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Sunday, August 10, 2008

"NOBAMA" in Metro, East by Northeast Los Angeles??

One was viewing the latest chatter from the "progressive cybernistas" at
NortheastLA@yahoogroups.com, pondering what became of the "Obama for President" office, on the corner of Colorado and Figueroa in Northeast Los Angeles.

For Edward, Paula, and Carlos, instead of waiting for the likes of the Northeast Democrats (remember that maybe, Bill and Hillary, err, Carol Jacques are still invested in a Hillary resurrection in Denver??) or the 45th Central Committee to take action, lets bring some pro-active, progressive locations to the collective table on where to place an Obama for President Office in the metro, east by northeast area.

American Apparel in Downtown Los Angeles:
What a great location to both legalize/register new voters, then have Dov Charney preach the virtues of Obama's Immigration Platform (in his American Apparel buthuggers of course).

Antigua Coffee House of Cypress Park:
Great idea to bring new progressive, collectivist coffee drinkers and thinkers into Antigua's new location. One could create the "Collective Vision of Barack Coffee Chat Series", or the "Barack, A Citizen of the World" put to song in Reegae or Folk style.

Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School:
Barack would love all in his collective community to learn Spanish. Lets add Mandarin and Nahuatl to Barack's vision of communicating in a collectivist world. Plus, it would be a benefit to learn the "ins and outs" of counting perspective voters in "groups of twenty".

Southwest Museum:
Hmm What?? Can you not find a better place for Barack to showcase his unique ability in bring people together? If Barack can get those fueding progessives to "cut the bread" and thus settle the Southwest Museum Controversy, then he is truly the "Messiah".

Dino's Burgers in Lincoln Heights:
Great clearing house to hand out "Obama 2008" lit. by the now homeless (more on that in a later post), "Action Slate" of the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council. One can see Erika Gallo being the on-site director.

.......and lastly, any Worksource Center:
Why? One can view jobs avaliable now and prep yourself in the procedure of filing for "unemployment benefits", once an protential Obama Administration goes "Jimmy Carter" to the National Economy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Did Villar call Obama a mayate?

August 10, 2008 2:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Have to admit that I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Maybe Northeast insiders understand it, but this blog reaches a broader audience.

August 10, 2008 6:07 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What is this about Red Spot?

August 10, 2008 6:32 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Slow Sunday musings perhaps??

August 10, 2008 7:11 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Red Spot orbits the Northeast Area. Think of this as an Northeast-centric posting on a slow day.

August 10, 2008 7:56 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

People of the NortheastLA can't find an open Obama office in which to get information or volunteer. Guess we were ready, but Obama was on vacation...with his whole staff.

August 10, 2008 9:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I live in the northeast. I have no idea what red spot is talking about. He/she/it lives in its own world, creating stuff, mispercieving stuff, wants attention.

Red Spot, go back and hide wherever you came from. You smell. Take a bath.

August 10, 2008 10:26 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Anonymous said:
"I live in the northeast. I have no idea what red spot is talking about. He/she/it lives in its own world, creating stuff, mispercieving stuff, wants attention"

I am not Red Spot. I live in CD 14. I write English very well. If you do not understand what I have written, get a translator for your LAUSD education. 9:05

August 10, 2008 11:13 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Not to mention the old English rule,"i before e except after c, unless it sounds like weigh, neigh". Don't they teach that in the LAUSD school system?

That would make that work, "mis-perceiving", 9:05.

How about this - it really ages me, but we learned how to spell Arithmetic, A Rat In Tom's House Might Eat Tom's Ice Cream. Now? Who calls it Arithmetic.

August 10, 2008 11:53 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You really ought to get a life, Red Snoot. This came out of a one line inquiry on a seldom-read Yahoo list where people usually spend more time trading phone numbers for house sitters in Mt. Washington, plumbers for their gentrification work, and getting all pissy over the fact they can't get a Whole Foods store closer to them than West Pasadena. It's not like this was the talk of the whole community (or even the few people you first-named for more than 30 seconds).

Did the NE Dems forget to invite you to their non-Christmas, Winter holiday party one year, or something?

That must have really hurt the Red Dot's feelings.

August 11, 2008 11:18 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

How many seconds, or was it minutes? did you spent mulling over your response??

August 11, 2008 11:26 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"cut the bread?"

Is this some malapropistic reference to an old-timey religious phrase, "break bread together" (meaning to meet over a meal) or did you maybe mean "cut the cheese"?

Or "bring home the bacon"

Or "cut the mustard"

Or "best thing since sliced bread"

Or "cast your loaves upon the water"

Or "turn stones in bread"

Or "rolling stones gather no residuals"

And as for the so-called "progressives" in Northeast L.A. They don't have any problem "meeting" with each other. Hell, that's about all they do is "meet". Now if you want them to come to terms, you'd have better luck with the Hatfields and McCoys.

August 11, 2008 11:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Spurt, at 11:26

You know, that's one of the great things about having an above average IQ, dimbulb. I can respond intelligently and clearly to your unbelievably illiterate and confusing posts -- which must take you hours to "write" -- in a matter of seconds, and with hardly a typo.

Sorry your gene pool was so cloudy.

August 11, 2008 11:43 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

K-12 education in LAUSD will do that to you.

August 11, 2008 11:53 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

"Cutting the Cheese" is an natural by-product of the Dino's dining experience.

August 11, 2008 12:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


It realy is not the number of words spelled incorrectly that is so annoying. I tend to agree with a lot of the general direction of Red Spot in CD14's posts, being a mostly right winger myself, also stuck on the east side. It's the large number of factual errors that get mized in out of carelessness. That kind of stuff, aided by the poor grammar, just keeps enforcing the liberal stereotype that anyone more conservative than they are is stupid and poorly educated.

I cringe with each new topic, thinking, "yes I agree" but Red spot sure makes it easy for them to brand us all as ignorant and therefore wrong, just by the way poor way he presents what is sometimes true information.

And once a group gets branded as ignorant, you can convince everyone to ignore them all -- even when they're right.

It's not helping the cause of turning L.A. back from being a one party socialist state. And, it maybe doing more harm.

August 11, 2008 12:19 PM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:


August 11, 2008 12:24 PM  

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