist paper, would relegate its really significant news, such as the latest Stalinist purge, to paragraphs at the back.
The Daily News in the San Fernando Valley has been doing a better job overall of covering the mayoral campaign than the Times.
The voters of Los Angeles have succumbed to racist campaigns before, in part because the Times did a poor job of pointing out what was going on.
Is Los Angeles going to have the courage to elect an able mayor who happens to be a Latino? We'll know next Tuesday.
Meanwhile, gutsy reporters at the paper should be pointing out to management that the coverage is falling down.
posted by Ken Reich at 10:13 AM 0 comments
For those intereested in reading a crusty old curmedgeon retired reporter from the Times' take on the LA Times today, see his blog at:
Robert Urteaga, good looking, scruples and balls. Can this get any better? What's he doing next? Can I work where you work, Robert?
MEAT, where are you? Come on, blog away dum dum and tell us why your candidate is suddenly such a pussy. Just like in his make belive gangster days when he would instigate a fight only to run away. What has happened to your courageous white knight in shining armor. Linda Breakstone can't be that tough. Tony has turned out to be just a sissy, like you Ulyssisy.
You crybaby ADV lovers. Antonio hit the tv airwaves months ago with all his money slamming Hahn with thos corruption ads.Interesting thing is Hahn's numbers went up. Now ADV lovers are saying Hahn is using racism and bullshit phone calls. BE A MAN FOR ONCE ANTONIO. People are saying you are behaving like a child and its a turn off. If you can't take the heat then you shouldn't have started the fight. Quit hiding behind the skirts of your flacks. Be like Hahn and stand up to the tough questions instead of having your cronies whisk you away
"Skirts of his flacks"... I KNEW some of those guys were cross-dressers!
A person posted this on another thread.
"""""I want to tell you that before I was not aware of who A. Villaraigosa really was. After reading this Blog site for over 2 months and referring all of my family members to it; the entire candidates have been clarified for us. We blindly followed A. Villaraigosa to his every word, because he is a Latino. If the candidates were both the color BLUE and I would base my decision on what they have each accomplished, said, and kept as decision and that of all my family members is to vote for Mr. Hahn.
I don't know if more of you out there did this, but for the past months since I started reading the blog, I referred my family members. They in turn, referred other family members and friends. Yesterday we had a family wedding, it was over 400 people. The table I was at was discussing all of the topics that came in light in this blog, yes all the good and especially all the dirty stuff from A. Villaraigosa. Villaraigosa has lost almost all of his support from this family, I can only imagine if this has happened to other families."""""
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