Planes, trains and automobiles
The LA Times has been checking into Jim Hahn's dealings in China.
Today the Daily News chimes in as well.
Boi From Troy has already made his piece known.
Here's my opinion.
Why in the hell is Jim Hahn allowing no bid contracts to pass through his commission -- who by the way have donated thousands to his mayoral bid, anti secession campaign and his legal defense fund. More Pay to Play than a monopoly game.
More corruption than Mayor Frank Shaw, much more than Mayor Sam.
How can the Mayor be completely 100% ignorant of what his appointments and staff are doing on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis?
Either Jim Hahn is truly sleeping at the switch or he's more in tune with the workings of City Hall, which would than just make him airport-plane corrupt.
Today the Daily News chimes in as well.
Boi From Troy has already made his piece known.
Here's my opinion.
Why in the hell is Jim Hahn allowing no bid contracts to pass through his commission -- who by the way have donated thousands to his mayoral bid, anti secession campaign and his legal defense fund. More Pay to Play than a monopoly game.
More corruption than Mayor Frank Shaw, much more than Mayor Sam.
How can the Mayor be completely 100% ignorant of what his appointments and staff are doing on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis?
Either Jim Hahn is truly sleeping at the switch or he's more in tune with the workings of City Hall, which would than just make him airport-plane corrupt.
(If you read the thread, this is going to sound very familiar, BUT...)
How can ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA be completely 100% ignorant of what his COUNCIL staff is doing on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis?
Either ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA's truly sleeping at the switch or he's more in tune with the workings of COUNCIL DISTRICT 14, which would than (sic) just make him plain corrupt.
Don't you mean "plane" corrupt, Parker?
(But you forgot to say "As MEAT would say... blog away, dum-dums" at the end)
CPs getting sensitive -- must be from all the other blogs scooping him by a full day on these things.
Just another dance move in the Slimmy Jimmy Shimmy. This kind of thing is so transparent it makes one wonder why ALL of the Hahn appointed Commissioners have not been investigated. Yeah, WHY NOT? It is very disconcerting that every week a new scandal appears in the papers regarding Hahn. At this rate the average Joe Citizen is wondering why he should vote for someone (Hahn) who may very well be indicted.
You can post all the negative stuff you want but bottom line is PEOPLE WILL NOT VOTE FOR ANTONIO WHO HAS A RAP SHEET AND POLICE RECORD. ARRESTED 1977. Supports gangs, missed more city council meetings than any other. Hasn't done anything for the past 7 months. Doesn't go to homicides scenes in last 7 months and his district has 15 homicides. Hasn't been to a neighborhood council in 2 years. At least Hahn has been doing his job and then some. LIED about 80 neighborhood watches. PROMISES BRokEN repeatedly.
Sounds like a Hahnista doing the Slimmy Jimmy Shimmy... again!
What is it with the Hahninistas?
Ok, lets assume that the BS about AV in 1977 is true.
The question is, who do you want as a mayor, a guy that was a gang banger when he was a kid, or a guy that is a crook now as a 50 year old mayor.
You decide L.A.
I know who I want as Mayor, and who I want in JAIL!
DN reports great quote from Bitter Bernie:
"I don't think we will see these kind of investigations with (Villaraigosa) as mayor," Parks said.
1) This is a quote from the man at the top when the LAPD was subject to MORE investigations of wrongdoing than in the last 50-60 years. He oughta know about investigations -- he's been heading the council budget committee that has to approve paying out an average of $200-300 Thousand in police abuse settlements EVERY time he bangs the gavel to open the "closed session" -- most dating from HIS time in LAPD.
2) He's learned "politics" from the master... note he isn't saying "there won't be corruption in Villaraigosa's term," just not "investigations." (WHY, because the media LOVES ADV, and hates Hahn -- they won't even look into the crap the little Eastside copadre's been passing off as council district accomplishments that are MATHEMATICALLY impossible -- 80 Neighborhood watches in a district with only 12 NEIGHBORHOODS!) Campaigning on city time, you name it...
What could be worse than a "corrupt" mayor that's being investigated, you ask?
A CORRUPT new mayor who's a better CON MAN (and will NEVER get he ass checked into).
So trade up, let's get us a more accomplished "corrupt" mayor, so FEEL better about not hearing as much.
11:55 says: "It is very disconcerting that every week a new scandal appears in the papers regarding Hahn."
I agree wholeheartedly... can someone please tell Ace and Parke to take a week off from planting this bogus, unsubstantiated crap with the gullible media. They can double up next week.
I know who I don't want as Mayor. A racist asshole like Antonio is will open the flood gates for illegal immigration like he has in his own district. A guy who supports gangbangers and will let all of them reign the communities in terror and protect them instead of the families. A guy who disrespects his constituents and ignores their issues. A guy who beats and has affairs on his wife. A guy who has kids out of wedlock and threatened women to have abortions. A guy arrested in 1977 for assault because he wasn't mature enough then or now to hold his temper. Antonio is a vindictive asshole who has threatened good people in the community and afraid to come out. Look this up CHief Parker, Jimmy Blackman campaigning 24/7 on our tax dollars with Antonio. There has to be ethics violation there and his moronic staff who took paid leaves of absence
When was the last time we saw rumors of scandal and corruption in the press every week... OH YEAH, the last guy ADV ran against for Council.
How much time did HE spend in jail for all his "corruption"?
What? NONE? Cleared completely of every ADV-planted charge in the media? Still practicing law? Not even disbarred?
How can this be? How can this be happening AGAIN!
(ADV's campaign people believe it don't matter it its unethical, cruel, and dishonest. HEY, if it it AIN'T broke, DON't "fix" it).
If Hahn is using the Sgt. Schultz defense, then ADV is the Sgt. Schultz councilmember... "If I don't KNOW my constituents oppose something I want, need something I haven't provided, or want something I don't want to provide, I can just PLEAD ignorance!"
(Plead? How many times was it he failed the bar??) Maybe it's not an act. . .
"The question is, who do you want as a mayor, a guy that was a gang banger when he was a kid, or a guy that is a crook now as a 50 year old mayor."
You obviously want it all... a guy that was a gang banger when he was a kid, AND a guy that is a crook now as a 52-year old COUNCILMEMBER.
Just imagine how good a "crook" he'll be as mayor knowing his groupies will forgive ANY abuse! Like having the keys to the city.
To 11:57:
You're right. People won't vote for a gang member, but AV isn't a gang member. People will vote for candidates who have been arrested (and even for higher office) - example - George W Bush, Edward Kennedy. People love success stories.
AV hasn't caused the murders in CD14 - but your little neighborhood thugs have. (If he DID show up to a crime scene, you'd be bitchin' that he's taking political advantage). And we don't have enough cops, thanks to Hahn's failed leadership, to crack down on the criminals and reduce the senseless violence.
Man, someone hit a nerve on the Hahn Staffers.
By the way, some of you guys better wake up and smell the refried beans. The days of L.A. having a Latino mayor are almost here.
Get used to it. Deal with it.
No amount of BS about AV is going to change it.
I'm going to vote for AV. Why, because I'm not going to waste my vote on a mayor that is going to be indicted the month after the election.
Listen Morons, this thread is about HAHN and THE PORT and THE AIRPORT and LELAND WONG. Not about Antonio beating up the guy who hit his mother.
As usual, the standard Hahn response is found:
"If I don't know about something, I can't be held responsible for something I don't know about," he said when questioned at a mayoral campaign event on the steps of City Hall.
LIke a previous blogger said, either he's asleep at the switch or he's in it up to his eyeballs.
Does it much matter?
What are the odds of Jimmy just pulling out to avoid the ignomy of defeat and to prepare for his own Grand Jury investigation?
After all, "All roads lead to Rome" (especially, this week), but all corruption leads back to Room 300 at the Los Angeles City Hall. I can smell the stink from here.
How many more resignations will it take to clean out the filth?
ADV hasn't "caused" increased murders in CD14, AND he hasn't done anything ABOUT them.
BUT, he said he would -- in 2003 (when there were LESS homicides), he said CD14 "deserved better."
Instead of tallying back-scratching endorsements from has-beens, how about we tally broken promises from never-was councilmember ADV. Probably not enough fingers and toes on everyone who blogs here to keep track, though!
That's your take "Antonio is not a gang member." Mark my words I've already heard from people that had no idea AV was arrested for an assault charge. Nor did they know he supported gangs against an injunction. What is going to hurt him in Valley and Westside is his alignment with Waters and Parks. They see Parks as a vindictive revengeful man out to get Hahn. Bratton is their knight in shinning armor. He doesn't like Parks. The fact that AV hasn't done ONE thing to help with the public safety and the thugs in his own community and has completely ignored the murders will come back to haunt him. You can trust me on that one.
Good point.
It shows the typical Hahn BS. He has nothing to say to defend himself. His defense on every charge makes him look like an idiot, (Doesn't know anything), or a crook.
Since he can't defend himself, he send his flacks out to confuse the issue with all the stuff about AV.
"And we don't have enough cops, thanks to Hahn's failed leadership, to crack down on the criminals and reduce the senseless violence."
OH, but you haven't been keeping up blogger. Another ADV-groupie pointed out yesterday violence IS down under Hahn (thanks for Bratton), even without adding as many police as we need.
How's that for efficiency. Think how much lower it would be with that half-cent sales tax ADV roadblocked.
How's that for IN-efficiency!
"LIke a previous blogger said, either he's asleep at the switch or he's in it up to his eyeballs."
I agree, ADV is (both)...
You mean the half cent sales tax INCREASE that the Council stopped.
That one. The one Hahn said was a matter of life and death, and then when it got turned down, he said he could figure out a way to add more cops without it.
That one?
The one that he got Zine to support and then made him look like a fool.
That one?
YEAH, that one... the one that the majority of the constituents (in the district he SWORE to serve), wanted...
THAT one!
So if ADV knew BETTER than his constituents what needed to be done about the half-cent sales tax, then when he's MAYOR, he'll know better than ALL of us what needs to get done in the city.
He'l be the dictator. We won't ever need polls or elections again!
Relax, were in GOOD HANDS with attention-deficit Villaraigosa.
"By the way, some of you guys better wake up and smell the refried beans."
Was that another racist remark from an ADV-lovers. Why don't you just say it, the Eastside is all BEANERS! (Sorry, ADV doesn't take really important people, like L.A. Times columnists to "beans" in East L.A. -- they go to BEVERLY HILLS.
Maybe we better wake up and smell the, what. . . quiche? raddiccio salad? vegetarian soy Southwest burritos? egg-whites omelletes?
Angry 12:24 said: "Listen Morons, this thread is about HAHN and THE PORT and THE AIRPORT and LELAND WONG."
Yeah funny thing about that, hasn't been an even negative-leaning thread topic about ADV here SINCE the primary. And this is, after all, a runoff between two candidates -- both of which need to be checked out.
Soooo, no choice but to CHANGE the subject so that BOTH candidates get their political baggage examined. LAX radar style. It's just gonna take a LOT longer for ADV.
Half as much time in "public service" as Hahn, but 10X as much negative baggage.
What negative baggage is that for AV?
You argue a fact not in evidence. I don't see that there is any baggage for AV because;
1. I don't give a rat's @ss about what the Hahn people are saying.
2. I think the Hahn people are a bunch of lying SOBs.
So, that being the case, as far as I am concerned, there is not baggage.
Blogg on.
They don't want us to trade to get a BETTER mayor, just one who's more "entertaining" with his scandals and indiscretions.
They'll forgive you for anything in La La land except being BORING.
On second thought, maybe you anti-Antonios from CD 14 better stick to CD 14 and stay away from things you know nothing about.
Just how much corruption do you think the citizens of Los Angeles (not CD 14) will stand for?
Buckle up, there is much, much more coming down the pike.
Remember these non-CD 14ers:
Ted Stein
Leland Wong
Doug Dowie
Troy Edwards
James Acevedo
Chris Hammond
(list in formation)
"What negative baggage is that for AV?"
None so blind and those who will not see. Just keep your eyes shut, faithful scout, and pretend he's a REAL public servant, too. The BS goes down easier that way.
ADV has more political baggage than Southwest carries overnight cases (the airline, not the museum he fell asleep and let the cowboys move from his home community).
WHY the HELL do you think it's SO damn easy to got NEGATIVE on this guy. Even the pantywaist Times reporters pick it up from time to time (and they NEVER believe Hahn).
Why do you think his campaign people are trying SO hard to warn his supporters "it's's coming... the attacks from Hahn are coming."
If they're all bogus -- NO problem, just prove they're not true... prove ADV did something for two years in CD14 instead of just stealing his paycheck to pay the rent while he ran for mayor.
Whoops, left off John Stodder, who arguably could or could not be on the list, since he's ALREADY BEEN INDICTED for shenanigans in the Hahn Administration, and is definitely not a CD 14er.
If you are feeling a little down today - things not going right. Take time out for a little laugh. Everybody who lives in CD14 should go to Antonio's website and click on "blog". Scroll down to the debate section and read comment 23, from Tony (I wonder if Antonio is writing about himself?). I have never read such a kiss ass piece in my life. As I say, want a good laugh CD14 residents - read it. Oh, by the way, another poster from Valleydemocrats praises the councilmember for saying hello to his "60 year mother". Is that all it takes to get an endorsement from the democrats nowadays? Come to think of it, Fabian Nunez didn't even have to do that.
You Hahn kool-aid types just don't get it. You can bring up the stuff about AV and you get no traction. Why? Because WE DON'T CARE.
78% of the voters of L.A. voted against the Mayor.
He is done.
Time to start chilling your Jones Kool-aid.
Drink on!
You Hahn-haters are so angry, Try thinking in a linear fashion for once, use that atrophied left-brain.
"Remember these non-CD 14ers:
Ted Stein
Leland Wong
Doug Dowie
Troy Edwards
James Acevedo
Chris Hammond
(list in formation)"
Which one of these "corrupt" guys is running for mayor against ADV?
I forget. OH, none of them, just their boss.
I don't remember any Hahn-haters blaming Bitter Bernie for the Rampart bosses when he was running. Be fair now...
Which one has implicated Hahn as being behind their (suggested) corruption? I forget?
Which one's in jail? How much "corrupt" money did Hahn get from all this (as opposed to ADV's stolen paycheck for two years).
None, none, none, none.
Batting .000 on Hahn's corruption so far. Want to try for negative numbers?
When's Hahn's court date? When are the feds handing down those "high-level" indictments that were "imminent" according to Hahn-haters, TWO MONTHS AGO.
Antonio did a great deed just to rid CD 14 of Pacheco and Ricardo Torres, III, the Dumb and Dumber of CD 14.
LA Observed reprints this from... "Joe Scott blogs that the runoff campaign is bereft of good ideas and that Villaraigosa is sitting on his lead with a risky rope-a-dope strategy..."
(I'D SAY Villaraigosa is more of a dope-on-a-rope, but...)
Scott continues... "The race remains Villaraigosa’s to lose. But it is still possible unless he gets off the ropes, goes toe-to-toe with Hahn and inoculates himself as the tough reform candidate able to overcome a perception that he is too liberal, too soft on crime and too smooth by half."
Who is it here keeps saying this is NOT 2001 all over again? So far, you're wrong. . .
Strike up the doo-wop music "WHY DO FOO - OOLS FALL BEHI - IND..."
Figures lie and liars figure.
Contort the numbers all you want, Jimmy is pushing a large bag of poo-poo uphill here. The thing is, it keeps getting heavier and heavier as each scheme becomes known.
You'd think he's have been more cautious than to let his Airport Commission do yet another award of a contract prematurely to his supporters (see LAWA Contracts blogs), but no, once again, he knew nothing about anything, and the contracts get ajmmed through without discussion (in public, that is). Ever hear of the Brown Act?
Who needs a "know-nothing" mayor?
Now let me get this straight, ADV sent the police in to keep the elected president of the council from running the meeting?
"Figures lie and liars figure."
That's cute... did mommy help you look that up? (OH, but she'd be SO ashamed of you showing your intellectual prowess with such wonderful terms as "poo-poo."
Bottom line, the numbers are true, check it out yourself. Better yet, have someone with a high school vocabulary or better do the mathe for you.
Two thirds of the voters stayed home -- didn't vote for anyone, or against anyone. You can't construe that as the majority of the city, or even the registered voters as being for or against the incumbent (especially since all the media could talk about for weeks before was how the primary wasn't going to determine the final outcome).
As athletic Antonio would say... that was "spring training" -- why even break a sweat.
I'd settle for a "know-something" (ANYthing, please) councilmember.
It is better not to answer these guys; they seem to be unemployed and with nothing to do but try to spin. They aren't even good at that.
What ever happened to the big recall that was going to take Antonio down? With all the alleged opposition in the CD, you should have had no trouble at all getting signatures. Que paso?
The "elected" president has been unelected. He just won't go after a democratic action has removed him, hence Police assistance to keep the peace.
Talk about ADD, you guys are looking in the mirrors.
ITS ALL IN TIMING. Antonio and his people are getting really really scared. They don't know what Hahn will do in the next couple of weeks. Remember that's when the people realized what a sleaze bag AV was selling himself out for money just like a whore. Chief Parker is nervous otherwise he wouldn't continually post this stuff. Its going to get real good. AV will be outed and finally and thankfully citywide voters will say "Damn, we should have stuck with Hahn all the way." I've heard about some great stories getting ready to hit. AV can spin on the race card all he wants. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE HAHN. YOU AV Lovers counted him out a long time ago but here he is in the run-off still doing his job unlike the absentee CM Antonio. I can hardly hardly wait.
You CD 14 dudes need to get your own blog and concentrate on CD 14ers. None of us give a rats ass about CD 14 or Jiminez or you.
Don't go away mad; just go away.
3:08 p.m. confessed: "None of us give a rats ass about CD 14. . ."
A chip off the old ADV block (head). NEITHER DOES HE!!!
Completely understand that -- don't bore me with ADV's failings, he's more boy -- right or wrong.
"I don't care is he is a LOUSY person, mother, I just love him SO much... I can, CHANGE him. He won't mistreat ME the way he did his LAST constituents."
I like the way those LA32 NC board members think. If they don't like another board member, just boot him out via "censure."
This would sure save those sleazy bar owners in CD14 a lot of time collecting recall signatures, if peers could "unelect" each other.
Instead of finishing the recall, they could just ask the other CITY councilmembers downtown to remove ADV from office by majority... skip right over the recall.
Most are endorsing Hahn anyway (and they really don't like ADVs "crappy little campaign speeches" on council time). If it works at LA32, it could work there, too.
Worth a shot?
You'll never see another CD14 blog thread here, since the primary, THAT's for sure.
Too embarrassing to look at how lousy things are run in Tony Town.
not quite sure why all you folks are getting so partner antonio and i are simply implementing the first phase of our bid for world domination.
i'm here to tell you that antonio is indeed in league with the devil. how else could he have possibly hidden his hideous crimes from the police, voters, government, staff, political consultants, newspaper and television reporters without my help?
and you guys thought the bad weather was due to el nino. HA! antonio and i pulled that off to keep the prodigious amounts of hahn volunteers off the streets during the critical GOTV time.
believe me, with my help, it'll seem like child's play electing this wife-beating, gang-banging, thieving, drug-lord-loving, double-dipping, not-lifting-the-seat, knife and pistol-wielding, racist-mexican-nationalist, chupacabra-breeding pretender.
i mean, that's if everything you folks say is true. none of you would lie or twist the facts, would you? we'd be so disappointed if you did.
so go ahead and try to expose antonio. it isn't going to help. he's got the devil on his side - but then again, from the tenor of all these comments, you surely knew that.
stick a pitchfork in jimmy, he's done. lucifer's plaything is your next mayor.
Dear Lou,
Tony promised he'd keep the Southwest Museum in CD14. We know he can't REALLY do that (but he did promise, so some of the REAL faithful are still praying to him). Since most of those pillaging "cowboys" are usually, umm.. "christian" types (sorry to mention it), could YOU maybe help us out on this one, just on acount of that?
Lil' Cindy Lou
Mount Washington/CD14
P.S. How much are you paying for souls these days, anyway? Tony's people screwed up that dog parke thing real bad, too. . . just wanted to get a quote and see if going "direct" might be a little cheaper.
... or maybe I'll ask Michael Jackson? He likes animals, and kids.
This story is just plain bullshit. The strongest thing anyone said was the following:
"Wong's role as a paid consultant for Evergreen Marine shortly before he was involved in city talks on Evergreen and EVA could be a conflict of interest, according to Robert Stern, president of the Center for Governmental Studies in Los Angeles."
Could be? Could be? Is that the best they could do. The LA Times is working overtime to kill Hahn's political career.
DEar Sam and Bull:
Most of us here are truly interested in the race for mayor and not for the race for president of some obscure CD 14 neighborhood council issue.
Can you do some weeding out so that we can stay on issue in these threads.
All we are hearing about the history of Antonio growing up. We want to hear about CURRENT happenings in the City Race for Mayor.
I'm beggin' ya...
This is why you guys are so much fun.
Oh no the dog park, my precious dog park wasn't named the one i wanted. How can i have my dog go and take a crap there if the name isn't correct - you got the park.
Oh no Antonio hasn't visited my neighborhood council, please tell me why, this is a crime! He created 80 neighborhood watches within the community for neighborhoods. (m.c can fioa, have fun)
While Jim Hahn has proved time and time again there is massive corruption at city hall thats been spread to every department. Get rid of Jim Hahn -- you can have your dog parks. I'll take a clean ethical city.
blog away
Wait a minute, what is going on here.
The Hahn people are saying it's total BS about the "Planes,Trains,Autos" story.
How could that be.
Hahn doesn't know anything about anything!
How can they defend Hahn if Hahn didn't know anything about it.
We are talking about that right?
Yes, I know you Hahn types want to hijack the comments and make it into how AV is going to turn L.A. into Big T.J., but it is about Hahn.
"I'll take a clean ethical city."
We'll help you pack, MEAT. When you moving -- Vatican City, right?
How about we pack Hahn instead.
Meat seems like he cares more about the City than Hahn does.
The LA Timnes can relax, they don't need to work overtime to kill Jimmy's career, it is D.O.A.
He is going down as the biggest laughingstock in history, and "he doesn't know anything about it", but, or course "he'll look into it, and if there are guilty people, they should be punished".
If he doesn't know anything about it, then why has he fired Leland Wong, Doug Dowie, Ted Stein and Troy Edwards? Did he do it without any evidence? Are they totally innocent victims who have been disgraced? What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?
C'mon Mayor, you can't have it both ways; come clean with us and stop the stonewalling around. What do you know, and more importantly, when did you know it?
P.S. McOsker, you aren't gonna skate here, either. The grand jury is zeroing in on you as well. Better get your own separate counsel and your own legal defense fund.
Who does know something about it?
NO, MEAT -- you're wrong. AS ALWAYS. It's not just about the dog parke NAME anymore (that's small potatoes now)... ADV's people screwed the whole thing up, even worse, just like the skate park.
Looks like neither one's going to EVER happen -- not just NOT while ADV is CM. NOT EVER!
Didn't they clue you in on the LATEST, broken promises, commitments, and "support" from ADV? I'm sure that's in your next e-mail blast... check, quick. I think his field staff keeps a big multi-page spreadsheet with divisions... things we CAN'T do; things we never INTENDED to do; things it's TOO LATE to do, now; things we could, but don't WANT to do' things no on is paying us enough CONTRIBUTIONS to do, and so on.
But didn't your all knowing sources (81% of them, anyway?) say these things were going along swimmingly just a few months ago under the ALWAYS capable control of CD14's ace staff members? The dog parke with many names would open THIS SPRING, skatepark to follow shortly.
BAD sources, BAD BAD sources.
(Broken ADV promises no# 289 and 290) We'll keep count for you, but we may need some more help when he becomes mayor. HA!!!
BOY, sure is gonna be SO much better to have a "not" corrupt mayor who can't keep a SINGLE promise, than a (ooooooh, scary) "corrupt" one, who CAN.
MUCH better. HA!!!
the hounds of hell can romp in a dog park no matter what its name. the park itself is in the arroyo, and having used monterey and 60 as a crossroads, and understanding that this is the intersection of many neighborhoods, i resent the hegemony of the hermon clan to try and steal the name of a regional dog park.
additionally, the demons look forward to actually being able to enjoy the southwest museum's collection rather than staring at overcrowded, underexplained, dust-covered display cases. and despite the usual lack of trust in my neck of the woods, the Dark One believes that the museum will be preserved in some sense - but the collection will benefit from the acquisition.
of more interest to us here plotting the overthrow of the christ-like jimmy hahn, who seems to be paying for the sins of his followers, is the flaccid and watery responses of jimmy to the sins swirling around him.
his handlers really should prep him better. as we all well know, ignorance is no virtue and certainly no excuse for breaking the law.
if i were jimmy (and believe me, i wouldn't wish that on my guests down in the 7th level), i'd give my handlers the st. bartholomew treatment for such poor preperation.
Check ou the April 5th of Mayor Sams post.
(kcbs link) it is the video of the debate between Hanh and Antonio.
Review the recent March 28th debate. the other debates are there,the Hanh and Antonio voters will love it.
McOsker certainly knows something about it. In fact, I would bet money that he is responsible for it all. He was supposed to be overseeing all of this. Looks like he just pawned off all the blame on other people. And this guy wants to run for city attorney?
SO, which one (if any), of the projects on the books two years ago has Villaraigosa's staff actually been able to complete since 2003 in CD14?
Aren't we just going to be asking the same kind of questions a couple years now - in 2007 (but on a much bigger scale) if he's elected mayor? People will be saying "what's he done about traffic," and the spin back will be -- "don't you remember, he settled the MTA strike and saved the Goldline" (back in 2002 and 2003).
What's he done about crime? "He started 160 neighborhood watches all over the city"(of course Bratton quit because he was kept waiting too long for any real solutions).
What's he done about schools? "He moved to the Westside where it's okay to send his kids to public schools now." That's gotta count for something, right?
What do you whiners want for two years as mayor, he's been busy!
Monterey and Avenue 60 is only in one neighborhood/community/neighbrohood council, too. Has been for 100+ years.
Boy that devil can sure lie.
Lucky for us Antonio lovers that no one watches the debates.
Jimmy actually faked it better than Antonio, who has gone to the "prevent defense".
My analysis is that the "prevent defense" actually prevents victories, and it is better to maintain the offense. It is too far from the finish to just try to coast in, Antonio has to stay on his game and go for the jugular.
Actually, it is looking more and more like Debby Yang and Steve Cooley will do it for him.
Where is the ethics commission when we need them? What about the trip to China and the secret negotiations btween the Mayor and the Commissioner/Lobbyist Wong and Evergreen?
Rocky, what about those sweetheart leases at the harbor? Can we set them aside on a basis of fraud? Do they have the usual "convenience of the city" clauses?
LOU, you of ALL people should know not to trust lying ADV.
He told you he HAD a soul when he first tried to sell it to you, and it's been GONE for years.
YEAH, YEAH, we know Hahn-haters... HIGH LEVEL indictments coming down... ANY MINUTE now, (heard this right before the primary, too).
Here they come... (Oops, no, just another scary "Hahn is attacking" e-mail from Parke).
Now wait, here they come. Wait...
(Are we gonna play this game every day, again, or can you save it for the week before the vote like last time). Geeez, and you guys say HAHN is boring... your tactics are SO 20th century -- just like ADV's career.
McOsker for City Attorney? Not allowed to run from State Prison.
Over Jack Weiss' dead body. Or maybe Hertzberg's. Or both.
You'd think if some of these supposed Hahn cronies were SO dirty and SO corrupt, and they could save their necks and cut deals by giving up Jimmy, they would have done it by now.
Why is that -- why hasn't anyone who's demise is SO assured ratted out the BIG CHIEF. (Because it's all ADV hype and smoke and mirrors, of course). We saw this before in 2003, same play, same hype... then NOTHING.
Even the "real" Gotti got ratted out by someone trying to save their skin, and that meant taking their lives into their hands.
Just don't understand... unless it's ALL SPIN!
The investigators looking into all this are laughing REAL loud at all the "corruption" claims from Villaraigosa's people. No wonder he never passed the bar.
Paul Moyer couldn't even get him to SAY straightforward that Hahn was corrupt during the debate. His worst enemy, the guy that embarrassed his ass 4 year ago, and he STILL hedges his words (because he KNOWS his people have planted this stuff, and it goes away MAY 18). He can't afford to have his lies unveiled QUITE that soon.
Why just "most investigated" ADV? Why mealy mouth about all that when your toadies here are comparing Hahn to the worst gangster in modern America?
There's an easy answer to that last question...
Because Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do anything he says. Someone prove me wrong.
End of story!
OH yeah, Lou, and MEAT's lie about "4 out of 5 neighborhood councils in the district" voting on another name for the now defunct dog parke was 100 percent lie, too. Typical Tony Toadies.
Never happened, no paper trail, no minutes, no board actions, nothing close to facts! Organizers tracked it down, and ADV's field staff have retreated with egg on their face (especially since their inaction has scuttled the whole project now).
It's enough to scare the devil out of you, how much lying one camp can do.
LOU, quit with that bullshit about me working for YOU -- and get back to work yourself.
I sent you 15 gangbanger souls from Hollenbeck alone this year and am keeping clear of anything that'll stem that flow. From now on you work for ME!
A.(D.) Villaraigosa
I'll prove you wrong:
1) Fact: there is a Federal Grand Jury investigation going on NOW;
2) Fact:There is a County Grand Jury investigaton goiog on NOW;
3) Fact: There is an unprecedented joint cooperation task force between the US Attorney and the District Attorney, going on NOW.
4) Fact: All are verifiable by calling the DA's office or the US Attorney's office. Other than the existence of these investigations, they will not comment.
5) Fact: They do not spend these kind of resources without good cause. Antonio Villaraigosa has no power when it comes to these Republican prosecutors. When they use these kind of resources, they need to get results. They will.
6) Fact: John Stoddard of Fleishjman Hillard has already been indicted and is "cooperating". That spells trouble for Dowie. He'll sqeal like a pig when they nail him.
7) Fact: Ted Stein is talking to the prosecutors about a deal. it could only be to turn either Hahn or Wardlaw or both.
8) Fact: There have been over 60 witness testifying before the Grand Juries to date.
This is not Antonio blowing smoke; this is serious stuff and everyone knows it, except, apparently, you bumpkins in the CD 14.
Wow! That does tend to prove something is going on downtown
Most of us didn't know all that. Thatis scary for the Hahn folks.
When will the investigation be completed?
Investigations start because someone blows a whistle. They prove nothing just as often as they prove something.
One indictment? Stoddard and Dowie were appointed by Hahn to WHAT city post? Which commission did THEY serve on?
YEAH, when you put THAT much manpower into prosecution, you GET RESULTS. Right O.J.? Right Bobby Blake?
Who they gonna RAT out - Mr. Fleishman, or Mr. Hillard?
Could be, maybe, might be (that IS called blowing smoke whether you want ot admit it or not)
You said you'd PROVE it... STILL waiting (yawn). Tel me again how many witnesses it takes to make SURE someone fries?
(Another ADV-style law school failure in the making)
It is not known when the investigation will be completed, but I am informed that it is well within the possibilities that indictments may be ready before May 17th, or maybe not.
It would be indeed unfortunate for our city to have them all come down May 18th, particularly if Jimmy were to pull a rabbit out of his ass and steal this one as well.
"sorry folks, the devil forgot to sign that one."
LOU CYPHER and ADV do seem to have been made each other -- both suffer from ADD. Two peas in a pod.
May be, maybe not, possibly, could be, it's rumored, some say, I heard, any day, soon.... YAWN!
Can I get a wake-up call for May 18, cuz this "corruption" talk is as full of holes as ADV's list of City Council accomplishments.
It's "rumored" he was actually elected to city council two years ago, but there's less HARD facts to prove that (since then)than there is that Boring Jim Hahn is "corrupt."
"monterey and 60 is a hub for highland park, montecito heights, hermon, etc."
1000 percent wrong LOU, even Thomas Bros. know better than that... can't even GET to Monterey Road from Montecito Heights, and Highland Park's across the freeway. DAMN, evil, ADD-inflicted, AND georgraphically retarded, all in one package.` No wonder you need ADV to get anything done here.
Sorry skeptic, I know what I'm talking aobut; i don't live in the 20th century 14th CD, and I did pass the Bar, years ago, the first time.
This stuff is real, and you hoping it is just smoke will not make it so.
This administation is filthy and it isn't going away.
Did your "boys" tell you ADV's people completely SCOTCHED both new parks in CD 14 - DOG and SKATE and neither ONE is gonna happen now.
Run, fetch, Lou, your "facts" are WAY out of date!
SWIFT BOATS VETS, you were behind that too, LOU... must have been before ADV sold his soul to you (Cuz them boys sure did screw up ADV's plans to be a KERRY ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL).
HA!!! I'll let him know he has you to thank!
5:54 PM ANON
You missed one:
FACT 9: No proof exists of James Hahn's direct involvement in any of the previous 8 facts.
It's called plausible deniability. Nowadays, this, instead of money is the mother's milk of politics. Any professional politician or statesman has mastered it's nuances. Amateurs still have problems with it as evidenced by this exchange:
Transit Contract Stirs Controversy
Government: Supervisor Gloria Molina's appointee helped her husband win job.
"He acknowledged that his 14-year friendship with Martinez may have influenced his actions. "I'm sorry if it looks bad--I never meant to do anything bad," said Villaraigosa, a union official who served as best man at the Martinez-Molina wedding.
"Did the fact that I know him come into play? Maybe," Villaraigosa said."
Los Angeles Times
May 31, 1993
That's what this election comes down to, the professional versus the amateur.
Next, the Devil's going to try and prove Montecito Heights is IN CD14... what a moron.
How about Lincoln Heights, too?
And ADV is now the $8 million amateur. Most expensive loser in the history of L.A. city politics.
LOU must not be able to read, either... people already posted twice here. Don't matter where EITHER of those parks are located OR named anymore, because once again. ADV's people SCREWED THE POOCH.
Two more projects that hundreds of constituents spent thousands of hours planning, getting signatures for, arguing over, dreaming about... ALL GONE.
The "next mayor's" staff dropped both balls AGAIN!
5:54 PM ANON
You got a fact wrong:
5) Fact: They do not spend these kind of resources without good cause. Antonio Villaraigosa has no power when it comes to these Republican prosecutors.
Anyone with the most limited of knowledge of political alliances knows very well that Tony and Cooley along with Chick are in cahoots. Check your timeline, check the memos, check the newspapers, it's not the difficult to piece together.
Here's one clue:
How D.A.'s Office Failed to Follow Up on Graft Allegations
An influential L.A. lobbyist's name surfaced in accounts of bribery and other illegality, but leads were dismissed. He denies any wrongdoing.
Los Angeles Times
October 23, 2003
Author: Ralph Frammolino, Nicholas Riccardi and Ted Rohrlich; Times Staff WritersMetro Desk
Davis turned to a friend, business consultant Ron Martinez, for help. Davis says he hoped the presence of Martinez, the husband of county Supervisor Gloria Molina, would be enough to dissuade Gastelum from pressing for his daughter to get LAX business.
Ron Martinez lined up another Asian-owned business, and W.H. Smith prepared to ask the Airport Commission for approval.
Cooley aides say they had lost faith in Davis. They say that some of his previous statements had not held up under scrutiny and that he had inexplicably failed to record other conversations when his authorization was still valid.
"If you're asking why we don't run out and try to interview the husband of a member of the Board of Supervisors, or an airport commissioner ... well, maybe that's part of the answer right there," said Scott Goodwin, another prosecutor on the case.
To be fair, this story doesn't center around Ron Martinez, but judging from Cooley's hesitance to act on certain individuals - he saw what the Board did to Baca's budget - a story like this will never center around the husband of a Supervisor whose best man just happens to be a candidate for Mayor. The story is on Art Gastelum, an old Richard Alatorre confidant whose relationship with Antonovich spared him the wrath of the D.A.'s office.
To Tony and his masters, it's all about selective investigations. How many of Tony's opponents have been investigated with nothing ever being found?
Just from the 2003 race:
Nick Pacheco, investigated by Cooley, Chick, ethics, nothing ever found.
La Colectiva, investigated 3 times by Cooley, Chick, Ethics and State auditors, nothing ever found.
Mothers of East L.A., investigated by ethics and, according to Barkan, an unfounded story about a D.A. investigation. Nothing ever found.
Mothers for Nick, investigated by ethics, Chick, and City Attorney, nothing ever found.
It's the same old Tony smoke screen. "If I defelect attention to my opponents with baseless allegations, maybe the press will leave me alone about the allegations against me with plenty of basis."
I have nothing to say; just wanted to be the 100th blogger here.
Happy Wednesday night!
After all his crying about his opponents presumed illegal activity, guess who does get popped in 2003:
City Ethics Panel OKs Fines for Villaraigosa
Los Angeles Times
December 10, 2003
Author: Patrick McGreevy;
The Los Angeles Ethics Commission approved $5,100 in fines Tuesday against City Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa for campaign finance law violations...
No person, business or community organization ever accused by Villaraigosa and his handlers was ever fined, indicted or reprimanded in any way shape or form. It's Parke Skelton's way of doing campaigns, "I'm right, everybody else is wrong, especially if they're Mexican and opposed to my star client, Tony!"
U still here Athena. i thought you had flown the coop.
Athena says:
"But those CD14 Pachecistas will still be screaming that park doesn't exist even after it's built later this year. "
First off, there is no such thing as a Pachecista, just community activists who are more loyal to their community than Tony.
And that's just it, Athena, that's all Tony ever did, or will do - get a dog park in his district, and right down the street from Parke Skelton's home. Tony has a district with some of the densest neighborhoods and our children literally have nowhere to play. So what is Tony's priority, a dog park! Forget about those kids in Boyle Heights, my priority is my consultant's dogs - and that's why Tony doesn't have any real community support in the 14th, he treats dogs better than his constituents.
Interesting talking with an organization who endorsed Antonio and had no clue of his council record. He actually asked if I made it up. I told him all he had to do is look up AV's city website. Every other council member has some type of accomplishment as far as resolutions that mean something. AV has ZERO. They didn't know about AV's ACLU affliciation, arrest, AV doesn't support neighborhood councils as MEAT has stated. All these previous posts were here when Hahn won to be in run off. Voters still want Hahn even though you Antonio lovers keep spinning the corruption. That has to scare the shit out of Antonio.
Hey Athena, thanks for the infomation on Pacheco's last minutes plans. I really want to nail him on this. Please give me specifics on all these projects. How late in his administration he conceived of them and where he says he would get the money from. And then give me information on how Antonio methodically and professionally made them real and get them off the ground. We can really nail Pacheco on this if you can provide facts and not generalities. Thanks, Athena and keep up the good work!
Really, Athena?
When's the ground-breaking for the dog parke?
Which calendar will we find that on?
No sense breaking ground for something that will never happen.
MEAT said the parke would be open by now. Are they hiding the "high level" indictments that were never handed out in February in the park? Is that why they can't open it.
Antonio? Get something off the ground?
WHO ARE YOU Kidding. This guy can barely get his head of off the pillow, his ego is so big.
These are facts NO ONE CAN CONTEST (with truth, anyway)...
NOTHING STARTED BY PACHECO in 2002 or 2003 has been completed by Villaraigosa or his staff, PERIOD.
NOTHING PROMISED by Villaraigosa in 2003 or 2004 (or 2005) has been completed , either.
When you get a contract with many professional service firms, you have to sign an agreement with a "non-compete" clause.
BUT, when you elect Villaraigosa to city office, you have to agree to his "non-COMPLETE" clause.
Politically IM-PO-TENT!!
Hermon Dog Parke
(Tony's public service "Viagra" wore out)
Maybe they're are holding off on the dog park because it is Tony's only accomplishment. What would that young mother of three cramped into that little apartment in Boyle Heights that needs to wait an hour until there is enough room at the local sand box think?
Even Parke knows, it's a hard sell when your candidate's only demonstrable proof of service is a dog park for the more affluent of the district. Some champion of the poor.
NAH, who are your kidding, he's gonna SAVE the Southest musuem -- that in the REAL rich are of the district, where he lives.
He's gonna save it alright -- the cowboy moving vans are already parke-ed in front blocking Tony's driveway.
DOG PARK is dead, been confirmed.
Hell if your consider how much of the $8 million in badly invested campaign funds in five years came out of Mount Washington for Tony, those poor suckers could have bought the museum themselves if they hadn't invested in Tony's "porked" futures $1,000 bucks at a time since 1999.
Or bought their OWN private police force...
Too bad they believed he had a political future, but then --Antonio Villaraigosa IS a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do anything he says.
Someone prove me wrong. Still, after several weeks, NO takers on this dare?
OKAY... (still the) end of story!
(What Parke Skeleton "knows" about winning a mayor's race in L.A. could fill a one-page, one-sided flyer (with no printing). PLEASE!
Affluent? Please, ONLY the SP-adjacent block Parke lives on and the cul-de-sac Villaraigosa snuck into to run in the district two years ago from a 32K per month rental... the rest of that community has a lower socio-economic rundown that most of El Sereno or HP on either side. It's mid-Boyle, at best. Drive through sometime before you pronouce judgement.
Tim is a good man and I hope he runs for City Attorney. He'd be great. Anybody that knows him would say so.
10:16 ANON
I drive through there everyday. Relative to the rest of the 14th district, it is affluent. Have you taken a drive through Boyle Heights? Think those people are fighting over the "naming" of a dog park? They're fighting to keep illegal vendors, drug dealers, prostitutes and gangs off their street. They aren't fighting about where their dogs will be taking a dump!
Affluence is judged by quality of life issues. Having your day consumed about the creation of a dog park is a rather affluent quality of life problem to have.
Yeah, it's all "relative". . . Gotta wonder why the Boyle Heights NC would spend precious time then, chiming in over the "naming" of a park 15 miles away, where it's relatively "affluent" when their bylaws prohibit it, and they have so many more down-to-earth "quality" issues to deal with.
Can you say "out of touch" with their own constituents (or maybe just another bunch of Tony Tools?) Relatively dysfunctional, maybe? Relatively clueless? Relatively unneighborly, for shure?
Geez, quite arguing about the dog parke, or where its located or named. Get with the program, ADV killed it and the skatepark thoough neglect and incompetence. He's gonna use the $1 million banked for the two DOAs to reward more campaign contributors with stuff they want elsewhere (right before he moves up to mayor, so he says). Any minute now, we'll hear about "new" projects, where's he better "loved" -- not that those will ever get finished, either.
McOsker is a good man? Clearly you are smoking something. He is as dishonest and dirty as they come.....
Robert Green --LA weekly reports on the "Do nothing 2003 Los Angeles city council" beat LA Times to a serious bit of City info
The poster obviously is jealous of the BHNC. They are considered one of the best and largest NC's citywide. Asshole! The BHNC discusses such "nothing" issues like the poor 56 immigrant families that were evicted thanks to Antonio being out of his own district. They went to him last year and he and his staff IGNORED THEM. Thanks to the BHNC the issue is moving forward with positive results no thanks to Tony. He could care less and the entire community knows it.
This is pretty sad, MEAT won't come out and play, so the CD14 Antonio-bashers are fighting with each other over whose part of the district is "poorer" and gets less respect. Pretty sad.
Hey, after all the pissiness from the Pro-Villaraigosa slate was curbed, LA32 ran pretty smoothly, too for a neighborhood council. Moved through tons of motions and had good stakeholders turnout. Spent a lot of money the way it was intended -- for community improvements. Pretty impressive.
If City Council got as much done everyday, the anti-Villaraigosa people here wouldn't have so much to scream about
Silly turd Parra calls for an illegal LA32 special election to replace the guy he can't legally oust -- get people all confused. Even runs stories in his type-ridden "news" paper about the election that will never happen
Hey anybody need money? Go the LA32 NC cause they give out money like water. Its not there money so it free money. Parra is the crook the LAT wrote about and the underhanded things he did to try and get his wife elected to a board. Its his mentality.
If you define being a "nice guy" trying to unseat an elected president, without the benefit of recall, using (illegal) loopholes and risking having the work of hundreds of people (to organize the council over several years) all undone via board decertification for his own power trip.
Yeah, then he's a "peach!"
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