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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lydia Grant Schools Wendy Greuel

In the Sunland-Tujunga community, there are few, if any, community leaders who are as respected as Lydia Grant. Lydia, a long time Foothills resident, business owner, mother and grandmother has been extremely active in the parent movement for many years in LAUSD and is among those who lead the way for the "parent trigger" to be implemented in California. Lydia has challenged the status quo of mediocre and poorly performing schools and LAUSD bureaucrats more concerned with budgets and their own upward mobility than the safety, well-being and education of our children.

Suffice to say, when it comes to matters of education and the schools, few know more than Lydia Grant.

Along comes the "say anything-do anything" candidate for Mayor, Wendy Greuel, who often times disappointed many parents in Sunland-Tujunga during her reign of error as the local Council person in Sunland-Tujunga. Wendy is deft at dishing up propaganda but never offers any real solutions.

When she waded into educational waters with such lightweight and uninformed agitprop, she probably did not expect to hear from Lydia, who posting on Facebook, said:

"Wendy, Why would you start caring now? I have asked your staff repeatedly for years for help on school issues, every since you became my Councilmember. I have never felt supported by you nor have I had your support for anything I have accomplished at the State or City level. I am sad you are using it as a political football now. I was always told it was "Out of your Jurisdiction." That doesn't change when you become Mayor. What you are doing is disrespectful to those of us that are really out there trying to make a difference and trying to improve the education system for our children."

Lydia Grant speaks for many parents when she stands up. She knows Wendy. If you care about kids and schools, and you didn't already know, now you know what to do when election day comes around!

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