David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg Doing CH 35 Campaign Promo
Zuma revealed, wearing a tie (gasp) no less! This is an excellent clip of the hard working candidate at his finest.
Labels: David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Labels: David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg
He cleans up great! He had my vote but thanks Joe B. for putting this up.
Wow. He's even sexier without his cap.
Zuma Dogg has aged incredibly well. I'm sorry he's homeless but it's obvious he respects his body and takes good care of himself. This is our next mayor, God willing.
What a transition! It's amazing! Keep this look David!
Mayor Sam's debate is going to be great with Ron Kaye. Finally a good idea from the opposition. If Villar really cared about the voters he'd attend. But at least we can count on the other candidates to be there.
I just checked Mayor Sam's debate website and see that Walter Moore has declined.
Was Walter the guy complaining about Villaraigosa not debating him?
Higby must have made a mistake. Walter wouldn't turn down a chance to debate.
Zuma Dogg is a brave warrior for the people.
So, Walter Moore has declined to participate in the Mayor Sam debate!
Since MV has turned down WM, I guess the only person WM will be debating is himself.
Anonymous said...
So, Walter Moore has declined to participate in the Mayor Sam debate!
Since MV has turned down WM, I guess the only person WM will be debating is himself.
11:18 PM, You are WRONG. Walter Moore woudn't turn it down. Somebody here got it wrong. He's said all along that he's geared up for a debate. Check your facts please before you run your mouth, clown.
Actually the poster is correct. It is noted on our website, Walter Moore has, at this time, declined our invitation to debate.
However, he is welcome to change his mind up until half an hour before the debate.
Here is the confirmation:
From: Walter Moore
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: You Are Invited to Debate
To: Michael Higby
No, thank you.
On Feb 4, 2009, at 10:48 PM, Michael Higby wrote:
> You are being invited to participate in a candidates debate between the most prominent candidates for Mayor of Los Angeles.
I refuse to believe it.
Do you think Walter Moore isn't showing up after the news on Street Hassle?
christ, why would any legitimate candidate take part in this cesspool of childishness?
btw, zooma dogg would have served his campaign well if he cleaned up the look months ago. I'd like to know why he did it now?
Wow. Nice job on this clip. Looking good and not one "yall" (slang you all, I don't know how it's spelled) I'm a huge Zuma fan and I really don't see why some think he doesn't have a chance. Who would of thought Regan had a chance? Jesse Ventura? Arnold? Zuma presents his case well, he's for the people. What more could you ask for?
Anonymous said..."christ, why would any legitimate candidate take part in this cesspool of childishness?"
What gives you the right to call a debate a "cesspool"? You should be commending Mayor Sam and Ron Kaye for organizing it. Even if you don't like Zooma, two of the other candidates got the stamp of approval from the LA GOP. LA finally has a real GOP that backs Conservative candidates. Walter is the one who comes off looking jealous and childishness. Especially after his crybaby crying that the mayor refused to debate Walter is a hypocrite.
Looks like zooma mutt has been in overdrive posting anonymously.
Best thing Walter has done is to avoid this side-show of a circus.
Since he is able to clean himself up that well, you kind of have to think that he should be able to get a job.
Out of fairness, I did watch his video, but he used his 3 minutes just to recite the problems. It would have been best to assume that the voters know what the problems are, and spend those 3 minutes telling voters what his solutions would be.
Or could it be that he doesn't have solutions?
Walter has brushed off zooma as an uneducated gadfly and said something about now wanting to debate people who need tinfoil hats to keep out the gamma rays. Yes its the same kind of thing the mayor says about Walter and the Lyndon LaRouche bunch. But that's life, we all draw our own boundaries beneath which we won't go. Only on the fringes of LA is that unusual, or else you wouldn't have private clubs and nice areas or any incentive to get an education. If a homeless smelly gadfly and a GOP endorsee whose only "fame" is public comment at city hall are "equal" then everything breaks down. Sure they have a right to take advantage of our democratic process and have but so do people have a right to decide that the fruits of their labors include a right to disassociate from those they choose to.
great video, keep the new look zuma your doing great.
It's Zuma faggots. How would you know if he was homeless and smelly when you never leave your computer? Nameless losers who stand for nothing have lots to say about others who at least try to do something. Identifing a problem is at least a start. He did provide a solution but your so stupid you missed it.
@10:28, it's not a circus, but all elections have a "circus" quality to them. You're right that Walter has the same right to avoid the "circus" that McCain did when he "suspended his campaign" and almost refused to debate in that particular "circus". I'm sure McCain thought debating Obama the upstart was beneath him.
But...Since this is how our democracy works to include everyone, the person who refuses to go to the "circus" is the clown.
@10:40 The "homeless" gadfly and the GOP endorsee aren't equal to Walter Moore. Thier better.
P.S. I misspelled "their" on purpose so you can come back and have your sick fun and say I'm not educated enough to vote in your Wacko-loony-approved, snot-nosed, Wacko white-supremacist-hate-Latinos democratic process.
To Phil,
okay zuma,
We all know the problems.
What are your answers - I didn,t hear anything except a reference to Deming. We've already heard these Deming references ad nauseum.
What PRECISELY would you DO - and don't tell us again you'll implement Deming. Concrete answers please.
Why won't Walter debate David Hernandez, Phil Jennerjahn and Zuma?
To The Wacko Lover-Fan,
You must be new to The Sister City. Zuma Dogg has been posting problems and his answers right here for 3 yrs. He goes to the clowncil with his answers every day. He's got his blogs. He goes on nationally televised talk shows.
Soon as a candidate starts to run for office, they start trying to evolve into something they're not - to "fool some of the people all the time." Like Obama running as a moderate.
Keep trying to "clean up" all you want, ZD. Try to rub off your indelible "cheeta" spots like a career criminal wearing cozy sweaters to his televised trials.
Love or hate you, Ch. 35 viewers will always ONLY recognize you as the clownish, misinformed, ranting gadfly that steals hours of costly public servants' time at each week's council meetings and the guy who's taken the "L" out of "public comment."
You will ALWAYS be the "Inane Clown Pusse" of L.A. politics, with a tiny following of the hack hardcore contrarians and unwashed messes.
I'm wondering who lent him the coat and tie???
Go Zuma!!!
It might be good to remember that lots of voters don't even know what the problems are and need to see why they should vote.
I think it would be a good bet that Antonio has cracked open the piggy bank to pay for some of that partying that serves as his rallys and there's lots of incentive to make these people come out, I'd guess, like free food, music, transportation and whatever else would complete the photo ops that Antonio craves.
Villaraigosa won't debate. He's no good at that (unless there's a ventriloquist aide around), but he does know how to party. He's been doing that instead of work for the past term of office.
Getting down to the real audience of voters who have NOT decided even to VOTE is the challenge now.
Zuma is on the right track, and some of those Antonio-voters will see that reason soon enough for a change to happen at the polls. Tony will have his party all to himself while he thinks about how to get into the Governor's mansion.
For many years, Michael "Mayor Sam" Higby, ZD and the MS bloggers treated Walter Moore with respect. Walter rewarded that by being nasty.
To say that the voters don't know what the problems are is beyond absurd. Whenever a poll is taken to ask voters what they feel are the most important problems, how many of them have no opinion? When you're losing your job, your house, and your investments, you know what the problems are. Zuma had 3 minutes on TV to convince people that he's the best one to solve those problems, and he blew the chance. He can babble on all he wants about Deming, but he should have connected the dots to show how adopting Deming's 14 points is going to lead to a resolve of those problems.
Honestly, I don't think he knows how to connect those dots. He learned something about TQM and Deming, and he thinks it's a solution to all the City's ills.
When you're losing your job, your house, and your investments, you know what the problems are.
Yea, the problem is corrupt politicians selling us out for their own greed and business interests. Which reminds me, where are Walter Moore's tax returns? Do not cast one vote for Walter Moore till he shows you the money.
P.S. I misspelled "their" on purpose so you can come back and have your sick fun and say I'm not educated enough to vote in your Wacko-loony-approved, snot-nosed, Wacko white-supremacist-hate-Latinos democratic process.
but its ok to hate blacks right Don Quixote
Wacko-loony-approved, snot-nosed, Wacko white-supremacist-hate-Latinos democratic process.
Well put.
I feel like I'm seeing Superman or Spiderman in the costume but without a mask.
Sorry, ZD, but I'll never look at you the same way now that you're in a suit and tie.
But you still rock man!! Keep it up!! We need you!!
Looks like the dog sold out.
Did the money people demand he ditch the rapper image?
There you are, Nut-sack 945. You went missing for an hour. I was about to call the Los Angeles Police.
Walter Moore's Law Company: Richard Hamlin Attorneys
Motto: "We have been making the world safe for billboards since 1985."
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