Now This is an Unfair Dig at Obama
It's very important to clearly get out the truth about Obama's platform and associations, as well as some of the out of touch elements around his campaign, that we don't need total goofiness with the intent to slam Obama.
I received an email with this photo and the claim that Obama is reading a "Muslim" book.
Now it is true that Obama is the most liberal Democractic nominee in history, but he's not reading a Muslim book.
The book, The Post American World is by CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria, an Indian born native who is an author and expert in international affairs. Though Zakaria's father was a Muslim, Zakaria considers himself to be secular and not religious. Politically, Zakaria is considered moderate.
The point of The Post American World is the dominance of the United States internationally is on the wane as a number of developing nations are experiencing explosive growth. That being said, Zakaria doesn't see that as a concerning issue for the US, but the stagnation, gridlock and lack of reform in Washington, D.C. is.
Sounds like less of a "Muslim" perspective but more that of McCain-Palin's platform.
Labels: Barack Obama, fareed zakaria, john mccain, sarah palin
That was very well said and fair, but still capable of generating controversy in some people's minds and hits for the blog.
Well done.
Higby, you finally learned your lesson. You finally caught on... A little too late.
Don't get too wet Dummycrats, there's plenty of true stuff about BHO out there that we don't need to pollute it with fog, especially when the fog could be phony spin.
That book has some interesting material about emerging nations, economies and cultures, especially those of China and India. I think it would serve many Americans well to see that we are facing some very fierce economic competition in the near future and had better get our educational and fiscal houses in order. As a conservative, I find very little in it that I could disagree with.
In his book "Dreams from my Father", Obama confesses that he harbors the same negative racial stereotypes as Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his mentor for 20 years. On pages 198 to 204, Obama says that black nationalism, a steady attack on the white race would be justified if it could deliver. On page 100, Obama says he went out of his way to choose Marxist professors as his friends. Obama wrote: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully, the more politically active black students, the foreign students, the Chicanos, the Marxist professors and punk rock performance poets."
Wonder which books John McCain and Sarah Palin are reading, or have read in the last two years.
Comic books don't count.
I say yes we can
Yes Yes Yes
I say yes we can
Yes Yes Yes
Let us join, one and all
For the time is now
I say yes we can
With Obama we can
I say yes to hope
Yes Yes Yes
I say yes to change
Yes Yes Yes
Let us join in the call
For America
I say yes we can
With Obama we can
Don't know if this document is real or a forgery, but it purports to be a copy of Sarah Palin's grades and SAT score from her senior year at Wasilla High School.
It shows a GPA of 2.2 and amazingly average SAT scores. Not good enough to get into most public universities, but higher than most people would have expected.
The son of conservative legend William F. Buckley has announced that he will be voting Democratic for the first time and supporting Barak Obama.
As a former John McCain supporter, he too is saying what others are saying, "John McCain has changed."
His positiions have changed. He lacks coherence. He makes unrealistic promises.
He says that Obama has a first-class temperament and first-class intellect.
Pretty soon it will just be Higby and Haikula.
Chart compares McCain's drop in the polls with falling S&P 500. Pollster says economy has doomed McCain's campaign and there's no way to save it.
CNN reports how McCain are getting angrier and angrier.
CNN contributor David Gergen said the negative tone of these rallies is incendiary and could lead to violence.
Anderson Cooper agreed.
Meanwhile, Palin continues to stir up the crowds. So far neither McCain or Palin have urged their supporters to act in a civil manner.
Is there something wrong with reading a Muslim book?
Obama on his record, in his own words:
"Mostly that's just me opposing George Bush's wrong headed policies" Given his approval rating, it seems like most of the country opposes those policies as well.
I thought John Kerry was the most liberal Senator. I suppose it's just whoever is the Democratic presidential candidate.
Palin to Appear on SNL
Cindy Adams: "Sarah Palin is doing Saturday Night Live. Not Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin doing Saturday Night Live. But the Sarah Herself. She has already OK'd it. She's booked. It's confirmed. Done deal. Sketches are being sketched as we speak. She -- eyeglasses, haircomb, designer jacket and trunkful of gosh-darns, golly-gees and gol-dangs -- will be on SNL Saturday night, Oct. 25. Sarah's rehearsal time has already been penciled in for Friday the 24th. And it's because she wants to do it. "
Obama supporters elated, I'm sure. There is nothing good that can come of this for McCain.
Why is Barack Obama more qualified than John Kerry, Al Gore, Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton to be President?
Yes, Igor, John Kerry WAS the most liberal senator in 2004. Barack was elected to the Senate in 2006.
Hey, I see a wedding band. Reminds me of how McCain left the ailing wife who waited for him for six years for a multimillionaire heiress who bought him his first Congressional district.
3:51 PM don't forget, and Barack was only elected to the Senate because the Republicans ran nutcase Alan Keyes against him. And as soon as Barack was elected to the Senate he started running for president.... wow, sounds like another guy we all know and love..... hmmmmm..... oh! TONY VILLAR
Higby I read the "Godfather" does that mean I want to be Mafia Boss?
The FatBoy is spinning like a top knowning that Palin/McCane are going down like a burning gondolla.
Is there any picture of Palin reading any books? Oh wait is there a picture of Palin reading anything besides the T.V. guide?
Keep spinning FatBoy, go back to the Hitler and Obama connection.
Memo to Sierra Club Board:
Who is blogging on Mayor Sam illegally?
Bill or Bart?
Don Quixote (4:09) is a Sierra Club member? Who knew?
3:47 Because through the democratic process, more people believe that Obama is more qualified and more electable. Trust me, this democracy thing works pretty well. Sometimes it skips a beat, such as when we elected and re-elected George Bush, but overall it's a good system.
There are unintended consequences with Obama as Pres! He will unwittingly unleash all the scary as hell militant Black Muslims on the nation! Already, Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, has already mobilized millions of militant black Muslims to call Obama the "Messiah". (Watch the vidoe today on's creepy)!
Watch the video of the terrifying black youths in the continuation school who are chanting that crazy crap about Obama!
It's not the pacifist Blacks, i.e. Colin Powell and Condi Rice, who are going to's gonna be the militant blacks!
Be careful what you wish for...cuz you're gonna get it! Obama may or notbe a Muslim, but his presence on the Global stage will bring every single one of them out of the closet and into the US!
It's going to be your worst nightmare come true!
Let's ask Sarah Palin. She's real good at deciding what's acceptable for people to read and strong-arming librarians who don't agree.
McCain changed? Yes of course he has. But wait a few days. He'll change back, or forth or wives, or?
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