Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Friday
Superior Court Judge James Chalfant on Thursday ruled that San Fernando Mayor and LA School Board candidate Nury Martinez's ballot designation "as an educator is false" but that at this point reprinting ballots in her race against LAUSD teacher Louis Pugliese would be too costly and time consuming. In the meantime Martinez is dealing with drama in her hometown as two members of the San Fernando City Council aligned with the Mayor were removed from office in a stunning recall election Tuesday.
Maybe too little too late but the Los Angeles Department of Transportation is working on a "memorandum of understanding" with the City's Neighborhood Councils. Of course this follows the DOT's disasterous roll-out of parking meter fare increases and other neighborhood related issues they undertake without community outreach.
The City of Anaheim has finally given up on their battle to force the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim to take Los Angeles out of their name. Two court challenges failed and the only real recourse would be to go to the State Supreme Court. Perhaps Mayor Villaraigosa could charge the Angels to use the City's name in their moniker.
Maybe too little too late but the Los Angeles Department of Transportation is working on a "memorandum of understanding" with the City's Neighborhood Councils. Of course this follows the DOT's disasterous roll-out of parking meter fare increases and other neighborhood related issues they undertake without community outreach.
The City of Anaheim has finally given up on their battle to force the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim to take Los Angeles out of their name. Two court challenges failed and the only real recourse would be to go to the State Supreme Court. Perhaps Mayor Villaraigosa could charge the Angels to use the City's name in their moniker.
Labels: anaheim, department of transportation, lausd board of education, louis pugliese, neighborhood councils, nury martinez
So what is the penalty for Martinez?
Are our idiotic CA judges going to continue to allow the Reign of Lies from these shady politicians.
Lie on your ballot; court will deem it a lie; but no penalty?
Are you kidding???
Honesty and Integrity isn't that what we want our children to Learn?
How can we have that, if Nury Martinez is already not telling the Truth in her run for LAUSD School Board Member?
The answer is: We can't.
We cannot afford for the District
to continue the Political Mess that is already destroying it.
It is time for us to get up and fight for our Children.
I do know the issues, and have studied both Nury Martinez and
Louis Pugliese.
The first has been an LAUSD Teacher and is Currently a Lecturer at CSUN,
Cares deeply about the Future of our Children, and Believes that Parents and Teachers should be
an Important part of the Process.
His Plan includes a Standing
Parent/Community Advisory Board
and Motivation to help kids do well in school.
Nury Martinez believes that we should have lower class sizes.
Don't we all?
I have been to her website and I have tried to call her, but can't seem to find out if she has a Plan or Direction. She also hasn't returned my call.
As someone who works closely with the District on Issues, my Endorsement goes to Louis Pugliese.
We need Leadership that Listens and is willing to be a Representative of the People,
including the youngest ones,
They are our Future.
Make sure to spread the word , and don't forget to vote.
She lied. She should be removed from the ballot. Plain and simple.
Another mean-spirited entry from Michael Higby a-k-a "Mayor Sam" and Mayor Frank.
Stop picking on Wendy Grule, Ed Reyes, Jack Weiss and Mayor Vi. Was you a bully in your schoolkid days?
You need to have the respect for the honored city officials. It easy to critisize sitting in your underwear in the living room Mayor Sam.
I very disappointed in the man who calls himself The Mayor Sam.
My landlord is kicking me out, so does anyone know which the council I can call for the service of help from the city?
Circumstances are unknown but the help is real thank you.
Let me quote the great dick riordan and say that this is a "damn, damn lie!"
wendy greul is sending around a hypocritical email called Cutting Government Waste
she is the cause of more corruption in the city this side of tom lo bonge and the east side council men.
Probably the plaintiffs did not file the court case promptly or push the judge to review the matter in a timely way. Chalfant is a conscientious judge.
Respect must be earned.
If Zuma Dogg is listed on the ballot as an economist, why can't Nury be an educator?
Chalfant agreed the Designation was
wrong, but didn't want the Ballot to have to be re-printed unless Louis paid for it.
My Question is:
Is there any accountability for the Clerks office for allowing the False Designations?
She also put that she is the Mayor.
according to the rules she couldn't
put that either, as she was not elected to that position.
She is an elected City Council Member.
Both Designations are inappropriate.
Money should not be the reason this won't be changed.
Let's go change the Ballots ourselves.
White-Out Anyone?
When did Furnell Chatman die?
Furnell Chapman died?
And is zuma dogg really listed as an economist on the ballot? Seriously I want to know because they could kick him off for that.
The Councilmembers of the City of San Fernando elected her Mayor by vote.
Apparently not these councilmembers!
So the City Council adjourned in memory of Furnell Chatman?
Guess - so LAObserved has the story:
So long to Furnell Chatman
Excerpt from "San Pedro Issues To Ponder" Blog:
Now pondering on who should be the Mayor of Los Angeles, I have been
battling my own thoughts and the thoughts of others.
Antonio Villaraigosa spends about 11% of his 'work' day on city business. This has been written about and is backed by public information and records.
I think the current Mayor of Los Angeles is the only person in L. A.
Government who is more into photo opportunities that a certain very local Councilperson.
I haven't been able to find anything real or important that Tony Villar has accomplished with the exception of promoting more taxes for you and me.
The list of candidates is not all that long. It seems nobody is willing to give any of the other candidates any real chance at sending Tony packing and seeking another cozy job.
There is Walter Moore, but I think he is ignorant of the issues in OUR
community and he is not written about very well, by others.
And then there is David Saltsburg. You may not know that name but you
probably know him by the name he uses, Zuma Dogg:
For the office of Mayor of the city of Los Angeles, I don't think you could do any better than electing Zuma Dogg for that office.
It would be better than allowing Tony Villar (Antonio Villaraigosa) a second term.
Los Angeles has the City Council that makes the laws and (sort of) runs the city. The office of Mayor has become completely ceremonial because of Tony's inaction's, photo ops, glad-handing, and attempts to gain higher attention in the national media.
Zuma Dogg doesn't pull any punches when he tells you what he thinks
and he carries around a video camera to make sure you see him in action.
Now I do not believe Zuma should be without medication for long periods of time, but that is probably true for Tony as well.
Zuma would bring more national spotlights onto L. A. and laughter counts in some of the spotlights.
L. A. needs all the attention it can get right now. We do not have any rivers where a large plane can land safely and we don't have a Wall Street crumbling down.
The election of Zuma Dogg might create so much discussion that something actually gets done in the city.
I don't think that Zuma Dogg could do any more damage than Tony has
done. Zuma seems to look out for the less fortunate and people who don't necessarily donate to his election campaign.
So in closing,
Zuma Dogg for Mayor
Posted by M Richards
Furnell Chatman did NOT die. He retired from channel 4 after 35 years.
Yes, Zuma Dogg is listed on the ballot as an economist. See the City of Los Angeles Website under Clerks office.
Tom Labonge has introduced a motion to roll back the parking meter hours of operation in north hollywood and larchmont village. Why is this being studied now? Why didn't DOT study this before? DOT got a new parking adminstrator last year, Amir Sedadi, and I heard that he railroaded these changes through council without even checking with any neighborhood councils for their opinions or any other major business group. We can't have city admistrators behaving like this. His arrogant attitude when getting this increase passed was told to me by a council deputy who has dealt with him on many occasions. I was told this in confidence that is why I am not saying who they are, but we need to stop this type of behavior at the grass roots level by holding these people to account for their actions. The council is not blameless either if they for any increase rates they need to demand comprehensive reports from the departments.
Who would you nominate for the city's most important positions such as the Chief of Police, Planning Director, your Chief of Staff, and your Budget Director?
1225, I would like to know ZD's answers to those questions, too.
I also want to know, ZD, where you have previously been employed as an economist?
If you really are promoting yourself as an economist, but do not have any experience ever working as an economist, someone should file a complaint with whoever oversees local election law.
You are very funny and entertaining. But it doesn't matter if someone else lied on their resume. You need to be honest with us about your experience in the field you list as your profession.
January 17, 2009 1:08 PM said, "You are very funny and entertaining. But it doesn't matter if someone else lied on their resume. You need to be honest with us about your experience in the field you list as your profession."
And look at the propoganda spin. Things like, "you need to be honest" which implies NOT being honest.
It doesn't matter if someone lied. (Implying there is a lie.)
I'm glad you couldn't find anything about the issues i have spoken about. I'm glad that you are a big whiny crybaby over this.
Maybe you should just look at the ballot occupation description and vote for the person who's description you like the most.
You are REALLY grasping.
You're beginning to sound more like George Bush everyday. It's hard to make sense of what you're saying. We voters need you to go beyond talking just talking about the issue you select. Talk is cheap. We want to know how you feel about the issues that WE care about. And we want to know more about you so we can decide if you have the ability to deliver.
Just insulting those who ask questions of you doesn't seem like a good quality for a candidate for office.
You need to do better.
What's the problem with you answering the question about who you would want to have as the Chief of Police?
If that question is too tough, you don't belong in this race.
jan 18, 4:07pm said, "We want to know how you feel about the issues that WE care about."
First of you, you are YOU, not WE. There is no "one" WE. Especially not you.
Secondly, is there any human being on the planet, let alone on the ballot who has been more vocal about "how I feel on the issues that YOU care about?"
If anything, my blog certainly covers almost anything that has been brought to my attention by "WE." In other words, I think I have blogged and spoken on the radio and TV about where I stand on the issues "we" care about.
Any further questions, since you are anonymous, and are not coming off as a real voter, but more of a political spinner. If you want to know how I feel about the issues "WE" care about (Since you speak for all "WE") call me at 213-785-7272 and I will answer any questions for you, I mean WE. OR, invite me to the "WE" and I will appear and answer all questions to the best of my ability. thank you. Zuma Dogg
Zuma D
I salute you, my fellow patriot!
"First of you, you are YOU, not WE. There is no "one" WE. Especially not you."
Freakin' genius. And poetic to boot!
To your one detractor-
Shut the fuck up.
The difference is that Nury does lots of other stuff-
Her "principal" vocation is not an educator- unless you consider anyone who breathes an educator.
Dr. Zuma Dogg, on the other hand, CONSTANTLY thinks and talks about the economic effects of political policy. In fact, according to YOU, Mr. Dickhead, that's ALL he does. -He does it so much, you say, that he's actually homeless for it-
You are the foremost witness of his PRINCIPAL vocation.
Read the election code, Dumbass- Zuma Dogg IS an Economist.
YOU, on the other hand, are a Schmuck.
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