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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The "Failure Mayor" Goes National and Some don't forget

 A local political failure morphs into the Court Jester Chairperson for the Democratic National Convention. 
Every prominent Democrat needs the "other woman" as part of national political resume enhancement.
Note the cat running out towards end of video.
From the hills of City Terrace, through the gang lands of Hazard, and on wards to the People's School of Law. The former Tony Villar, currently Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and someday Citizen Villar, will get to the national stage as the Chairperson of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina in September. 
First thought on this latest folly via the Democrat National Committee, is one of shock considering the insight of some within the Beltway that I converse with regularly. They state that the Obama Administration views the Mayor as a useful tool, nothing more than that and for four days in September, Villar will be the LAtino tool used by the Democratic Party in search of a surge of Antonio inspired voters in November.
But left on the sidelines with the Antonio selection as the Latino Political Showman for the Democrats are other worthy local Latinos ..... and Latina Democrats who have been loyal not only to the party, but to President Barack "H" Obama. County Supervisor Gloria Molina, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Congressman Xavier Becerra were all Obama supporters as Antonio and his "political posse" (MEAT, Ace, Parke and Espinoza)  travel the country in the vanguard of  "Team Hillary Clinton". 
Yet, four years later, the Democrats seek to resurrect a "political failure" to bring home the Latino vote in November and if they think that Mayor Villaraigosa's past transgressions have been forgotten, we bring you this from this morning's DNC conference call announcing the Mayor's selection as the Convention Chairperson via the LA Times.
The mayor, who is believed by many to have higher political ambitions, saw his past return to haunt him in the brief conference call when a reporter from a Charlotte TV station asked how the party would deal with the affair that ended his marriage and allegations that he has engaged in nepotism as mayor. 
"We won't," said Steve Kerrigan, the convention's chief executive. The mayor did not comment.

..... but many will, especially Latinas, when voting for the "Personal and Political Tonto" in November.

Your Thoughts ...............
Scott Johnson in CD 14

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