Zuma Dogg, Dennis Zine and the Truth About Jack Weiss
Zuma Dogg reports that a recent Jack Weiss campaign mailer was generating chuckles around the horseshoe at the Los Angeles City Council. Among the claims Jack makes in his piece is that he was responsible for ending the backlog of DNA testing of rape victim evidence yet he conveniently forgets to mention the backlog occurred during his reign as chairman of the Council's Public Safety Committee and action was only taken when the LA Times brought the issue to attention (following which Weiss blamed the media for the problem.)
More interesting is Zuma's interview with Councilman Dennis Zine in the second video below where the 3rd District Councilman said voters should "...vote for anyone BUT Jack Weiss for City Attorney. It will be detrimental to the City of Los Angeles if he (Jack Weiss) becomes City Attorney." Zine also shows wavering support for Measure B, saying that more study of the controversial solar plan is needed because "it's a lot of money."
More interesting is Zuma's interview with Councilman Dennis Zine in the second video below where the 3rd District Councilman said voters should "...vote for anyone BUT Jack Weiss for City Attorney. It will be detrimental to the City of Los Angeles if he (Jack Weiss) becomes City Attorney." Zine also shows wavering support for Measure B, saying that more study of the controversial solar plan is needed because "it's a lot of money."
Labels: dennis zine, jack weiss, measure b, zuma dogg
Weiss has been working with LAPD on the DNA backlog issue for a long time as a cursory check in the Times archives would tell you, ask Women Against Violence and any number of groups involved with the rape issue.
Why do you think Bratton is backing him up on that mailer and the other issues involving public safety in his commercial endorsing Jack? Maybe he's a little smarter than the know-nothings writing here?
Maybe the Council didn't vote for the money to process the rape kits and staff the lab that Jack had identified as needed (and just how much money was needed) a long time ago -- some were more interested in only adding cops as a more vote-getting issue, some still want to cut back on all funding for police, like Parks. Over any issue or how to spend money there are conflicting priorities, jealousies, the usual range.
It's true that the media didn't think it was a "hot" issue until Chick released her audit rehashing everything Weiss/Greig Smith/ Charlie Beck of LAPD and others had long reported and identified, pending approval of the funding.
Then Chick acted like she discovered the problem and claimed "credit" which Smith famously objected to in the Daily News. She did the same thing to Cardenas involving the gang prevention issue he said -- but it's laughable that Zine should try to promote his candidate Nuch by stating something that's such a lie -- or he's even more ignorant than he looks and acts. Not the first time, just ask Bratton about Zine and his second-guessing Bratton about SO40 and paparazzis.
Zine is hosting a fundraiser for Nuch tonight, by the way. Subtle.
Zine and Zuma: a marriage made in trailer-trash heaven.
Weiss Wieners have arrived!
Spin like there's no tomorrow!
Anyone want to talk about the tirade Jack had when Laura released the audit?
Oh yes, Jack has his top spinner at 9:04 and 9:07.
How come Wendy Greuel has not endorsed Jack Weiss, either?
Tells you how much Jack Weiss is hated by his fellow council members--one of them gave the bogus flyer to ZD.
Keep it up, ZD! Weiss is a paper tiger!
Anyone want to say how much Weiss is full of shit?
Wendy Gruel has endorsed Weiss, 9:51, but keep trying. Zine and my boy zuma against the world, gotta love it, at ya boy, says my boy to Pres O in his now-famous advisory. As one "iconic figure" to another.
Zuma Dogg reports? More like Zuma Dogg lies. Zine was clowing the smelly homeless guy. He is supporting Weiss. You guys are really stupid.
Zine is supporting JACK Weiss? I don't think so.
Zuma keeps referring to "councilmembers" in this video, but it's clearly only the one. There is something very fishing going on here.
I'm 9:04 and I'm not a spinner, I'm in Mr. Smith's district and happen to follow the news. Mr. Smith SHOULD Go to Washington and straighten things out there, if you ask me. Time for some bipartison common-sense and decency.
According to the Wikipedia article on Jack Weiss, which he apparently composed, or co-composed;
"He also wrote a motion to require individuals who lose a gun to report that loss to the police."
What a guy. Jeez, how long did it take him to "write" that? And did it pass? How many people routinely "lose a gun?"
Ok- let me get this... "911? I, uh, can't find my gun. I think I lost it. Uh, yeah, that's the ticket, I, uh, lost it... yeah. It was around here somewhere- and now it's just gone. I'm not in trouble, am I? Can you please tell Mr. Weiss that I lost it? Like now? Really, I never, ever lost it before, but now I did."
Can I get another one?
BTW- I kinda lost my Nuclear Bomb too- Do I need to report this?
Higby, scoops from Zuma Dogg? Where did he find them? Scrawled on the roof of the van in which he lives?
11:54 PM
sorry, more than one councilmember participated in the jack weiss flier story and video.
all because jack weiss is such a uniting force, the CMs who can't stand me are feeding me this stuff! LOL!
Zuma's right. My boss can't stand Weiss. They're all hoping he gets his ass kicked. Even Wendy though she won't say it in public.
I have a "Zuma Dogg for Mayor" sign on my car now all I need is one of those huge flourescent yellow signs for my front lawn! The sign on my car is good because more people see it but a few signs wouldn't hurt either.
Weiss was the only one who had the guts to oppose Jan Perry on creating a billboard sign district for a huge 7-story LED lighted sign right on the freeway, that she claimed would be in exchange for some money from a park from ClearChannel/CBS Outdoors. But she couldn't understand that by doing so she was opening the city to abrogation of its entire billboard ordinance.
The courts soon after ruled just as Weiss said they would because of cases like this: saying the city couldn't arbitrarily enforce its own ordinance. He's now written a new ordinance that could allow for some exceptions in sign districts without negating the whole ordinance, but .that's now how the current one is written. Of course Perry and some of her peers can't understand this, it's too complicated for them, simple as it is.
Perry lashed out at anyone who opposed her sign dtistrict as elitist "westsiders with nothing better to do and no understanding for the poor." It's not easy trying to be consistent and logical when your colleagues sometimes operate from an opposite place.
Weiss and his staff are too polite to tell you this, butas a billboard blight activist I've paid close attention to who does what on the issue, and he's been the champion on this for many years in the face of people like Perry.
As maybe another consideration of the facts relevant here, you should remember that WENDY is MAYOR TONY'S enthusiastic supporter, right or wrong, she's there and backing him. (Do We need that in a city hall watchdog? Not for this city, please.)
JACK Weiss is running against many, including NOEL Weiss, and the challengers can be distinguished from the CD-5 CM since they practice law, and some even have experience as prosecutors in STATE court. Jack is a politician, and without actual experience in the legal setting, especially over the last 8+ years in office, would have little personal experience to apply.
Decision-making would be mostly a non-issue since JACK is controlled by Mayor Tony and the decisions would be made there for JACK to rubber-stamp and implement.
MAYOR TONY's spokesman, Matt Szabo was WENDY'S former aid, wasn't he?
AND CHIEF BRATTON is another one beholden to TONY, finding himself often right there with him for any and all reports and conclusions.
You won't hear BRATTON saying anything bad about TONY- why would he want to rock his own boat. Credibility? Getting any votes for police and money is routed through BRATTON'S mouth- as if a puppet. TONY shapes those stories and controls the nastiness in BRATTON'S style.
"DISASTROUS FOR THE CITY"- so succinctly summed up. And that's for all of them, TONY, JACK AND WENDY.
from cd-14
Mayor Sam,
I agree with many that our City Council and Mayor dont do a good job. But really, Zuma Dog? I mean, is Sarah Palin not available?
You debase the site by having these people posting. You can and should be a great resource for those in City Hall who want to blow the whistle on the silliness that often passes for serious work there.
Arent there enough serious critics of the Mayor and the council that you can have here?
I think Walter Moore is a serious guy as is Noel Weiss. I think you guys can have a really good site if you take it more seriously. The city of LA needs a good muckracking site and you guys should be it.
So...be a little more serious and a little more picky about who you allow post and I think you can become a real agent of change.
It may not be as much fun, but you'd have way more impact.
To the billboard blight activist 1042, are you up to speed on Walter Moore's billboard "activism"? Walter Moore works for a tiny law firm. All 4 attorneys represent the billboard advertisers. Walter Moore represents Clear Channel and the Channel reps donated to Walter's campaign. He hasn't admitted it. But, this came out on Mayor Sam. Which is why I'm voting for Zuma.
I'm more (or Moore, whichever) interested in the stories of the HOZ living in Walter Moore's condo. What the hell is up with that? And did Moore's wife really hightail it to France? WTF?
Hey There Walter...
Come out come out wherever you are and answer 12:55. You blog here. Your personal life is fair game in an election. Same goes for your billboard conflict of interest. It's time you stopped treating we voters with contempt.
Don't worry, 2:23 PM. Walter Moore can answer your questions at The Mayor Sam Debate.
I'm more (or Moore, whichever) interested in the stories of the HOZ living in Walter Moore's condo. What the hell is up with that? And did Moore's wife really hightail it to France? WTF?
Yeah, Walter. Inquiring Voters want to know. Are you shacking up loonies in your condos? Did your wife leave you and run to France because of it?
Walter should star in his own drama television show: Desperate Wannabe Politicians
Do you think it was right for Walter Moore to accept money from Clear Channel for his campaign?
I wonder if he is committed to having all the illegally constructed digital billboards taken down?
I feel it was wrong for Walter Moore to hide from us that he's the Clear Channel lawyer. His accepting of money from them when he was blogging and not disclosing his true connections was also very wrong.
I was at City Hall today and rumor is that Jack Weiss is running scared of Carmen Trutanich. Weiss does not have the skills or the heart to run the City Attorney's Office.
Nuch has my vote.
LA needs to tell Weiss to hit the road Jack and don't come back no more!
All donations are reported and the businesses that donate. Businesses are allowed to donate, but they do not contribute to matching funds. Only individual contributions allow for matching funds. Therefore, Walter Moore received 43,000 from individual people you know like $25 dollars here and $25 dollars there. Isn't that how Obama did it. Considering it is a mayor raise and not on LA residents pay much attention to, he is doing pretty good. I didn't read about anyone else getting matching funds? And we know Villars came from BIG money.
If you want real change and want to clean up the crime in your city.
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