FBI Raids SEIU 721
An insider has told us that the FBI raided the offices of SEIU Local 721. Stay tuned.
Labels: SEIU
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Labels: SEIU
GOOD! Our tax money at work!
Zuma the "insider" has already been doing his chicken little about the FBI and SEIU.
The 721 that is trying to take over EAA?
Maybe those ads on the radio worked.
Hope they take that ugly troll Julie Butcher to jail.
Seven to one, sounds like a prison sentence!
What'd I SAY??? https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=8826939&postID=8682251602099075730&page=1 - Local 347/721/Julie B. will probably be on the hook for some more serious problems when their members get fed up with the leaderships deceptions and vote them out. Watch out for STERN to appoint his paratroopers to take over so he has more control of the money. All in the name of transparency, right? LOL
Mr/Ms 9:33, Better her than Grajeda! She's too cute to go to jail! Has they found if she paid for her boyfriend? NO!
Have they found whether the political contributions they've made are legal? Are the member dues staying in California of being spent all over the country?
Are the member forced to pay the "voluntary" contributions or are they demanded by the International? Are these payments as a "forced" tax on members that go to committee meetings or regional gatherings?
More to come. Watch the papers and watch for the local, state & federal investigations. Tick-tock
Couldn't have happened to a bigger lying whore. Payback is a bitch, eh Buuuu-tcher?
Oh, and Juuuuuu-leeeee, take that piece of shit Jason He-Lies down with you!
Sorry folks, this isn't true. as juicy as it sounds, it just isn't accurate.
Nice spin.
This isn't true.
At the very least, you should change the article title to: "Source CLAIMS FBI Raids SEIU 721"
y'all are haters. No raid and Julie's done more for all city workers AND saving the city money then any of you losers. Who's writing all this crap? Bob Aquino? Doesn't anyone know HE was kicked out of the Teamsters for corruption and malfeasance?
The "insider" has no "more" to say because this "teaser" is a flat lie.
Fascinating, some people are saying SEIU invited the FBI there, others are saying it never happened.
Hmmm, I'm sure if it's untrue Mayor Sam will post a retraction, until then reliable sources...
Yes, I spotted that denial from the FBI posted to SEIU's website -- not!
That swishing sound is SEIU going down the toilet in California...
DAAAAAAAANG Julie (AKA anonymous). I was one of your organizers and know what kind of sh*t you post. Is your career disapation light going off? I bet it is...how does it feel? You didn't seem to mind firing us. I hope you like looking for another job. Good luck. You can use us as a reference, should get you a good paying job cleaning toilets.
Laura Chick!?!?
That's the same one who took the
controllers payroll list of EAA employees about 4 years ago and
gave it to SEIU. She got fined.
In all fairness, even if the FBI was investigating, it all comes down to whether or not they find any violations. Technically, the FBI would need a warrant to search the premises for something specific, unless they had the consent by someone who is in a position to grant consent or are pursuing a suspect. Perhaps looking for Alejandro Stephens whereabouts? Still, nothing wrong with asking questions
Right, FBI visits, that's so casual as to be easily dismissed. Wow, now that's detached reality.
Usually, once the FBI shows up, it's because they already have a case and are looking for bonus evidence.
Indictments next week?
For being as "smart" as he is, I wonder how successful Schoonover will be at "playing dumb" about what Annelle Grajeda may have been doing with member dues? Will there be many more outright "irregularities" spent for the betterment of the members? Do you think he'll say the finance committee and he were played for dupes?
According to cityoflosangelesseiumembers.com SEIU 721 office hard drives were taken. I wonder what their hard drive will show as the FBI looks them over. Bob and the rest of the union raiders may get different lodgings.
Maybe they'll get a chance to vote for their leaders? Good luck! Right Andy?
So, last week's 'insider source' was right after all?
As for Andy 'Bonaparte' Stern's next act?
Well, can you spell Waterloo?
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