Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Friday
From Used with permission.
The Expo Light Rail line from LA to Culver City has hit a roadblock. A California Public Utilities Commission Judge has ruled against the authority building the train and their desire to have two at grade crossings near Dorsey High and Foshay Learning Center. Community activitists as well as the LAUSD argued that these crossings would be dangerous to children walking to school and the judge agreed, ordering the Expo Line authority to construct bridges at the crossing adding perhaps $18 million and three years to the project. The Commission itself will have the final say in November.
A Glassell Park community forum turned into a debate on the fate of the Southwest Museum and a controversial plan to use funds from a bond measure to fund facilities for the Los Angeles Community College at the Museum. Though the District denies this, activists say that the Southwest is included in an LACCD "wish list" of projects should the measure pass.
Like Mayor Villaraigosa, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has managed to pass his own version of shady term limits extension but he didn't have to bamboozle the voters to do it. The New York City Council voted 29-22 (God damn, could you imagine having 51 CLOWNCIL MEMBERS?) to extend his (and their) terms by another four years, despite the fact that Big Apple voters have twice passed term limits meaures capping the Mayor and Clowncil at two four year terms. Dang and we thought our Clowncil was shady!
An attorney for John McCain's wife Cindy has sent a protest letter to the New York Times for their recent hatchet job story on Cindy McCain. That's part of the usual bloviating of campaigns though it does seem unfair the Obama Times would dredge up McCain's past but not look at Mrs. Obama's background, of which there are some questions. That being said the more disturbing issue of the whole affair is that the writer of the story - Jodi Kantor - scoured the Facebook profile of McCain's 16 year old daughter Bridget and contacted classmates of Bridget McCain in order to dig up dirt on the McCains. Incredible.
And fnally, Britney Spears has decided what she's going to dress up as for Halloween: herself. Brit's going to put on a bald wig and trick or treat as her old crazy self a few years ago.
Labels: Barack Obama, britney spears, cindy mccain, expo line, glassell park, john mccain, LACCD Prop J, michael bloomberg, Southwest Museum
Michael I would like to know why Cindy McCain hasn't released her tax records if she has nothing to hide??? Its shocking how many Republicans have come out against McCAin-Palin and now he's in real trouble because McCain is now blaming BUSH.
LA Slimes...Palin appointed friends and donors to key posts in Alaska, records show
100-plus jobs went to campaign donors or their relatives, sometimes without apparent regard to qualifications. Several donors got state-subsidized loans for business ventures of dubious public value.
The diaster of the free-market economy which McCain and Republicans used to love.,0,5603846.story
Stocks head for sharp decline on recession fear
Dow Jones industrial average futures are down 550 points, the maximum allowed.
The Associated Press
4:20 AM PDT, October 24, 2008
NEW YORK — Wall Street headed for another precipitous drop today as fears of a punishing global recession stirred panic among investors and sent world financial markets into a tailspin. The Dow Jones industrial average futures were down 550 points, the maximum allowed price change.
The increasingly grim outlook convinced investors that the world economy is headed for a long and severe downturn despite a raft of government rescue efforts aimed at pulling the financial system from the brink. Fearing more carnage in equity markets, big hedge funds and other institutional investors have been pulling out their money in a bid to reduce risk and raise cash.
Here are better and more accurate cartoons.
L.A.'s term limits extension had nothing to do with the mayor. It didn't even extend his term. It was a plan by the Greater Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce to do something to help the City Councilmembers.
Question from NBC's Brian Williams to Sarah Palin:
Is an abortion clinic bomber a terrorist, under this definition, governor?
PALIN: (Sigh). There’s no question that Bill Ayers via his own admittance was one who sought to destroy our U.S. Capitol and our Pentagon. That is a domestic terrorist. There’s no question there. Now, others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or facilities that uh, it would be unacceptable. I don’t know if you’re going to use the word terrorist there."
It is important to note that John McCain has repeatedly voted against protecting Americans from domestic terrorists carrying out violence at abortion clinics.
To first poster, Cindy McCain did release her tax records recently -- she earned something over $4 million and paid over a million in taxes, just as she should, no fancy paperwork or overseas tax shelters, sorry to disappoint you.
Now the Dems are going wild that Palin hasn't released her medical records, as Cindy and Michelle have apparently along with the candidates. Maybe they're still not convinced that the baby is hers and hope for a scandal.
Meanwhile, Obama charged up over $400,000 in food, not counting what he eats at fundraisers and other hosted events. Seems he and the missus like caviar and lobster and not just homey comfort food. Michelle also has a designer wardrobe whose pieces go for over 6 figures -- that simple dress she wore on The View and made a point of buying off the rack for about $150 was a good PR stunt and it worked. Of course it would, with Whoopi and battle-ax Joy Behar.
While I can't stand Hasselhof, and don't know why a girl whose only previous "talent" was as a survivor on Survivor, there is a double standard there -- she's called doctrinaire but loud, obnoxious Joy, Sherri (who the hell IS she?) and Whoopi's bias against Republicans is OK.
Remember the big flap over John Edwards' $400 haircut.
The Associated Press reports today that an acclaimed celebrity makeup artist for Sarah Palin collected more money from McCain's campaign than his foreign policy adviser.
Amy Strozzi, who works on the reality show "So You Think You Can Dance" and has been Palin's traveling stylist, was paid $22,800, according to campaign finance reports for the first two weeks in October.
In contrast, McCain's foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was paid $12,500.
McCain's campaign said the payment covered a portion of her work in September and a portion of October. An earlier campaign finance report showed Strozzi was paid $13,200 for a portion of September.
Bigoted Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (Minnesota and Mars) has taped an ad apologizing for her televised comments calling Barak Obama anti-American.
It will begin airing this afternoon.
It is not clear whether the apology was done at the urging of the McCain campaign, or because recent polling shows that her once insurmountable lead got surmounted after she started running her mouth. She now trails some guy named Elywn Tinkleberg by 2-3 points.
Her big mistake was making her slashing remarks on national TV. But she can't resist the chance to publicity. Any publicity apparently. She has three press aides, including one national press aide.
Her comments so irritated former Republican Minnesota governor Arne Carlson that he endorsed Barak Obama yesterday.
Initially she claimed that Chris Matthews tricked her into saying all of her craziness, for which she has become infamous, and now when he campaign is suffering as result, she apologizes.
It's not difficult to see what her press people get paid to do. Her Wikipedia entry is 13 pages of largely self-promotion.
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