Riordan Endorses Antonio
Republican Secretary of Education and Former Mayor of Los Angeles Richard Riordan endorses Antonio Villaraigosa for Mayor.
In today's Daily News Rick Orlov spills the beans on the Riordan endorsement. Riordan was popular in the Valley and among Republicans. During the primary Riordan was the proxy endorsement for the Governator - he endorsed Hertzberg.
In today's LA Times the candidates battle over Homeland Security.
Blog Away!
In today's Daily News Rick Orlov spills the beans on the Riordan endorsement. Riordan was popular in the Valley and among Republicans. During the primary Riordan was the proxy endorsement for the Governator - he endorsed Hertzberg.
In today's LA Times the candidates battle over Homeland Security.
Blog Away!
Antonio isn't doing anything about the home grown terrorists "gangs" in his own backyard CCD14 (up 14 homicides)yet he wants to do something about Homeland Security.He states he wants to hire 1,600 officers but doesn't say where he'll get the money. Hell, I would like 5,000. Tyical. LAX is the 3rd world's busiest airport yet Antonio expects it to not expand. Typical not thinking out of the box with his small mind. Antonio is a small minded man who political strategists are saying is campaigning just attacking Hahn and hasn't said anything about what he would do as Mayor. How can he? He has not ideas of his own and takes the credit for what others have already done. All voters have to remember is Antonio a former ACLU member supports gang members, illegal vendors, will open the flood gates to illegal immigrants.
Doesn't Riordan in Irish mean, "Dirty little man who can't pick a winner?"
What does antonio know about homeland security! First, he should implement a plan to fight the gang-banger in his district before try making the city safer.
What does antonio know about homeland security! First, he should implement a plan to fight the gang-banger in his district before try making the city safer.
Antonio is a homie himself who supports gangs and opposes gang injunctions. Remember he's an ACLU boy who cares more about gangsters then hard working families and their children where these thugs hang out in the communities threatening and extorting money from them.
Awwww are the bloggers a little angry?
Are all the bloggers angry, do they all want to fight?
blog away
Antonio needs to spend more time in his district and get his nose out of areas that have plenty of expertise.
Counter Terrorism And The LAPD"
Los Angeles: Prior to September 11, 2001, the Los Angeles Police Department and the City of Los Angeles was the nation’s best prepared big City to deal with a major disaster. The Emergency Operation Organization for the City provided the foundation for City-wide response to natural or man-made disasters. Interagency cooperation and communication between the Police, Fire, Airport, Port and Transportation Departments have never been better.
Since 9-11, the focus of the Department’s preparedness has been on terrorism. Great stride’s have been made in improving the Department’s ability to investigate, interdict and respond to acts of terrorism. These efforts have been greatly enhanced through the use of funds provided by the State Homeland Security Grant Program and the Urban Area Security Grant Initiative. The focus of the Department’s efforts have been on training, interdiction and response.
Let's clear some things up.
First, LAX can not and will not be expanded. No construction of runways will occur outside of it's current boundaries - period.
Renovations to the runways to allow for the landing of newer, more efficient, and yes bigger planes need to occur. If the no build option were to occur, LAX would need to shut down half of the airport to allow these bigger planes to land.
LAX has to allow these bigger planes to land- the EU is converting to these planes. Not allowing these planes to land would close off LAX and Los Angeles as a destination for europeans and their money. It would cost Los Angeles billions every year.
Hahn, although I'm and AV supporter, made a good choice on this one. I know AV has his concerns, and in the past LAX has not had the best relationship with its NIMBY neighbors. But I also know that AV is a pragmatic man and that cooler heads will prevail.
I would encourage you bloggers to discuss these type of issues of vital importance to our community. Racists remarks like- he's going to open up our borders or he's going to make the Valley look like East LA or Tijuana - just demonstrate how ignorant you really are. I also bet you think the Westside looks like "Little Israel" on Friday afternoons and the jewelry district like little Teheran. Come on people, catch up to the times - you elected an immigrant to be Governator and we haven't been flooded by Austrians!
A month ago, when Riordan endorsed Hertzberg, ADV-lovers said "who cares - his postives way down since becoming a part of Arnold's team and 'insulted' that little girl's name"
New story?? Nah, pro forma useless political spinning.
Riordan was the last Republican to serve as L.A. mayor, probably forever, primarily because most of his policies weren't (Republican). He can't pass his barely passing RINO mantle to a hyper-liberal Dem like ADV, and ADV doesn't dare go any deeper into GOP territory without alienating his base.
Sorry Tony! You're obviously pretty "thick" to try this race again, but your teflon coating isn't THAT thick.
Sorry Tony. As
Previous blogger if block had 6 illegal vendors at all hours of the day and night causing blight to your community I'm sure you would understand. There's tons of illegal vendors on the Eastside. The westside, valley and South have task force sweeps periodically to control them. Antonio has refused to have them on the Eastsie. Antonio supports these illegal vendors and all anyone has to do is take a ride into the Eastside. AT meetings he states they are just trying to make a living. Since he's become councilman the community has drastically deteroriated.
Anon 9:27 -
When you're referring to LAX's NIMBY neighbors, do you mean Inglewood, Gardena and South Los Angeles? The ones in the flight path. Those NIMBYs just don't see the big picture, do they? Maybe their minds are confused from all the jet fuel that mists over their communities or the vehicular exhaust from cars and trucks constantly coming and going to LAX or maybe the jumbo jet noise that drowns out conversations every two minutes.
Better not to discuss regional solutions.
"Awwww are the bloggers a little angry?"
My, how that MEATy have fallen. This is what passes for intellectual challenges now from the Blog's most prolific ADV-lover -- schoolyard taunts.
Anon 9:52
The West Valley and Westside don't do regular "sweeps" of illegal vendors. Vendors aren't there because the business isn't there.
This issue is much more complicated than you lead readers to believe. Most of the vendors are only making a $10/day from someone who controls the operations of dozens of vendors. These vendors are trying to put food into the mouths of their children. When the carts are snatched up, the poor vendor making nothing has to pay their operations manager. (Nice way to hurt the poorest of the poor).
I suspect there are lots of other more serious crimes going on throughout LA, like the sexual exploitation of immigrant women. In the minds of most, this deserves more attention.
For you to say that Antonio supports illegal vendors is not just an idiot's simplification of the issue, but a subtle way to suggest ANTONIO = ILLEGAL - in other words, the JIM HAHN RACIST TACTIC.
CD14 was worse under Pacheco. He didn't do anything for the community.
To 9:52
Ok, you have a valid argument. Nothing racist with your statement - although I don't agree with it.
Since taking office, we have had more "Clean and Green" crews MTA clean-up crews and Downtown District "Purple Shirt" clean-up crews in the district than at any other time. I also don't like the food vendors littering our streets and making it very difficult to even walk by them since they take up a large part of the sidewalk. Additionally, I don't like them for sanitary reasons and the fact that they compete against hard working law-abiding family-run establishments.
Do I have an answer to this problem, no. I also realize that these vendors would not be in business if not for the severe poverty in which their consumers find themselves. When you can get a "fresh"(they just cooked it) meal as soon as you get off the bus for $2-3 you're going to go for it - supply and demand.
Poverty is not going to go away and neither are the businesses that thrive off of it/them. We need people to think outside of the box and be proactive like AV has proven time again he can be. Hahn has had his 4 years and by your argument the area has deteriorated. So what has he done? What did he do during Nick's tenure? Is "rolling up his sleeves" and taking a broom out beneath him? What is he going to do to help out the eastside? What is he going to do differently if given another four years and why can't he start on that right now?
Everyone thus far has only lied about how bad things are since AV. You know what, I just don't see it. But I do know that the crack house that I was living next door to in El Sereno was destroyed by AV and not Pacheco.
LAX issues lead Harman to endorse Villaraigosa
In backing incumbent James Hahn's rival, the area congresswoman says the mayor has come up short on security concerns at the airport.
ADV has HARDLY been proactive in dealing with issues in CD14. When he does "react" such as the situation with the probable loss of the Southwest Museum from his district (only the most recent example of dozens), his impotent response has been too late, and very short of any innovative solutions.
Dozens of other examples of ADV's inaction have been posted here. They paint a very clear picture of "attention deficit" political behavior. That "nickname" wasn't selected because it just sounds good. The shoe fits like a tailor-made Italian loafer.
If the man can't keep on top of the critical needs of ONE DISTRICT, how can he possibly keep things from going to hell in a city 15 times as large? Even his most loving followers have stopped trying to explain what ADV has been doing for 2 years. It's as if it doesn't matter anymore -- he'll "fix" everything "next year" when he's mayor. Sooner or later the procrastination of saying "I fix things... later" has to end.
Each failure to act in time has been explained away by ADV-lovers as "his hands were tied" or "there was nothing he could do about that..." or even, "he was doing something MORE important" - ONLY true because he waited too late, and did too little when something could have been done.
He pats himself on the back for one open space project in Boyle Heights, but neglects to mention the dozen of so smaller "open space" emergencies his people have called him into, where he and his staff's late, impotent reaction has resulted in the loss of hundreds of acres of greenspace spread all around CD14 in areas that are already too congested for safety.
That crack house was taken down by Rocky and again Antonio taking credit. Those damn illegal vendors whether in catering trucks or stands are making hundreds of dollars a week tax free. They are not as innocent as you portray them. Many of them are serving alcohol and drugs. When Pacheco was in office there were task force sweeps and the message was clear. You will get cited if you don't have a legal permit. By Antonio ignorning the problem it's become a free for all. Hahn has put more money into after school programs and gang reduction programs then Antonio in CD14. In 2 years what the hell has Antonio done? He's never there. He hasn't gone to a Neighborhood Council meeting in 2 years, hasn't done jack all about public safty, opposes the gang injunctions Rocky has put into the Eastside. AGAIN TODAY HE IS ABSENT FROM CITY COUNCIL. Again our tax dollars being spent for him to be on the other side of the city.
If all you Hahn staffers spent a little less time on bad mouthing AV and more time doing your job, the City would not be in this mess.
I guess we have to vote out Hahn and get some new City staff to do their job.
100% wrong and another LIE. Antonio requested and formed the gang injunction with the City Attorney.
blog away dum-dums
Sure MEAT whatever you say. Antonio has already been on the record opposing gang injunctions. Rocky's office will tell you that he moved on the crack house with the neigborhood prosecutor that yes, Rocky started. Antonio as always goes to press conferences and anything happening after everyone's else has done the work. But yeah, sure Meat we beleive you
Ever notice that EVERY time ADV-lovers claim he has done something great and novel, there's another senior city official, who's been on the job longer doing similar things successfully around the city, who jumps up and tries to STEAL HIS CREDIT. (How many of these coincidences can you hear about ADV-lovers, before you even entertain the idea they might NOT be coincidences?)
Shame on ALL those other departments in the city, doing their jobs and not giving ADV credit for stepping in at the last minute and grandstanding in front of them.
They have the audacity to include ADV as a courtesy since he's supposedly the district CM and then don't like it when he tries to take ALL the credit and claim it was his idea. Anybody want to guess why most of the city council isn't endorsing him now? As mayor he would claim every council action was his idea, that they'd be LOST without him (yet he has put one of the smallest number of non-ceremonial actions through council for the past two years).
What EVER did the city attorney, the LAPD, the mayor, and the other 14 councilmembers do all day at work before ADV came along to give them his "vision." (I think you ADV-lovers are mistaking hallucinations for "vision.")
Now, can someone help ADV figure out to do his OWN job... the one he's held for two years and has barely been around for. Two sentences of questionable accomplishments to cover two years is "slim" by any definition.
Really does seem like if he's been such a "great" councilmember... worth promoting to a much more responsible position like MAYOR, there would be some accomplishments for his district that ONLY he could take credit for, otherwise one of two things is happening: he's piggybacking on other people (most likely), or everyone else is piggybacking on him (not really believable except to an extreme partisan).
So by all the AV haters' account - just on this crack house in El Sereno - Mayor Poopy can't take any credit for this because was also MIA. He didn't know anything about it, but will find out and make sure that all those responsible are punished to the full extent of the law.
Come on folks, it's not like this was Hahn's first campaign. The truth is that if this crack house would have been anywhere besides on the eastside - he would have been there. Why you may ask. Because ever since AV was elected Hahn gave up on the Eastside. He didn't even campaign there during the primary - other than going to one endorsement at El Arco Iris, which he lost to Corina Villaraigosa.
So, again why should I support him? I know AV has personally picked-up a broom and swept my city streets. You all know this campaign is about potholes, street lights and garbage cans. With all the power that the Mayor's office has why did he never hold a city-wide day of service? Why did he never hold his own clean-up in El Sereno or Boyle Heights or any where else? If I were him, I'd be filling potholes right now - if only for the photo op. I’ll send Kam my invoice for that idea. Again reactive not proactive!
March 15, 2005
The Riordan jinx: I don't want to say it's the kiss of death to receive an L.A. mayoral endorsement from Richard Riordan, the former job holder, but let's look at the facts.
In 2001, he backed businessman Steve Soboroff, who lost in the primary.
In that runoff, Riordan backed Antonio Villaraigosa, who lost.
In the primary, this time around, he endorsed former Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg, who became former mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg when the votes were counted.
Villaraigosa made the runoff again and is no doubt praying Riordan will just ignore him.
Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATimes, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at
Hey, I'm glad ADV swept your street... but at his salary level, don't you think that a pretty expensive janitor to have on duty (read PHOTO OP).
Can we maybe get his attention long enough to maybe "sweep" out a few dozen incompetent, transplanted field office staff members that are rude, insulting and inattentive (or am I cutting too close to your paycheck now?)
I think you're right Sac, I hear Bitter Bernie's just chomping at the bit -- it'll be great, ADV and Parks together, taking their "Asleep at the Switch" endorsement show on the road to all the city's media outlets. Two obsessed, vindictive losers pissed at Hahn for being bumped out/kept out of jobs they weren't/aren't qualified to handle in the first place.
How much do they LOVE this city? Let's count the ways -- in tens of millions of dollars (lost).
Man. the F-H overbilling money starts to look like chump change when you stack it up against those dollar signs!
How many multi-millions in additional legal costs do you suppose Hahn SAVED the city by canning Bitter Bernie's incompetent backside when he did?
(Note: Please only read the following sections based on where you live).
[South L.A Version] But ADV would have given him a 3rd or 4th chance to cost the city tons more.
[Valley version] ADV would have fired Parks sooner -- even before he took office as mayor.
SPEAKING OF ENDORSEMENTS... Months into the campaign, weeks into the runoff, ADV still does not have a SINGLE Eastside community leader, Latino or otherwise, listed among the community leaders supporting him for mayor. Hertzberg had many even before the pre-primary; Hahn has many Eastsiders listed now.
WHAT DOES THIS SAY about how ADV works with people who REALLY want to get things DONE in the city, especially in his own back yard? Speaks volumes... endorsed by individuals who DON'T know him, HAVEN'T worked with him; shunned by those who DO know him and have TRIED to work with him, but can't.
Here's ADV's Eastside-less list:
COMMUNITY LEADERSommunity Leaders (from Website)
Benny Bernal, long time leader in Valley VOTE
Bishop Charles E. Blake, West Angeles Church of God in Christ
Rev. William Campbell, Mt. Gilead Baptist Church
Richard Close, President of Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association
Asta Cris, former President of Valley Glen Community Association
Rev. Wendel Davis, McKinley Ave. Baptist
Rev. Robert Lee DeFrance Jr., Redeemer Baptist Church of Los Angeles
Rev. Joe Gates, Southern Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Charles Henderson, Trinity Baptist Church
Rev. Aaron Howard, Overcomers Church of God in Christ
Bill Jasper, President of Encino Property Owners Association
Elder Mark Jennings, Los Angeles Ten-Point Coalition for Leadership
Rev. Norman Johnson, First New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. Perry Jones, Messiah Baptist
Rev. John Joyce, Faith Temple Church of God in Christ
Rev. William D. Knight, Unity Church of God in Christ
John Mack, Los Angeles Urban League
Herb Madsen, Vice President of Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization
Rev. Adililu Martin, Trinity Baptist Church
Rev. Henry Masters Sr., Holman Methodist Church
Rev. Gregory McClain, First Bethany M.B.C.
Rev. Arthur Morris, Faith Temple Church of God in Christ
Gordon Murley, President of Woodland Hills Homeowners Association
Rev. Cecil “Chip” Murray, First AME Church
Rev. Clyde Oden, Jr., Bryant Temple AME Church
Bill Powers, Former Chair of United Chambers of Commerce (UCC) of the San Fernando Valley
Gerald Silver
Rev. Russell E. Thornhill, Minority AIDS Project
Rev. Mack Trimble, Faith Temple Church of God in Christ
Polly Ward, President of the Federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations
Rev. R.A. Williams, McCoy Memorial Baptist
Wayne Williams, Executive Vice President of Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association
Michael Woo
Rev. Ron Wright, New Vision Church of Jesus Christ
the that place important in Los Angeles...hmmm probably not
Nope, Anon 12:08
My paycheck is just fine since I'm not on the City's dime. I'm an AV supporter who doesn't need to be on his staff to volunteer and take time off to ensure that he wins - unlike so many bloggers that are wasting my tax money reading this right now.
You're right; having AV clean my street is an extremely expensive janitorial service. But since Hahn has allowed all SEIU 347 members to get what they want someone has "roll up his sleeves" and get the job done. 347 members have been able to get by without doing any work - much like Hahn has for the last 20+ years. I think they want a 3/12 work schedule too so that they can sit around in their cars for three days, earn a city pension with benefits and then go moonlight working security at a bingo game. Talk about giving your spoiled children everything they want! Maybe if you took Miguel Conteras, Julie Butcher and Sergio Rascon off of some of their city per-diem-paid commissions we might get city workers to actually work.
THIS IS GREAT, in the last two posts alone, nasty, opportunistic ADV supporters have gone on to insult (on his behalf):
-- The ENTIRE Eastside
-- ALL city employees
-- All SEIU UNION members
ADV's people really MUST think he's god, and can't lose if they can afford to insult all these important constituencies.
I'll pass the word along... ADV and his supporters say: SCREW YOU Eastside, Tony has richer friends on the Westside now. SCREW YOU city employees - you'll all be out of work soon anyway - replaced by out-of-town Tony groupies who can't even do their own jobs well; SCREW YOU service unions - Tony has the "teachers" - that's all he needs (Prof. Smith, please empty my wastbaskets before you go home).
Pass the word. . .
Nothing new. . . Tony V. said "screw you" to the Eastside the day he was sworn in as one of its councilmembers, under false pretenses.
Hey Antonio, they are right!
Why don't you spend more time in your district, just like I do?
Hell, I hardly ever leave San Pedro, except, of course, when I have to do these nasty campaigns every four years or so.
Your friend,
Jimmy (Kenny's son)
Can you believe stupid Antonio said this yesterday....I intend to spend as much time as I need to in Washington, D.C., working both sides of the aisle," he said.
There he goes again. He won't be spending anytime in LA. Amazing how long Antonio has been faking it and getting away with it.
Corina says he's faking it, too. . .
I don't care really much for the eastside. I don't live there. Just so you know there is at least one person who voted for Walter Moore but won't vote for any of these guys or who really cares when you continously rant about CD 14.
Previous poster. You call it "rants" -- we call it vetting the candidate. You may not care about CD14, fine. But for people still trying to decide between two candidates (or thinking of switching), CD14's situation is as valid in considering Villaraigosa for mayor -- maybe more so -- than the state of the city of L.A. is for people looking hard at Hahn.
CD14 is Attention Deficit Villaraogosa's resume (CV, whatever). And he should be judged by the past two years MORE than anything else. It is his first (probably last), job working for the city of L.A., and he's done a crappy job. Nothing he did in Sacramento compares in the same way. Hahn has 20-some years in L.A. city politics; some good - some bad - some ?
ADV has TWO YEARS in L.A. -- both miserable.
if it's true that riordan is endorsing villaraigosa because he doesn't personally like hahn, he should do the decent thing and leave the republican party. I didn't join it to have my leaders endorse aclu presidents.
Please be bloggingly assured that LA's city workers work hard, every day, for you. Where do you think the trash goes when it magically disappears from the front of 720,000 houses each week?
Disagree with SEIU 347's endorsements, with the Union's advocacy, but try to show some respect for the men and women who clean your sewers.
Respect, yes. . . in activist endeavors in this city for many years now, only one time (w/ a particularly warped street services person) have I ever experienced anything but great service, good attitudes, and can-do spirit from the rank and file workers of the city. Most, even 99 percent are great, know their job, and go out of their way to help.
This is true well up the ladder, too.
The WORST and most out-of-step experiences have been with the current crop of council staff employees in District 14. That's why it's been so strange, and comes up so often -- it was never typical for council staff to act so adversarial towards people volunteering to help make the city better... until July 1, 2003. Then the whole approach changed.
Before that date: CD14 staff would say, "here's what we need to do to make that happen." AFTER July 1, 2003 and to the present: Here's why that CAN'T happen.
Poo-poo it as spin, but I swear, it was like the whole purpose of having people in the field changed from "help" to "hinder."
How would Corina know?
A CD 14 resident telephoned Tony's office today with a complaint about constant illegal parking outside his house. The Field Deputy, who shall be nameless, said: "There's not much we can do about that - but we can help you start your own neighborhood watch!" It is as if they are on commission.
They're not on a commission to start neighborhood watches, they're on a MISSION -- trying like hell to get closer to the fake number so they can justify it inside and outside the campaign.
A friend of one of the support people in a CD14 office told me ADV's campaign people are feeling the heat about the fake "80" number and went to council staff for details to shut people up about it -- only to find they CAN'T even come close to backing up. Typical of ADV's staff, they had been padding the numbers and misrepresenting their own work to him and the chief of staff, so even their absentee boss was believing it. They even added the numbers from one field office into the total twice.
BUT, the good news is, we can STILL blame ADV for the lie, since he's been saying more and more "I'll take responsibility when the people that work for me screw up."
(Field staff has also become two-trick ponies, now that a few have set up. Whatever people ask for, they either suggest a "watch" or schedule a work day).
Tell the people with the parking problem to call the SLO for the area -- he can have the traffic control car camp out for a bit and leave tickets, tow cars left for more than 72 hours, etc.
This is the kind of do-it-yourself stuff you learn when you've gone from receptive helpful field staff to clueless number-fudging clowns in less than two years.
Riordan a Rwpublican? Do you know who his wife is?
Riordan is a RINO.
Steve Harvey is right...AV'd have been better off to have Riordan endorse his opponent.
Don't blame Antonio's staff for that made up "80 number." Antonio starting saying in way back when he lied about his promise not to run for Mayor. LAPD is laughing at this. There's aren't even 80 neighborhood watches in the entire city. He's also lying about going to every homicide. Officers are saying his butt hasn't been to a homicides in months. They're already up to 15.
At least Hahn hasn't missed a homicide in four years.
That is, the death of every decent idea that anyone has had, unless of course, they "paid to play", in which case, no matter how bad the idea (i.e) Acevedo, Chris Hammond, etc.,it would be seen through no matter what it cost the City of Los Angeles.
It is time to send the profiteers home and institute safeguards so that this will not recur.
Maybe Hahn, Stein, Wong, Acevedo, Edwards, Dowie, Hammond and Company can move into CD 14, and bring them a good taste of a Hahn administration, close up and personal.
CD14 has it as bad as it can possibly get with a councilman that misses more council meetings than anyone, hasn't attended a neighborhood council meeting in 2 years, is a former ACLU member who sued the city and supported the gang members instead of the hard working families. Has flip flopped on the Parks issue. AV supports illegal vendors and gang bangers. Hmmm Wonder why voters shouldn't vote for him as mayor? BECASUE HE'S AN IDIOT
It's quite clear that many posters criticizing us in CD14 have something very much in common with Antonio Villaraigosa - they either spend little or no time in our council district.
By the way, you send us who you like and we'll gladly send you Villaraigosa.
It's quite clear that many posters criticizing us in CD14 have something very much in common with Antonio Villaraigosa - they either spend little or no time in our council district.
By the way, you send us who you like and we'll gladly send you Villaraigosa.
I'm just a working class bloke trying to make something out of all of the trashing on this blog site and it reminds me of the environ that I have had the privelege of working in for the past ten years. Sanitation trucks.
I don't particularly care for the authors who have to be anonymous because they seem to be taking most of the cheap shots, whether it's at the incumbent mayor,the challenger, the SEIU Union Local 347, the Union officers or Union members and workers.
The Service Employees International Union Local 347 "Leads the Way" in many ways.
In the previous mayoral election, SEIU 347 went against many labor groups in Los Angeles who supported Don Antonio, including myself.
James Hahn won the mayoral race and SEIU 347 has the graces of an allie in City Hall who supports and advances many of the issues of the common worker such as a living wage, diverse work place, equal pay for equal work, safety, the environment and many other issues which I'm sure Don Antonio would find equal footing.
The disheartening dislodgement of former Police Chief Parks (Presently Councilman)to the African Community has caused significant erosion to Mayor James Hahn's political base. The recent tragedy where an African American teenager was driving a stolen vehicle at 4:00 in the morning, and according to news accounts was killed by a law enforcement officer who shot and killed the driver of the stolen car after the thief attempted to run the police officer down with the stolen vehicle. A tragic loss of life. Whether young or old, African American, Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian or other ethnic member. We are all human and life is sacred to all of us.
The legacy of Kenneth Hahn was built upon many wise decisions during his service in office. The mantel piece in local African American history is when City Councilman Kenneth Hahn greeted the Reverand Martin Luther King Jr. at the Los Angeles Airport and being the only City of Los Angeles City Councilman to do so. Of course, for those too young to remember, that was before there were any "colored" folks or women on television. And back then, again, for the benefit who cannot share in this cultural experience, "colored" folks were Hispanics, African Americans, Asians and other groups other than causcasian.
Mayor James Hahn cannot rest on his fathers laurels, nor can he call in a marker from the African American community that does'nt owe him any.
But I cannot help but wonder what Martin and his contemporaries must be saying to themselves about a community that goes into an uproar about a teenager stealing a car at four o'clock in the morning and gets himself shot by a policeman after attempting to run the policeman over with the stolen vehicle.
Unloading a revolver on a bag lady holding a knife or bludgeoning of a private citizen for a civil arrest is one thing. Police brutality is what it is.
The cynicism and skepticism people hold towards politicians is an irony. In totalitarian states you don't have a choice. In a democracy or republic, the public has a choice. And too many people will not get involved in politics because of the price to pay to put ones beliefs on the line. Your personal life is raked through the coals.
Your family members sexual preferances are headline news. Your personal medical issues are for public accounting. Privacy is a luxury and anonymity is forever gone.
After the election and the confetti settles, both Don Antonio and Mayor James Hahn will return to their family and friends. They are both good men who are honorably doing the best to further their political agenda.
As a member of SEIU 347 I personally think that it is important to support Mayor James Hahn because it is the moral thing to do. Loyalty. There is our loyalty. And let anyone know, that when you deal with SEIU Local 347, you can count on this Local's loyalty.
It took me a long time to understand that you do not have freinds in politics. You have allies.
One day, you may find yourself agreeing with someone about one isuue, and the next day disagreeing on another.
Don't confuse politics with freindship. They're not even the same animal.
So, if you choose to support one candidate over another because you disagreed on one issue. Or you question the integrity of another because of alleged charges without the benefit of a completed inquirey, I hope you take the moral high ground, as I beleive, SEIU is doing, leading the way.
Rafael Garcia
City of Los Angeles Worker
I give you credit for posting your name. Remember though that even though Parks endorsed Antonio and the ACLU lawsuit Antonio filed and supported the gangbangers hadn't come out Hahn got 23% to AV's only 13%. I've heard that the blacks are not going to vote for a Latino mayor. No matter who else comes out for AV it won't help.
To Rafael, you've given the best argument for Jim Hahn on this blog to date.
I honestly salute your willingness to use your name and say what you did. I do not begrudge your decision, i respect it.
However, to the poster that posted after you, the San Fernando Valley has yet to hear how Jim Hahn let a wife beating AX murderer go, i am hearing the San Fernando Valley isn't going to vote for a guy who let an ax murderer kill one of their own.
I think there are more voters in the Valley than south la -- checkmate.
blog away dum-dum
MEAT that's not what I'm hearing. After that ACLU story came out in the Daily News last week a lot of those homeowner associations have been talking and not about voting for Antonio. If he didn't do anything to protect their community and care enough about working families and supported gang bangers do you really think they want that idiot for mayor? They said absolutely NOT
Thank you Ralfael. Make that two votes for Hanh.
Why does some stupid anti-Antonio keep saying that Parks endorsed Antonio?
He didn't and he hasn't yet, as far as I know. So, how could he have done it in this election, when he was running himself?
Look I fell off a turnip truck on a Sunday, but it wan't last Sunday...
We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not all entitled to our own facts.
Whatever they may be, the facts are the facts. Stop playing with them.
OKAY, so here's some FACTS Parks knows, at some level, (Kumbayah singing notwithstanding), that if Villaraigosa had kept his promise and stayed out of the mayor's race this time, it would have been Parks, Hertzberg, and Hahn in a tight 3-way just before the primary, not Parks sitting on the sidelines as the "spare" candidate.
Suck up that irony, Bitter Bernie. Why do you think ADV says he needed to enter the race so there would be a "leader" running against Hahn (when there were three other "names" already on the ballot)? You don't even have to read between those lines -- it means ADV believes YOU and HERTZBERG aren't "worthy" like he is.
That's so true, and explains why Parks and Hertzberg aren't/shouldn't be in any hurry to get into this mix again.
ADV didn't say "I think I'm the best one for the job," when he came in months after Alarcon, Parks, and Hertzberg. He said "L.A. needs a leader."
That's gotta really chap their hides! People with longer terms in public service than ADV being bitch-slapped with arrogant rhetoric like that, when they're going out of their way to only attack Hahn, not each other.
Mixed metaphors at 12:51 -- "green behind the ears?"
The arrogance stems from saying in no uncertain terms, "I'm the ONLY leader running against Hahn," not stressing he HAD leadership skills. He's says repeatedly that people in his own district (bored field staffers, no doubt), said "you have to run, we need someone to lead the city out of Hahn's doldrums" (almost verbatim from the last debate).
Here's a thought -- he could have 1) kept his promise to his district (and not have had to "fake" people calling for him to run); 2) thrown all his considerable support behind Parks or Hertzberg or even Alarcon -- all people who's leadership he would have SWORN he believed in, before he entered this race.... (just not for the job HE wanted).
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