Sarah Palin to resign as Governor of Alaska
A certain "NoHo Valley White Guy" must be gripping the "defib paddles" as this shocker radiates out from Alaska.
WASILLA, Alaska (AP) - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin made a surprise announcement Friday that she is resigning from office at the end of the month without explaining why she plans to step down, raising speculation that she would focus on a run for the White House in the 2012 race.
The former Republican vice presidential candidate hastily called a news conference Friday morning at her home in suburban Wasilla, giving such short notice that only a few reporters actually made it to the announcement. State troopers blocked late-arriving media outside her home, and her spokesman, Dave Murrow, finally emerged to confirm that Palin will step down July 26. He refused to give details about the governor's future plans.
"Once I decided not to run for re-election, I also felt that to embrace the conventional Lame Duck status in this particular climate would just be another dose of politics as usual, something I campaigned against and will always oppose," Palin said in a statement released by her office.
"Once I decided not to run for re-election, I also felt that to embrace the conventional Lame Duck status in this particular climate would just be another dose of politics as usual, something I campaigned against and will always oppose," Palin said in a statement released by her office.
Sarah is in for 2012!!
Your thoughts..............
Labels: sarah palin
Sarah is political roadkill as seen in the rear view mirror! Stick a fork in her, she's done!
From the lips of "Homie the Clown" to Joe B.
"I don't think so"
That's my girl! She's leaving so she can go raise tons of money from speeches and appearances. The girl got too big for Alaska. She didn't plan it that just happened.
She has to counter Romney who is stumping like crazy for every candidate in every state and raising money and setting up shop.
She served 2.5 years as governor and then quit. Half of that time was spent running for VP. Not good on the resume, homie.
BTW, she stuck a good fork in David Letterman.
At least she has more priciples than "Tony V." who wasted so much in search of some higher office while on the city payroll.
What did she ever do for Alaska in her 1.25 years before she ran for VP?
I do know she continued the socialist
policy of taking money from the oil companies and giving it to the people. But other than that?
Letterman? Sticking a fork in Letterman makes her Presidential?
More like she should be appearing on
Maury Povich.
You mean Maury Chung ??
BTW, is Colin Powell now getting itchy feet for supporting "Carter Obama" ??
Mr. Powell's comments represent the growing concern that began with hard-line fiscal conservatives but is now spreading to moderates about the rate of government spending and debt under President Obama, and the long-term impact on the country's fiscal sustainability and national security.
The national debt stands currently at $11.5 trillion and the deficit for the current fiscal year is projected to be close to $2 trillion.
Mr. Powell expressed alarm at "budgets that are running into the multi-trillions of dollars" and "a huge, huge national debt that, if we don't pay for in our lifetime, our kids and grandkids and great-grandchildren will have to pay for it."
"So, I think the president, as he moves forward with his initiatives, has to start really taking a very, very hard look at what the cost of all this is. And, how much additional bureaucracy [will] be needed to make all of this happen?" Mr. Powell said.
Mr. Powell said he has been in touch with Mr. Obama regularly, including recently.
"I don't insert myself. But, we stay in touch," he said.
Red, this is a Palin thread. Now behave yourself young man!
Palin did accomplish one thing as governor of Alaska during her 1.25 years before she became McCain's running mate. She authorized a $150.00 bounty for every wolve killed from the air by hunters.
Talk about flyby shooting!
Young I am my friend.
Hope all is well my friend,....before new taxes.
PALIN, not taxes real or imagined.
Stay on target, bud!
Following the surprise Palin announcement, website supporters are gathering across the nation to support Sarah Palin for President in 2012 can be found online at
Our the website is in danger of crashing due to the flood of readers and supporters signing up to show their interest in a Palin Candidacy. The GOP establishment had better watch out, Sarah Palin and Ron Paul combined with the power of the internet will remove the stranglehold of GOP special interests and the elites who have brought the party to its knees in defeat in the 2008 elections.
joe she had the highest approval rating of any governor in the united states.
i do not know what she did to earn that, but that's the bottom line.
i don't like her much either, but I respect that fact.
I think Sarah Palin is delusional. Delusional world view; delusional about her capabilities; delusional about the people liking her more if they know more about her.
We don't need a bimbo for president, Sarah Palin is only qualified as comedy materail for television comedians.
Obama would love to have her as an opponent.
She was popular as governor because she had all that gas profit money to give back to the taxpayers, and because Alaskans are weird.
The VP campaign showed that the more people knew about her, the less they liked her. That's why they tried to keep her quiet at the end. She complained about that, but didn't understand her shortcomings.
She has few accomplishments on her resume, and now will not have an opportunity for more.
She quit when the going got tough.
Her refusal to take questions at her news conference was puzzling. Not the action of a confident candidate ready to pursue higher office. Rather it was like all those politicians who are about to be run out of office by law enforcement or personal scandals.
She hasn't taken leadership of the party since the election. She isn't a leader.
Why would the Republicans want to nominate someone dumber than Bush?
She doesn't come across as someone strong enough to lead the free world.
She quit to make more money? That isn't a quality that I look for in my candidate for president. I want to see performance. I want to see the qualities of leadership at the highest levels.
It's hysterical to read the comments here.
Higby and Wet Spot are gagging on their own bile.
What fun! Palin has screwed you boys more deeply than you realize.
"That's my girl"?? "More principles than Tony V"?? "Sarah Palin and Ron Paul"??
Thank you for ensuring that no serious minded person will ever care a whit what's on this website.
I can't believe you even think she has the slightest chance of winning against Obama who I might add, just got elected. I would relax on my Obama-bashing for awhile until he's had some time.
I wouldn't say Palin is dumber than Bush. I hate to say that he wins that contest, but she is so close behind him that they could be considered intellectual equals. Now that is pretty funny, you must admit.
For the "Reagan Republican" to say she would trounce Obama is insane. That might be your dream, but it's not the reality of the United States. You're a bit out of touch with the minds of the average voter.
UH-OH Palin indictment/Palin Scandal will apparently be the huge headlines for next week.Few Alaskan papers are reporting that Sarah Palin resigned as the state’s governor because she has a big scandal on the way.Sarah Palin is reportedly facing indictments for using money that was supposed to fund the construction of the Wasilla Sports Complex to build her own house.Spenard Building Supplies also known as SBS,has close ties to Sarah Palin and her husband Todd,this is the same company that built their home and the sports complex and hockey rink.Federal investigators are allegedly looking into this relationship
Want to bet things get a lot more interesting?
Levi is shopping a book deal, with Hatfield-McCoy written all over it.
I'd resign, too. ;)
From NY Times:
See ya Sarah!
Huffington Post says:
There is a lot we don't know about Sarah Palin's decision to resign. But there is one thing we do know: She thought it was politically damaging.
No one announces good news late on Friday before Fourth of July weekend. That is someone who is trying to bury bad news as much as possible. With Michael Jackson and Mark Sanford stories still lingering around, everyone on vacation, and as little reporters working as possible, she releases this bombshell. That's someone who obviously thinks what she is doing is not going to help her, at least in the short term.
There are three main possibilities for why she did this:
1. Political Reasons
She is going to run for President in 2012 and she thinks she is better served going around the country laying the groundwork for that run rather than stuck in Alaska. Plus, she already checked off "Governor of Alaska" on her resume. No need to linger. Take the short term hit on the early resignation and build for the long term move.
If this is what she's thinking, then I think she made a mistake. She looks callous and indifferent to any office she holds. It makes her seem flighty and overly ambitious. Plus, does anyone have any confidence that she gives a damn about policy or making a difference? No, her main interest is plainly obvious now -- the career of Sarah Palin.
2. Personal Reasons
No, not because she wants to better take care of her family. Come on, how funny does that sound? She seemed fine with juggling her family and her career when she was on a national ticket. No, by personal reasons I mean -- money.
The Palins have always had an eye for the good life. This is her one chance to definitively cash in. Who knows if an opportunity like this comes along again? Huge speaking fees, book advance, etc. Hopefully, she makes the money and increases her profile at the same time, setting her up for a decent shot at the Republican primary. Win or lose, she gets more famous, repeats the cycle and makes even more bank.
This strategy probably will work. Will she gain enough momentum for a decent shot at the presidency? No, this could backfire in that regard. Will she make plenty of money trying? Yes.
3. Upcoming Scandal
This is always possible when a politician resigns abruptly and talks about spending time with their family. There are already rumors floating out there that there are federal investigators in Alaska already looking into influence peddling for financial favors. These stories would dovetail nicely with the "go for the money" attitude described above.
She could also just be tired of all the ethics investigations when she has already checked off the "Governor of Alaska" line in her resume. It's so tiresome being in public office and trying to appear ethical when you can be as unethical as you like in the private sector.
We need more information before figuring which of these possibilities (or combination of possibilities) is closer to true. But what we do know is that whatever the reason was, she gets that it makes her look pretty bad now. We'll probably find out soon enough why she was willing to take this hit at this time.
As a solid Sarah-hater, I have one to say about Levi. That's my boy.
Here's my analysis:
1) She had 1 1/2 years to go in her term and was about to become a lame duck unless she announced her intention to run again for Governor.
2) She has a Lt. Governor she trusts and with whom she has a great relationship.
3) If she wanted to run for President she has to start now to tour the lower US and raise money for candidates and herself to position herself for 2012.
4) She could not do that and be Governor of a remote state like Alaska.
5) She did not want to short change Alaskans by being an absentee Governor.
6) She is $500,000 in debt to lawyers for defending herself from unjust and unsubstantiated charges of ethical violations.
7) She can now write a book and make millions that will allow her to campaign and pay her debts.
8) If the voters buy her and her message, she will be a viable candidate for President/Vice President the liberal mainstream media notwithstanding.
9) If the voters of the US don't buy it, she can go back and challenge a weak Senator who only got elected because Ted Stevens was convicted (later reversed).
10) All in all, I think it was a brilliant move, actually the only one that lets her test her candidacy on a stand alone basis. It gives her a shot, with very little downside. I think the voters will flock to her and support her; I will for sure. And she may, indeed be, the anti-Obama. Or maybe she does well enough to be Mitt's VP.
Either way, I say "You go Girl".
Mrs. Palin quit college 5 times before getting her degree -- in journalism, ironic for someone who demonizes the press and interviews so badly.
Why quit as governor? Those sports metaphors at the end of Palin's speech explain it.
She has a contract with the WNBA.
That's a delusional "analysis," Higby.
Put a fork in her. She's done.
Her political life is over. She's all about the money.
Great move!! Go girl!!
Democrats are just plain scared to death of a strong female with some moral values.
If that was a good news press conference, she picked a bizarre time and way to do it. That doesn't show me that she has the skill to put together a presidential campaign.
This is the way people drop out just before something scandalous is about to become public.
She was nothing as a national figure before running for VP, and she hurt the McCain campaign. GOP leaders ran from her during and after the campaign. She has never had anything intelligent or inspiring to say.
Dropping out after a mere 2 1/2 years before finishing even her first term as Governor is going to kill any chance for higher office, no doubt about it.
She comes off as a quitter and going after the big bucks of speeches and tours, maybe fundraising.
I can see her point, that having to deal with all those possibly bogus ethics violations has been a huge financial drain -- $500,000 in the hole on legal fees so far?
It's unfair the way the vultures circle you, try to kill you with irrelevant "ethics violations," which can be as small as someone on your staff failing to report one small thing, or not researching after last contribution to see where it came from. (We saw Trutanich using that ad nauseum in his campaign, because he knows is "sounds" good enough to the average voter who hears a buzzword and that's it.)
So I believe Palin when she says she's worn down by that. It was also unfair to hammer her over the wardrobe issue, when someone on her staff allegedly told her to improve her small-town looks and the party approved the budget.
Compared to how Michelle Obama, the candidate's wife NOT candidate herself, was greeted like a fashion model with every expensive designer item, and when she threw in a cheaper thing once in a while it was greeted like big news.
Still, looking at the big picture, being a candidate means putting up with lots of dirty, expensive hassles -- look at the Clintons -- and you have to be made of teflon. Not a Caribou Barbie.
People hate Sarah because she is a strong woman raising a family with family values.
People are jealous that a woman can raise her own children and work too.
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