Creation of a "Connected Non-Profit" and the "Pimping" of Public Facilities, Part 2
It seems that Recreation and Parks Mark Mariscal and Legacy LA's Jenny Krusoe have spent some quality time together working on message and making sure that other "key players" are kept in the loop.
For those who may think that Mark Mariscal's name sound familiar, he was one of the central figures in Luara Chick's Audit of Recreation and Parks that uncover millions of dollars in fees that went unaccounted for.
Further, people in the know within Rec. and Parks describe Mariscal as someone who has "upward mobility" in mind when its comes to his career prospects and was known as someone who would do favors for those that were "politically connected".
Thus, it would not be a surprise that Mariscal would be willing to work with Krusoe, considering her close ties to Councilman Huizar and Mayor Villaraigosa.
After all, "Recreation and Parks General Manager Mark Mariscal" would be a title that fits the ego of Mr. Mariscal, according to sources.
........and "in holding to the line", it might make it easier for both Mariscal and Krusoe with the help of David Galaviz and Ellen Sanchez, to reach their desired goals.
Your thoughts......
Creation of a "Connected Non-Profit" Part 1
Labels: Creation of a "Connected Non-Profit" Part 2, David Galaviz, Jenny Krusoe, Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council, Recreation and Parks
Who cares and how does this impact the problems that we ALREADY have?
Spin time!!
mariscal said:
I invite any of you to come talk to me in person. I speak with dozens of staffers about maintenance improvements and do not say "we're broke".
Also, if there is any section in this department that tries to get people on soccer fields, it is my staff. They know my priorities.
Next, BOE is in charge of the Observatory construction. Please speak with Mr. Moore if there are queestions.
Call me - 485-1310
Mark Mariscal- Metro Region -
January 07, 2006 11:02 AM
"who cares" is spin speak for "Holy shit!!"
I know Red Spot has some interesting things that catch his attention but can someone please explain what he is says is going on here and the significance of this information? I would like to better understand this if it is something worthwhile.
1144 - we may need to ask Google to add Spinnish to its translator tool.
This email is over 2 years old and is just organizing a community process. Besides Mark has been banished to San Pedro and Lou Calanche has been running Legacy for at least 18 months!!! Have you ever sat on a public meeting for Legacy LA? Krusoe isn't even there. And why don't you have a look at the Legacy LA website? Legacy LA does have programs. I won't list them here because any moron can look it up. Do you know how many people from the community are on the payroll for Legacy? Seriously, you seem more self-serving than anyone you try to destroy. While you’re at the computer doing all your thorough research, why don’t you look up Community Partners? “Legacy LA is a Community Partners Project” (more info you can get off Legacy’s website). Community Partners is a fiscal agent. Do you understand the transparency that kind of support requires?
$$$$$$ its all about corruption and money at this site. People wake up and where is David Z on these stories being handed to him? The people know about this bullshit and the corruption of putting money where it shouldn't go. Connect the dots but it would help if Red Spot spelled it out.
12:28 = Rick Coca on spin control, for Huizar
Red Spot/Mayor Sam
Look into the Bridewell Armory in Highland Park (CD-14). Guess who is taking that from Rec and Parks...
Thats right, Legacy LA/CD-14 with the help of Huizar
12:28 - Your e-mail would require real work, and that doesn't happen here. Just a bunch of folks who bring up old, non-relevant stuff that no one cares about.
Everyone knows Huizar doesn't give a rats ass what the community thinks because at his big pr meeting the public were threatened and told if they act up a police officer would throw them out. What type of crap is that? There is no community voice anymore with Huizar. You fill out comment cards and if likes the question then you get an answer, other then that no one cares what you thimk.
Aren't all the people on this Legacy LA board connected to Huizar in one way or another?
Uh oh.... Tony Villar has a HOT new girlfriend. I predict a barrage of immature posts from Red Spot the jealous hater.
- Jose Aguilar, your friend and member of the Hazard Park Advisory Board was ASKED TO BE ON THE LEGACY LA Planning committee. Many times, he told many people, that he had initial issues with Legacy, but then he was cool, then he flip flops and runs to the media like a little biatch. What a traitor, and like you HE DOESN"T LIVE IN RAMONA GARDENS OR IN THE AREA. LIKE YOU, HE SHOULD STAY THE F OUT.
- SCOTT JOHNSON - Current President of the Hazard Park Armory, was also asked to be on the board. Every issue that Big Puss has raised has been answered. That big Fred Flintstone MFer idiot has still gone out and tried to get Legacy's funding cut, and has tried other shady methods to hurt legacy, thereby hurting the community. When confronted with this, he still denied he did anything, EVEN THOUGH HE WAS CAAUGHT ON AUDIOTAPE!!!
Lets play "Connect the Insiders"...........
Refer to the list of "Advisory Board Members" for the "Legacy LA Project".
Experts on violence intervention: Dr. Astrid Heger, Violence Intervention Program, and Belinda Smith Walker, Girls and Gangs; on redevelopment: Dalila Sotelo, Community Redevelopment Agency; on education: State Superintendent Jack O’Connell and Paula Crisostomo, Occidental College; on environmental sustainability: Larry Smith, Executive Director of Northeast Trees; on community issues: Olivia Rodriguez, Los Angeles Commission for Women; and on marketing: Will Caperton y Montoya, Department of Cultural Affairs.
Steering Committee:
Sister Hilda Alfaro/Church Youth Leaders Santa Teresita Church; Leo Alvarez, Hazard Park Advisory Board; Alma Garcia, Ramona Gardens Community Service Center; Martha Gonzalez, LA Voice; Santa Teresita, Ramona Gardens Community; Scott Johnson, Hazard Park Advisory Board; Monique Moncayo. Hazard Park Teen Program; Tammy Membreno, Barrio Action Youth & Family Center; Veronica Pagan, Murchison Street School – LA’s Best Program and community resident; Hector Verdugo, Homeboy Industries – former Ramona Gardens resident; Raul Estrada, Executive Director, El Centro de Ayuda; David Galaviz, Director Community Outreach, USC Civic and Community Relations (former LHNC President); Sesshu Foster, Bravo Medical Magnet High School
Legacy L.A. staff includes two co-directors for the project, former executive director for the Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock, Jenny Krusoe, who has led the project from its inception, and Maria Lou Calanche, a former resident of Ramona Gardens and currently a professor at East Los Angeles College.
........and who was one of six groups awarded gang intervention contracts by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the "General Secretary of Gang Intervention, Jeff Carr"???. From today's LA Times piece by Phil Willon,
Special Interest = Legacy LA Project. One should ask David Galaviz and Eileen Sanchez (she works for VIP) why they attempted to allocate $3,000 to a Project that they have a vested interest in.
The same ingrate "Ellen Sanchez" who is reported to have told the Advisory Board that they should be happy that they are getting something for their community.The same David Galaviz who told the Advisory Board that restoring the Wetlands at Hazard Park would conflict with USC's building program.
Yeah, David and "Ellen" should remember that the meeting in question was video taped. "Ellen" should also remember the responses to her "kind comments".BTW, alot of people are catching on to the scam that is Legacy LA. Once again a "Non-profit" set up to benefit friends of the Mayor and Huizar.
David Galaviz told a community member that their grant request to USC for "wetlands related" activities was rejected due to conflicts that a restored "wetlands" would have with USC's Capital Projects.
Earlier in the year, this body voted to support the controversial "Las Villas Project" on the corner of Broadway and Thomas (old Rose Eye Center location). Later on the same night that Councilman Ed Reyes announced the end of the "Las Villas Project", NC members proposed giving money to support a community event for Jenny Krusoe's "Legacy LA Project". Yet at no time did any of the USC employees or Violence Intervention Program staff member Eileen Sanchez recuse themselves from voting, and not cite that their respective employers have a vested interest in the successful completion of the "Legacy LA Project".
Amazing. 13 Million Dollars and not one active program.
Ah yes, Mark Mariscal, the "Larry Tate" of Recreation and Parks (look up the "Bewitched" TV show, youngsters). Talks out of both sides of his mouth so much he has cleft "lips" like some people suffer from a cleft palate -- all the better to kiss two backsides at once.
"Did I say I hated the idea, Mr. Elected Official? I meant I just HATED the fact that I LIKE if so dar much. In fact, it was originally MY idea!" (schmooze, schmooze)
Problem is, no one would EVER make Mark a general manager. He's just too flaccid about everything to ever be able to make an executive decision. (Plus he's got a long-term skeleton in his closet that's bound to hit the fan soon. He's the same R&P executive who's kept "moving" around another mid-level manager buddy of his who has a decade-long serial history of hardcore sexual harrassment (you know, the way the Catholic church moves pedofile priests around, burying the long history of complaints deeper each time). Problem is, his buddy's got a sickness, and won't stop.
Are your questions rhetorical? Do you know the answers?
I'd be interested in knowing what's in the planning for the armory. I've not heard anything and I'm fairly active in the community.
Does the building have any historical significance?
Hugo & Scott - let it go already.
Effing Matt Szabo "Duhh I don't know" re: the Mayor's new girlfriend. Does he know ANYTHING about his own boss?
Regarding Matt Szabo knowing about the Mayor's girlfriend? I'm guessing no. He would have no reason to know whatsoever what the Mayor is doing unless he is on duty and the Mayor has a date on a public schedule.
One blog has him putting his two cents in on everything and then you read that others are mad that his staff doesn't know anything about what he's doing.
You are all so funny in a really warped way.
Leave the mayor alone. Don't kick the guy when he is down. And BOY is he down. I would list the problems but I know there is a 3000 word limit on this comment section. So why even get started. Give the guy a break. He needs a shoulder to cry on. His American Idol dream just ended during the audition rounds.
What are you talking about? Community Partners has 160 projects of which Legacy is one. Community Partners is a fiscal receiver for all these
projects including Inner City Struggle (I think) and Art Storm. 13 million is the total for all 160 projects throughout the County. GET YOUR FACTS
right. Legacy has many active programs, LOOK at the website!!!!! Read the newsletter written by the Dream Big Fellows. The only issue here is a need
to destroy people who are trying to work hard for the youth and families in their community. You all should stop this BS and start volunteering.
10:58 - YOU ARE RIGHT ON!!
But remember this is Hugo Pacheco and Scott Johnson we are talking about they don't know any better.
They think they are trying to shame people like Lou Lou Calanche and Galaviz, but it ain't happening.
Both of them, like most real leaders in the community know that Hugo and Scott have nothing but anger.
Just let them stew in it.
As someone who knows the area and some facts regarding this controversy let me make these points.
1.Jenny Krusoe cares no more about Ramona Gardens than she does the Southwest Museum.
2.According to Art Pulido, Mark Mariscal was seeking information on Scott Johnson in order to terminate him from his job in Recreation and Parks.
3.Hazard Park Director Aaron Shaw was nearly transfare from Hazard Park for giving the community a voice which displease Mark Mariscal.
4.Legacy LA members held secret meetions to discuss the removal of the popular Ramona Gardens Recreation Director Hector Salazar. Then proceeded to try influence the new director and run programs at Ramona Gardens without permits.
5. On more than one occasion did now paid Legacy staff berate and threaten PAB member Scott Johnson and others with removal from the PAB via Councilman Jose Huizar.
6. Lou Calanche claims that she grew up in Ramona Gardens but never did.
7. Legacy LA has a track record of taking credit, or steals others people's ideas.
8. Some would say that Jenny Krusoe gives jobs to those who show loyalty to her.
9. Lou Calanche recently was over heard saying how much she hated Rec. and Parks.
10. The best youth programing in Ramona Gardens is being done by Rec. and Parks.
11. Legacy LA staff were and still is engaging in a "Turf battle" with SEA and scheduling meetings where only certain entities were invited.
12. Jenny Krusoe has refer to community members as "the enemy" if they dare question her project and has made late night phone calls to community members conplaining about why they would associate with certain people. (The Lincoln Heights NC money issue.)
13. Lou Calanche send a e-mail to community members which wrongly stated that Scott Johnson was oppose to the awarding of the $3,000 from the LHNC. The fact was the LHNC member Ernest Sanchez was the one who ask that the proposal be tabled pending further examination of the proposed expenitures.
.....and there are more.
But as one can see here there are major ethical questions than need explaining.
Current Legacy Employees,
Jenny Krusoe
"Director of Development"
One hears that former Northeast Trees E.D. Larry Smith is working with Krusoe. More like Larry and Jenny are trying to profit off the past work of activist Alex Man and others.
Maria Lou Calanche
"Exective Director"
So what does LuLu really think about Recreation and Parks ?? ...and what do Recreation and Park staff think about Legacy's plan to provide "recreational programing" ??
Monique Moncayo
"Director of Youth Outreach"
Is she still double dipping at Hazard Park ?? Some would call that a "Conflict of Interest".
Known to some as "Mini Lu".
George Sarabia
"GRYD Program Coordinator"
Is this the psycho who was fired from Aztec Rising ?? Also was last seen going "loco" on the umpire, in a baseball game between Hazard and Cypress Park.
Hey 4:32-
Don't forget the following facts, get in the way of your rumors:
- Neither Scotty Johnson nor Juanita "Fishface" represent Sierra Club. Your crazy ass wife also drives Sierra Club staff crazy.
- Scotty has been holding on the presidency despite the fact that his position was supposed to end two years ago.
- Aaron couldn't stand scott and all the bullshit he brought into the park.
- Scott Johnson and his short, shorts (please brother, he scares the kids with those shorts), were given TWO, Count them TWO!! seats on the board, and still that big bitch complained.
Oh yeah,there is more, but we are holding on to that for now.
You and that loser deserve each other, and take that wacko Pete Galindo Sr.with you.
Jenny Krusoe. When she was listed in the Mayor and Huizar's little press release on "saving" the Southwest Museum, no one in the Highland Park community had even heard of the bitch. We knew nothing about her.
How dare she lend her name to help the Mayor and Huizar create a fake group intended to be a pretense to allow the Autry to move the Southwest Museum over to Griffith Park. This is a white collar theft and Jenny Krusoe and all the members of the Southwest Society, people who have never fucking attended a damn meeting since then, are enablers. Ass kissing enablers.
Some just want to attack and not respond to the facts stated here.
This is fact...
Lou Calanche once told community members that the wife of Jose Huizar had called her out in a meeting, as being against the agenda of the Councilman by organizing parents in the LA Voice group.
it seems now that she is back in the good graces of the Huizar's.
Scary when the expose go on the attack.
It was Scott Johnson who set up a trip for teens to Yosemite National Park and pre teen trips to El Capitan State Beach in Santa Barbara during his reign as the Chair of the Hazard park advisory board.
Then he subjected to personal attacks by the likes of Monique and George.
What a bunch of selfish ingrates, especially Monique who benefitted from Scott's kindness, yet attacks him in front of the youth she supposelly mentors.
7. Legacy LA has a track record of taking credit, or steals others people's ideas.
LOOKS LIKE ALL OF YOU WRITING KNOW EACH OTHER IN ONWE WAY OR ANOTHER! your calling people out and yet you have to sign off as "Anonymous" at least have the cajpnes to say it to someones face, not behind thisblog screen. I take to calling an active senior "Fishface" you show look so good at that age. Just goes to show if people anit paid they don't volunteer, an those who do getted fucked by the likes of all of you.
the issues here is our city is broke and these lame ass policos are the problem. If I went into your pocket and took money you would call me a thieft. Well this is that these favored non-profits are doing to you the tax-payer. It's not rehashed news, it's news worth further eploration until we the tax payers get the answers we want to hear, not the shit the city wants us to swallow.
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