Hahn CHICK-ens Out Part II
Did Mayor Poopy decide he couldn't take the heat from City Controller Laura Chick's desires to shed a little sunshine on his operations? Was he looking to remove her from office and recruit another big name former Councilmember to take her on?
You may remember that Richard Riordan as well attempted to recruit Alarcon to run against Chick in 2001, but he refused. Chick went on to beat Laurette Healy in a landslide.
"People associated with Mayor Hahn's campaign did approach my campaign representative, Richie Ross, with the idea that I should run against Laura Chick, and they would provide support," Richard Alarcon said last week.The LA Times is reporting that Richard Alarcon's crack political strategist - Richie Ross - was approached by Hahn people to encourage Alarcon to drop out of the Mayoral race and run against Chick for Controller. He was promised many goodies if he did. Of course, Richard said no and is extending his endorsement of Chick for re-election.
You may remember that Richard Riordan as well attempted to recruit Alarcon to run against Chick in 2001, but he refused. Chick went on to beat Laurette Healy in a landslide.
From LA Observed this morning....
In the politics columns
Associates of Mayor Hahn approached State Sen. Richard Alarcon three months ago about helping him run for controller instead of mayor, Alarcon says in Patrick McGreevy's Inside Politics column in the Times. They wanted him to take on Hahn nemesis Laura Chick, but Alarcon says he refused the offer: "I support her. She's my friend." It's not mentioned in the column, but a source also has said that Hahn's office knew early on that there would be a community recall effort against Antonio Villaraigosa. In his Daily News Tipoff column, Rick Orlov warns the challengers that Hahn may outshine them in that disputed Dec. 2 debate: "A lawyer by training, a career city official and the son of a lifelong politician, Hahn knows the issues facing the city better than just about anyone."
Everyone knows that Alaracon was telling anyone who would listen that he wanted to be the next city controller months ago. It started having legs and giving credence when he backed the 5 residents that filed a lawsuit against DWP. A lot of people think Alaracon would be a better city controller. He doesn't really have the money to compete with the mayoral candidates and doesn't really have the name recognition
Everyone knows that Alaracon was telling anyone who would listen that he wanted to be the next city controller months ago. It started having legs and giving credence when he backed the 5 residents that filed a lawsuit against DWP. A lot of people think Alaracon would be a better city controller. He doesn't really have the money to compete with the mayoral candidates and doesn't really have the name recognition
What's up with Meat now sucking up to Hahn?
He's now realizing he better start looking for a job cause when Tony's recalled he won't have one. Always good politics to make nice with the "maybes"
Anyone who underestimates Mayor Hahn will be blown away. Like the newspapers are saying he knows his stuff and to many people have proven that he's at his best when he's under the most stress and under the gun. I can't think of anyone who is better at the most vulnerable time then Hahn. No one thought he would survive the Parks ordeal but once again he came out better than a lot of people who were big whimps did.
Alarcon is just looking for a way out. You'll see...
I pasted those comments from the LA Observed website to show that Hahn also has a hand in the lame recall effort. The claims that it is grassroots are a bit false then, especially if Hahn's folks are the ones pulling the strings of homeless activists/people.
Meat, where in the LA Observed does it state Hahn is pulling strings of homeless activist? I have news for you the recall is definitely GRASSROOTS
This requires a little bit of linear thinking on your part CITYWATCHER.
First, LA Observed posted today a reference that Hahn may have had a hand on the recall. If thats the case, then how can it truly be grassroots when the most PR'd mayor ever is the one starting it. There's nothing grassroots about that.
Second, if we remember who exactly went in front of council to start this whole recall stuff, it was ted hayes and eliseo -- two men who are either homeless activists or homeless themselves depending on how you look at it.
So therefore, it's not a stretch to think that it is Hahn who is pulling their strings, nevermind the fact that Hahn has saved their fiscal strings a couple of times, so what a way to recall the favor.
I am merely hypthesizing here -- only going off of what LA Observed posted -- but its the first time anyone has made any reference to this not being a grassroots effort. Which is what i've been saying for sometime.
To MEAT: You're wrong. I live in CD14 and it is absolutely a grassroot effort. In fact, Ted Hayes name is not even mentioned in the circles we travel with people who want Tony gone. However, Ted Hayes is very political and would not compromise his position unless he truly believed in the cause. He is well respected in the community. This has nothing to do with Hahn and everything to do with people wanting Tony OUT. People who actually live in his district.
To anonymous -- i believe you, i was just giving my opinion based on what i saw on LA Observed.
That said, if i may give you some free political advice, not that you'd take it, but here it is.
We all learned last year that the recall (of Gov Davis) supporters specifically went out to qualify for a special election not a normal one. In fact, when a judge temporarily pushed back the election to March the Schwarzenegger people went nuts, knowing there would be a higher turnout and less likely to pass the recall.
I think you guys should aim for the same thing -- because Antonio will have millions at his disposal for the Mayor's race which will mean a tough uphill climb to get voters to pay attention to your recall message. However, if the recall qualified for a special election the whole race would be more fairer. Antonio couldn't use his mayoral campaign comt because theroretically he would've spent it. And since Antonio is going to lose the mayoral campaign (as folks on this blog suggest) wouldn't it be great to take out a weaker opponent who's ability to raise money will be much less.
That to me seems like a smart strategy, why? cause the whole "promise" issue isn't going anywhere, it still works after May 2005, and you get someone easier to recall.
Now we all know that isn't going to happen, but i hope most folks can agree that what i laid out is a smart political strategy. No thats not going to happen because then how can Mayor Hahn use this issue to his advantage during the campaign. As we learned in today's LA Observed, the Hahn folks knew about this happening before anyone else, because their office is behind it. So they are going to get folks whose political judgement is a little off (along with some mental awareness) and send them on the political train to oblivion. You know there's a new movie out there called "Polar Express" maybe this new train that Hahn created can be dubbed "Poor Express".
Meat, don't insult our intelligence. You know damn well the Mayor isn't behind the RECALL however, it makes you and all of Tony's cronies feel better saying it. You just don't want to accept the fact that REAL PEOPLE WANT TO GET RID OF HIM. It sounds better if it's his competition not actual pissed off residents who have had enough and will do anything to get rid of him. I would love to go to a community meeting with you Meat and be there when you ask people what has Tony done for your district. Maybe if you hear it with your own ears you'll start to understand the frustration and anger these people feel. You're an idiot to say Hahn is behind this recall. IT'S THE PEOPLE
Well, I agree with both of you. They should both be recalled! Doesn't anybody read the news? Neither one seems to give a hoot about anything but themselves. It is difficult for me to discriminate between these two scoundrels. I defer to your expertise.
Ok, real people behind the recall? Let's keep it straight and simple here: what he hell is Ted Hayes doing getting into stuff that is for the 14th district?! Doesn't he live in The Dome Village out in West LA/Hollywood area. I'm sure that Eliseo and the others do live in the district.
But as much as I think that's important, the bigger picture for me is after December when we see how much the group has raised and who are the people who are donating to their cause. They have promoted on their website that people can make a "private contribution" for up to $99. Why is it that they are out there trying to get people to make private contributions? If you are going to have the balls to challenge the integrity of a man and choose to raise funds to do so, you should be soliciting ANY money that will help make this a campaign.
Maybe whoever is behind this recall will attempt to smuggle thousands of dollars through individuals using the $99 bar (that's if it's real). So I hope that people donate some $, but have it in them to make a real statement and not try to hide behind $99.
LAObserved is behind in the times. Rumors and speculation that Tony would get recalled by members of his district have been circulating since the day he announced he was running for Mayor.
The best thing about a recall is the people affected, the residents of the 14th CD, ultimately decide the question.
I didn't vote to recall Gray Davis because Darrell Issa funded it and I'm sure people didn't vote against the recall because he funded, either.
Recalls are part of our system and Tony will have every opportunity to convince people he should stay.
If you know the 14th CD, you know that it shares significant parts of downtown, especially around Skid Row and the homeless. The homeless in these areas are Ted Hayes' stakeholders.
Villaraigosa left Ted Hayes hanging when he told the Muslim community "he didn't read" Ted's motion when he introduced it to the council.
Yeah right, he didn't read it. He's either lying or incompetent.
Oh no - He dissed Ted Hayes over a motion -- recall the SOB!!
Oh no --He "promised" he would stay on not represent us at City Hall and be the first mayor from our community (geographically speaking of course, i can't go around upsetting all the racist) -- recall the SOB!!!
Oh no -- He hasn't done anything in a year in a half (nevermind...ending the strike, reviving the Gold Line, LARX, new constituent ctr in El Sereno, Days of service...) -- recall the SOB.
Oh no - his staff is incompetent -- more lawyers on staff than any city councilmember (maybe thats what the LA Times meant when it said he could attract a good staff) former dodger executive, small business operators/owners, Microsoft/Nickelodeon IT recruits, USC, Stanford, Cal and yes even Garfield and Roosevelt graduates -- recall the SOB!!!
Oh no he supports gangbangers -- now this one is the MOST idiotic statement of all, doesn't deserve a response -- recall the SOB.
Oh no he takes money from neighborhood councils -- He's never ever ever taken money from a neighborhood council and placed it in any of his accounts, no neighborhood council has given money to Antonio or any of his staff -- but nonetheless -- recall the SOB!!!
Oh no he said he had no money, which is true, but of course the community wanted money from his PAC -- no one on this blog has produced any documentation to support this claim, just a whole bunch of chatter. Antonio spent his money on...neighbor to neighbor, ACORN...etc -- groups that operate and do GOOD things in CD14 - oh and he gave money to try to get more cops in the city -- but nevermind the facts -- recall the SOB!!!
I feel like all this typing goes to waste on you weird recall supporters -- "but MEAT, i hope you'd go to a community mtg and see....blah blah blah. -- recall the SOB!!!
Meat reveal your name - so we can google you and find out who's upstaging every argument we make before anyone would listen -- recall the SOB!!!
I know who MEAT is....and let me just say this -- do not i repeat do not get on his bad side.
I worked on a campaign against him -- assembly primary 2000 in San Diego -- only person i know who knows how to make your candidate cry. - of course MEAT's operation crushed us.
Recall supporters, do not trust any, and i mean any of your volunteers -- Hahn and Hertzberg operatives -- do not tell MEAT anything at all -- he is not on any payroll of any of the candidates, but he is the most well connected operative in LA history.
Quite frankly the scariest "SOB" god ever created in politics.
from -- mr peepers.
I know who you are peepers -- your waking up next to Mayor Sam tomorrow.
recall the SOB!!!!
Meat you're such a drama queen. To end the argument quickly I invite you to the next Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council on Dec. 2 at the Boyle Heights Senior Center. Ask any board member if they gave Antonio $1,000 and you will have your answer. THEY DID. Next, go to the LA 32 Neighborhood Council and ask the same. THEY DID. Antonio DID NOT end the MTA strike. Hahn and Ludlow did but like everything else ANtonio jumps in front of the cameras and takes credit. You may be a campaign person but sure sounds like you are SO out of touch on this one. You need to research more and realize your candidate is TOAST
Meat you're such a drama queen. To end the argument quickly I invite you to the next Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council on Dec. 2 at the Boyle Heights Senior Center. Ask any board member if they gave Antonio $1,000 and you will have your answer. THEY DID. Next, go to the LA 32 Neighborhood Council and ask the same. THEY DID. Antonio DID NOT end the MTA strike. Hahn and Ludlow did but like everything else ANtonio jumps in front of the cameras and takes credit. You may be a campaign person but sure sounds like you are SO out of touch on this one. You need to research more and realize your candidate is TOAST
To Meat:
The recall supporters don't need a good reason to recall Antonio. All they need is the voters of CD 14 to agree with them that Antonio isn't what he promised.
He's never around, his staff makes it seem that he has more important things to do then meet with constituents, and he always claims he can't help because he lacks resources.
You are taking this way too personal. It's just business. The business of politics.
Challenge: If it turns out to be true that Antonio's council office went around the district asking Neighborhood Councils to "chip in" on projects in the district because "we (the council office) have no money", would you support him returning those funds? FACT: He had PAC money available to him for these projects and chose not to use it.
Conspiracy Theory #1: Who is Meat? Richie Ross? Steve Afriat? Bob Mulholland? (you said he was one of the most vicious operatives ever known).
Conspiracy Theory #2: Inquiring minds want to know. IF Hahn's hands have touched the recall as you allege, DID he get advice on it from FH on the DWP dime?
Just questions, not allegations. Stay tuned.
TRUST ME...the Mayor is not involved in the recall. It's Antonio's camp is spreading that rumor to make it look better for him that a competitor is behind it.
Still - I would get a deposition from the FH flacks and be sure to ask if the recall was discussed.
Meat, all those degrees from Antonio'staff mean absolutely nothing. They all lack the most important one of all Public Relations. They could have helped Antonio in his absence but they are arrogant, rude, inconsiderate morons who also don't give a damn about the community so they ended up adding to the problem
Woah, is it just me or is CITYWATCHER not a fan of Villaraigosa and his staff??? Look, I live in his district and have had frequent encounters with his various staff members. Whether it was help with getting rid of a sofa that some jerk dropped off on the sidewalk in front of my house or dealing with DWP, my wife and I always got good service and always came out satisfied. True, I've met one or two of his staff that don't exactly rub me in the right way, but every elected official has them. So while you may have an opinion that they are "arrogant, rude, and indonsiderate morons", myself and my neighbors in El Sereno would disagree with you.
It seems like you might have a bad case of sour grapes about some interaction that you had with them that didn't come out in your favor. What, did you apply for a job with Villaraigosa and get rejected? Where you put on check by one of his staff members when you comfronted them about an issue in the same attitude which you put your last post? Sure seems like there's something more to your hatred than meets the eye...
It has nothing to do with "hatred" That's a strong word. They are just extremely incompetent and many in CD 14 agree with me. So many residents have asked numerous times for something to be done and you would never get a call back, an answer, and the issue was never taken care of. I pay their salaries with my tax dollars so there should be accountabilty. Many seniors in fact have complained that they are blatantly ignored time and time again. When they call into the field office they are rudely put on hold forever or hung up on. You can say what you want about Pacheco but he had a great staff. They were caring and not only worked in the community but loved it with the passion the residents have. I hear only 1 staff member of Antonio lives in the district. Sure makes a difference. So I am upset more likely that poor people are not being serviced because of lazy, inconsiderate, arrogant staff members "yes you are right about that." Not hatred
Yeah, hatred is a strong word, but so are lazy, inconsiderate, and arrogant. It's like when Chief Bratton was campaigning to become the new Chief and a bunch of people referred to him as a racist. That was a strong word. Then coincidentally, those same people present Chief Bratton a cake at a Public Safety Forum in CD14 when he was there with Hahn and Villaraigosa. I guess some people just have a more firm grip on their strong words than others.
If people are calling a field office and not getting proper attention to, have they complained those responsible for making sure that their staff take care of business? If that's been done, have them come forward with times and instances and who they spoke to and what didn't get any service. I love this district, as it seems that you do to, and I feel that if there really is a problem in that office as you state, that this will be a direct way to resolve them.
Trust me the people who were calling Bratton a racist were not in CD 14. It was the black because he said the gang bangers were terrorists and thugs. He also said and I agree wholeheartedly that the parents should control their kids. The sad reality is the staff are not experienced to be working with community. Yes, several times people have complained to Jimmy, Antonio. Did anything get done. NO. Jimmy protected his staff and gave excuses. If the staff were more in touch with the community they service then half the battle would have been won. Sadly, that hasn't happened.
I have a feeling that CITYWATCHER is a woman to is always going to events in CD14, fairly attractive, but always wears too much blush.
Is a male you idiot! Meat is under 30 yrs old. So everyone is saying LA is not safe? Look at these numbers. Oh and Compton is Sheriff terriorty
1-Camden, NJ, 2. Detroit, MI, 3. Atlanta, GA,4. St. Louis, MO. 5. Gary, IN, 6. Washington, DC
7. Hartford, CT, 8. New Orleans, LA, 9 Richmond, VA, 10 Birmingham, AL, 11 Baltimore, MD, 12 Richmond, CA, 13 Memphis, TN, 14 Jackson, MS, 15 Tampa, FL, 16 San Bernardino, CA, 17 Compton, CA, 18 Springfield, MA, 19 Miami, FL, 20 Cleveland, OH, 21 Dayton, OH
22 North Charleston, SC, 23 Little Rock, AR, 24 Oakland, CA, 25 Cincinnati, OH
Your mom.
You go and put a turkey in the oven and all of a sudden an argument breaks out.
whew!! its not just hot in my kitchen, its hot in here as well.
Someone is on the MEAT trail, claiming i am under 30 is a shrewd move to uncover me -- but alas no clues from me.
Umm as for Antonio only having 2 staffer living in the district -- 100% not true, he has many more than 1.
Wait a second MEAT, you must be on his payroll to know this -- no dum-dum -- i just know his staff, wait oh my god, i even know hahn's staff -- uh-oh could it be that i know hertzberg's staff as well. Hold your horses, are you saying MEAT that you know Alarcon's folks as well. The answer is YES -- and for good measure i know a couple of peeps with Parks.
SOooooo everyone needs to calm down a bit, i've known these people long before a mayor's race ever came to be -- this is how i know my stuff.
As for those that claim Antonio is out of touch -- here's a simple truth. EVERY CANDIDATE IS OUT OF TOUCH, INCLUDING THIS MAYOR - ANYONE THATS SAYS ANYTHING OTHERWISE IS LYING!!!!
Ok, now that we can agree on that - let me push further -- the only barometer is the election to see who is "perceived" to be in touch the best. Outide of the election we have polls -- every poll i've seen has Antonio in the lead -- hence he is perceived to be the most in touch with Angelino's.
Others may get the lead later - but until then -- Antonio has the midas touch right now.
Happy Thanksgiving.
If the polls are looking so good for Antonio why is he inflating his numbers to potential contributors? Could it be that Antonio is seeing a slowing down in his campaign contributions?
Inflating his numbers???? thats news to me -- please explain.
A Fairbanks/Maslin poll done for LAX exapansion proponents had Antonio up - way up -- and that was just 4-5 days ago. Next day Hahn is in the debates -- wondering if his camp was leaked the same poll.
As for the fundraising numbers...well all we have is the last report -- if we remember 10 days before the report the LA Times reported that Antonio just reached the 200k mark, then ten days later Antonio was well over 600k -- 400k in ten days. No other candidate was at that clip. And if we look back to where Antonio was 4 yrs ago, he is well ahead of that watershed mark.
Sooo is Antonio having trouble raising money, who knows? Buutt i bet everyone is, Kerry lost, and since Los Angeles is the presidential ATM i think a lot of local donors are feeling mentally and physically drained, which i am sure all the candidates are feeling right now.
At the end of the day Antonio only needs to raise 2+ million like Hahn, the other 3 candidates need to have close to 5 million in the bank -- Hertzberg is the only one close to that mark so far.
I agree with MEAT, in politics perception is reality.
Right now, Tony has challenged the recall notice at the City Clerk's office. Perception, he must be worried about the recall or he wouldn't care about such a technicality.
Tony will have two perception issues: how his constituents view him as a Coucilmember during the recall and how the City at large views him as a potential new Mayor.
He could lose CD 14 and win in the City. How?? The same way he won CD 14, by PROMISING everyone everything. Everyone, knows that he hasn't used all his talent and connections for CD 14. If he did, then we wouldn't even be debating MEAT whether or not Tony knew the residents expected him to dip into his political money for the community.
MEAT is like those people who blame the victims instead of the person creating the problem.
.....thinking. Interesting where the bar is placed for Antonio, very interesting indeed.
Let's take a trip down memory lane and observe a couple of things, now folks - this is just for informational purposes, as i have learned that no matter how much fact you guys have -- it will be ignored. But let's take the trip anyway.
Mark Ridley-Thomas, Janice Hahn, Rudy Savornivich,Alex Padilla, Ed Reyes, Dennis Zine,Tony Cardenas...the list can get longer if you like. All of the folks listed above have, ready for this folks..."political campaign accounts"!!!! Stop the presses, please MEAT say it ain't so.
Well it is dum-dums and guess what -- they don't give their political money to orgs like the ones you guys want. Some of these folks even have/had state political accounts, lest someone think they are smart and point out the difference.
Look people, if Antonio is held to this level all of the politicians should be then held to it as well. Yet there will be no recall campaigns initiated against these folks, cause none of these folks are going up against the slimies politician ever - James Hahn. Oh and because this issue you guys keep on raising -- isn't an ISSUE to normal decent humans -- just Jim Hahn partisan/freaks.
Nevermind that Antonio gave money to ACORN, neighbor to neighbor and other worthy orgs...oh yeah and he gave his money to try to get additional police officers for his district -- wasn't like it went to some PR firm or anything - but why talk about the pressing issues MEAT - lets constantly distract this blog away from Jim Hahn (the real person who butt is at stake) and talk about a FAKE recall from FAKE people with FAKE interests.
Couple of days ago the LA Observed website pointed out that Jim Hahn's office may be pulling the strings on this recall effort -- and it seems to be the truth. But why be pestered by simple things like the facts -- go ahead and say your nonsense about me and the world. You're like those preachers at the mall with a bullhorn, loud voice doesn't = anyones listening.
maybe just me, so sad.
LA Observed said no such thing. Once again Meat tries to impress but only digs a hole deeper for himself as a partisan Villaraigosa apologist.
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