A Bloggin Dialog with LA 32 Agitator Joe Cano in the Spirit of disclosing alleged, Nefarious Community Conduct
In the spirit of bloggin dialog, we reach out to noted No on 710 Activist and sometimes Mayor Sam Blog Critic Joe Cano (when not busy between repeated trips to the corner liquor store on Alhambra Road and Warwick) in the spirit of sharing thoughts on alleged, nefarious conduct within the LA-32 Community.
Message to Cano (in hat and No 710 T-shirt), please refrain from taking pictures of children at local parks when seeking out alleged campaign misconduct (allegedly).
** A Bloggin Open Letter: Hola Joe!! Hope I'm not interrupting one of your frequent walks, back and forth, to the corner store on Alhambra Road and Warwick, but since we have not converse in person in recent months, I thought it would be the right moment to reach out across the cyber landscape in the spirit (with a sip of a brown bag-wrapped bottle of spirits you are fond of, allegedly) of engaging you in a dialog on some issues of mutual concern. Maybe its me, but it seems that in recent years, especially when a LA-32 NC Elections draws near, you have a tendency to engage in a level of rhetoric that is not healthy to the civil discourse (especially when consumption of adult beverages get mixed into one's convoluted thought process, allegedly) of issues important to our fellow Stakeholders. Thus, let me extend the invitation to join me in a bloggin discourse on a couple of recent community issues of joint interest. Please follow along below (and give me notice if you need a break for corner store refreshment walk, allegedly) ..........
A Recent LA-32 NC Budget and Finance Committee (as recorded by the El Sereno Delusional Society)
......, Joe, you and I can agree that the annual Bicentennial Parade is a worthy community public- private collaboration that merits continuing support. That said, it was disappointing to learn that you targeted egregiously LA-32 NC Board Members Anthony Manzano, Angelica Duarte and Scott Johnson (this blogger for the record), last evening at the LA-32 NC Candidate Forum. No level of disrespect from you, or any Stakeholder, should prevent elected NC Board Members from questioning how its allocated funding to this event, has, or is being dispensed ......., especially when "Parade Coordinator" Genny Guerrero states at the 27:30 time mark on the video, that previous tax records for the Bicentennial Committed had been shredded (which prompts me to ponder whether you can say quickly, SHREDDED, SHREDDED, SHREDDED, three times in a row without a spirits-induce hick-up, but I digress), moving on ......
...., Joe, about these letters from Wilson High School LAPD Magnet Cadets (who's identities you made public at a recent LA-32 NC Meeting and via your Facebook Page), that is the foundation for your latest insipid, baseless attack on your fellow "No on 710 Colleague". There is an old adage that when it comes to a story, or in your case, a controversy novella to cover the nefarious actions of others, allegedly, you should be objective in discerning both sides. Please note above that I have taken the time to highlight the responsible party the night at Wilson High School when I supposed acted out of character (or in truth, discovered an inappropriate use of students and potentially, misuse of public funds, to benefit a certain group of LA 32 NC Candidates), that would be LA-32 NC President Connie Castro-appointed Election Committee Chairperson Yolie Garcia (also an associated with the El Sereno Historical Society), continuing ............
...., Joe, as a taypayer, you should know that roughly $260 dollars was spent from the LA-32 NC Elections Committee Meet and Greet Budget Line Item ($1,000 total) for this supposed, objective gathering of candidates for the next incarnation of the community elective body. Thus, you should maybe send a email to the Region VIII "Independent Elections Administrator" Jay Handal (jay@empowerla), inquiring what type of election-related flyers this Cadet in Uniform were being instructed to dispense at the event. But maybe the cadets can answer that for us as we continue .........
....., Joe, as someone who should agree with me that students should not be use for political purposes, especially uniformed Wilson High School LAPD Magnet Cadets during a school function, is it fair to ask the question, was Yolie Garcia abusing her position as the Elections Committee Chairperson by instructing the cadets to hand out a certain candidate slate flyer? Further Joe, is it also appropriate considering the disclosures by the cadets statements, made public by you, that first, an investigation be called for to discern whether public funds were being use to benefit a certain group of candidates and lastly, whether an LAUSD employee should also be investigated for her role in this as we continue below ...........
......, Joe, its clear from the statement you provided from longtime Wilson High School Educator Elsa Gutierrez-Aviles, that the cadets were engaging in a activity which was not appropriate. Further, you can see below a copy of the "flyer" that the cadets were passing out via the instructions of Yolie Garcia. You may take notice of the candidates listed on the flyer and may be surprise to find the name of Genny Guerrero among them (** BTW Joe, is your wife a Bicentennial Committee Board Member?). Just in case you didn't know, Ms. Guerrero is also a Hollenbeck Community Police Advisory Board Member. Thus, you can understand that the use of LAPD-affiliated cadets to campaign on her behalf at a school function, should be grounds for a Internal Affairs Investigation by the department. But also in retrospect, I'm sure that you would agree that the actions of Ms. Gutierrez-Aviles merits a "Form 100" being filed with LAUSD. In ending.......
....., Joe, it has be a pleasure to converse via this bloggin dialog, my thoughts on the issues brought to the community's attention by your refuted, insipid allegations as noted above. Its Stakeholders/Critics like yourself, that provide the motivation to serve our community with a foundation cemented in ethics and the truth. I sincerely hope that this bloggin refutation of the falseholds perpetrated against myself, by those who nefarious intent should disqualify from being elected to any public office, will lead to a LA-32-centric Grass Roots Organization that places paramount, the priority of holding our community members to the highest level of ethical and fiscal behavior. Care to be a Founding Member Mr. Cano (with a brown bag toast of course)?
Your thoughts .............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: El Sereno Bicentennial Committee, El Sereno Historical Society, Jay Handal, Joe Cano, LA 32 Neighborhood Council, Wilson High school LAPD Magnet cadets, Yolie and Jorge Garcia
Fianlly, greaat journalism Scott.. Expose the truth Brother!!.
so Warwick and Alhambra ? I'll drive by there more often..
While Joe Le-puke contemplates his response, perhaps he can take some time to enlighten the community of any prior knowledge, regards anonymous yet threatening phone messages to Barrio Action, and to the home of Mr and Mrs Mark Overstreet, some 3 years back, when NC public safety committee Chair Overstreet held meetings at BA.
Joe Cano should focus on losing his home to cal trans..
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