Where in the World Is Antonio Villaraigosa?
In Arizona, apparently, arguing against voter approved illegal immigration reforms.
Now THAT's a good place to run for Mayor of Los Angeles. Heck - a lot of folks from LA moved there. Maybe they still do absentee ballots!
In the meantime, while Mayor Hahn awaits more potential indictments, the Daily News has a good scolding for him about his alleged use of city workers for campaign activities.
I can't wait for the Hahnistas to spin that one. Blog away dum dums!
Now THAT's a good place to run for Mayor of Los Angeles. Heck - a lot of folks from LA moved there. Maybe they still do absentee ballots!
In the meantime, while Mayor Hahn awaits more potential indictments, the Daily News has a good scolding for him about his alleged use of city workers for campaign activities.
I can't wait for the Hahnistas to spin that one. Blog away dum dums!
Where in the World Is Antonio Villaraigosa? That's exactly what the people in his district have been asking since 2003. He spent more time in the district during the 5-6 month campaign for council than he has in the 18 months since. And he's got the frequent flyer miles to prove it.
I don't know who's faster in commenting on these things: MEAT and the paid hacks spinning for Tony Villar or the bar owners who oppose him.
Waldo is easier to find that ADV. I'm sure he wouldn't want his Westside supporters to know he's out in AZ lobbying for the illegals. I bet he took someone from his city staff with him. Wonder if Jimmy Blackman was with him.
"... his backyard was technically in South Pasadena."
So when he mowed the lawn, he'd be outside the district? Is this what his critics are using to say he's always somewhere else. No fair!
Yeah, and when the people in a neighboring community started talking to his new staff about Debs Park -- the largest regional park in the district, none of them ever heard of it or knew where it was.
You missed the real question, Mayor Sam. Did he take more than one suitcase with him? If hedid, the Meateaters of the blog may not have AV to kick around anymore.
Kevin Shelley, can you do a state-to-state transfer of campaign funds?
How long does it take to establish residency in AZ? (How much money you got).
Mayor Sam, are we reading the same Daily News? The "good scolding" of Hahn as far as I can tell says nothing was done illegaly, and it's the city election rules and system that should be scolded, not Slim Jim -- even if the unproven allegations end up being true.
The Daily News, where Dowie apparently learned at least part of his professional ethics from, is scolding the mayor? Can that be right?
Clearly there are a handful of people with nothing better to do with their lives than post their stupid pleonastic attacks on Villaraigosa. Mayor Sam is thereby rather quickly becoming a giant bore, rather than an interesting place to mull over the the day's events in a fascinating mayoral election.
If you pro-recall idiots spent some time out in the streets, rather than crafting otiose postings for MS, you might actually get some signatures. Do you really think you are impacting the election in even the slightest way?
For the benefit of any of CD 14's imported field staffers that might be reviewing this:
Pleonastic: using more words than necessary to denote mere sense
Otiose: producing no useful result
(you know, like your boss's tenure in office in the district so far)
You are so wrong. So wrong. Go out and talk to a voter.
Sacramento you are the best. Thanks for the great posts. To above poster, you obviously have nothing better to do also since you took the time to blog into our conversations. We must really get to ADV supporters. Is the $20 million Antonio failed to collect as Chair of Transportation Committee going to be on any city council agenda?
Abusive Poster: "Mayor Sam is thereby rather quickly becoming a giant bore, rather than an interesting place to mull over the the day's events in a fascinating mayoral election."
You've got a scroll-bar don't you? Skip the posts you don't like. It's a "pro-choice" blog, man. Geez, don't have a cow!
A bore? I don't think so. Its significant that a Mayoral candidate is AWOL, in another state, and lobbying for the interests of a foreign government. Our press would never report Antonio's departure.
Sounds like Pacheco & staff are still sore over their loss. Sorry about that kids, but get over it. Look, if Antonio wins, Pacheco could run for a second term.
To the poster using the fancy words: You say, "Do you (recall idiots) think you are impacting the election in even the slightest way." NO. And why should we? That is not our concern. We are recalling Antonio Villaraigosa because he lied to the people of the 14th District. He broke his pledge to stay at least for a four year term and not run for Mayor. Our recall is the business of the 14th District only. And we will have the signatures at the appropriate time. Just reading these posts confirm that AV supporters have little idea about what's going on in Antonio's backyard. And if there are any bar owners posting who are against Villaraigosa, as Mayor Sam suggests, I have a question for you? Why HAVEN'T you contributed financially to the recall?
And Pacheco can run when Antonio is recalled.
(Someone from AV's staff, sensing their NEXT loss, said):"Sounds like Pacheco & staff are still sore over their loss."
Sorry to repeat a response from a prior thread, but it's still so appropriate:
"Right (these responses). . . couldn't be all the other reasons given, lies, bad constituent service, more lies, arrogance, grandstanding, taking credit for others' work, more lies, bad staff management, more lies, back-door dealing for political favors and contributions, loss of $20 million, more lies."
You must be right poster, every current criticism of AV, no matter how valid, or how often expressed in the district is just Pacheco's 2-year-old sour grapes. Seems like you need to go talk to a voter yourself (and that don't mean influence-purchasing campaign contributors). Keep sticking your head that far in the sand, disregarding the needs of your district, and you'll be back on the bus to Sacramento in no time asking Carol Liu for a summer internship.
"...if there are any bar owners posting who are against Villaraigosa... Why HAVEN'T you contributed financially to the recall?
The check's in the mail!
Sam Malone
Boyle Heights "Cheers"
Ahhhhhhhh, Cheers... the place where everyone knows your name. Too bad that's not the case here, since most people are scared to identify themselves either by name or by a nickname. I think it would show credibility and strength in all your comments. But hey, I've said that over and over again here and only few care to do so.
....... :) Can't wait for tomorrow, i wish tomorrow were today.
blog away.
Meat how in the world do you sleep at night? So many people on this blog couldn't be wrong. It's amazing that you have a conscience at all. You are loyal to a man who is despised by the people he is suppose to care about. In the end it will be a truly sad story.
Wishing your life away, MEAT? Be patient, everything comes to those who wait.
Pacheco does not have a chance to come back when Villaraigosa wins. He is a "has been". There are allot of new people in the community that have a far better chance of taking AV place when he becomes Mayor. Pacheco should have known better than to burn all of his bridges. What goes around comes around, all of his negativity came back to him. Bad Karma.
Nick Pacheco was good for CD14 but I don't understand why he hasn't been more outspoken against Villaraigosa's lies and broken promises.
Excuse me but all the Antonio supporters are saying they wish they would have supported Pacheco instead because they never reallized what a Liar Antonio was. They are now the ones actively campaigning to get rid of him. These are the die hard Antonio past supporters who got muscle cramps walking the streets for him and for what? They can't stand him and will do any and everything to get rid of him. Wish I could play the city council meeting that was held in El Sereno. They blasted him right in front of everyone. How embarrassing!
Maybe those people were working for El Collectiva
It's Christmas in February who could've guessed. Oh wait I did.
Since it is passed midnight, and I have business out of the city today -- I will post today's clips for you dum-dums to see what the average Joe will be reading about all day.
**************More Illegal Activity by Hahn************
LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-hahn4feb04,1,4633400.story?coll=la-headlines-california
Daily News: http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~2691155,00.html
These two articles chronicle the story given by Fred Gaines ( a man never fined by the ethics commission) who says that DWP Commissioner and Hahn appointee (and mastermind of the Fleishman contract) Dominick Rubalcava was seeing hosting a fundraiser for Hahn -- a big No-No especially since this mayor signed the law making it illegal -- how ironic. But the real funny part is in the LA Times where it says perennial hack Kam Kuwata was cussing up a storm. Now come on Kam, we all know you like your sip of vodka here and there but being a dumb drunk and yelling obscenities to reporters doesn't help your client. I think lil Kam needs a nap, Kammy do you need a nap? Come on lil guy you want your ba-ba? ok lil guy take your nap.
*******************Villaraigosa Transportation Plan*****
LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-antonio4feb04,1,6429475.story?coll=la-headlines-california
Daily News: http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~2691586,00.html
Villaraigosa transportation plan -- a positive story about Antonio's plan while admitting there needs to be a funding stream attached, I think this shows the type of bold leadership this city needs so desperately needs. Someone willing to swing for the fences.
*******************Hahn Ignoring Debate Again***********
LA Times: http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~2691405,00.html
Dailynews: http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~2691405,00.html
Now Hahn, does all this free press the other candidates are getting is your reelection strategy? I mean we all know Bill Carrick doesn't like to do "message of the day" because it detracts from his pay day in the paid media commercials, but there needs to be some strategy on the free media, oh wait, why would there be a strategy on free media when there isn't one for this city.
*************** Hard Truths****************************
More DWP, more corruption from Hahn – fun, fun, fun.
**********************Money Shot************************
LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-abrams4feb04,1,224186.story?coll=la-headlines-california
If you read one story today here it is, i love this one. Mainly because the employee was propped up by the Villaraigosa campaign and the ethics commission just in time for this campaign, i mean there has to be a conspiracy right guys?
I mean if you believe everything Wacko Nightlights says about how all these investigations turn up nothing and fizz away after the election, then well you have some more spinning to do. I think these were the documents not indictments Mayor Sam was hearing about on Tuesday. What’s great about Abrams and their massive fraud of senior citizens and their massive fraud of City election officials is the direct link this article makes between Abrams and Edwards. But of course nothing will come of this, accept an indictment – question is has anyone seen Abrams partner who can clear up all these allegations to prove the mayor is innocent -- oh yeah he FLED THE COUNTRY, how convenient.
Now I know why Kuwata was cussing up a storm, the mayor doesn't pay him enough to spin for the Gotti family.
Seriously guys, blog away, the influence you have over the LA media is just so convincing that it makes me quiver to read each and everydays newspapers. Oh wait that’s me.
Dum-dums of the world unite. blog away.
No fair posting the same message to multiple threads, MEAT. (But then what does "fair" have to do with being part of AVs shock troops. Your blowing the credibility of Mayor Sam's new peak "hit" numbers.
Sacramento I think you scare Carne. Mijo Meat we must scare the hell out of you otherwise you wouldn't make fun of us and posts here daily with your spins. Its obvious the LA Times is pro ADV and Daily News is ant-Hahn. OOOHHH Meat the stories in today's papers are scary. Obviously letting the voters known what a scumbag your pal AVD is worked in 2001 and will work again this year. We don't forget! People need to know that Antonio is against gang injunctions that's why he doesn't give a crap about murders in his own district.
Hey everyone since we know MEAT supports Villaraigosa how about telling us before, in between, or after your remarks who you support? I hear your Antonio bashing all the time, but your telling me what your against and not what your for. Do you think that is possible or is that extra typing for you?
There are no candidates worthy of becoming Mayor of Los Angeles. This especially includes Hertzberg and Hahn. The other candidates either had a chance or are not viable enough to run this City. So who is the best alternative to these men? Is there an alternative? Surely there is someone out there. I suppose someone will say Laura Chick. I'm just thinking about 2009.
Wow Sacramento Nighties did not get his or her or its coffee this morning (some people are both; its not a judgment call).
It sounds like from everyone posting on this blog that the real slogan should be ABTOC - Anything But The Other Candidate.
Basically, it comes down to the fact that no one in this race is good enough for the job. From the looks of things, it doesn't seem like anyone in LA is good enough to run this city (elected officials, past electeds, NC leaders, community leaders, business leaders, etc)
I think the city is going to have to recruit some volunteers for the job. Maybe Giuliani wants to run in LA rather than Senator or President. He had a lot of experience in cleaning up NYC from La Cosa Nostra. So he has experience with Gotti like people (look out Hahn)
We are the 2nd largest city in the nation and just look at the losers we have to choose from to elect mayor. Not one strong able man who sounds like a true leader. Hell, Bratton would be shoe in if he were to run. He speaks his mind, is a very strong man and speaks like a true leader. All these weak ass whimpy men are discouraging. Where's the leader for the people? Not in LA.
Laura Chick just dug her own grave with those scandlous memos she gave only to the mayoral candidates. Dumb dumb move for her. She's getting hell citywide. People are outraged that she would stoop to that level. Hurt her character more than it already was.
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