This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Higby, how can you complain about people commenting about your weight, and then you turn around and complain about Villaraigosa's breath?
Yes, we all know that his aides carry around the breath strips. But this post is just about posting a senseless insult.
If you can't take senseless insults geared to your girth, you shouldn't be posting derogatory things such as this. You didn't even put up editorial content; you just went for the insult.
Very low class.
I believe it's another symbol of the mayor's uninterruptible self-admiration. It's a means by which TONY manifests his undeniable narcissism.
(The observations are there to be taken in- but if you see it differently, TONY thanks you.)
Colorful framed posters of Che Guevara adorn the home’s living room, along with pictures of family members and the couple’s two sons; Jones’ elder son currently serves with the Navy in Iraq. Hanging near the dinner table is a framed Shepard Fairey reprint of his Barack Obama poster, the word “PROGRESS” streaming across the bottom.
what's funny is someone taking the time to construct 4 paragraphs to post on such a low class blog.
I'll just take two.
The Big o has resurfaced:
From the San Gabriel Valley Tribune:
"El Monte resident Rolando Cuevas said he would help get the word out.
"Voter apathy and the large district mean that any candidate is going to have to fight to get his name out," Cuevas said. "The question is whether the issues he stands for will resonate, and I think they will. "Whatever disadvantage he may have for not being known around here can be overcome."
Cuevas pointed to the group of leaders that stood beside Cedillo during his speech, which in addition to Becerra and Molina included retired congressman Esteban Torres.
"I didn't think you would see that group united on stage anymore,"
Cuevas said. "It makes an impression."
The only impression Becerra and Molina make is incompetence - among highly educated and uneducated Latino elected officials. When at first you don't succeed in your agenda you gravitate to what works for you- ethnic politics. Parke Skelton and Judy Chu will bait the Latino elected fools to assure that this will be one of the nastiest ethnic contests of our day.
This post has no class at all.
Yet you read it and commented on it.
Gez, Higby, do you ever tire of slamming Mayor Villaraigosa?
I mean, he's a REAL Mayor, you know, the kind that gets elected by a majority of the voters and actually is responsible for the running of a whole town, rather than a guy who elects himself and is responsible for running a community of marginal nut cases.
Now it appears he will be runnnig for Governor, you know, a REAL Governor, like the kind that runs a state. Like Sarah Palin, for instance.
Has it occured to you that you have backed a stable of losers?
Think of it, David Saltsburg, an authentic street person who cannot control himself enough to get a real job, a fool who constantly embarasses himself in front of large audiences at public meetings and thinks somehow that the people are laughing with him rather than at him; this is the guy you seriously thought ought to be Mayor of the second largest city in America?
Why not look at things in the light of day? By and large, LA is not corrupt; our cops are professional, and things run about as well as they could in a city full of hoodlums and illegals.
Our commissions have competant people on them (courtesy of the Mayor) and our Department Heads are pretty much a higher cut than they were under Hahn - especially Knatz at the Harbor, Lindsey at LAWA and Nahai at LADWP.
So, take a moment to reflect upon how we stack up against NY, Chi, Detroit, Cleveland, Washington D.C. or any other city of size; I'd say Villaraigosa does a pretty good job.
There is no need for Saltsburg, the self appointed "economist" with a third grade degree, or any other loser, to get the puffing you give him/them.
So, give it a rest for a few weeks will you? Pretty soon he'll be running for Governor and you can get one of your losers to run for that as well in order to spice up the blog.
Gil "One Bill Gil" Cedillo is an absolute disaster as a legislator.
He is moody, and far removed from his constituents.
His remoteness is exemplified by his unwillingness to meet with people to discuss pending legislation, even if it is relative to a committee on which he either sits or chairs.
He is a Senator purely through the courtesy of Antonio Villaraigosa, with whom he was once close, but no more. Had Antonio wanted it, he could have swamped "One Bill Gil" in the election, but instead chose to oust the also ineffectual Nick Pacheco (Nick Who??).
Cedillo returned the favor by endorsing others against Antonio, especially Jimmy Hahn.
Jdy Chu will swamp Cedillo and embarass his worthless butt in the special election. She will go on to represent us well and he will continue on the public dole for a whiole, still trying to get driver's licenses for the illegals that burden our infrastructure to the breaking point.
If he wants to be such a hero to them, maybe he ought to move to Mexico, that is, if he can even speak Spanish.
I also carry those around. What is the big deal.
Yes we read it as it was simple to, and commented on how inappropriate it was.
There seems to be no level this "blog" will sink to.
Doesn't he need more than one pack?
One of the most amusing things about this blog is that there is a very small handful of readers who do nothing but spend their time criticizing the writers of this blog, usually Mr. Higby, and/or write dishonest positive portrayals of the Mayor and other officials.
With regard to the former category it is interesting and suspect that they criticize Mr. Higby or his colleagues for perceived or real personal failings yet never take the time to take issue with their specific points or offer valid evidence refuting was has been posited on Mayor Sam.
Concerning the latter category one would suspect these are staffers of the Mayor (or other electeds) who are either required or feel personally that they must defend and uplift the Mayor no matter what the truth is.
Having worked in City Hall and campaigns for many years going back to the days of Burt Pines, Tom Bradley and others I have many contacts who read this blog and who have indicated to me who these individuals are. Though I am not personally acquainted with them the group of writers from other blogs, local activists and elected staffers could really pursue their time better than peddling rubbish on the internet.
OUCH! on the CapLock.
Spinners for Tony and just plain neurotics love to attack and make unsupported statements.
Tony is no good, no matter how much you like your job. If we balanced good and lousy of his action, lousy gets the overwhelming tip of the scales.
LA Weekly is just living in a deludional world, I suppose and what they write for week after week is ALL WRONG? I think not.
Where are any point-by-point rebuttals?
Where is Tony in a debate forum?
Why is Tony a control freak with press conferences, why is all the rush for DOING THINGS, high visibility things happening as the governor's race in coming into view?
TONY might be good at something, but not at working as mayor for most of the people living here- and he doesn't care, like the coucil members whose pay and benefits sheild them from the reality of the lousy economy.
Maybe that's another reason we have career politicians- too full of themselves, like Fabian Nunez and the special interest fueling his good-life.
la resident
Let's see every newspaper article on the Mayor election was negative and made fun of the fact that Antonio got ony 55% percent for 2nd term. This blog gets thousands of hits and a lot of what is posted and articles on threads is e-mailed citywide to thousands of people. So to all the haters who keep complaining about Michael yet still come and post and complain you are nothing more then hypocritical losers.
1:26 P.M. Thanks for the compliment, but I live in CD 11, so I am not who you may think I am...
9:59 AM
Two things. One - the poster won't come back this far to read your response. They can only read the first few threads, then their brains get tired.
I like they way they keep spelling competent wrong. It's kind of like noone, maroon, etc.
Could Alger be more fucking transparent?
Who is Tony V?
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