This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
YES on 8
SI al 8
Men and Women = Child = life
Freedom used to be a Republican value. Antonio Watch had it right. (You should still vote, though. People die for the right to vote.)
With the incessant wooing of scary extremists, the current incarnation of the Right has effectively become the "Reich".
We need Nixon now more than ever.
B Obama really needs to get out there to the Black and Latino voters in CA that are supporting him and urge them to vote no on Prop 8.
Whatever two consenting people 18 or over do in their own bedroom is their own business. Proposition 8 would not forbid same sex couples from coming together. It wouldn't forbid same sex couples from conducting their own ceremonies. The state simply would not call it "marriage". It states that marriage would be recognized as a union between a man and a woman.
For those who disagree with the Yes on 8, mudslinging others who vote for it by calling it "hateful" don't understand what it is. It is not hate, it is a moral disagreement. Love and approval are not the same thing. I as a citizen should have a right to morally and openly disagree with homosexuality if I believe that it is wrong, likewise someone who agrees with it being morally fine should also have that same right to say that I'm wrong in what I believe. That is part of the freedoms we have in this country; we are going to hear things that will offend us, whether the offense committed was intentional or not. No matter what anyone says (even with the nicest of intentions) someone will be offended.
Whatever two consenting people 18 or over do in their own bedroom is their own business. Proposition 8 would not forbid same sex couples from coming together. It wouldn't forbid same sex couples from conducting their own ceremonies. The state simply would not call it "marriage". It states that marriage would be recognized as a union between a man and a woman.
For those who disagree with the Yes on 8, mudslinging others who vote for it by calling it "hateful" don't understand what it is. It is not hate, it is a moral disagreement. Love and approval are not the same thing. I as a citizen should have a right to morally and openly disagree with homosexuality if I believe that it is wrong, likewise someone who agrees with it being morally fine should also have that same right to say that I'm wrong in what I believe. That is part of the freedoms we have in this country; we are going to hear things that will offend us, whether the offense committed was intentional or not. No matter what anyone says (even with the nicest of intentions) someone will be offended.
Whatever two consenting people 18 or over do in their own bedroom is their own business. Proposition 8 would not forbid same sex couples from coming together. It wouldn't forbid same sex couples from conducting their own ceremonies. The state simply would not call it "marriage". It states that marriage would be recognized as a union between a man and a woman.
For those who disagree with the Yes on 8, mudslinging others who vote for it by calling it "hateful" don't understand what it is. It is not hate, it is a moral disagreement. Love and approval are not the same thing. I as a citizen should have a right to morally and openly disagree with homosexuality if I believe that it is wrong, likewise someone who agrees with it being morally fine should also have that same right to say that I'm wrong in what I believe. That is part of the freedoms we have in this country; we are going to hear things that will offend us, whether the offense committed was intentional or not. No matter what anyone says (even with the nicest of intentions) someone will be offended.
Higby, I thought better of you.. I really did..
Thanks for clearing things up.. You are one sick person...
Vote YES on 8 !!!!! Marriage is between a man and a woman... What you homos do on your time.. that's up to you... Vote YES on 8..........
One man plus One woman equals a marriage.
Separate Church and State on this issue. Vote NO on 8.
"Yes on 8 said...
Men and Women = Child = life
October 22, 2008 9:54 AM"
I'm a married heterosexual. My husband and I decided we do not want to have children. Given the way the "yes on 8" folks see marriage, does that mean mine is not legit?
4,000 years of wisdom should not be declared foolishness.
I've already voted - Proposition 8 received an affirmative vote on my ballot.
Michael Finnegan
Note to 9:47 - separation of church and state doesn't appear in the Constitution - "Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of a state religion, NOR SHALL IT PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF."
Separation of church and state appears in the Federalist Papers. The Federalist Papers were never ratified into the Constitution by vote of state legislatures following the Consitutional ammendment process.
At the very LEAST there should be a moritorium on news broadcasts featuring two fat dykes making out at the Beverly Hills Courthouse and a teary-eyed Gloria Allred catching the rainbow bouquet...
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