This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
All Mr. Martinez has to do is remind CD14 constituents Huizar voted to give DWP a raise when no one else was getting one, all his votes were in favor of DWP whenever they were on the agenda, he voted and lied to residents about trash fee hike, he lied and voted for Measure B which was a bullshit LIE, he supports the illegal vendors in his district, he named 7th & Broadway after the Iranian family Deljiani without community input and is helping this family sneakingly to try and buy a garage in downtown LA. This family has donated to numerous political campaigns. Huizar is good friends with Muerelo who is the largest downtown real estate developer who does everything against the law and a crook. Huizar will have a hard time getting re elected because constituents who voted for him the last time know the truth and will campaign hard against him.
Please fill us in about the details of his connection to the ethics violating Nick Pacheco team.
Not exactly the most effective slogan but daaaaaaaaamn, does that billboard look good. I think it does say to people there is a viable choice. And people want one. If he gets five of those billboards up in the district, Huizar will be filing for unemployment benefits.
How much money did Jose Huizar suck away from the rest of the district for that dumb half a billion dollar trolley for a quarter mile of downtown Broadway? How much money did he take from the theater owner the trolley rolls past. He also named a parking garage after the theater owner. He's running the area like his own personal Monopoly game.
As more details about LaColectiva come out Huizar will be getting more and more nervous. This is why Gatto was stupid going after Mayor Sam. If he had let it go the story may have died as another ridiculous Scott Johnson rant. Because Gatto doesn't like people picking on him all this stuff has jumped off Mayor Sam to several blogs, several newspapers, a radio show and after the election Tuesday even more.
One would surmise Huizar is pretty pissed at Gatto about now.
Go, Rudy, go!
The rumor flying around is that Pussy has gone ballistic over the stories spreading to other blogs and news outlets. Watch for more stupidity in the coming days.
Greetings sots it has indeed been some time since we last chatted. Aye, I've found myself sailing other seas alas, I have secured a nugget you may enjoy.
Downing tankards of ale with certain sots Downtown this old pirate learned that a certain elected official we all know but do not love has adorned his official office with photos of the Lord Mayor with references to a certain swine creature as a replacement for the Lord Mayor's melodic surname.
I also came to know that a certain scribe enjoying many tankards his own while on the high seas has joined the fray.
But alas it does not matter as the Lord Mayor has ignored the scurvy class. And it will be not long before the next moon when the High Commissioner has many documents to bring before the Magistrate and that indeed that sot we all know and do not love will be shivering his timbers.
Martinez in CD 14 and O'Grady in CD 4! Things are looking up.
So Captain Jack,
Are you saying Villarparker Ticketgate case is to be filed by DA's office Monday morning, November 1, 2010?
Captain Jack, you've been missed.
Nay Mr. History, that ship however will sail soon.
This particular scurvy dog may have sailed through Genoa, savvy?
The billboard of Mr. Martinez looks more an ad for a bail bond, or used car dealer. The message is correct Huizar is the better choice plain and simple.
PS: Walter Moore supporting Rudy scares the shit out of me because an advisors like Stupid Racist Moore is a threat to the Latino Community.
The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t do. This is what I told the Genoan: For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can’t. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you’ll have to square with that some day. And me, for example, I can let you drown, but I can’t bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesies, savvy?
Good evening ladies and gentlemen (removes hat with flourish and bows low):
Sots, just so you know, two of us pirates remained in town while the rest took the Pearl down to CD4 for the pirate confab re LaCollectiva; them two of us are me (the Quartermaster) and the Bard. So for the next two weeks at least one of us will be the Captain since the others are un-reachable, if you will, by sat phone. Oh bugger, having the Bard as Captain makes for wild times, it does for the thought of having a big, bad ass, hot tempered, wild Genoan at the helm in plaid and trews gives me the willies, savvy?
Speaking of willies, Lord Mayor, are you about? I don't think this is Joseph either, but back in March we posted a number of items that our man Dinger came up with and, if you will, the Genoan was one of them. There is the other one about one brave soul taking on the Spot and that my friend is one that bears watching. God's boots, man ALL these cases deserve watching.
As for who is playing you, we pirates have no desire to play you like a fiddle or have duel-ling banjos, savvy? To the one(s) that dump data upon the Spot, we salute you and encourage you to continue as we shall continue our efforts with Lucille and the hapless male LAPD officer who is suing another male LAPD officer for sexual harassment, all of which was chronicled earlier.
And then of course there is that other matter involving three Clowncilmenbers, fraud and dirt. That whole crock is simmering nicely upon a well stoked fire. When it is ready to blow, Lord Mayor, we'll let you know.
Oh bugger. Must go and smile pretty for the camera I must.
"Moore is a threat to the Latino Community"
This poster needs to give it up. The fact is many Latinos in CD14 agree with Walter so does that make all of us racist? WE DO NOT SUPPORT THE DREAM ACT, we do not support illegals or illegal vending, we are Mexican Americans and proud of our Country unlike Huizar who always states he is more proud of being from Mexico. We speak English and have assmilated unlike the illegals. There are thousands of Latinos in Los Angeles who want tough immigration laws enforced. This is why many Mexican Americans in CD14 are campaigning for Rudy Martinez. THere are at least 7 organizations who will endorse him.
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That a challenger for the CD14 seat can afford to buy a billboard in one part of town is mildly interesting -- but not a sign of anything really "changing".
Two words for you regarding deep pocket unknowns and their chances in the long run -- "Meg Whitman"
If you don't understand that reference, watch tomorrow's returns.
Jose Huizar has put his name on anything and everything in CD14 for the past half-decade. (Hell, does anyone actually LOOK at roadside billboards anymore?)
Huizar's campaign staff will simply and repetitively paint Rudy as the "reincarnation" of a (c'rrupt, c'rrupt, c'rrupt) Nick Pacheco, and it will all just be an exercise in vanity campaigning, with Huizar getting 60 percent in the primary.
What's to actually recommend the new guy, anyway? He flips houses on the Eastside?? He's rich? He's stupid enough to spend his own money on a fool's errand?
Puh-leeze! I was more impressed with Alvin Parra at least having the cojones to take on his old boss, just out of spite for being demoted twice, and armed with some knowledge of where the bodies had been buried.
Blind revenge I can comprehend. Wealthy, vanity candidates. . . coming to "save us" by applying their "expertise" in running small, trendy sushi restaurants to City governance - not so much.
Is Rudy already preparing his "I've run a business; I've met a payroll" speech . . . a la Meg and Ahnold?
Sorry, not impressed. I had a paper route once, myself.
The Nick haters are out in force. (12:53)
I have been around the 14th District and Nick is more popular now than he ever was when in office. It seems that people NOW realize that he worked hard and tried his best for them in the district while Antonio was always about himself and Jose is just plain lazy.
Almost 10 years later and some on here are still trying to promote Antonio's false allegations against Nick. Cooley looked into every piece of mud thrown by Antonio and NOT A SINGLE one was true. I am sure Cooley would have loved to nail a big city councilman, like Nick, but it was just campaign mudslinging on Parke Skelton's part.
Good luck to all the Nick haters.
They will find out soon enough that he is not the issue in the upcoming election.
The fact that Huizar staffers are monitoring and posting against Mr. Martinez is quite funny. Rumor in the district is Huizar has nothing accomplished to speak of and his promise of auditing the non profits when he campaigned the first time, he's never done. The CLARTS Fund fiasco and his failure to disclose, all those sham neighborhood watches everyone knows don't exist. You ask anyone in CD14 are you better off or see a difference since Huizar has taken office and the answer is NO. You can slam and make negative comments all you want about Martinez but Huizar can't get away from his record of a do nothing and alienating organizations in his district.
1:32 p.m.
Live and learn, little one. Live and learn.
My last post that you responded was NOT from a "Nick" hater -- just the opposite. I liked Nick Pacheco, too - and supported him every time he ran, BUT, I'm an ADULT, and understand the harsh realities of local politics. He's a poison pill - one that will sink Rudy Martinez's candidacy the SAME way it did Nick's own last two attempts to run.
Branding Pacheco as "Tricky Nicky" worked (twice) before, and it will work again. I didn't do it, I just saw it work VERY WELL.
If you don't think the slick mailers from Huizar's people are ALREADY being designed, pulling Martinez down by association, then I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you over the L.A. River.
Here's a bit of political reality you should learn.
THE TRUTH DON'T MATTER. It ONLY matters what people will BELIEVE.
People believed Pacheco was a crook before, they continue to believe it, and now he's backing Rudy Martinez, a neophyte house-flipper, with bumper-stick "the time is now" slogans, but with no political experience.
The race is ALREADY over, because of that.
You can "wish" Pacheco's past won't be an issue, you can "think" everyone has learned to love Nick Pacheco again, and you can "believe" Steve Cooley cleared Pacheco of all slime -- and that's the end of the story.
Hell, you can believe Richard Nixon would win as president in 2012, if reincarnated.
In the meantime, I'll wish for a brand new 2011 Pontiac to appear in my driveway on Christmas morning, too.
None of that's REALITY.
No one backed by and associated with Nick Pacheco will escape the tarring and feathering that comes next. If Nick REALLY wanted to make sure someone would unseat Huizar now, of the next time, his BEST bet would be to campaign AGAINST the challenger.
The race is over already. All that's left is for Martinez to waste as LOT of his own money, getting "schooled" in the slime that is L.A. assassination politics.
Go home, Rudy. Put it in the kids college fund. Buy another retaurant (we need those more in CD14 than more beat up also rans).
Maybe by the time your kids are old enough to run for office, Nick Pacheco will be forgotten.
Maybe. . .
1:32 p.m.
Live and learn, little one. Live and learn.
My last post that you responded was NOT from a "Nick" hater -- and certainly not a "Huizar staffer" -- just the opposite. His staffers run AWAY from me. I liked Nick Pacheco, too - and supported him every time he ran, BUT, I'm an ADULT, and understand the harsh, unchanging realities of local politics. Pacheco is a poison pill - one that will sink Rudy Martinez's candidacy the SAME way it did Nick's own last two attempts to run in CD14. (And frankly, although I liked and supported him, he was never really THAT popular here. He won one term, in a close race with no incumbent, then got beat BADLY three times for public office after that.
Branding Pacheco as "Tricky Nicky" worked (twice) before in CD14, and it will work again. I didn't do it, I just saw it work VERY WELL.
If you don't think the slick mailers from Huizar's people are ALREADY being designed, pulling Martinez down by association, then I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you over the L.A. River.
Here's a bit of political reality you should learn.
THE TRUTH DON'T MATTER. It ONLY matters what people will BELIEVE.
People believed Pacheco was a crook before, they continue to believe it, and now he's backing Rudy Martinez, a neophyte house-flipper, with bumper-stick "the time is now" slogans, but with no political experience.
The race is ALREADY over, because of that.
You can "wish" Pacheco's past won't be an issue, you can "think" everyone has learned to love Nick Pacheco again, and you can "believe" Steve Cooley cleared Pacheco of all slime -- and that's the end of the story.
Hell, you can believe Richard Nixon would win as president in 2012, if reincarnated.
In the meantime, I'll wish for a brand new 2011 Pontiac to appear in my driveway on Christmas morning, too.
None of that's REALITY.
No one backed by and associated with Nick Pacheco will escape the tarring and feathering that comes next. If Nick REALLY wanted to make sure someone would unseat Huizar now, of the next time, his BEST bet would be to campaign AGAINST the challenger.
The race is over already. All that's left is for Martinez to waste as LOT of his own money, getting "schooled" in the slime that is L.A. assassination politics.
Go home, Rudy. Put it in the kids college fund. Buy another retaurant (we need those more in CD14 than more beat up also rans).
Maybe by the time your kids are old enough to run for office, Nick Pacheco will be forgotten.
Maybe. . .
Not to mention that the money from "staff" at Pacheco's law firm (don't laugh), into Rudy's campaign is about as transparent as these things can get. It's Nick, up to his old tricks, funnelling thousands of his own money in violation of campaign finance laws, to Martinez, to payback Huizar for beating him.
You knowevery $500 from a Pacheco "employee" came directly our of Nick's pocket! And, you know, if you've ever watched these thinge before, that's exactly why the L.A. Times story made a point of pointing it out -- because they saw the stink going in, and wanted to throw a spotlight on it.
And, if that isn't already being investigated as such by Ethics, then this isn't Mayor Sam's Sister City.
It's a trick Nick learned from Mayor Hahn, and Fleischman-Hillard, remember? And how many F-H staffers lost their jobs and had to be subpoened afterwards?
Funnel, funnel, funnel. The fact that Martinez would accept those funds proves he's too stupid to avoid getting caught up in another of Tricky Nicky's dumb-ass attempts to skirt the law.
Yeah, Nick Pacheco IS a nice guy. That doesn't mean that he did any good as a politician for CD14. Huizar is a very charming guy, also. Doesn't mean he's an effective representative for CD14, either.
If I remember correctly, Nick used a connected non-profit in Boyle Heights as his personal phone bank. That really set folks up to question his integrity. So with him backing Rudy, Rudy's integrity is questionable before he even gets started.
Here we GO AGAIN. DEFLECTING FROM THE REAL ISSUE. People speak to the issues in CD14 and please appear to be somewhat intelligent. If you stop the negative, personal postings and just speak to the issues you have to ask yourselves what has Huizar done in CD24 to make it better, what promises has he kept or not kept, why won't he answer Carlos Morales on the CLARTS Fund accounting, why did he vote for DWP to get a raise, vote to have general managers receive $5 million in back pay, why he votes to name buildings, streets etc. without community input, why he doesn't support law enforcement, why he helps non profits that are not in CD14 with tax dollars, why he did nothing for the businesses in CD14, why he allowed the deteroriation of Boyle Heights to be satuated with illegal vendors hurting legitimate businesses that pay a fortune for permits and licenses? Ladies and Gentlemen the race is about the failures of Huizar that has nothing to do with Mr. Martinez or Pacheco
nice postings Rick Coca
with bows to Jerry Sullivan, we call those taypayer-financed retorts "Coca Puffs".
Nice the way you posted your original post and then your corrected post. It was telling that Nick's staffers run away from you. You kinda sorta blew your cover. Don't worry, the "average" reader won't catch that. I'm not average and I think you know that.
Who is Rick Coca?
And who is Jerry Sullivan?
And what do they have to do with CD 14?
What constituents in CD14 need to ask Huizar is why he took campaign donations from the Delijani family and then named the corner of 7th and Broadway after them. Jan Perry is another corrupt council member who takes money from this Iranian family and lets them do what they want downtown. According to Huizar if you have money then he can be bought. Ask Huizar how he can have a fundraiser to get a $100 MILLION for a TROLLEY when he represents one of the poorest communities in LA. As many constituents have said they haven't seen Huizar since he was elected the first time. Huizar has disrespected many organizations and seniors. Sadly, this race won't be about the negative on Martinez it will be the Failure of a record of Huizar
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