Incident At Mayoral Candidates Forum
We are receiving reports that mayoral candidate David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsberg was escorted by police from a candidates forum today. Mayoral candidate Phil Jennerjahn sent MS an email saying that Zuma had been detained by the LAPD due to alleged threats he made against fellow mayoral candidate Craig X Rubin.
A phone call to LAPD Wilshire Division confirmed that Zuma had been detained but was released soon after. It is unknown if any charges will be filed, and we are waiting for further statements from both Zuma Dogg and Craig X Rubin.
We'll bring you more information as it comes in.
A phone call to LAPD Wilshire Division confirmed that Zuma had been detained but was released soon after. It is unknown if any charges will be filed, and we are waiting for further statements from both Zuma Dogg and Craig X Rubin.
We'll bring you more information as it comes in.
Labels: craig x rubin, David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg
Ha ha ha! There go his 74 votes!
When will you realize you have been feeding a sick personality, Higby?
This guy is already homeless on his way to mental institution, or worse, a jail where they will seriously hurt him.
For mercy sakes, stop pimping him and take some responsibility for your actions.
The laughs are over; time to cut him loose, totally.
Someone on the blog is always saying zuma would be arrested. at ucla last night he was described as yelling into the mike, the audience was rowdy and a couple of old guys in favor of Walter Moore were rude, making catcalls. Gee and I missed it.
Zuma Dogg's run for Mayor seemed mildly entertaining in the beginning. Now it is a major annoyance. This is not street theater. This is a race to save this city from the current mayor. Hopefully citizens will see that this immature behavior is typical of Zuma Dogg's attention seeking childish actions.
what, were they fighting over the last dub sack of pot on the table??
Oh no! And just a couple of days before election day! This could sink Zuma for Mayor!
He threatened another I feel embarassed that I have been supporting him...
Those of us who support Zuma's candidacy don't care about this and realize that Craig X. Rubin is the poster child for weenies. Obviously Bruno, you're not one of us. But since I've seen your spinster face up front and personal I'll second it for you. woof woof.
Do you mean Craig Rubin the PARANOID POTHEAD thinks someone is out to get him? That's rich.
Smoke another doobie, dude.
ha, ha, ha 834 i'd add woof woof to her.
He is either unable to control his actions, or his need for attention is like an drug addiction. He needs it so badly that he will literally do anything to get it. I'm glad he doesn't carry weapons.
most likely that Zuma was antagonized Zuma may have been within the limits
And I will decide when I read Zuma Doggs comments.
He is a contender and is a threat to more then one of the contenders on the ballot
I'm glad he doesn't carry weapons.
But you do, right, loon?
MC said...
"He is either unable to control his actions, or his need for attention is like an drug addiction. He needs it so badly that he will literally do anything to get it."
Aren't you more aptly describing yourself? But Zuma gets attention every where he goes. You're just a dried up old day-bed with her springs popping out.
You got some good shit, man? Where'd ya buy it? And what exactly are you taking medical marijuana for, or are you just breaking the law? Inquiring minds want to know.
LOL! ZD got taken by the cops because a pot head turned, um, duh, all paranoid on him???
I luv this election. Hey Craigie, ya don't know misery till The Furry starts chasing ya. ZD's dealt with her for three years. Your an f**king amateur.,0,2690411.story
Police question L.A. mayoral candidate on alleged death threat
David 'Zuma Dogg' Saltsburg is taken to a police station, where he is asked about a complaint filed by fellow candidate Craig X Rubin. Saltsburg says he didn't make a threat.
Police question L.A. mayoral candidate on alleged death threat
David 'Zuma Dogg' Saltsburg is taken to a police station, where he is asked about a complaint filed by fellow candidate Craig X Rubin. Saltsburg says he didn't make a threat.
By Phil Willon and David Zahniser
February 27, 2009
Police questioned a Los Angeles mayoral candidate Thursday on whether he made a death threat against a another candidate.
David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg -- one of nine contenders trying to unseat Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa -- was met by officers from the Los Angeles Police Department when he arrived for a debate at Claude Pepper Senior Center on La Cienega Boulevard.
Police sources said he was taken to the Wilshire Division station and asked about comments he allegedly aimed at candidate Craig X Rubin.
In a brief interview with The Times, Saltsburg denied any wrongdoing, but confirmed that he had been questioned and released.
Rubin, a pastor at the Family Church in Pasadena, said Saltsburg called him at home Thursday morning and left a message threatening to kill him if he showed up at the debate later in the day.
Rubin said he believes it all began during a forum at UCLA on Wednesday when Saltsburg stormed out. Saltsburg apparently thought that Rubin and another candidate were mocking his comments embracing W. Edwards Deming's 14-point management philosophy.
"I don't know where the anger came from," Rubin said.
Rubin called police and officers came to his home in the San Fernando Valley, where he filed a formal complaint.
"As a pastor, I felt kind of conflicted about it," Rubin said. "You know, turn the other check. But I really did feel threatened."
Saltsburg denied leaving a threatening message for Rubin. "Did I say that [stuff] he said I said? The answer is absolutely not," he said. "I guess anybody can say anything in an open political forum and beyond that, no comment."
Saltzberg, where's your head? Craig's church is the Universal Life Church. The IRS went at them for years suspecting it was just a tax haven for people who want to avoid paying taxes. The IRS should go at them again. Is Craig a tax protestor pothead? GET HIS TAX FORMS.
This is quite disappointing to hear, but not the least bit surprising. It is what this guy does when he can't get his way, threaten people to silence them.
There are many good people who work hard for this city every single day who don't need the camera on them, who don't need to make a circus out of everything and who don't need to threaten other individuals.
It does seem as if there is going to be a point where people stop enabling this behavior because his insults are usually hurled at the "power structure." There is room in politics for civil discourse, but the key word is civil.
It is fair to attack someone's policies, or positions. It is even fair to attack or "expose" alleged malfeasance of candidates, but it is not OK to have repeated run-ins with the LAPD because you can't control yourself.
This is getting fishier. Sounds like Craig X (no period) has a persecution complex.
" all began during a forum at UCLA on Wednesday when Saltsburg stormed out. Saltsburg apparently thought that Rubin and another candidate were mocking his comments embracing W. Edwards Deming's 14-point management philosophy."
"...I guess anybody can say anything in an open political forum and beyond that, no comment."
Yes Mutt and you have tested that theory to the limits. NO COMMENT??? I think that is a first for you!
Hi, I am Craig X Rubin and currently I am working as a pastor at The Family Church in Pasadena under Bishop Donnie Williams.
I was born in East LA , raised in a reform Jewish Family in West LA and founded Temple 420. In of November 2006 the LAPD violently raided the temple and shut down our house of worship. When demanding my rights as a clergyman I was told by an LAPD officer that my Judeo-Christian faith was not protected by law because it was, “not a real religion.”
On September 1, 2008 I rented a space on Robertson Blvd. and named it as my campaign headquarters two days later. The location was visited by City of Los Angeles officials no less than three times by September 11, 2008 and our landlord received a letter threatening to jail her for twenty years and to seize her property. The letter appeared to be from the DEA, but it is turning out that the letter was not actually from the DEA, but is a forgery. In an attempt to harass and intimidate our campaign some individuals have committed a felony and I am asking the State and Federal authorities to solve this crime and prevent further “Domestic Terrorism” from hampering my seeking the Mayor’s office.
The location was visited by City of Los Angeles officials no less than three times by September 11, 2008 and our landlord received a letter threatening to jail her for twenty years and to seize her property. The letter appeared to be from the DEA, but it is turning out that the letter was not actually from the DEA, but is a forgery. In an attempt to harass and intimidate our campaign some individuals have committed a felony and I am asking the State and Federal authorities to solve this crime and prevent further “Domestic Terrorism” from hampering my seeking the Mayor’s office.
Nice spinning but this is about ZUMA DOGG'S CONSTANT run-ins with the police in response to his behavior.
He is escorted from City Council repeatedly, storms out of one debate and now is arrested for threatening another candidate.
It is a pattern now.
Anonymous MC said...
Nice spinning but this is about ZUMA DOGG'S CONSTANT run-ins with the police.
Ghandi had more.
Saw zuma on the channel 5 news.
Great free mayoral coverage for him! They reported it as 10;07 gave it and showed pre-executive hip hop garb footage.
How wonderful!!
Craig is a nut, and the Mutt is a loon
Birds of a feather flock together.
These guys are both pathetic. How nice to see Zuma in handcuffs... AGAIN!
What a sicko Craig X Rubin turned out to be. Look at this wacko
"I am asking the State and Federal authorities to solve this crime and prevent further “Domestic Terrorism” from hampering my seeking the Mayor’s office."
Zuma being booted by Garcetti's palace guard for being boisterous or doing too many hoody-hoos is not the same as being questioned by LAPD.
Anyway I'm in City Hall at least once a week and that hasn't happened in some time.
Num-nuts if Zuma Dogg was released that means they didn't think he was a threat.
If "Reverend" X has voice mail where is it? If he did the police would hold Zuma.
Zuma was released according to Joe B. Looks like the allegations are not true.
What a sicko Craig X Rubin turned out to be. Look at this wacko
"I am asking the State and Federal authorities to solve this crime and prevent further “Domestic Terrorism” from hampering my seeking the Mayor’s office."
Num-nuts if Zuma Dogg was released that means they didn't think he was a threat.
Question: What did Walter Moore know and when did he know it?
I told you Zuma would be arrested!
Oh, My. God. This does signifies the end of Craig X. Rubin's 15 minutes of infame. I hope the IRS looks at his "church" and the DEA really comes down on his sick paranoid pot smoking head. We finally got a candidate as loony as Wacko and loonier than Mary. What an effin disappointment.
I was always against decriminalization of marijuana. For reasons like this. It fries the brain big effin time.
Rubin just made the best argument on earth for NOT legalizing marijuana. It didn't happen to him. It came to him in a cloud of smoke.
Is there a tape? I'd like to hear it. Until then who knows.
Craig Rubin is the poster child for potheads everywhere....
* Impaired perception
* Diminished short-term memory
* Loss of concentration and coordination
* Impaired judgement
* Increased risk of accidents
* Loss of motivation
* Diminished inhibitions
* Increased heart rate
* Anxiety, panic attacks, and paranoia
* Hallucinations
* Damage to the respiratory, reproductive, and immune systems
* Increased risk of cancer
* Psychological dependency
so pothead Rubin and pothead Saltsburg are in the same boat. Isn't this fun, folks.
Thing is, Rubin likes Saltsburg. At the debate in Eagle Rock he said that if he won, he was going to hire zuma to work for him.
New findings on marijuana's damaging effect on the brain show the drug triggers temporary psychotic symptoms in some people, including hallucinations and paranoid delusions, doctors say.
One compound, cannabidiol, or CBD, made people more relaxed. But even small doses of another component, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, produced temporary psychotic symptoms in people, including hallucinations and paranoid delusions, doctors said.
"We've long suspected that cannabis is linked to psychoses, but we have never before had scans to show how the mechanism works," said Dr. Philip McGuire, a professor of psychiatry at King's College, London.
In analyzing MRI scans of the study's subjects, McGuire and his colleagues found that THC interfered with activity in the inferior frontal cortex, a region of the brain associated with paranoia.
Thing is, Rubin likes Saltsburg. At the debate in Eagle Rock he said that if he won, he was going to hire zuma to work for him.
Then the good shit kicked in and he tried to get Zuma arrested instead. Face it, Craig is all washed up in this town. He might as well change his name to Mary.
"THC is switching off that regulator," McGuire said, effectively unleashing the paranoia usually kept under control by the frontal cortex.
This is your brain on drugs....
Craig X. Rubin for mayor.
High Potency Marijuana is not your father's marijuana. Over the years growers have used highly sophisticated cultivation techniques that have not only increased the potency of pot but all but eradicated CBD, the molecule that protects the user from psychosis and cognitive impairment. THC, the active ingredient in marijuana has increased from 6% ten years ago to 30% today.
So is Gavin Newsom's wife really having threesomes?
The Final Push: Help Us Get Out the Vote!
There's only 5 days left until election day, but you can still help make a difference in our campaign to bring reform to Los Angeles city government. First, we need you to forward this email to all of your friends in the City of Los Angeles to remind them about the important election on Tuesday.
We also need your help as we work to turn out as many voters as possible on Tuesday, March 3rd. Can you spare some time to help us on election day? Please contact Tom at and we'll provide you with everything you need to help get out the vote.
Keep Us On The Air: Contribute Today
You can also assist the campaign by making a contribution so we can continue to get our message out. Please make your contribution today by clicking here. Thank you for your support!
Wendy Greuel
Councilwoman, 2nd District
City of Los Angeles
In LA they are considering renaming Negrohead Mountain to Ballard Mountain.
At the request of Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, the board will send a formal proposal to the U.S. Board of Geographic Names to have the name changed to Ballard Mountain.
Yaroslavsky said the renaming the 2,031-foot mountain would “honor the man, as a man.”
The mountain is thought to have derived its name from Ballard, an early settler in the region.
“It’s not like we’re just sort of superimposing our history on that site,” said Yaroslavsky spokesman Joel Bellman, who called the mountain’s current name “dated.”
If you know Spanish or Portuguese, you’d also know “negro” means “black.”
Considering how many Hispanics live in LA you’d think they’d be upset.
I wonder if the people of Wyoming will now get offended at the naming of the Grand Tetons (Great Big Tits, for those of you not familiar with French) and demand they be renamed “Grand Mammalian Devices National Park.”
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All the MOORE reason to vote for Walter Moore.
You say...All the Moore reason to put a racist Walter Moore in City Hall with his pally the Wacko Moore Lover-Fan? The Animal Furry and her arsenal of guns? I don't think so. Even Antonio kicked her in her fat culo.
ZD didn't threaten this addict Craig XXX. Craig XXX halucinated like the usual loser potheads of which he is their patron saint.
ZD for mayor!!!!!! Same as always. Yay! Get out and vote for real change. Especially now that you see what can happen when the sick and crazy try to take over City Hall. Walter Moore is no better than Craig XXX. They're both halucinating.
Anonymous said...
Dream on, Mary. The only person of interest to LAPD who spins on MS is you.
What does Don Quixote think of all this mess?
What does Don Quixote think of all this mess?
Why not go over to Joe M.'s blog and ask him? EZ Nuff.
If Councilmember Jan Perry owns a condomium within 500 feet of the Grand Avenue Project and stands to personally financially benefit from increased value of her property, Government Code Section 1090 makes it illegal for her to vote on the Project and it may even invalidate all project approvals she participated in.
Those druggies often think people are following them and trying to harm them. I'm not surprised. Craig, get a program and save yourself. To me, you are a waste of human life. Sorry but that's just the way the straight world looks at you. I feel sorry for your family. Get straight for them, if not yourself. You are a very selfish person.
Suck up to no one.
"Ask yourself, how would the city be different if it were expressly run by developers, gangs and the nation of Mexico? You'd be hard pressed to come up with any policy changes," Moore tells listeners.
"This city is run-down," Moore said. "The gangs control the streets. The streets are busted up. The sidewalks are busted up. You got people butchering goats in their frontyard. You've got barnyard animals running around. . . . You have the city government giving out hundreds of millions of dollars to political cronies. That's what Third World is."
Moore is hearing Spanish voices on the radio and now he is seeing barnyard animals all over LA.
I think he did see Don Quixote's very favorite pet goat, Alejandro, who was once hired by Janice Hahn to eat grass on the hill.
Butchering goats in their frontyards?
Higby, have a contest. Whose the bigger cuckoo clock, Moore or Rubin?
Let us bring Joe the Plumber to LA and run for Mayor.
Anonymous said...
Let us bring Joe the Plumber to LA and run for Mayor.
February 26, 2009 11:33 PM
No. Let us stick Rubin in a rehab and have Wacko visit him with endearing farm animals his lover-fan rescued from the slaughter in people's front yards.
Vote Zuma. Did I stress this enough?
Higby if Walter is seeing barnyard animals all over Los Angeles he may be smoking the same stuff as Craig X.
walter may be seeing barnyard animals all over the city because his pal furry mary wears a chicken suit.
Sticking to a transportation thing, if there is going to be any cent of subsidization for daily transportation of city officials and staff, it should be Metro passes. No more government cars going around to people who can already easily afford their own car on their salary. The city has a budget problem, then lets start putting those government cars on the auction block.
I am officially announcing my candidacy for city council. I like the big bucks.
The LA Zoo is now home to two groups, or mobs, of Meerkats, who are native to southern Africa.
Anonymous said...
walter may be seeing barnyard animals all over the city because his pal furry mary wears a chicken suit.
February 26, 2009 11:44 PM
11:48 PM, You are a true genius. You cut through to the heart of the problem.
Does anyone really believe that Craig Rubin could possibly be a bigger pothead than Zuma?
Get a grip, people. Rubin at least has his act together enough to have a roof over his head and a job.
One guess who the bigger pothead is!!
Craig X. Rubin is a drug addict burnout. Let's hope LAPD confiscates his stash while they're looking for that non existant message. Arrest this dopehead.
That's an idea for Walter Moore. He can get rid of all the illegal gardeners by having the goats chew down the front lawns. Walter Wacko Moore's goat-friendly LA.
A chicken suit in every closet.
A good goat in every frontyard.
This has nothing to do with pot. It's about a mean man pulling a dirty campaign trick. .
I'd rather have a pothead than a (fill in the blank) for mayor.
Wow. I Love a guy who doesn't take any crap from anyone. There has to be an explanation. That's all I have to say. Zuma is smart, there has to be a reason. These day's all you have to do is look at someone wrong and they put you away for a threatening look! Ya, thanks to 9-11 anything can be a terrorist threat. Trust me I know. I'm still voting for Zuma.
Bruno the Dog said...
"He threatened another candidate."
Really? Call me and let me know what happened. But thanks for weighing in with your comment. Did I miss your call where you asked for my response to the claim?
Did I storm out of the room at UCLA? I'll try and post the video if I still have that part and everyone can see what "storming out" is.
Uh, there's no mention of Zuma "storming out" by the Daily Bruin
Mayoral candidates debate at UCLA
Maxwell Henderson (Contact)
Published: Thursday, February 26, 2009
The UCLA Political Science Student Organization hosted seven Los Angeles mayoral candidates for a lively debate in Haines Hall on Wednesday.
Incumbent Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was conspicuously absent from the debate. Vastly ahead in polls and funding, Villaraigosa has declined to participate in any debates.
The political science organization split the debate into two sections. Three political science students served as moderators for the debate: From 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m., Brynn Gruenberg, a fourth-year student, and Stephanie Ryan and Annie Moskovian, both third-years, posed preselected questions from students. The floor was then opened up to an audience question-and-answer session until 9:30 p.m.
Issues covered in the debate included transportation, immigration and the weakening economy, but regardless of the issue, candidates consistently criticized Villaraigosa.
The debaters had personalities as varied as their political positions, often tangling with each other and the audience. Clashes between the far left and far right became extremely heated, even rowdy.
At times, the conduct of the audience was aggressive. Two men wearing identical pro-Walter Moore T-shirts repeatedly made catcalls, faces and rude gestures in front of candidates as they spoke. Moore is the candidate with the most funding and popular support after Villaraigosa,
As candidate Carlos Alvarez answered a question about Villaraigosa’s support of Israel, three members of the audience stood up shouting. One woman yelled, “I’m not gonna stand for this!”
Despite the interruptions, the moderators were able to maintain a productive discussion that covered a broad range of issues and political views.
“For our first debate, it went really well,” Ryan said.
Moore used the conflict between the far ends of the political spectrum to his advantage. A self-declared moderate, the former attorney injected his sense of humor into his arguments.
“Democracy’s scary, ain’t it?” he said jokingly after a particularly raucous exchange among members of the audience.
Craig Rubin, another candidate and recent UCLA graduate, struck a spiritual and cannabis-themed tone. He advocated the end of prohibition on “the No. 1 cash crop in America,” and presented an idea to turn marijuana into an efficient biofuel similar to corn ethanol. He also emphasized the need for more manufacturing jobs in Los Angeles.
Candidate David “Zuma Dogg” Saltsburg often yelled into the microphone to iterate his positions. He was sometimes sarcastic to the other candidates and often criticized the current mayor.
Stevan Torres, who is running as a write-in candidate in the March 3 election, said he would cut several programs, including the Los Angeles tourism advertising campaign, “That’s so LA” – of which he has been critical in the past – and said he wants to bring an NFL team to Los Angeles.
Candidate David Hernandez adopted a solemn tone. He said that his government would adhere to the wishes of the people and he too was critical of Villaraigosa.
Phil Jennerjahn, the only debater formally endorsed by the Republican Party, stuck to his talking points. Favoring low taxes and small government, he sparred often with the two self-described socialist candidates, James Harris and Alvarez.
Harris and Alvarez stirred up the audience considerably with their views and were often interrupted by voices from the audience.
Eventually the moderators called for an end to all interruptions, which was mostly adhered to.
The Political Science Student Organization hosts forums, law school preparatory events and career panels featuring the State Department and the CIA. Primarily, the organization serves as a resource for political science students.
“Whenever we do events like this, we make sure that we have representation as far spread out (on the political spectrum) as we can so that people can understand what is going on,” Moskovian said.
Though the dialogue was lengthy and heated, the moderators and candidates were not without humor.
“No bloody noses,” Gruenberg said. “So I think that’s a plus!”
Ghandi had a following.
Anonymous 8:51 AM said...
Ghandi had a following.
8:51, Judging from the many post ups of support, and the great media following, so does Zuma Dog.
Joe Mailander's Street-Hassle site:
LAPD says they have no record of any arrest under the name of Zuma Dogg or David Saltzberg.
ZD can have Craig Rubin arrested if it turns out Craig filed a faked police report, which is a serious crime, like yelling fire in a theater. This city has so many real problems, real crime, let's not take this lightly, if it was a faked filing.
If Craig Rubin used the LAPD anti-terrorism unit as a crybaby campaign stunt, if that turns out to be all it was, ZD should think about having Craig Rubin locked up.
Just because Zuma wasn't held doesn't mean anything.They never hold anyone for verbal threats.
You have to actually DO something for them to find space for you in the crowded jail system.
So don"t get spun by the " he wasn't held / he didn't say it " spinners. It's very unusual for the police department to go anywhere because of a verbal threat. They must have taken it very seriously.
Usually they just tell you to get a temporary restraining order and shine you on.
I see Zuma has been spinning anonymously all night.
Your toast Mutt.
In the unlikely event that Craig X. Rubin produces a death-threat on a message and plays it on FOX LA I will change my mind. It was either a childish campaign trick, as the WWG noted, or Craig X. Rubin needs to go to rehab.
9:25 AM, were you also detained for making "death threats"? Or are you a third-floor spinner who just got a head's up from the bossman about the inner workings of LAPD? How did you become such an authority?
10:00 :
No, and No.
Having a student in a LAUSD highschool where death threats are usual occurrences has left me pretty well versed in the procedures the LAPD uses.
Even a bomb threat never btought them out.
Even a bomb threat never btought them out.
Are you high, haikookla? When a couple of kids get into a tussle at LAUSD the police department puts the school on lock down for a week.
Nice touch with the make-believe kid.
"Mayoral candidate Phil Jennerjahn sent MS an email saying that Zuma had been detained by the LAPD..."
Was this bull or not? M. Higby could've called Zuma before posting this so what's really going on?
Here's the chain of events...
I received several emails including one from Phil Jennerjahn and one from Kevin James indicating that Zuma was allegedly arrested at the senior center debate. The other emails were anonymous, as were a voice mail message I received.
My first call was to Zuma Dogg but I received no answer.
I then called a friend who has a connection to law enforcement to see if they could confirm.
My next step was to alert some of the other Mayor Sam writers who began to make phone calls.
I called Craig Rubin to get his take. Our conversation was off the record. However he confirmed his statements to the press.
We then made several calls to the Wilshire Division station. One of the calls occurred when Zuma Dogg was at the front desk, he recognized who was calling and asked the desk officer to inform that person he was about to be driven back to his car at the senior center by LAPD officers.
I then reached Zuma Dogg who at the time was still in the police car being driven back to his car. He said that upon advice of counsel he could not discuss the matter but - as he stated to the LA Times - completely denied the charges. He said he was never placed under arrest. He said he was also advised by LAPD not to discuss the matter with the press.
We have invited both Zuma Dogg and Craig Rubin to issue further statements if they choose to. So far that has not happened.
At this point there is nothing further to say other than what is in this post and what the press and other blogs have reported.
Hope that helps you J. Scott!
Yes, it does. Thank you very much. I feel much better. I might actually get back to work now. Lovin you-Janet
Dear J. Scott:
C'mon, you admire someone "who doesn't take any crap from anyone"?
You think Zuma is "smart"?
Do you understand you have an emotionally unstable street person who lives in a van and styles himself as a "public advocate"?
Do you know that he begs for food, coffee gas and bus money?
If this is yur idea of who you want for Mayor of Los Angeles, you are free to cast your vote for him. Our country provides that right to you, but you have a responsibility in each election to cast your vote for the person that you honestly think will best discharge the duties of that office.
If you vote for this attention whore, I honestly cannot understand how you sleep at night.
Only clarification: "He said that upon advice of counsel..."
No, not counsel. There was no counsel. And LAPD told me I could say whatever I want, but just be careful what I say in the media for my own protection.
Well, staying away from the press didn't last for long.On channel 5 this morning there was Zuma doing an interview. It took place in a parking lot. It was dark. street lights were on.
Of course he couldn't resist playing the fool and belting out a Journey tune in that ridiculous high pitched voice.
And no, making threats don't result in arrest. How do you think women end up being killed even with a restraining order?
To Michael Higby,
I didn't realize my comments to you were off the record. You are welcome to say what I said. I think Zuma Dogg needs mental help. And, yes, I was a fan of his before this incident. I respect his participating in the democratic process. I admired his passion and tenacity for collecting signatures to get on the ballot.
To the best of my ability I think I said that ZD did threaten me telling, “If I showed up at the debate that day at 1PM I’d be dead.” I don't have any personal animosity towards him. I am praying he gets the help he needs. I never had a message of him saying this. He spoke to me personally.
As far as the Times reporting there was a recording that is just because they do a lousy job of fact checking. What happened was that all of the candidates know what the other is going to say before they say it...we have been to so many of these debates and forums together.
Mr. Dogg always brings up the Demming 14 point plan...Walter who is constantly cracking jokes leaned over to me and said, "Oh here he goes with the Swiss Army knife of political solutions" and I quickly chuckled.
I certainly didn't mean to be disrespectful to Mr. Dogg or any of the other candidates. This has been a very passionate election with fist fights almost breaking out, not between candidates, but among audience members at these forums. People feel strongly about the issues.
I find it ironic that the media is only covering the circus of the election rather than the issues. I pray that Mr. Dogg gets the counseling that he needs and I have forgiven him. I still have reservations about appearing with him.
The LA Times, the Daily News nor KTLA really do much fact checking. They are showing a video of me from a movie I acted in called, "Totally Baked" and playing it as if it is from my current church. I have been on two television show and several movies, but they are not reality. The media is confusing art with reality. Anyone is welcome to come to my church. services are Sunday’s at 11AM in Pasadena. I also teach at Union Bible College a course on the “Jewish Background of the New Testament.”
As far as me being a paranoid pothead I am happy to address that as well. I have the letter that was most likely sent from member of the SORONC and it is a forgery supposedly from the DEA threatening my landlord with 20 in jail and the loss of her property for renting to me. The accused me of doing illegal activities and one of the SORONC members stated in public that she had acted to “stop the pro-pot guy from running for mayor.”
When I was arrested LAPD Officer Garcia # 36937 pretended to work for Robert Shapiro of and told me that Mr. Shapiro wanted to represent me….15 minutes later Mr. Shapiro called. When I confronted Mr. Shapiro on this fact he told me that Robert Lee the CEO of had called him asking him to call me. I had never met Mr. Lee in my life, but I have video of drug dealers and federal agents going in and out of a private door on Hollywood. Blvd. belonging to My second attorney turned out to be a full-time employee of the Federal Government pretending to be working as a criminal defense attorney when she approached me in Superior Court, so excuse me if I am a little paranoid.
I never stated that I had a tape of ZD threatening me. That was erroneously reported by the LA Times who did a lousy job of fact checking the story. I have worked with Tabloids that do a better job of fact checking their stories. I feel I have good reason to be paranoid as I have video of DEA actually stealing from me, Agent Brycen. Also, DEA Agent Patrick Kelly used a hammer to smash open our church donation box when they raided my temple and never counted the money in front of me nor reported it accurately.
I have video that proves Officer Tracye Field Black perjured herself in court, but as an unskilled lawyer I was unable to introduce that evidence in court, but I still have it, so I can say with certain that she lied in court about being at our temple when she said she wasn’t. I have on video tape proof of her ‘testalying’ as it is known in the business.
As far as my stance on marijuana….I think it is great. Marijuana equals jobs!
Pastor Craig X Rubin
I tried to comment, but nothing?
From the Home Office at Cheech and Chong's Ranch here are the TOP TEN PEOPLE AND THINGS CRAIG X RUBIN THINKS ARE OUT TO PERSECUTE HIM:
10.Zuma Dogg
9. Neighborhood Councils
8. Fake DEA
6. Big Boob Rita of Sunland Tujunga
4. The Media
3. Walter Moore's Barnyard Friends
2. Don Quixote and his Abuelita
1. Antonio Villaraigosa
Reverend Rubin, If you have that perjury tape you should've put it on the news and had an internal affairs investigation. That you don't even know this simple thing to protect your own situation shows how stupid and incompetent you are, Dude. Roll another joint, Stoner, while the rest of us thank God you aren't even coming in 5th.
CraigX said...
I tried to comment, but nothing?
That's because Michael Higby is really a DEA agent who works for legalzoom dot com. (legalzoo?). And this whole MS blog is in fact produced behind a private door in an undisclosed location in Hollywood. I have video of Federal Agents, Robert Shapiro, Zuma Dogg and the man they call Red Spot sneaking in and out.
I saw Patrick Stewart and Matt Damon hiding in Craig X Rubin's rose bushes and spying on him with their secret agent decoder rings.
Just to let you people who are calling me a nutsack...I know who you are btw, the same person who calls me that on weedtracker, the one who showed up at our temple with a drunk woman....Zuma called some one else that same day and he left that candidate a message that they, I am not crazy or paranoid more than any American should be.
If any one desires to attend services where I am a pastor the address is 1540 N. Lincoln in Pasadena and the zip is 91103.
To the person who said I should go to internal affairs...I did. The investigation has still not been completed.
Also, I was finally contacted by the District Attorney's office after years to get my side of the story regarding the money they seized from my family three years ago. Norm Rosen, a very nice man from their office, personally told me that the only reason they are looking into this now is because I am running for mayor...and he added they wanted to clear their books from 2006.
MR (not Reverand)Rubin said: " I am praying he gets the help he needs."
How dare you use words like "pray" one week before an election to imply your intentions are honorable (and HOLY?). It was a media stunt, pure and simple and there was nothing holy about it.
You'd be more honest using the word "prey" because that is what you are doing.
You, sir, are using the Lord's teachings for personal gain.
The Bible warns us about false prophets and not using the Lord's name in vain.
Shame on you Rubin for misrepresenting what God really stands for.
Craig X. Rubin, Nutsack, you do not know who I am. I've never been to weedtracker. That just goes to show you need a rehab to get over your drug-inflicted paranoia.
Where are your videos? Put them up on mayor sam and change my mind about you. Till then, bye bye Nutsack. I hope ZD gets you arrested for filing faked LAPD reports. You are a paranoid liar schmuck.
I don't appreciate the fact that Craig Rubin had David Saltsburg arrested at the Senior center forum.
It shows a true lack of leadership to not be able to sort out your differences without running to the police about everything.
David only used words in anger, but never actually did anything to Craig.
Isn't Craig the candidate who goes around to forum after forum crying about how the big bad government came and arrested him for marijuana when he had "done nothing wrong?"
But it is OK for him to use the police as a weapon against someone else who had also done nothing wrong?
I smell a hypocrite.
Zuma, my friend. Look at all your media, blogg talk (good/bad just publicity 4 you!), even the Councilwoman used your space to ask for Money! You're still looking like the very strong Mayoral Candidate I decided to vote for. Throw out the old vacationing Womanizer the pot smokers and keep on running. You see, the East San Fer. Valley Still rooting for you with my attentive help, you know. Everyone here should pitch in $$$$ to your ZUMA 4 MAYOR campaign just for entering their comments, who cares what they write, they can't make you stop running for Mayor. KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!!
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