Fact Checking the Mayor

Thanks to KCAL 9's video feeds coupled with LA Voice's incredible transcript (I apologize now for the blatant copy and paste), there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to now go back and fact check some of the items that were said last evening. You've already got our take on the event. Here are a few itmes to get the party rolling:
1) Pat Harvey asks Hahn, in terms of that half-cent sales taxes, you've not really nailed down any other way to expand the number of police officers. How do you plan to expand the department? Hahn replies: Here's what I have done since I've been mayor. We'd lost over 800 officers when I became mayor. We've gained 350 officers since then, by eliminating positions from other departments. We went to Washington DC, we got (the money) to fund 250 additional police officers, but the City Council has failed to fund the matching grant to do that. Unfortunately, again, Sacramento took our money ...
First off, his reply makes no sense. If I heard him correctly he went to DC and got the money, the council failed to deliver the other half of the money, and then Sacramento took it? What did he do with the half he got? Do we need to call Chick?
Secondly, he hasn't gained 350 officers. July 1, 2001 - 9,015 officers. December 12, 2004 - 9,084 officers. (Some quick math 9084-9015=69) Not quite 350. Besides, he actually pledged 1000 back in 2001
(Sources: Hahn campaign ad “This House”, 2001. City Administrative Officer. LAPD Public Information Officer.)
2) Hahn: You know, of the 4,600 traffic signals in this city, 2900 are synchronized. In fact, our traffic synchronization program is looked at by every other major city in the country as a model. Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago was out here last month to look at our system ... The problem is that no one seems to live where they work in Los Angeles. We're fixing the 25 worst intersections in the city, that affects a million drivers year- round. We're gonna have streets made more efficient by towing vehicles in no-parking areas ... We can do all those little things and that'll make a big difference.
He's right, but here's a humorous timeline for you:
October 26, 2001: The Daily News reports that light synchronization efforts in the Valley are being delayed so Jim Hahn can claim political credit for the project.
October 31, 2001: A Daily News Op-Ed attacks Jim Hahn for delaying light synchronization.
November 3, 2001: The Daily News reports that Jim Hahn is announcing a plan to relieve traffic and synchronize traffic lights.
March 24, 2004: City News Service reports that Jim Hahn is announcing a plan to relieve traffic and synchronize traffic lights.
October 4, 2004: Jim Hahn issues a press release, announcing a plan to synchronize traffic lights.
At 25 a year, we should be done by (More quick math 4600-2900=1700. 1700/25=68) 2073!
3) Hahn: The top priority is to bring more jobs in. We've added 40,000 jobs in Los Angeles since I've been mayor.
Again, he's correct, but here's the part he left out...
According to state estimates, the City of Los Angeles’ job base grew by 2.2 percent – 40,910 jobs, but the rest of the Southern California region grew by 6.3 percent. If Los Angeles had grown at that rate of the rest of the region, we’d have another 71,000 jobs.
(Source: California Employment Development Department)
Its only fair that you post the bullshit comments that the other mayoral candidates made as well. Hey, today MEAT must be paying you guys off. Its go after Hahn day at Mayor Sam. First of all we lost 1,000 officers while Parks was chief. Kudos to Hahn for having the balls to get rid of him. We could have an additional 320 right now out on the streets but those lame ass city council members voted NO. Idiots! Parks was asked if he would be able to work with Chief Bratton and you should post what that lame ass said as well. ADV was asked about working with neighborhood councils. You should definitely post what that lame ass said because he lied through his teeth and made it sound like he had a good relationship with them. He hasn't been to a Neighborhood Council meeting in about a year and 1/2 even though his little butt is on the Education and Neighborhood Committee. Post what ADV said about the public financing they have in Arizona. He stated he's not familiar with it. Hey, his butt was in Arizona last week so maybe he should have looked it up...
Damn it! I hate it when you try to twist facts with politics, Chief Parker. When that happens, there's less room for opinion and spin. Now you've got Hahn's staff in a tizzy, worried about job hunting. That means even less time delivering services to the City.
What about some fact checking on the other candidates as well for some more laughs?
How much is MEAT paying you to keep from posting a specific blog item on the Times profile of Tony Villar? Fair is fair, the Times' Hahn yawn got a skewer!
JH: Does the music on the Titanic as it was going down, come to mind? Horrible performance. Actually made me sick in that I'd voted for him last time (against my girlfriend's wishes - who thought the AV "was cute").
His last minute "Pay-to-play" ploy vis-a-vis the 100G payoff to the Neighborhood Councils was "buy votes" at its worst. C'mon there got to be some sort of ethics ordinance against this. If there isn't, the campaign rules are a sham.
JH IS going down, the question remains to whom?
AV: Must have been slipped a downer (The pink pill) by "The Mayor's Men (Wong included)" into his water before the event. Lackluster comes to mind. C'mon AV, does not seem that you are hungry for this one. Wake up, bark a little.
RA: Wow! Give this man a trophy. Smacked the shi* out of Jimmy. Left him gasping for breath! Or as some say "Bitc*-slapped Jimmy back to San Pedro". His pandering to the NC's was a bit lame but understandable.
BH: Won this debate for clarity, ideas, kick-ass agenda and "can-do" attitude. While some of his answers were too quick fire rapid delvery, his main song was the need for a mayor that will lead this city like his life depended on it. Bob delivered that message in an excellent fashion.
BP: 3 day work week.....zzzzzz.....5 day work week..... zzzzzzz...... 7 day work week..... zzzzzz....... Police bad....... Me good..... zzzzzzz....... Jimmy bad...... Me and Bobbie good ...... Jimmy very bad...... zzzzzzzz..... ....zzzzzzz......
Final thought:
The election will make history... (at least local history)....
Match set will be between Bob Hertzberg and Jimmy Hahn. BH will win a landslide and Jimmy will nurse his wounds in San Pedro for a year before running for Governor...
Till next time,
The Fly
This is one of the downsides. As the mayor, you're expected to know all the answers and have all the correct figures in hand and up-to-date. As a challenger attempting to show "vision" you can just throw half-cocked ideas out there that no one has thought out and say (as Villaraigosa did about his transportation plan), "I don't know how to fund it -- I'm no used car salesman" (you can trust me to figure it all out, though).
No, as Mayor we expect you to have a positive track record and a reason to keep you around. His track seems to be running in circles from investigators
Bob Big Boy was hilarious last night although I don't think he meant to be. Does he take speed? He was too animated and crazy just staring at Hahn as he spoke and then just jumping in to attack. He came off like a caricature.
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