League Backing Out of Debate?
Longshot and forlorn independent Mayoral candidate Walter Moore has sent out yet another e-mail missive claiming the League of Women Voters has stated they are not sponsoring the Mayoral debate set for air on KNBC Channel 4. As early as Monday, news reports indicated the League was indeed a sponsor. In the following excerpt from Moore's letter, he credits his supporters e-mail and telephone campaign with this development:
Moore refers his supporters to a letter posted on the League's website that makes the claim the League was never a sponsor of the debate but merely providing technical assistance.
So where did the confusion lie? Was the media incorrectly reporting that the League was a sponsor? Or did Walter's minions succeed in making the League squeamish? A post about the debate on the KNBC website does not specifically refer to sponsorship but says the debate was being run under the League's guidelines. A web search turns up a press release by financial advisors Barrington Associates that they are hosting the debate.
It just gets curiouser and curiouser!
As a result of YOUR calls and e-mail to the League of Women Voters to protest the exclusion of the lone Republican candidate, me, Walter Moore, from the League's so-called mayoral "debate," the League has now DISOWNED the debate. Now the League claims NBC, Channel 4, is the sponsor of the debate.
So where did the confusion lie? Was the media incorrectly reporting that the League was a sponsor? Or did Walter's minions succeed in making the League squeamish? A post about the debate on the KNBC website does not specifically refer to sponsorship but says the debate was being run under the League's guidelines. A web search turns up a press release by financial advisors Barrington Associates that they are hosting the debate.
It just gets curiouser and curiouser!
The League is horrible. Do they really expect to be taken seriously when they pull stuff like this?
Hey wait a minute!
KNBC and the League say that in order to participate in the debate, you have to have a chance of winning.
IF that is so, why are Bitter Bernie and Alarcon invited to the dance?
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