Councilman Huizar subject of "Cease and Desist Letter" by Longtime Eagle Rock Businessman Paul Sislin
CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar Campaign's veracity going up in smoke.
This statement in a recent campaign mailer just earned Councilman Huizar's Campaign its second "Cease and Desist Letter" in their quest to pin supposed truths on the Rudy Martinez Campaign.
"Martinez has also taken $1000 in contributions from an illegal marijuana dispensary that had been ordered to shut down the City Attorney. (Contributions from Paul and Leno Sislin, owners Sunset Discount Dispensaries."
More after the bloggin leap.
Sadly, especially for longtime Eagle Rock Business Owners Paul and Leno Sislin, the fact that the Councilman Jose Huizar Campaign would wrongly attribute the ownership of the Sunset Discount Dispensaries to them when a little further fact-checking would of disclose the true owner, they are now force to take legal action to restore their good standing.
As the Rudy Martinez Campaign notes, Mr. Sislin owns numerous commercial properties in the Eagle Rock area which house small businesses that are staples in the community, such as Coffee Table, Lemon Grass, the Taco Spot, the Nail Forum among many others. In the attack mailer, Mr. Huizar states that “Martinez has taken $1,000 in contributions from illegal marijuana dispensary that had been ordered to shut down the City Attorney. [Contributions from Paul and Leno Sislin, owners Sunset Discount Dispensaries].”
As a result of the statement and false accusations, Mr. Sislin has submitted a cease and desist letter (attached) to Mr. Huizar’s campaign along with a demand for immediate corrective action from Mr. Huizar and his campaign. The owner of record of Sunset Discount Providers is Mr. Shant Makarian.
Thus, once again as we saw in the bogus "duplicate badge scandal", Team Huizar conveniently skips over the facts in their wanton pursuit of smearing Rudy Martinez. This time the political collateral damage is to the good name of the Sislin Family.
Your thoughts..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR", Outtakes from CD 14, Rudy Martinez
Doesn't change the story, much, does it? A PAC of owners of pot dispensaries, many of which are illegal, are after Huizar and supporting make-a-buck-anyway-you-can Rudy Rich, even if it's harmful to the community.
That's all any responsible citizen in the district needs to know.
They ran press releases and filed for IEs against Huizar.
You want to debate one particular name? A clerical error?
Go ahead. The names behind the PAC are actually more interesting in both their backgrounds and locations (Westside dispensary owners attacking an Eastside politician - more meddling from outside).
I'm sure when the word gets out that one ER landowner is mad a Huizar it will change the WHOLE terrain of the race... Rudy get's 38.5 percent of the vote, instead of 38 percent!
YOU know how that feels, right Reed Spit.
Getting a "C&D" letter for making a dumb mistake. Having to BACK down, and look like an even bigger moron than usual?
Thanks for the moronic insight.
Speaking of mailers, etc., the latest filings on the Ethics site show Martinez's extreme lack of support and final desperation....
How SAD is this? Rudy Rich is tonight holding a coffee klatch meeting in Mt. Washington, and WHO did he have to turn to to mouth the robo-call invite to locals there?
Tony Butka.
Why is that so SAD? Because Tony Butka is from GLASSELL PARK, not Mt. Washington.
12,000 people live in Mt. Washington, it's the next community over from Eagle Rock, where Rudy Rich is "supposedly" a respected business-owner and community leader. Eagle Rock, where Mt. Washington people do tons of business anyway.
Now the RID SPIRTS of the world till you that Huizar's support in MW is just a handful of old-timers who represent no one but themselves...
Sooooo then, how come Rudy Rich couldn't find even ONE recognizeable name in MW to use to invite locals to come see him and share a cup of java?
He had to go to an entirely DIFFERENT community, to find ONE supporter who's name would even slightly register among Mt. Washington voters.
BUH-bye Rudy. I'll bet business is already down at Mia Sushi, and heading further south.
Talking to yourself Scottie?
I know it's lonely in the Anti-Huizar camp, but I had no idea!
A massive "community leaders" mailer hits for Huizar today, taking in nearly all communities in the district, showing that support for Huizar is more widespread than any past CM in at least 15 years.
Meanehile, Rudy Rich sends a ugly grey letter to Chinese-language voters in the same batches, trying to explain "CLARTS" and field deputy salaries to them.
What ever became of Hacopian? He used to show such promise!
You can't blame Krekorian for Rudy M. having nothing to work with.
With Krekorian, for example, there was a public servant already there - evidence.
You just can't "create" a community leader out of a rich guy who's done nothing but make money for himself, star on a low-budget reality show, and given nothing back to the community that wasn't 100 percent for his own benefit.
It was worse than a long-shot, it was a misfire from the first day.
So is it true that Mike Trujillo is working under the table for Huizar? Is that legal?
3:56 (yes, a cut and paste) This one fits you.
Seems like lying is okay if it comes from your guy Huizar but anyone else lies and they face your wrath.
Let's see if you call Huizar to task?
Here is the exact quote from the Blvd. Sentinel oct. 2010
"We are a Chamber. We are working for business. I don't particularly agree with it, (MMDs) but it's legal. As a Chamber we've got to remember how we're gonna set the tone for other business owners. If we don't like something we can fight it, but it sends a message to property owners and business owners. We've got to be careful of what we do as a Chamber. And we should think about that."
Rudy says he doesn't agree with having MMDs but there are legal ones that need to be handled properly by a Chamber of Commerce.
Jose lies when he uses this quote to say Rudy supports illegal MMDs. Just a straight out lie by Jose.
Typical politician lying about his political opponent.
So predictable from Huizar. He must still be worried about losing if he is attacking this late in the game. His "lead" must be crumbling.
It depends on what Mikey is doing there under the table for Huizar???
"An entirely different community" 4:13 PM?
Mount Washington is NOT an entirely different community. It is in the 90065 Glassell Park zip code. Mt. Washington is just a topographical feature within Glassell Park. People who live on the flat land surrounding the mountain say they live in Glassell Park. People who live on the mountain say Mount. Washington. It ALL belongs to Glassell Park. Check out a map before you make a whole lot of hoo-ha for nothing.
What a bunch of idiots, can they get any thing right?
Rudy's team is making them eat there words, day after day.
It is almost a damn clinic.
Is there any thing Jose does not lie about?
What's even more crassly ineffectual about Huizar's slur, is that the idiot doesn't know that Carmen the Clown's attempt to shut down the pot shop was recently ruled to be unconstitutional. That's why the Clown's trying to organize a lottery for 100 pot shops, and this could be one of the lucky winners. Of course, that assumes that the Clown's lottery ordinance passes constitutional muster, and so far, the Clown's 0-2 in passing a legal, constitutional, ordinance to regulate the pot shop industry.
As much as this is a major fuck-up by Huizar, who apparently was a deputy city attorney once and should know better, it's a major reminder about what happens when a knuckle dragging bully gets into power.
community leaders????? Are you kidding me? If the media did their homework they would know that the organizations listed by the people supporting Huizar overall DON'T SUPPORT HIM. Another interesting issue the media should investigate is many of the community leaders listed aren't with the organizations they have on the mailer anymore. The media should ask Huizar about all those fake neighborhood watches he's been saying are in CD14 cause everyone knows they don't exist. Why keep up the lie from the Antonio days? There are about 7 organizations who are all campaigning against Huizar. Huizar doesn't have the support of the main organizations who have been in the community for decades.
The most appalling thing is that skank Parke Skelton moved to Mount Washington. There goes the neighborhood.
This lie, brought to my attention by the much-respected owners of the Colorado Wine Company, who lease their shop from the Sislins, is what convinced me that Huizar is willing to lie his way to victory, and therefore lacks the integrity required to have my vote. I'm sure I'm not alone in that assessment.
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