Moore For Hahn
Today on Jim Hahn's website -- Mr Hahn touts the endorsement of Walter Moore.
Moore's coalition consisted of animal rights activists and Hal Netkin. Hal Netkin is associated with American Patrol, a group that the southern poverty law center lists as one of America's prominate HATE GROUPS.
Hal Netkin is actively involved with the group -- he regularly attends their meetings, their websites have much of the same HATE commentary and he continues to be their poster boy even though his personal life contradicts many of the views he espouses.
Moore's endorsement may be more influential in 5 council districts where Moore outpolled Sen Alarcon.
Moore's coalition consisted of animal rights activists and Hal Netkin. Hal Netkin is associated with American Patrol, a group that the southern poverty law center lists as one of America's prominate HATE GROUPS.
Hal Netkin is actively involved with the group -- he regularly attends their meetings, their websites have much of the same HATE commentary and he continues to be their poster boy even though his personal life contradicts many of the views he espouses.
Moore's endorsement may be more influential in 5 council districts where Moore outpolled Sen Alarcon.
I suppose Walter's claim that he entered the race for mayor because of LAX wasn't the truth after all.
Perhaps Mr Moore can convince Hahn to stop flip-flopping on LAX and actually listen to the pledge he signed in 2001.
Moore is for more of the same administration that has paralyzed this city with corruption probes and FBI investigations.
blog away
Sounds like JEALOUSY to me MEAT. Moore is the one who kept Hertzberg from the run off and got a lot more votes then people thought. Antonio is former ACLU member who supports gangbangers, has lied about 80 neighborhood watches, flip flopped on Parks being the right man, flip flopped on public school issue, hasn't attended a neighborhood council in his own district and the list just goes on.
Even if you get Moore's endorsement, you don't tell anyone. The Hahn camp is really feelin' desparate.
By the way, for those of you who haven't seen the latest edition of LA Independent, check it out:
There are two separate articles on the wives of Hahn and Villaraigosa. They write what the LA Times and others won't.
Anon 2:09.
Try to be a little more transparent with you "Hahnesque" racism. How about this?
"Antonio is a Mexican. If he becomes mayor, the black and hispanic gangs will run the city into the ground. Oh yeah, those hispanics lie and can't be trusted."
I think the above statement clarifies the message to the racist crowd you're hoping to reach.
Here we go again with the AV supporters throwing that "racist" word around. Just because the poster said Antonio was a former ACLU member who supports gangmembers doesn't say anywhere that means he's racist. Moore has a call tree with over 1,000 people on it. Whatever you Antonio lovers think that will get to people.
There are obviously white racists who support Hahn and Mexican racists who support Villaraigosa - but the majority of us have very real issues where we differ, and let's concentrate on those.
And who cares about the wives!!!!! get back to the issues, although I understand that it somewhat problematic for the Villaraigosa people.
Did Moore mention who's wife he endorsed?
Does anyone really care?
I'm a Republican and I never heard of the guy; neither did anyone else that I know.
The Fat Lady is warming up, but taking a couple of weeks off for the Pope. So is the media.
Just who does this help/hurt?
There's another "code" word ADV can't use without being hypocritical. . .
MEAT at 2:04: That's another "code" word ADV can't use without being hypocritical. . .
Still another "code" word ADV can't use (in MEAT's opening salvo), without being hypocritical. . .
One more "code" word ADV can't use without being hypocritical. . .
Let's all believe what Tony Castro of LA Independent writes. He's the reporter that got nailed by the FEDS. He's another AV supporter.
ADV can use one MEAT code word above, however: PARALYSIS.
ADV isn't paralyzed, he's incompetent. Ask the people in CD14 trying to save the Southwest Museum's collection from being pillaging (when ADV could have stopped it two years ago if he wasn't helping Kerry lose).
A total of 36 people in and around Hollywood read the Independent. It isn't even on the L.A. Weakly's competitive radar. . .
Gotta love this post.
"Also, can anyone tell me if ADV actually passed the bar? I've heard conflicting accounts."
Since no has answered you Irv, please allow me.
No, sad to say, Tony has not passed the bar. But it is not for lack of trying, he took the test four times. Although if you hear Tony retell his misery, he only claims that he failed the bar three times. You see, the third time he took the test was right before his scheduled marriage to Corina. A week before the marriage Corina called it off. Tony was trying to come clean with Corina and he told her that he actually had two children, instead of the one that he had already told Corina about. I guess it comes as a schock when you're told that you would be the instant mother of two, instead of one. Funny thing, Tony never told Corina about his thrid child, the on he gave up for adoption. Corina called off the wedding and Tony, full of grief and self pity, stormed out of the bar exam before finishing it - after all, who can blame him. It's hard to gather your thoughts when it's costing you $15K to $20K in canceled caterers, honeymoon trip, invites, hall reservation, etc., etc., etc.
But as long as we are on the subject on Tony's history, that number 4 does come back to haunt him quite a bit. He failed the bar four times: he's changed his name four times; he's managed to leave four families he's created; and by the narrowest of court procedures he's escaped four felony charges.
# posted by Anonymous : 3:55 PM,
Gotta love this post.
"Also, can anyone tell me if ADV actually passed the bar? I've heard conflicting accounts."
Since no has answered you Irv, please allow me.
No, sad to say, Tony has not passed the bar. But it is not for lack of trying, he took the test four times. Although if you hear Tony retell his misery, he only claims that he failed the bar three times. You see, the third time he took the test was right before his scheduled marriage to Corina. A week before the marriage Corina called it off. Tony was trying to come clean with Corina and he told her that he actually had two children, instead of the one that he had already told Corina about. I guess it comes as a schock when you're told that you would be the instant mother of two, instead of one. Funny thing, Tony never told Corina about his thrid child, the on he gave up for adoption. Corina called off the wedding and Tony, full of grief and self pity, stormed out of the bar exam before finishing it - after all, who can blame him. It's hard to gather your thoughts when it's costing you $15K to $20K in canceled caterers, honeymoon trip, invites, hall reservation, etc., etc., etc.
But as long as we are on the subject on Tony's history, that number 4 does come back to haunt him quite a bit. He failed the bar four times: he's changed his name four times; he's managed to leave four families he's created; and by the narrowest of court procedures he's escaped four felony charges.
# posted by Anonymous : 3:55 PM,
Be honest, folks, in the grand scheme of things, Moore is the photographic negative of Maxine Waters. Both just as "out there" in their own directions, both can bring a a few thousand votes to the table - if exploited -- and are just as likely to alienate almost as any fence-sitters as they bring along people that would probably have sat this whole second dance out otherwise. It is what it is.
If only people as BRILLIANT and as TOLERANT as YOU ever voted, YOUR guy would ALWAYS win (whoever you are).
That's not reality...
RE: The number 4 for ADV... don't forget, May 17 will also be the fourth time (including primaries), he fails to get past 50 percent of the vote in a mayoral election.
Getting closer this year, but this ain't horseshoes.
Speaking of endorsements. . . Attention Deficit Villaraigosa is getting closer, at least geographically.
STILL no Eastside activists or community leaders of any kind from his district listed on ADV's Website roster of individual endorsements, but he's added a half-dozen Asian American representatives from places like Little Tokyo and Koreatown. That's within walking distance of CD14, anyway (if you've got an hour or so).
So, how come they haven't listed the illegal "acting President" of the neighborhood council in El Sereno to this? They probably don't want to have to explain why, when they pull his name back off a couple weeks before the runoff -- when one of "Mr. Consensus Builder's" advisory council's is the first one ever to be DE-certified by a Hahn-selected Board of Neighborhood Commissioners for not abiding by the charter rules and its own bylaws.
Keep looking ADV consultants, there must be someone on the Eastside not ashamed to be listed as an endorser. . . somewhere?
Anonymous at 4:22. I guess to be fair I have to stop referring to Villaraigosa as a future two-time loser for mayor, then.
If only he could have lined up endorsements from Parks, Alarcon, and Hertzberg while they were still in the race (when people around the city might still remembered who they were).
Heck, there go the last six moderate Republicans that were thinking about voting for Villaraigosa.
What was TOny Castro nailed by the feds for? Enquiring minds want to know...
Now it's clear why Antonio was getting religion again. Do you think he'll look good in red velvet? Pope Antonius the First. Got a nice ring to it, don't you think?
(PS. Huggy was in Italy last week. Any coincidence? Anybody know if John Shallman is in Rome?)
Here's Tony Castro story;
Tony Castro's last line of defense was as ironic as it was cunning. Yes, he admitted to a federal district court in Los Angeles this past March, he had invented many of the stories he wrote for the nation's best-read supermarket tabloids. Yes, he had even invented the sources cited for those stories, and yes, he had authorized his employers to write checks to those sources, checks he had then cashed himself in bank accounts created for just that purpose, checks that totaled, over the course of four years, more than $200,000.
AV arrest. Here's some more info on that La Fonda incident:
Los Angeles Times
May 24, 1994
Villaraigosa acknowledges that he was arrested in 1977 for what he says was an assault on a man who attacked his mother during a "big melee" at a Mexican restaurant near MacArthur Park.
Los Angeles police records recently obtained by the Times show that Villaraigosa was initially arrested on a felony charge in the case. But he was tried on a misdemeanor assault charge and was not convicted.
Only one place left with more members than the Roman Catholic church - the Chinese Communist Part. Please stand for Chairman VillaLaigosa! And I thought that little Red Book was for telephone numbers of Tony's one night stands.
AV has the nerve to say he's a man people can trust. A man who can pull everyone together. AV acts like he's from the ghetto. Any other man would have been mature enough to walk away. He has an arrest record, has 3 kids out of wedlock, has had more affairs then fingers on my hands, former ACLU member who supports gangbangers, opposes gang injunctions, hasn't done crap about homicides in his district, assaulted a woman and the list just goes on
Don't you worry your pretty little head over nothing HALOGIRFROMTHECITY. They know who we are, ever wonder why MEAT hasn't responded directly to any posts regarding the Venice Room.
Why hasn't MEAT responded to the ACLU issue? Why hasn't MEAT responded to the 15 homicides in CD14? Why hasn't MEAT come out and told people who he is? MEAT is telling us nothing but he's a fat little pudgy guy. If he was so credible put your real name out there.
Geez, this "halogirl" has to be one of the most retarded ADV-lovers posting... HELLO, these screennames are NOT REAL. No difference between posting as ANONYMOUS and MEAT or HALOGIRL.
Unless that's the name on your fake driver's license, jailbait!
And here I thought Moore was gay. Honestly, I really thought he was. He sounds like Al Rantel from KABC.
By the way lay off the retards...its acutally developmentally disabled
If I would have meant "developmentally disabled" I would have said that. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a retard is just a retard!
(If I'm not mistaken this was the same proud city employee who asked awhile back if Villaragosa having ADD didn't just mean he could "get more done?")
I think you need to take your medication
CLEVER, did mommy help you write that retort.
Here's another you can use for free...
"Yo mama!"
Mea culpa. How could I have overlooked the two biggies in the Hahn column, David Cunningham, Sr. and Rudy Svoranich?
Mea Culpa.
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