One awakens from his bloggin slumber to the talk of "DOGG", pot, "X", threats, and comments from the bloggin peanut gallery.
But while y'all seek rapid comment moderation so you can get your rants, err comments in on the "DOGG/ X RUBIN AFFAIR", lets bring you up to date on someone who's M.O. is to get pay much for doing so little, yes we are referring to CD 14 resident slacker, "THE COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR".
We last posted here on the chances (rare or none) of the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" attending your Super Bowl Bash.
While no definative location can be given on where the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" parked his rear end to view this year classic game, one can surmise that a "future trail of favors" will lead us to the location (Mercado ??).
On the subject of favors, is the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" doing Deputy Chief of Staff Henry Casa a favor by keeping him on payroll as he awaits resolution to his domestic violence case? Or is this part of a deal to keep a certain closet full of "staffer skeletons" under lock and key???
Whatever may lurk behind the closet door, on can only speculate, but what is clear is that the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" has selected a Chief of Staff in Ana Cubas.
Some in CD 14 will remember Ana Cubas in her former incarnation as a Huizar staffer at LAUSD during his reign as the "SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT LAST SEEN WHITE WASHING BELMONT LEARNING CENTER AS JOSE HUIZAR".
Her first order of business will be the damage control over yesterday's article in the LA Weekly where the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" was rated out by his fellow council members for being the "LAZY COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR".
Cubas may also want to fill some of the blank spots in his daily schedule with more visits to the likes of the Southwest Society and the Barrio Action Center in El Sereno where he gives alot....in cash (payments of $4,306, $3,500, $500, $1,860 to start).
One can only wish Ms. Cubas the best in her new position, but as someone pointed out to me today, when you schedule a public meeting on the test holes being drilled in El Sereno for the 710 extension, and no staff from CD 14 is in attendance, then you have problems....
But while y'all seek rapid comment moderation so you can get your rants, err comments in on the "DOGG/ X RUBIN AFFAIR", lets bring you up to date on someone who's M.O. is to get pay much for doing so little, yes we are referring to CD 14 resident slacker, "THE COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR".
We last posted here on the chances (rare or none) of the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" attending your Super Bowl Bash.
While no definative location can be given on where the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" parked his rear end to view this year classic game, one can surmise that a "future trail of favors" will lead us to the location (Mercado ??).
On the subject of favors, is the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" doing Deputy Chief of Staff Henry Casa a favor by keeping him on payroll as he awaits resolution to his domestic violence case? Or is this part of a deal to keep a certain closet full of "staffer skeletons" under lock and key???
Whatever may lurk behind the closet door, on can only speculate, but what is clear is that the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" has selected a Chief of Staff in Ana Cubas.
Some in CD 14 will remember Ana Cubas in her former incarnation as a Huizar staffer at LAUSD during his reign as the "SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT LAST SEEN WHITE WASHING BELMONT LEARNING CENTER AS JOSE HUIZAR".
Her first order of business will be the damage control over yesterday's article in the LA Weekly where the "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR" was rated out by his fellow council members for being the "LAZY COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR".
Cubas may also want to fill some of the blank spots in his daily schedule with more visits to the likes of the Southwest Society and the Barrio Action Center in El Sereno where he gives alot....in cash (payments of $4,306, $3,500, $500, $1,860 to start).
One can only wish Ms. Cubas the best in her new position, but as someone pointed out to me today, when you schedule a public meeting on the test holes being drilled in El Sereno for the 710 extension, and no staff from CD 14 is in attendance, then you have problems....
This could have made more sense if you had gone back and eliminated half the words before you posted it.
The same Ana Cubas who sat on the City's Board of Information Technology Commissioners while thousands of customer complaints against Cable TV companies were filed with the city. With the rest of that board which was mostly useless while she was a member of it--Cubas never once assessed monetary penalties against the cable companies as a result of any of these complaints. See no evil, hear no evil, etc.
At least that board had the decency to disband itself and stop pretending that it was serving the City's residents--unlike previous incarnations of the Board.
The board disbanded when it was no longer possible for the city to regulate cable franchises.
Red spot "jose aguilar" came out of hiding.
This could have made more sense if you had gone back and eliminated half the words before you posted it.
That's the beauty of the Spot.
¡Gracias a díos!
It's Red Spot!! He's back!!! Just in time!!!
Anonymous, 4:28.
Thousands of Los Angeles resident complaints about cable companies were coming in long before the City of Los Angeles lost the authority to franchise cable companies.
Furthermore, the Board had authority in areas other than cable television franchising.
One such area was cable television franchise renewals, whose completion the Board never came close to substantially furthering. (Although the Board didn't have final authority over these renewals, the Board never provided the City Council or the Mayor proposed renewed franchises.)
Of course, the Board might have had a better chance of bringing about franchise renewals if ITA hadn't hired a Telecommunications Regulatory Officer named William Imperial despite the fact that:
(1) Imperial did not have the qualifications specified by the City for a Telecommunications Regulatory Officer.
(2) Imperial, as an attorney, had been disciplined at least twice by the California Bar and resigned from that Bar with charges pending.
The above was brought to the attention of certain members of the Board. If it bothered the Board, the Board never publicly indicated its disapproval.
Not surprisingly, the cable franchises were never renewed, Imperial got promoted by the City and currently makes over $100,000 annually at ITA.
I guess Casas didn't look good in a mini skirt. Watch the cat fight between Cubas and Godoy - they'll both scratch and fight for Huizar's affection to the detriment of CD 14. There is a lot more to those skeletons in the closet, mostly centering on domestic violence.
I thought Peter Hidalgo was CD 14 COS. Where did Peter Hidalgo go?
Where did the other 23 members of Huizars's staff go? No on k nows; but the thought is they all got "pay off " jobs somewhere in City of LA payroll or DWP payrolls.!
Good to have you back RED SPOT. The Mayor will be at Manuels' later today...
....Joe Avila the other one in the closet is with DWP making way over $125,000 of our tax dollars. Huizar staffers are nothing more then young, insecure, immature peons. They say and do what is told of them even lying to cover for their lazy boss. NO one has seen Huizar in the district. He hides out cause he doesn't have the balls to face the music. Henry Casas should NOT be getting paid. Wasn't he already arraigned and I believe its a felony DV charge. Just like Alatorre, Mike Hernandez if you have ties to city hall you can break the law by using cocaine, domestic violence, IRS fraud and not spend one day in jail. SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL
Jesse Rosas for City Council in District 1.
Ed Reyes area still has lots of shootings and he said now he is cutting police officers after he raised our trash fees.
Jesse Rosas for CD1.
Jesus Christ. Are you saying the Huizar has ANOTHER chief of staff? What happened to Peter? At some point Huizar will have to acknowledge the problem must be the warm body holding the Council seat and not the parade of staffers. I feel sorry for his staff.
Vote for Jesse Rosas,he needs friends. I hear he will get at least 100 votes. He is nothing but a sell-out who sold Lincoln Heights out!!
He is in too tight with George Pantzis from Dino's
Red Spot aguilar- you still hiding likea little chonch? You dropped out of the Boyle Heights Council because Juan Romero schooled you, and you dropped out of the CRA board because Gala-loser and his cronies kicked you to the curb like a used diaper.
Word is Sacred Heart has had enough of you and your loser bs.
Doesn't that make it (5) Chief's of Staff in 3 years (Monica Garcia, Tony Ricasa, Joe Avila, Peter Hidalgo and now Ana Cubas)? And, i think the staff turnover is closer to 50+ in 3 years. Most Chiefs last a life time with the elected.
thats just crazy, jose has a serious problem retaining staff. this is not going to fair well come election time. Is Alvin running again?
I wonder how jose's wife likes the new chief of staff, i heard she gets around town (a big elected official groupie). some call her the salavadorian Marthala (alex Padilla, felipe fuentes, jose huizar)
Better yet, how is Francine going to take it that a new younger, prettier, skinnier girl has joined the team. Not only joined but is the boss!
Cubas isn't younger than Francine and Cubas has certainly been around the track way more than Godoy.
I can see why you like blogging about CD14. It drives up your traffic right?
You get hits and people gossip back and forth about positions they wished they had, or positions and work they know nothing, or very little about. Sure, I get it, makes sense. So what’s the deal w/ being such a hater? You an over 40 political wanna-be? Never made it? So now you’re only recourse is to pretend to break news without doing the research? Your blog went from being critical to being gossipy, not to mention sexist. Now you and your commentors are attacking women? Good one. You’re losing credibility Higby. It’s sad really.
Oh no, attacking women? Is chivalry really dead?
But don't blame Higby, blame the pathetic political status of CD 14. Alatorre, Pacheco, Villariagosa, Huizar - what a legacy.
so what's the criticism here against Huizar? everybody knows he fought tooth and nail against rezn on elephant hill which proves his loyalty.
Huizar is a horrible Los Angeles City Councilman. Lack of leadership skills... Avoids constituents, hence never to be found. CD14 constituents are in the process of recalling him. Recall Councilman Jose Huizar! He lacks everything CD 14 doesn't need! Jose Huizar protects law breakers like El Mercado owner Pedro Rosado and campaign contributor.
Horrible councilman? Try deplorable! The so-called wanna-be politician who claims he grew up poor and made it out of the barrio. Give us all a tax break with the poor boy syndrome and recall Councilman Jose Huizar.
Enough is enough! The poor boy syndrome doesn't work anymore when he could care less about his poor constituents. No one in CD 14 sees or knows what Sleezy Wheezy is doing and where he is and what he has been up to.
Vote No For Jose Huizar!
Huizar is Villaraigosa's Shoe Shine Boy > )
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