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Monday, July 06, 2009

Morning Briefs and Outtakes on the Memorial for the "King of Pop N Chaos in Downtown ??", and some other News

Let July 7, 2009 go down in history as the day Los Angeles and the World sang a collected "BEAT IT" to Michael Jackson as thousands descend on Downtown Los Angeles for the Memorial to the "King of Pop".
City officials are pleading with the general public to stay away from the area around the Staples Center unless they have tickets to be there, but a "Beat of History" is sure to draw thousands to be a part of an historical farewell to a conflicted pop icon.
Some in the local political community are singing a "BAD TUNE" when it comes to the millions that it will cost the City of Los Angeles to maintain the peace from the Jackson Family Compound in Encino, with a stop at Forest Lawn in the Hollywood Hills, to the Staples Center downtown.
People in Downtown Los Angeles are speculating that 500,000+ may head their way and if you are looking for a place to stay?? Good Luck!! All hotels are full.
But if one is an nightowl one may consider watching the Elephants from the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus make their way from the railyards near Union Station to the Staples Center where the Big Top will open on Wednesday.
*Morning update on the "March of the Elephants" with comments from an early rising Councilwoman.
Acting mayor and city councilwoman Jan Perry sat in her car with a smile on her face as she watched the elephants trek along Washington Avenue in the wee hours of the morning. She woke up at 3 a.m. to catch a rare glimpse of the animals.
"I wanted to come down and see how this worked because I've never seen it before," she said. "I'm impressed at how quiet they are."
Here is hoping that todays festivities will not desolve into a disruptive circus and be an positive celebration of the Entertainer, Michael Jackson.
* KFI is reporting that Michael's remains will be transported to Staples Center from Forest Lawn for the Memorial.
** LAPD announces that 3,200 officers will be deploy for today's Memorial
Other Political News..........
Los Angeles School Board Member Tamar Galatzan announced Tuesday evening that she is a candidate for the City Council District Two Seat vacated by City Controller Wendy Greuel.
"Tamar Galatzan announced at Valley Glen NC tonight that she is running for CD2. Her husband, as you may remember, is Brendon Huffman, former head of the Valley Industry and Commerce Association".
Huffman, who's position with VICA now resides with Stuart Waldman will draw the ire of those in Sunland-Tujunga who remember Huffman shilling for Home Depot in their failed attempt to open a store in the S.T. (BTW Stuart, many of us involved with the Southwest Museum will not forget that you through VICA and the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, spoke on behalf of the Autry National Center at last week's Board of Referred Powers hearing)
And does this mean that Political Consultant Mike Trujillo will help Galatzan and attempt to end his losing streak of failed candidates and causes ??
So with the list of candidates growing larger in CD 2, the question is who will make it to the runoff after the prelims ??
Your thoughts............

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

"Most people" are NOT agreeing with Zine.

They're saying the JAX family should pony up its share since they're rich owning all Michael's assets AND Joe is profiting from taking this "memorial show" on the road to upto 50 cities.

All the acts as well as AEG are going to profit, but AEG's spent millions prepping for a show that won't happen so they haven't made the money yet. ALL the participants should kick in money.

What people ARE saying and so's the media is that Jan Perry as acting Mayor AND Zine as her second in command f'ed up in not making these demands upfront instead of begging and saying "it would be nice if..."

Zine sat back and let Perry twist in the wind on this knowing she'd be over her head, so now he's going to his BFF Trutanich playing the "my friend the City Attorney" card AGAIN ad nauseum, and trying to look like the "hero" who "saves" the day.


What he's doing to Perry is part of his plan to get elected Chief if he pushes Bratton out of the way otherwise God help us Mayor... He's such a despicable slandering backstabber and lying egomaniac, might as well elect zuma dogg.

July 07, 2009 12:41 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Tamar is toast. Why does she even bother?

July 07, 2009 1:04 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sunland-Tujunga and Tamar are like
oil and vinegar. It will never work. I can still see Brendon speaking on behalf of Home Depot at the hearings. We can't take the chance that his poison views haven't rubbed off on his wife! I doubt either of them had ever been in S-T before trying to control the community.

July 07, 2009 1:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I doubt Trujillo will take on Tamar. That was before. There are two many others in this race and AV and Trujillo don't like to back losers and they know Tamar doesn't stand a chance.

School board, fine. City Council? Never in a million years.

Sunland-Tujunga will never go for this and Studio City won't be able to make it happen.

And you're right. Nobody will forget Brendan Huffman in the Sunland-Tujunga area.

I feel like we're going to see a Tamar loss of Jack Weiss proportions here.

July 07, 2009 2:11 AM  

Blogger Louis (Video Louis) Elovitz said:

Anything I say about
being a rich lawyer,
who elected to one 'seat'
then just jumps for a
more profitable 'seat',
well, this will only get me
into more trouble
right where I live & work...
so I won't say a thing!
U.S.A. U.S.A.
($24,000 vs $175,000)

July 07, 2009 5:31 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why all the uproar over a pedophile drug addict?

Sorry, I don't get it.

Did he win the Medal of Honor or something? If he did, then I would understand an honor him.

Look at Congresssman Pete King's bit on UTube. I agree with him...

July 07, 2009 6:54 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Dennis Zine is correct AEG should pay for this circus and they should proceed to go after them. It also confirms thoughts that Jan Perry is completely wacco. Dennis seems to be the only member of the council with common sense.
why should the public pick up the tab for that pervert's security?

July 07, 2009 7:32 AM  

Anonymous K. said:

I was next door to Forrest Lawn from 2-8pm yesterday and LAPD helicopters were in the air over Forrest Lawn the entire time. I seriously doubt they did one single piece of non-Jackson work all day.

How much does it cost to keep one of those PD copters in the air?

July 07, 2009 7:53 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

This is total bullshit... We have a state deficit problem along with a local problem and we are giving the candy store away!

I am appalled at the fact MJ is worth millions and Los Angeles taxpayers have to pay the bill.

Total bullshit!

July 07, 2009 9:13 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If 11,000 people are going to be at the Staples Center for the tribute, but only 8,700 were given away to fans, who were the other tickets given to?

If they were given to private friends and family, it is no longer a "public" event, and costs should be covered by the Jackson family, AEG, or whomever.

This event is trumping a much more important Obama trip to Russia, and is another reaping of the tax payers of this current fiscally irresponsible City.

July 07, 2009 9:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

18,000 fools at Staples and not one is missing work.

Gotta love Los Angeles...

July 07, 2009 9:44 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If the memorial service is a money-making event, I'm wondering at the appropriateness of having Michael's body there.

Will they ever just bury this poor soul?

July 07, 2009 10:36 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Trujillo doesn't have the balls to stay with Tamar.

Neither does Antonio.

July 07, 2009 10:44 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

7:32, stop trying to use this to promote yourself Dennis Zine, you bald buffoon. You're happy to sit by and throw Perry under the bus for not thinking about the financial and logistical impacts on LAPD and the city financial crisis in advance, but NOW as always want to look like YOU are somehow in charge. You are a nasty lying backstabber who's gotten away with it way too long because no one's paid attention except your fans on Kevin James and others in the rightwing Republican Machine, but they're waking up. We're feeling you.

You did the same with the Lakers parade: After Jan Perry said she'd be willing to have no parade because of the cost, and the Mayor then got private donors and the Lakers to pay, you went onto Kevin James and said in so many words that "the mayor stole this idea from you and Jan Perry for his own political ambition," and of course YOU AND JAMES said this was "something else for the Antonio recall file." Then you go out in public and mug with Antonio for the cameras, you scumbag.

This isn't about YOUR ambition you bald buffoon, but about how YOU AND Perry as Acting Mayor and 2nd Pro Tem dropped the ball, didn't think about or negotiate this in advance of issuing permits for street closures when you had the cards, and the papers report we've spent almost $4 million so far on LAPD alone. They're doing their job to "protect and serve" but of course it's not their job to find the money for the budget -- You Zine and Perry both voted to cut LAPD's budget this year AND hiring away from the 10,000 goal the Mayor and Weiss who you've been so jealous of, have been pushing.

You both voted to swipe the tripled trash fee hikes away from the 1000 cops we were promised, you're BOTH second-guessing LAPD and Bratton, Perry over 12/3 etc. trying to appeal to the false prejudices of some in the Nation of Islam community perhaps, you because you want the Republican Machine of Cooley/Baca/Trutanich/ the PPL's Weber which all blew a fortune electing Trutanich, to make true Weber's dream of pushing out Bratton and electing one of their OWN -- namely YOU -- as Chief. You're out there using Trutanich's name every second word out of your mouth to promote yourselves as the "go-to" people, but all we've seen so far is a big fat ZERO in results from you, just more chest-thumping and backstabbing for your own benefit.

You are equally to blame, and now yelling at AEG alone doesn't make up for it.

However with public pressure, they AND the JAX family/Joe Jackson etc. ALL who profit should feel some pressure to kick some of their profits from this to reimbursing us for these costs. The Mayor might use some of his clout but if I were him I'd be wary of anything associated with YOUR name, Dennis. Whatever he does you'll be back on Kevin James saying he's doing it for his own purposes and "stealing" your idea.

Any profits the city makes from hotel, restaurant and other taxes should be factored in, but that's not going right back into LAPD and OUR local protection we pay for.

July 07, 2009 10:44 AM  

Blogger Petra Fried in the City said:

From davidmarkland via Twitter:

Mayors Office & City of LA using Paypal to solicit donations from public to pay for MJ memorial services. Paypal!


July 07, 2009 10:47 AM  

Anonymous Little Birdie said:

There's a strong buzz that Lou Pugliese is going to pull papers for CD2 today.

This is getting interesting...

July 07, 2009 11:35 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

who did receive tickets, how many elected officials?

July 07, 2009 12:11 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I think the curtain just closed on Chris Essel.

This will be a fight between Tamar and Krekorian.

At this point Chris is nothing but a spoiler that will help Krekorian win.

July 07, 2009 1:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Is his casket (and body) going to go to all the other memorial services and tributes across the country?

Maybe they could go ahead and have the planned concert continue. Just plunk his casket (or a stand in casket) on the stage and play taped music.

Dark humor aside-rest in peace Mikie.

July 07, 2009 1:57 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

10;44 AM you're right the Mayor and Trujillo won't have the balls to back Tamar, because she voted against giving cafeteria workers who work as little as 3 hours/day health benefits that add $40 million/year to the LAUSD budget.

She also spoke against Monica Garcia for wanting to build lots more new, small schools -- right after the city just finished and is finishing a bunch of hugely expensive giant ones like the Broad Performing Arts, Belmont, the Ambassador site, lots more but ALL designed for latino largely illegal immigrant kids. Tamar said there's no proof more schools would improve scores that it's about the quality of teaching and principals, and that we can't afford it. This was about pushing through the multi-billion dollar school building bonds that idiot voters DID just pass while we don't have money to EDUCATE kids.

Monica Garcia is a bad joke, apart from getting fatter and fatter by the day. She and Molina are awful examples of young Latina girls who are generally overweight and have poor eating and exercise habits. Marlene Kanter spearheading a new healthy LAUSD menu while Garcia's obese and dumb is ridiculous.

Tamar would be good because she's not anti-City hall like the purist fools but not knee-jerk for Antonio either. Her downside is her husband's connection to Home Depot but frankly, lots of us think the S-T people are in some timewarp hippie commune. Wendy catered to them to get elected but they aren't good for business.

July 07, 2009 2:55 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Here we go again!

A state bill that would kill the possibility of an above-ground freeway option to complete the 710 Freeway passed an Assembly committee on Tuesday.

The bill, SB 545, would leave the state to focus on an underground tunnel to close the 4.5 mile gap between the current end of the freeway and the 210 Freeway.

SB 545 was endorsed by the city of South Pasadena, which has long opposed the above-ground option since it would go through the city. The bill also received some support from cities along the 10 Freeway that have been for the above-ground option for decades- proponents have long viewed the tunnel as the more likely option to succeed.

The bill was sponsored by State Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles. It will now go to the Assembly floor, then the Senate. Proponents are hoping it can be passed by the end of the legislative session in September.

July 07, 2009 4:13 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

How much would the tunnel cost. vs. the above-ground freeway? Obviously a lot more but how much more?

We can't afford it, but the S G Valley has Republicans Don Knabe and Antonovich on its side, who've opposed the "subway to the sea" in the much, much more heavily congested westside corridor to which many of THEIR residents commute.

How many people from Pasadena area go down these freeways to downtown/ Santa Monica and points in between? That's why I support ANtonio's position on the MTA board apart from any politics: it's regional discrimination vs. metro L A by the Republicans from the far suburbs outside L A City.

July 07, 2009 4:58 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"How many people from Pasadena area go down these freeways to downtown"

The people of Pasadena built the first "private road" from Pasadena to Downtown. In 1938, the owners of the "private road" sold it to the State of California which named it the Arroyo Seco Fwy.

Its not "How Much" but what homes and businesses and how many streets of what area will be dispupted?

July 07, 2009 9:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The Mayor and Trujillo won't have the balls to stick with Tamar? I think they won't have the desire since they don't back losers. Tamar is a loser and the person defending her (nice job Tom) is trying but we aren't buying. I agree with the person who said Sunland-Tujunga and Tamar Galatzan are like oil and water.

Watch Krekorian and Essel take the most votes in this race. You can take that to the bank.

July 08, 2009 2:31 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Gatzlan should forget about running, Sunland-Tujunga will never forget Hoffman!

Sunland-Tujunga also supports the retention of the Southwest Museum. Autry shouldn't get away with their intended theft of the Southwest.
Wake up L.A.!

July 08, 2009 9:50 AM  

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