Infant Assemblyman Mike Gatto's "Glendale Political Follies"
Infant Assemblyman Mike Gatto bemoans political mis-adventures in recent City of Glendale Elections.
Read about Gatto's Glendale follies after the bloggin leap.
The last time we checked on the Infant Assemblyman from Silver Lake/Canyon Drive, his slate of "Gatto Truthers" were mostly meeting defeat in the recent 43rd Assembly District Delegate Elections. In addition, the investigation over his residency is still on-going within the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office of Public Integrity. Thus, it should come as no surprise (except to the Gatto Truthers at the Burbank Blogger) that Gatto's anointed candidates in the recent City of Glendale Elections did not fare well at the ballot box.
The last time we checked on the Infant Assemblyman from Silver Lake/Canyon Drive, his slate of "Gatto Truthers" were mostly meeting defeat in the recent 43rd Assembly District Delegate Elections. In addition, the investigation over his residency is still on-going within the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office of Public Integrity. Thus, it should come as no surprise (except to the Gatto Truthers at the Burbank Blogger) that Gatto's anointed candidates in the recent City of Glendale Elections did not fare well at the ballot box.
In the race for City Council, Rafi Manoukian (who supported Sunder Ramani for Assembly) was the top vote getter follow by David Weaver who edged Gatto's supporter John Drayman by 61 votes for the second and final council seat up for selection. Glendale resident gun-slinger/ FPPC dodger Chahe Keuroghelian, was denied again in his bid for elected office, finishing fourth. Goes to show that a "Gatto handshake" does not correspond into political capital ( maybe more FPPC oversight? Who knows).
Meanwhile in the race for Glendale School Board, the "Gatto touch" translated into a first place victory for former Democratic Assembly Challenger Nayiri Nahabedian with 10,560 votes. Gatto crossed party lines and supported Republican Mary Boger, who placed second with 8,761 votes. Gatto's support of Boger over fellow Democrat Nahabedian may be an ominous omen for Gatto come re-election time in 2012.
Lastly in the contest for Glendale College Board of Trustee, Gatto's endorsee Vartan Gharpetian placed last among three candidates.
Aggregating these Glendale results with Gatto's recent setback in the 43rd Assembly District Delegate Elections, can cause one to surmise that Gatto's political capital outside of the City of Los Angeles boundries may be waning. Thus, until CD 4's City Councilman Tom Labonge terms out in 2015, Gatto's political future will hinge on a favorable redrawn assembly district that is center within Los Angeles city limits, for the democratic natives are restless in the likes of Burbank and Glendale.
Your thoughts..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: Assemblyman Mike Gatto, Chahe Keuroghelian, Nayiri Nahabedian
What an idiot Gatto is.
I live in the 4th and a Gatto type candidate would not get 2000 votes in city council race.
The guy does not know his district very well does he? A rookie move.
Great stuff, good job Red Spot.
Gatto running in the fourth are you kidding?
Should not Gatto be sanctioned by the LA County Democratic Party for endorsing a Republican?
Looks like Gatto got his ass handed to him.
Gatto would not get elected dog catcher in CD4. He is really dreaming if he ever thinks that will happen.
Love the crying baby picture, pretty much explains the guy.
"Gatto crossed party lines and supported Republican Mary Boger, who placed second with 8,761 votes. Gatto's support of Boger over fellow Democrat Nahabedian may be an ominous omen for Gatto come re-election time in 2012"
Ominous omen? Try well played by Gatto. He now is on record supporting a GOP candidate. Once open primary's take effect, he'll be sure to have an elected GOP's endorsement and a record of “reaching across party lines”.
Red Spot, I hope you don’t plan on making a living as a political consultant. The unemployment lines are long enough.
Gatto tried hard going after Nayiri but he crashed and burned.
No Chahe = no Gatt.
He is not a guy who can win ever win an election on his own.
Could not happen to a nicer ass hole.
Does not surprise me, every one laughs at Gatto up here in Sacramento. No one takes him seriously.
Gatto is has always been an ass hole since i knew him at UCLA.
Real funny, had this forwarded to me by local staffers from all over the valley. This guy has a real foot in his mouth problem does he not?
Most of the other members from the area can't stand the guy. Creepy and awkward is the word most often used to describe him.
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