Moore Rocks CD12; Zuma Performs Best in CD4
The numbers each candidate for Mayor got in the various Council Districts are in. Here are where each candidate did their personal best:
Carlos Alvarez in CD 1 with 2.18%
Gordon Turner in CD15 with 8.17%
Walter Moore in CD 12 with 40.99%
Phil Jennerjahn in CD 3 with 1.18%
James Harris in CD 8 with 1.65%
David Hernandez in CD 7 with 2.58%
Bruce Darian in CD 12 with 3.05%
Mayor Villaraigosa in CD 9 with 73.22%
David Saltsburg in CD 4 with 4.06%
Craig X Rubin in CD 8 with 2.10%
Carlos Alvarez in CD 1 with 2.18%
Gordon Turner in CD15 with 8.17%
Walter Moore in CD 12 with 40.99%
Phil Jennerjahn in CD 3 with 1.18%
James Harris in CD 8 with 1.65%
David Hernandez in CD 7 with 2.58%
Bruce Darian in CD 12 with 3.05%
Mayor Villaraigosa in CD 9 with 73.22%
David Saltsburg in CD 4 with 4.06%
Craig X Rubin in CD 8 with 2.10%
Labels: 2009 mayoral election
City Clerks Office as of March 4, 2009
City of L.A. Registered Voters: 1,596,165
Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Votes: 127,955
Percent: 55.56%
This does NOT appear to be a splendid election base on these numbers with only 127,955 (8%) votes of the total 1,596,165 registered voters.
Is this the final number total? Or are they still counting?
Damn, Villaraigosa got 73% in CD-9? That says it all folks. In a way, that's what Walter was talking about. The numbers got ahead of us, and the guy won, marginally, but fair and square, assuming these are the final numbers.
CD12, CD4, Who knows what CD their in? It's not on the sample ballot. Where would find out what these CD numbers stand for? Or does everyone know but me?
J. Scott:
Do you know who your City Councilmember is? CD = Council District.
If you don't know your CD, than please leave this blog.
Anonymouse at 9:14.
Get over yourself. This blog is for people to learn, among other things. Not for you to indulge your sickness and sit anonymously behind a keyboard, in your underwear, lamenting your lost career and hurl insults at everyone.
How about you leave the blog? I can make that happen if you like!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Old Dead Republican Mayor
Interesting that Zuma got his best numbers in my Council District. Wonder what Tom thinks?
Bite me. You first.
Thank you Michael. You should know that this blog is being e-mailed all over the CA state now. People want to know what the people are saying in Los Angeles and love the stuff posted they won't find in any newspaper. They are in the politics of their city just like we are.
6:45 am
"fair and square"? Pleazzze!! Villar is a cheater and his days are numbered.
Antonio Villar will lose for Governor and Jack Weiss will lose for City Attorney!
Yeah, right. We couldn't get Jackass Weiss recalled; you're not going to get Antonio recalled. Embrace the graft and suck it up. He's with us until he's ready to leave. Hopefully sooner than later. But we've got this schmuck as Mayor. Now go get people out to vote for Nuch and send Jack-off into the dark night where he belongs.
Yeah, right. You're in LOVE with Antonio, don't try to fake it!
RECALL ANTONIO!! That's right... his time in Los Angeles will be miserable. The Paperwork is in motion.
Hey Gavin, don't worry about Antonio, we'll keep him busy in LA!!
Nooch is a hack whose whole career except for a few years when he started out decades ago has been spent defending the scum of the earth for big bucks: rapists and thugs including all the USC jocks (until his daughter didn't get into SC a few years ago and he stopped in peevish protest), the worst toxic polluters and environmental offenders who did it knowingly for financial gain, killers and such.
His game is to vilify the victims of rape and beating and innocents of all kinds to get his thugs and slimeballs off -- everyone knows what a phony and manipulator he's been, what an amoral creep.
His working class antics and "humor" and "hey, I'm just a simple guy" act are part of his schtick.
Sleazey Criminal Law Tricks 101.
He's pulled so much conflict of interest stuff when it comes to working for and against the city it would take a book to write. Those of you naive fools who believe his schtick are in for a rude awakening.
You bought his own false PR precisely because he's been an obscure nobody hustling for bucks on the dark side, and we're saving the city from him AND you idiots who are all about petty vengeance (like him) and dumber than tomato cans.
When at least 55% of the City - god bless them - is happy with Antonio how the hell do you think you're going to get them to vote to recall? Plus what do you have to get 100,000 signatures? Plus, no one who has a chance would run against him in a recall election.
Trust me - I can't stand the fact this guy is still Mayor but you're just going to have to ride it out.
Um 5:29pm,
Anyone is better than Weiss, so don't think you can say ANYTHING that would make people want Weiss over Nuch!
Sorry, Recall paperwork already started. Those who want to get involved will, those who don't won't.
No Coolie's Stoolie!!!
No Nooch!!!
There are NOT 1,596,165 registered voters in the City of LA. Maybe the County, but not the City.
Go tweak the real numbers. Out of 4 million residents, there is no way that HALF of them are even voting age, much less registered voters.
Now there are about 8 million people in the County, so perhaps I can believe that almost 2 million of THEM are registered voters.
Ace Smith in the house!!!
I would never vote for Nuch. Sorry. As much as I'm anti-Weiss, I'm way more anti-Nuch.
This town is always so extremist and divided. Why couldn't everybody just agree on Amerian? Then the Weiss haters would have had a chance. Now? No way in hell. Nuch will go the way of Walter. Off into the night because the people of this town can't go halfway ever and the liberals have it all over the conservatives. Nobody is going to beat Weiss now. Every single CD 5 voter can come out and vote for Nuch and it still won't happen because nobody else cares enough about CD 5 to have a killer like Nuch in office.
Relax - Jack Weiss will be a much better City Attorney than he would a Councilman.
And you all got Wendy. Woo fucking hoo. Now you get the rest of the package.
Goodbye Delgadillo and hello Weiss!
Yea 6:01 PM you couldn't get 100,000 votes for Wacko but now you're mounting a million dollar recall campaign. Oh sure.
Nobody seriously thinks that Ace Smith reads blogs do they? Get real.
The question here since CD 12 is no surprise, but who did CD 14 vote for overwhelmingly?
J. Scott:
Your joking, right??
I've never met anyone who didn't know what CD they lived in. It's more important to know who your council member is than who the mayor is .Your council member is the one you need to deal with on city issues.
It iIS on your sample ballot when it's time to vote for your council member.
Are you brand new to LA? Usually your local library has fliers, info, local newspapers,etc. that will give you information on your local council district.
Hope that helps!
The L.A. City website has links upon links of all city information; the sidebar on city video page is loaded with the information to answer questions with lists, depts., maps, etc- all putting everything in the best light, of course, but data is data:
And the phrase, "Anyone would be better than JACK WEISS," STILL holds true. Trutanich would still be an improvement over Delgadillo. WEISS would be about the same as far as being helpful for the city- and maybe worse, since DELGADILLO did practice law over all the period and did come up with some good ideas amid all the problems. WEISS might even rank lower than ROCKY, come to think of it.
JACK WEISS, the rubber-stamp for TONY, would truly leave the city leadership in the hands of the Villaraigosa "mob"- so Nuch would have to be much worse than is claimed by the WEISS folks to cause a vote for JACK.
Nuch at least shows he can take cases that are unpopular and make a living at it; imagine his productivity with what the City Attorney does, picking prosecutions and being on the popular side of a case now and then.
Experience counts. Weiss since '92 and Trutanich since '79, but Weiss has no time in practice while doing the two terms in City Council; about only 10 years active and Nuch about 30 years and some as a Dep. Dist. Atty. time, especially in gang prosecution and he understands things from experience.
Maybe cases like the Tenney dog food case would have come out better for the city with Nuch. "WEISS in city council" was really "city council without WEISS," too often.
WEISS has not even practiced law for over the entire 7-1/2 years as council member- and he's barely done anything special as a council member, either, as much as he'd like to believe differently. YOu'd have to be Jack's friend to vote for him, and I understand how he did not have all CMs on board for him-
Jack Weiss is his own worst enemy; Being tied to Antonio makes him so much the worse choice.
in cd-14
I just moved. I live in Kagel Canyon. I have not re-registered to vote yet at the new address. Thanks for your help.
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