The Sinking Ship
Apparently after posting my post on Hahn I found out that Hahn’s ship is really sinking.
Hahn has released that he has only raised a little more than $400,000 since the election; Tony Villar has a 60% lead over Hahn on political donations.
It’s all beginning to make sense, the release of the Feldman poll showing Tony ahead by 20 points, the release of their fundraising results a day earlier than Hahn. It’s all becoming clear, why IBEW switched, why Maxine Water switched, why Keith Richman switched, why Yvonne Burke switched and why IATSE switched.
They all had one time or another supported Jim Hahn. It has now become crystal clear – Jim Hahn has no direction for this City, just like his campaign has no direction.
Many bloggers have been chiming about “timing, timing, timing” well it seems like Jim Hahn can’t afford the watch to check the time, he’s only got enough money for approximately 3 days worth of ads. So we can expect the “timing” to begin exactly on May 14th. He has that much money to buy ads with – he will only have 3 days to comeback from a 20 point deficit.
Mr. Hahn, is this what you meant by burying your opponent? If it is, I think you need something more like a shovel or tractor and not the soup spoon you are now using.
Hahn has released that he has only raised a little more than $400,000 since the election; Tony Villar has a 60% lead over Hahn on political donations.
It’s all beginning to make sense, the release of the Feldman poll showing Tony ahead by 20 points, the release of their fundraising results a day earlier than Hahn. It’s all becoming clear, why IBEW switched, why Maxine Water switched, why Keith Richman switched, why Yvonne Burke switched and why IATSE switched.
They all had one time or another supported Jim Hahn. It has now become crystal clear – Jim Hahn has no direction for this City, just like his campaign has no direction.
Many bloggers have been chiming about “timing, timing, timing” well it seems like Jim Hahn can’t afford the watch to check the time, he’s only got enough money for approximately 3 days worth of ads. So we can expect the “timing” to begin exactly on May 14th. He has that much money to buy ads with – he will only have 3 days to comeback from a 20 point deficit.
Mr. Hahn, is this what you meant by burying your opponent? If it is, I think you need something more like a shovel or tractor and not the soup spoon you are now using.
"Hahn's finished, you're a shoe-in Antonio -- all the polls say it"
(Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, ADV's same campaign people four years ago at this time!
"Hahn's finished, he probably won't even make the runoff."
Where have we heard this before?
Oh YEAH, the people who run this blog a few weeks before the primary. Still gonna vote for Hertzberg on May 17, Chief?
Keep MIS-underestimating. . .
So then, it's Hahn's "sinking ship" vs. ADV's stinking shit on May 17.
Tough call!
Let's all remember 2001 when Antonio was already appointing his staff for Mayor. Oh no! And then BAM!!!! The party was over. Chief Parker looks to me like your a paid Antonio staffer who's team is running scared. If you guys were sooooooo confident you wouldn't be trying to spin every single day. It is in timing remember 2001? Never underestimate Hahn. Now that Antonio's record on crime is coming out let's see if those Westsiders and Valley people want a former gangbanger as mayor. CD14 has gotten more support for Hahn. Here read this. LAT..Boland criticized Villaraigosa for voting against bills to increase penalties for gang crimes, allow judges to require gang members convicted of crimes to register with local law enforcement, allow the seizure of assets from gang members convicted of crimes, and increase the penalty for those convicted of child abuse resulting in death.
FLIP FLOP AV...Villaraigosa of voting against a 1995 bill to authorize as many as 300 charter schools statewide.
Steve Lopez column this morning. A black customer is quoted, "If Villaraigosa wins," said Mr. Ford, we might as well all be living in Mexico." Ain't that that the truth!!
Chief Parker you forgot these. You AV lovers never post that 9 council members are supporting Hahn and that covers alot of city.
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Central City Association
Communication Workers of America Southern California Council
International Association of Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Ironworkers Local 433
ILWU Southern California
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Los Angeles County Firefighters Local 1014
Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Officers Association
Los Angeles/Orange County Building Trades
Los Angeles Police Protective League
National Electrical Contractors Association
Operating Engineers Local 12
Operating Engineers Local 501
San Pedro Chamber of Commerce
Service Employees International Union Local 347
Service Employees International Union Local 399
Service Employees International Union Local 434B
Service Employees International Union Local 535
Service Employees International Union Local 660
Service Employees International Union Local 1877
Southern California District Council of Laborers
Southern California Pensioners Group, ILWU
Southern California Pipe Trades
Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters
Teamsters Joint Council 42
United Firefighters of Los Angeles City
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 770
United Steelworkers of America, Los Angeles/Orange Counties Legislation and Education Committee
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Congresswoman Grace Napolitano
U.S. Congresswoman Linda Sanchez
U.S. Congresswoman Bobbi Fiedler (Ret.)
California State Senator Gil Cedillo
California State Senator Jack Scott
California State Senator Herschel Rosenthal (Ret.)
California State Assemblymember Betty Karnette
California State Assemblymember Rudy Bermudez
Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich
Los Angeles City Councilmember Eric Garcetti
Los Angeles City Councilmember Janice Hahn
Los Angeles City Councilmember Tom LaBonge
Los Angeles City Councilmember Cindy Miscikowski
Los Angeles City Councilmember Jan Perry
Los Angeles City Councilmember Ed Reyes
Los Angeles City Councilmember Greig Smith
Los Angeles City Councilmember Dennis Zine
Los Angeles City Councilmember Hal Berson (ret)
Los Angeles City Councilmember David Cunningham, Sr. (ret)
Los Angeles City Councilmember Nate Holden (ret)
Mike Lansing, Los Angeles Board of Education Member
Jon Lauritzen, Los Angeles Board of Education Member
Eric C. Bauman, Chair, Los Angeles County Democratic Party
John J. O'Kane, President, California College Democrats
Bert Boeckmann, owner, Galpin Motors, Inc.
I bet Hahn is really hoping AV is soft on crime because Slimmy Jimmy may need the break come indictment time, eh? Then we'll see you Hahnistas begging for jobs...
Nick Pacheco must be turning in his dead political career right now.
Hey Nick... oops i mean Sacrmanto Nighties, why is it that you can only bash and not talk about your old career covered in scandal or this mayor's who doensn't know how to take responsibility for anything.
Will be? Will be? Are you kidding?
He IS toast.
Do you anti-Antonio's have jobs? All we see are long posts, rambling on and on about how awful Antonio is in CD 14, ad nauseum.
How many times do you have to bore us with this drivel?
We are talking about campaigns and fundraising and you talk about parks, and dog parks, museums, a staffers sexual issues, etc.
Don't you get it, no one really give a rat's ass about who, what, when or where Antonio, his wife, Jimmy, or his wife, screwed anyone. We can all thank Bill Clinton for desensitizing us from that crap.
So, stay with the thread or go back to CD 14 and play your little political intramural games. This is the big leagues now, and no one cares about your trivia.
Don't go away mad; just go away.
Speaking of "toast" and "proof" - there's an all-out rush (finally) at CD14 field offices to make sure they complete at least one project they took over from the previous CM, before the runoff. They're running it like a sales "contest" at a boiler room -- between the various field outposts. "Who can complete ONE project by the end of two years."
The campaign people have been feeling the heat, running out of excuses why they can't "prove" things got done, so (after getting in at noon, tired from campaigning all night), ADV's field staffers have been trying to push buttons at City Hall departments to make up for 18 months of doing nothing -- the one who can hand off just ONE finished district project to ADV by next month, so he can quell criticism he's been running for mayor on the CM budget, gets some big boost, promotion, a window office near the "mayor" to be. . . something.
But they don't have a clue where to start. The constituents they need to work with gave up on them months ago, and started going around them, direct, of just plain ditched on the project.
"Proof" is a bitch, and ADV's CM "legacy" is toast.
"Don't go away mad; just go away."
I think we know who's "mad" -- or maybe just "touchy" because there's no way to debunk the "ADV does nothing" facts-of-life.
So kill the messenger, but take lots of ammo. LA Weekly said it this week, LA Times said it weeks ago, more to come.
ANY LUCK ON FINDING those 80 "invisible" neighborhood watches, Chief Parker?
Hey, we're trying to talk about important matters here -- who can get stuff done for the city, and you Hahn-haters just keep repeating the same useless drivel (since 2001, actually).
"Hahn's done, he's toast, he's finished, blah, blah, blah -- Boring... redundant AND repetitive.
Hahn-haters -- DON't go away mad, don't even go away for long, just go away and find some logical reason (base on previous accomplishments), why Villaraigosa would be any better (and not a WHOLE lot worse!)
Chief Parker, you won't have to look for quite as many invisible neighborhood watches, anymore, I just got a bulletin in from LAPD.
Unfortunately, one of the 80 (invisible) watches was out crossing the street last week with his/her walker in Northeast Division area, and got hit by a speeding car (an ADV field staffer running later for the debate, I hear).
It was a hit-and-run, but you can't really blame the staffer... THEY COULDN'T SEE the neighborhood watch, because they're all INVISIBLE.
The good news is, the EMs that responded to the scene aren't sure if this invisible "neighborhood watch" is actually dead, or just injured. That's because THEY CAN'T SEE THE NEIGHBORHOOD.
Oh, well, 79 is just as good, right -- since they're all INVISIBLE.
I have a job, in the private sector, and I'm an "anti-Antonio" as you state.
I'm the most productive person in my complicated, middle-management position out of several dozen. I think that's probably why ADV and his do-nothing staff are such a problem for me.
Thanks for asking, though.
Yes, I can now understand why a middle management person is so stuck on completion of minor projects.
Jimmy's commissioners and pals are looting our treasury and wasting valuable dollars that could hire cops and you are worried about dog parks, neighborhood parks, museums, and intramural Latino B.S.
It's OK, now that we understand your obsession, you can relax and let the big boys take care of things. There will be more money to complete projects under Mayor Villaraigosa (get used to the sound of it).
But then, when you get your parks, dog parks, etc., what will you guys have to gripe about?
By the way, I hope you are not one of my employees...
"Jimmy's commissioners and pals are looting our treasury and wasting valuable dollars..."
You have PROOF of this, real proof (not just "investigations")? Are you an investigator? A material witness. Are you blogging from the witness protection program?
Please go forward immediately to the authorities and let them protect you from harm.
NO? Didn't think so, blah, blah, corruption, blah, blah, theft, blah, blah, blah. SO repetitive.
"By the way, I hope you are not one of my employees..."
I would NEVER work for someone STUPID enough to support a lying scum candidate like Villaraigosa. The company would be bankrupt from shear negligent gullibility overnight. (Mind if I take today's cash receipts home and count them there, boss? You can trust me. SURE, Antonio, you do that...)
Did someone say "minor" projects? Hell, "boss" man I'd settle for ADV completing ANY project, big, small, ANYTHING!!! Even completing a term of office -- what a concept.)
What we really BEED in L.A. is a NEW mayor, like ADV. One who can not only NOT complete "minor" projects for his district, but who as mayor, will be UNABLE to complete MAJOR projects, too. That's heading in the right direction.
Gridlock? We'll get RIGHT on that (right after we spend four hours a day raising money to run for state office).
Schools? What's the problem with schools? The ones my kids go to are GREAT... let the people just eat parochial school.
Crime? What crime, there's no crime? Illegals have nothing to do with crime and drug trafficking, and YOU'RE A BIGOT if your ever say that again.
All finished, everything's fixed now that Attention Deficient Villarigosa's in charge.
Of course, you meant "What we really NEED in L.A." (not BEED), but I take your point.
You also need to keep up, Anon at 12:25.
The dog parke (and the skatepark), are both dead, DOA, been reported here several times. SO, they won't get those to "gripe about" those, one way or the other, although it's well known in the district that those are only the two most recent failed and incomplete projects since 2003.
Mitigations were too costly, and Villaraigosa is too beholden to the environmentalists and too preoccupied with the mayor's race to try and pull any strings or negotiate them down, or work with the various departments that would require (and he can't/won't find more money).
Funny you should say there will be more money with a "mayor" Villaraigosa. He said the exact same thing when he ran for council two years ago -- when asked if he could keep all his promises for improvements when faced with city budget cuts.
He did have a Sophie's choice with the most recent projects, however, stiff the animal people or the tree-huggers, and there's a lot more of the latter in the district, especially backing him. So it was somewhat understandable from a political liabilities point of view.
3-Year Starter
"Eastside Latino Intarmural BS Team, Emery Park Chapter"
I don't think the inability to keep promises and be honest with voters is a "minor" matter in this election -- it seems to be the main matter before us. No promises matter unless they can be kept.
The scope of the claims of lack of integrity seem directly related to how important one candidate's job is compared with another. Hahn has 15 times as much responsibility. It would be reasonable to assume a councilmember, if dishonest, promoted to that position, would end up being 15 times as dishonest as before.
But so far, claims of Hahn's lack of integrity are still being investigated, and Villaraigosa's broken promises (some anyway) are self-admitted - but are simnply being explained away as "situations changed."
APOLOGIES, CHIEF PARKE-ER, MEAT, ANYONE. . .? ? (from Jewish Journal, via LA Observed -- funny, THIS one's not threaded here?)
Rabbi Steve Weil, who harshly criticized Mayor Jim Hahn's campaign last month, now says he believes that zealous Jewish community volunters, not Hahn campaign staffers, are responsible for forged signatures on endorsement forms. In a story on the Jewish Journal website (but too late for today's print edition), Weil says:
"After having researched this and having seen the [endorsement] forms, in my mind it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mayor's campaign did absolutely nothing wrong and is beyond reproach...
"There were a number of zealous, well-meaning Jewish volunteers, having nothing to do with the campaign, who overstepped their bounds."
Parke Skelton may have finally met his match -- a newspaper with journalistic ethics. In L.A. , no less.
Who would have thought this?
This Jewish Journal story can't be true. Zealous volunteers in the Jewish community -- for Hahn.
Antonio-lovers here have said repeatedly that their boy was gonna take this community by storm, pick up Hertzberg's support, and leave Hahn left standing alone on May 17 with a few retired pols and a couple dozen bigots.
Zealous AND Jewish - for Hahn, Next they'll be asking us to believe that Hahn has growing Eastside support -- that the "Latinas for Hahn" group formed in CD14 is picking up steam and getting new recruits citywide.
I refuse to believe it -- Hahn's toast, I read it here, and it can't be a toasted bialy, either.
Fortunate for the corruption-wankers though -- they can just keep milking these "indictment" claims and amorphous investigations and hold them up as "proof" of something till long after the runof, and then they can all just end up being fluff.
They don't need to prove a thing -- Villaraigosa can keep saying "most investigated" like that means something in the end, and get the benefit of the spin from it. He's done it before. Pending investigations are worth a lot more than leaks to newspapers what might actually check things out before mid-May.
That was sacrasm, right 1:57 Anon?
AV: Hey Jimmy, what's happening?
JH: Glub, glub, glub...
No fair to be anonymous, right Athena? So your (real) last name is?
(Harriman, right? Or was that bogus, and just as "anonymous" as a made-up screen name).
You used to be so much better at lobbying insults at poster's whose facts you couldn't debunk -- more than just making fun of their equally anonymous state, or claiming they "hate" someone. (That's REAL poster-bashing).
Tough weak? Friday doldrums? Better luck next week. I hear Antonio's going to be endorsed by the principal of his daughter's expensive private school in Pasadena.
Watch out, previous Anon, Athena gonna slam back into you for spelling some words wrong. That will prove she's right, and your not (ADV-logicwise, anyway).
Glub, glub..
Another "witty" election analysis from the Hate Hahn-only crowd (i.e., passed over for city hall promotion losers).
SacNites - The F-H scandal is actually going to backfire on the Hahn-bashers next. There's some independent analysis and forensic accounting being done (other than by Tony V. partisans like Chick), that's going to show there was not way anyone at City could have known they were being taken on the PR billing. Dowie and/or cohorts (he's suing F-H for getting canned and looking for info to save his own backside), are apparently close to getting ready to out his masters at that International House of Flackery for doing this stuff everywhere, pro forma, including some other big pol agencies and large private companies - with better number crunchers than the Chick's people - who were also taken in for a whole lot bigger dollar figures (some don't even know yet).
Hahn's people look like they're waiting for the right time, to slice and dice this -- when their opposites are poised to make hay with it again -- so it ends up looking like the competition's just trying to make more mountains out of mole hills.
Hey genius:
When Chick did the audit, she had endorsed Jimmy and was supporting him.
Also, Jimmy and McOsker knew that all the PR work for them was being paid by someone, it wasn't their budget. Did they think it was gratis? If so, did they file disclosure of the gifts?
There is no escaping it, Dowie and F-H took DWP for a ride and split the Hahn administration apart; did work for one hand and billed the other. Only dunces like those guys would let something like that happen.
No, no backfire will happen. This one is going down hard on Jimmy and his minions.
Ignorance is no excuse.
"Ignorance is no excuse."
God, please don't tell that to ADV, it's been a pillar of his "service" to constituents for almost two years now... THEY EVEN tried to run this up the flagpole in the L.A. Weekest article about why the so-called "progressive" juggernaut hadn't accomplished anything in City Council.
"It's only been TWO YEARS guys, give us some time to learn out jobs, will you."
Being shown as ignorant isn't a political plus, but being "victimized" is. Hey, that's how Villaraigosa got into city council in the first place -- the poor Tony vote (first Hahn beat him up, them Pacheco's ex-pal). If independent auditing (Oh, and YEAH, Chick was a Hahn supporter back then, just like Tony was, SURE!), or some more me-too stories flow out and it looks like some pretty savvy other customers got taken for a ride, the sympathy factor rises far faster than the "you dummy" one does.
When some poor simp posts those tacky posters on your streetsigns that say "lost doggie," everyone knows it was probably the owner's fault they got away -- but only about 1 in 10 actually think "you stupid jerk, why did you let him out" -- the other 9 turn all gooey and say poor owner, poor doggie" and forget there's any fault by the "victim."
Hey, how's that recall coming? I'm sure there's gonna be BIG BIG NEWS just around the corner.
Funny how this talk has all but disappeared from Mayor Sam's blog...
If ADV's main thrust through the rest of the campaign is on "corruption" and those threads begin to unravel even a bit over the coming weeks, then his ship isn't all that water-tight either.
Hey, how are those HIGH LEVEL INDICTMENTS coming? I'm sure there's gonna be BIG BIG NEWS just around the corner.
Funny how THAT talk has all but disappeared from Mayor Sam's blog...
The recall query wouldn't be coming from the same annoying Anon that kept saying "Hey if you recall people were serious, you'd get off the blog and go collect more signatures."
You want to shoot yourself now, don't you? They probably accepted your invitation, and now it'll be all your fault when the paperwork hits ADV's desk (and the media) the first few weeks in May.
Leave your real name with Mayor Sam, in case ADV's people want to call and properly "thank" you for helping the sleazy bar owners re-prioritize so well.
11:57 am. You are being offensive to the people of CD14. What may be "trivia" to you it the stuff of our daily lives.
Tony's supporters here have shown themselves to be his cloned "mini-AVs" -- he has no concern for the affairs of CD14, either. Whether its "trivial" quality of life issues like scuttled park projects (hey, if they're trivial - say so so Day 1 ADV, don't "tease: for two years), OR, things as non-trivial as 15 unchecked homicides in one sub-section of the district (and that's not even the whole CD).
Hell, she can flash me for another decade of so -- I'm game!
Well, Well, it seems like some of the mainstream press is finally putting out the truth on AV. Even shocking as it was LAT showed Antonio's record in assembly in support of gangbangers. The more they start to report the truth it will be downhill just like in 2001. Ace, how the hell do you take VOTES out of context moron?
He voted for it before he voted against it before someone asked him to vote for it, against it, for it.
Why is this so hard to understand people... ADV takes responsibility for his own actions unless their someone else's fault that he doesn't take responsibility for his own actions!
Its all perfectly clear except when it isn't.
REALLY, still no apologies to Mayor Jim for making political hay with the Jewish Journal's original (retracted) story?
Not that they were expected, but it is nice to confirm suspicions that sometimes a witch hunt is just a witch hunt, after all (because we just hate witches!) There's no REAL intention to improve the city's leadership, just bash a boss who sometime in the past didn't treat you "right" -- right lifetime civil servants?
Athena/Lev, how about taking it over to, okay. The rest of us are falling behind on today's ADV-hating quota here. Tic, tic, tic - and the recall people won't let us help them because we don't own our own sleazy bars.
Still at it? Geez, get a room.
Yeah, yeah, and Athena's father ate her brother before she was "born" and she turned rivals hair into snakes -- how arcane can you people get. Don't know anything about "Basic Instinct" but fake "pop" culture from eons ago is fair game for political blogs. (Don't tell me, don't OWN a TV, too booooorish), sniff, sniff.
An ADV-lover by any other name - out-of-touch and "above" us all.
For reals, Lev, you DON'T want to be caught hitting on the aging wife of one of ADV's nasty campaign rumor-merchants. Them boys would just as soon destroy your reputation publicly as look at you... have you all "corrupt" and "dirty" and "pay-for-played" up the wazoo overnight. (It is ALL they know).
Schmear, cute. . . Harriman liked sappy little puns, too. So much much for "harrumph, harrumph, I'm never darkening you towels again."
The disaffected stats always give it away. . .
This weeks LA WEEKLY
Robert Green--"The Do Nothing 2003 City Concil"
A good read
Support Flocks To Villaraigosa As Momentum Begins to Build
By HOWARD FINE - 4/11/2005
Los Angeles Business Journal Staff
As the campaign of City Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa gathers increasing momentum, people who do business with City Hall are scrambling to get on board.
With unusual urgency over the past few weeks, business professionals, companies and their executives have been writing checks to the campaign, asking how they can raise funds or otherwise volunteer and establish personal contact with Villaraigosa’s longtime friends and supporters.
“I’ve had clients call me and say, ‘Hey, we’re seeing there’s a good chance that Antonio can win and we really want to be on board the Villaraigosa campaign,’ and they are asking me how this should be done,” said Jerry Neuman, a partner in the real estate practice of downtown L.A. law firm Allen Matkins Leck Gamble & Mallory LLP.
Such activity on behalf of the challenger underscores how much momentum has moved toward Villaraigosa and the doubts about whether Mayor James Hahn can be re-elected – even though the typical pattern is for people doing business with the city to support the incumbent mayor.
Last week, sources with access to internal polls from both campaigns said Villaraigosa has widened his lead over Hahn since the primary, when he beat the mayor by 10 percentage points. The internal polls now show a margin ranging between 16 percent and 21 percent, the sources said.
Villaraigosa has also reeled in major endorsements from City Councilman Bernard Parks, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles; the L.A. County Democratic Party and state Education Secretary Richard Riordan.
“People are beginning to wonder whether the Hahn administration has run out of string,” said Richard Lichtenstein, an L.A.-based political consultant who is not supporting either candidate. “They are seeing all these endorsements coming in for Antonio, especially from people who endorsed Hahn four years ago. It’s causing people to say, ‘Hey, wait a moment. Maybe I ought to get to know this Villaraigosa guy.’”
Neuman, who supported former Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg in the primary but has not chosen sides in the runoff, said the number of inquiries have picked up in the last 10 days or so as endorsements have come in for Villaraigosa.
Calls like those led to a surge in fundraising for Villaragosa – $653,000 in the first four weeks after the primary, according to campaign reports filed with the City Ethics Commission last week. Hahn’s fundraising effort has lagged, with only $408,000 in the same period.
There has been so much fundraising for Villaraigosa that the candidate has been unable to attend many of the informal events that being organized at people’s homes.
“There are a lot of people trying to have fundraisers for Antonio right now, but they just can’t get on his agenda. It’s just a surge of people who want to help Antonio,” said Tony Gonzales, vice president in the L.A. office of HNTB Corp.’s architecture group.
Gonzales counts himself a longtime friend of Villaraigosa, although he said he has also maintained a friendship with Hahn and has contributed to both candidates. He said he has personally received calls from several people looking to get involved in the Villaraigosa campaign.
Villaraigosa spokesman Nathan James said the campaign would not comment on fundraising, except for what is reported to the city.
To be sure, no one is writing Hahn off. Four years ago, Villaraigosa held a substantial lead in the polls, secured most of the major endorsements and out raised Hahn in the runoff, yet still lost. A last-minute ad referencing Villaraigosa’s efforts to seek a presidential pardon for a convicted drug dealer helped Hahn solidify support in the San Fernando Valley. That, along with his strong base of black support in South L.A., pushed him over the top.
Hahn campaign consultant Kam Kuwata downplayed the activity on behalf of Villaraigosa. “The campaign hasn’t really begun in earnest yet,” he said.
Hahn, who has won six straight citywide elections, also has one of the most experienced campaign teams in recent city history. Since the March 8 primary, the mayor has secured endorsements from the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, L.A. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich and former L.A. City Councilman Nate Holden, among others.
Kuwata said the Hahn campaign is also enjoying a boost that it didn’t have four years ago: the endorsement of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.
“We have support from both the L.A. Chamber and the Labor Federation – that’s unique in recent L.A. history,” Kuwata said. “They are enthusiastically supporting our campaign, raising money, making phone calls and walking precincts. The labor endorsement is a huge difference this time around, not just because we have it but because Villariagosa doesn’t.”
Ben Reznik, a partner with the law firm of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Marmaro LLP, said his support for Hahn was firm.
“I’ve not heard of anyone jumping ship,” he said.
Some disenchantment
But others are looking to cover their bases, according to several well-connected L.A. businesspeople.
“I’ve spoken with people who were supporting Jim Hahn as the incumbent who are now hedging their bets,” said Lisa Specht, an attorney with the law firm of Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP who was a Hahn commission appointee until she broke with him last year to support Hertzberg. She has yet to make an endorsement.
Others who used to support Hahn became disenchanted with his administration and have been looking for new leadership. One Leimert Park businessman who did not want to be identified said he backed Parks in the primary but is now supporting Villaraigosa.
“Sure, there is an element here of getting your name on the list of somebody you think is about to win office,” this businessman said. “But I have had some disappointments with the current administration and find myself believing in Antonio on the issues.”
Los Angeles Business Journal, Copyright © 2005, All Rights Reserved.
Ok, The LABJ must be a communist newpaper, right? The numbers don't lie, so they?
What did Don Meridith used to sing? "Turn out the lights, the party's over..."
Cheer up, Jimmy. Things could get worse.
Cooley and Yang could drop some more indictments in addition to the one against John Stodder of Fleishman-Hillard(which, as you like to point out) would prove nothing, except of course, that two experienced prosecutoral units, staffed by professional career people, believe that corruption has occurred, and that their view is shared by a citizen's panel, known as a Grand Jury.
So, all is not lost. Your life won't change much, except that you won't have to take out time from your life every day to go from San Pedro to LA and have lunch. Oh yeah, your paycheck will be slightly less, but not much less, considering the 24 years of retirement yuo've built up enjoying the life of Riley. And, you can always call George Keiffer and ask him to ask Arnold for a judgeship, which is what you probably should have done long ago.
Don't think it hasn't been fun for the rest of us. Well, come to think of it, it hsn't been that much fun. Troy Edwards and Ted Stein were just not fun guys. No one ever accused Doug Dowie of being a fun guy. And Leland Wong, he's a real barrel of joy.
Gosh, come to think of it, it hasn't been fun at all, especially the paying the taxes part and getting the car repaired after going through all those potholes you promised to have fixed immediately.
I'll bet they're fixed in San Pedro.
The media is starting to report the facts on Antonio's assembly record supporting gangs. He voted against stiffer penalities for gangbangers, voted against stiffer penalities for child abusers, voted against gang injunctions. Yesterday Antonio took money from a firm who's client is the Sunshine Canyon Landfill. Once the truth comes out and his record for doing ZERO while on city council do you really think voters want a mayor who supports gangs, illegal vendors, child abusers, has a police record? I don't think so.
Give it up; this scare crap worked in 2001, but the people don't buy it in 2005.
If Jimmy tries it, they will sink him even lower than whaleshit for the dirty way he runs his campaigns.
Desperate times call for desperate strategies. Jimmy is going down for the third time. Miguel will not be there to save his sorry ass, better beieve it. On election night, we all know where Miguel will be, and where he won't be.
This has nothing to do with Hahn and everything to do with a good for nothing city councilman who has done absolutely nothing in his district. Print his assembly record and people who supported him who don't know his support of gangs will not vote for him. Antonio's team saying he's running scared. He has no clue what Hahn will do,.
"going down for he third time" -- But hey, 3:59 p.m. Anonymous Antonio already DID that himself. See, counting primaries, the "charismatic" visionary has fallen short of a majority THREE times already. Never has pulled past 50 percent... regardless of how many endorsements, polls, or big $$ contributors millions he has with him.
By my count, Hahn's at LEAST one up on him. He's won citywide races several times (and ONLY come in behind in mayoral primaries). ADV has YET to win in an L.A. citywide general election.
Based on all previous track records in this city, Antonio's the one who can't finish the race with a majority.
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