America Finally Jumps the Shark
Walgreens has pulled from it shelves "Chia Obama" because "it's racist."
Labels: jumping the shark, President Barack Obama, walgreens
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Labels: jumping the shark, President Barack Obama, walgreens
In June 2008, Obama Falsely Claimed His Father Served In World War II:
Obama: "My father served in World War II, and when he came home, he got the services that he needed." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At The NALEO Conference, Washington, DC, 6/28/08)
On May 23, Obama Mistakenly Says He's In "Sunshine" At Rally In Sunrise, Florida
Obama: "How's it going Sunshine? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everybody. It's good to be in Sunshine!" (Barack Obama, Campaign Rally, Sunrise, FL, 5/23/08)
* South Florida Sun-Sentinel: "It Wasn't Clear If Barack Obama Knew Exactly Where He Was Friday Afternoon …" "It wasn't clear if Barack Obama knew exactly where he was Friday afternoon when he spoke at his mass rally at the BankAtlantic Center. He repeatedly used the term 'Sunshine' as a place name rather than 'Sunrise,' the city where the arena is located, including, 'How's it going Sunshine? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everybody. It's good to be in Sunshine.'" ("Did Obama Know Where He Was For Sunrise Rally?" South Florida Sun-Sentinel Blog, 5/24/08)
Obama's understanding of our "founding document"!
This was an interesting line from Barack Obama's speech in Strasbourg, France on Friday April 3, 2009:
We know that transformational change is possible. We know this because of three reasons: First, because, for all our differences, there are certain values that bind us together and reveal our common humanity: the universal longing to live a life free from fear, and free from want; a life marked by dignity and respect and simple justice.
Our two republics were founded in service of these ideals. In America, it is written into our founding documents as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In France: "Liberté" -- (applause) -- absolutely -- "egalité, fraternité." (Applause.) Our moral authority is derived from the fact that generations of our citizens have fought and bled to uphold these values in our nations and others.
So freedom from "fear" and "want" are Western values that bind us together? Since when? That's kind of bizarre. Freedom from "want" and "simple justice" sound more like something Karl Marx would say than George Washington.
But presidential experts from the right and left who spoke with The Hill said that if gaffes keep adding up, Obama may be damaged by incidents ranging from a foot in the mouth to a protocol faux pas.
"Gaffes do shape the public perception of the president because the mistakes that one makes reveal how you think and what you're doing," said Darrell M. West, vice president and director of Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. "Ultimately, that can add up to an unfavorable public profile."
Lee Edwards of the Heritage Foundation, who has written biographies of President Reagan and Barry Goldwater, said Obama has the age of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter working against him even as the information-age media invaluably assisted his campaign.
What's the point of all this Obama- bashing? I was for Hillary in the first place because it IS important to have someone versed in protocol, as well as "hope and change," but we've got who we've got and she's the Sec of State who can add some smooth (with her hubby the kind of Smooth), so why hope with Lush Rimbaugh that he bombs and makes the U. S. look like a fool? At least he's got a likeability factor and that right there goes a long way abroad.
Michelle's sleeveless formal-wear and hugging the queen aren't what I'd ideally like to see in our first black/ people of color Pres and First Lady, but they've both done quite well overall so chill.
"...if gaffes keep adding up, Obama may be damaged..."
Yeeeah, uh huh, so after four years of Bush messing up everything he said and did, he still got reelected.
This story is 3 days old Higby. Crack reporting there.
Obama says his uncle liberated Auchwitz. He was 500 miles away.
At a veterans' event he said something about honoring those who fought and died in our wars, "several of whom are here today." Huh? In caskets?
Obama makes Dan Quayle look like an intellectual. The man can't function without a teleprompter.
Normally, I would be all for snubbing the French, but they got a more conservative president than we do here in America right now (I keep wondering if we got sucked into Bizzaro World somehow), but this is just dumb. Nobama sent a letter to the president of France who has been wanting to sit down and discuss world events with him. Problem is, he sent it to FORMER French President Jacques Chirac.
So Little Time, So Much FAIL
Last week was not a good week for Dear Teleprompter. From Sunday to Sunday, Obama managed to…
* Read the wrong speech off a Teleprompter, and end up thanking himself for inviting the Irish PM to Washington. (Tuesday)
* Warn the Irish guests at his St. Patty’s Day party not to get too drunk and put lampshades on their heads (Tuesday)
* Compare AIG executives to suicide bombers. (Thursday)
* Insult the Special Olympics. (Thursday)
* Revise the estimate of his first deficit upward to almost $2,000 B (with more certainly to come.) (Friday)
* Send a letter to the ex-president of France, pledging four years of cooperation. (Saturday)
* Giggle coquettishly about his criminal mismanagement of the economy. (Sunday).
* Admit he gets lost in the White House sometimes. (Sunday)
And this on top of giving the nearly blind PM of Great Britain a set of DVD’s he can’t watch
One must not waste time trying to understand lunatics. Obama is a classic fool and international embarrassment for not seeing the danger He is putting the country in.
The DPRK is counting on Obama to do just what He did over the weekend - refer the missile matter to the UN. The US and UN will of course do nothing but Obama will feel good about trying.
Emboldened, DPRK will continue to develop weapons and delivery systems to sell for hard currency. Gee… I wonder who the buyers might be? When one of these nuclear devices goes off in a US city,or Tel Aviv is wiped out by a nuclear-tipped missile, we can review Obama’s speeches for inspiration.
I invented this idea, and I really believe they stole it from me! My Obama Chia Pet was in my blog before they even had a website! It's on my blog, but don't think I can link here.
That's right the Chia Pet co. didn't even have a website until Feb - I called them. They were vague about when they decided to mfr it, but they never advertised it anywhere until Feb!!
Here's another thread that is fodder for Obama critic's multi-posting, off topic items.
Put up any title and it will get twisted around to whatever this kind of poster has agendized.
I think the last post is the only one responding to the topic.
I think a bobble-head doll would have been better- you have low maintenance, just dust it off once in a while and watch it become animated. No watering, feeding, sunny exposure needed.
and I heard that Jimmy Carter had his face on some peanut character while he was still in office, so it's not the first commercial spoof.
And does the Mayor still sell his near-life-size bobble-head dolls for fundraising? Add an Arnold doll and you'd have some kind of set there.
Higby you should sell a three piece bobblehead set of Jim Alger, Mike Trujillo and Zuma Dogg.
Dim, Dimmer and Dimmest?
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