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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Leimert Park Action Gets Curiouser and Curiouser

Controversy continues over the harassment of the Shaw Family at Leimert Park last weekend as they sought signatures for petitions to place Jamiel's Law on the ballot. Debate has continued over who was involved and who was responsible for the law enforcement operation during which the Shaws and their supporters were allegedly asked by police officers to produce their Social Security numbers as well as being told they were not allowed to collect petition signatures in a park and must go door to door to secure them.

The Witness LA blog attempted to take the wind out of the sails of the harassment angle of the story by interviewing a local LAPD watch commander.  According to Witness LA, South West Division Watch Commander Lt. Art Sandoval denied involvement in any organized action at the park on the 17th telling the blog's editor, Celeste Fremon, “The truth is this. There was no raid,” he said. “None of our officers made contact with the Shaw family. We were there because there was a street faire going on in the park, and we always send officers over when there are street fairs. ”

However information secured by the Sister City  by anonymous sources from allegedly within City Hall, confirms that indeed an organized multi-agency action, or "task force" was underway at Leimert Park with heavy LAPD involvement.  The article at WitnessLA briefly alluded to the task force action but omitted that the LAPD was a part of it.

The stated purpose of the action was to address a laundry list of annoyances at the park ranging from vagrants to drug use to parking violations to "loud drumming."  According to our informants, a number of agencies were part of the operation however the shots were allegedly called by the City Attorney's office and the Council District 8 office (Bernard Parks).

Sandoval was either misstating LAPD's participation or was not aware of the scope of the operation.  Far from just showing up to observe a street fair, the South West Division was intimately involved in the task force.  The team conducted a roll call briefing at South West Division which was reportedly led by an LAPD Senior Lead Officer John Biondo.  Our sources also state that during the roll cal guidelines were allegedly given to the task force by Deputy City Attorney Sharee Sanders.  Apparently there was no written plan for the task force; all instructions were verbal.  This seems to support what one of the police offiicers allegedly told Althea Shaw, that the police action was planned "a week ago."

In addition to LAPD, Council District 8 and the City Attorney's office, the City's Office of Public Safety, LA City Street Use Inspectors, Department of Transportation, Los Angeles Homeless Services, LA County Health Inspectors and Department of Sanitation were also involved. There is no indication that even though the action took place in a City Park that the Department of Recreation and Parks nor their Park Rangers were notified or involved of the action.

Considering that so far the City can't get its story straight on the matter, an investigation is warranted.  However given that the City Attorney's office and the LAPD were involved it is unlikely they can produce an unbiased report.  Given the District Attorney's handling of the Shaw's case they should not investigate the incident either.

Therefore the City Council should call on State Attorney General Jerry Brown's office to investigate the Officers' actions and what specifically the City Attorney and Council District 8's involvement was.

But don't hold your breath.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

MICHAEL YOU ARE WAY OFF AND WILL GET THE IDIOTS GOING AGAIN. LAPD had a task force as they have done at other parks for issues that have been at that park way before the Shaws started collecting signatures. The officers (look at the damn photos) are from the Office of PUBLIC SAFETY (out of city hall not LAPD). Look at the badges of the two officers in the photo. Clearly they are Public Safety Officers NOT LAPD questioning the person. This is how crazy people get when the wrong facts are thrown out in an open forum.

August 20, 2008 6:30 AM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

Dear Dum Dum,

First off it makes no difference whether they were LAPD or OPS; both are sworn police officers of the City of LA.

What's more important is the spin/denial that the LAPD was even involved.

Why does the City call out a multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional force including helicopters and trash tricks fo go after illegal vendors? Why was R&P not involved? Why are we not hearing of similar efforts elsewhere? If this is SOP, where is the SOP? According to our source that was at the roll call at South West, there was NO WRITTEN PLAN.

The facts are as they are from people who were there, not just the Shaws but City Personnel. LAPD officers and bloggers who were not there cannot change them otherwise.

August 20, 2008 7:44 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

Celeste seems to be sticking her nose in the Roderick vs. ERS News feud....and check out this slap back.

On behalf of ERSNews.com /The Enterprise Report we’d like to set the record accurate for Ms. Fremon.

For any readers of this blog who are interested in reading actual news reporting via vetted serious investigative journalism — please read ERSNews.com’s piece about Kevin Roderick and his bogus claims to Pulitzer Prizes. Take a read of our other stories as well.

You can do so here:


We’d also like to point out the following:

Ms. Fremon might want to take a few more classes in fact checking as a reporter before she attempts blog inaccurate information about ERSNews.com

1) ERSNews.com is not “blog” -as we publish new reports -vetted as any news organization does. When we publish OPINION we label it as such on our online news outlet.

2) Kevin Roderick is a FORMER LA Times reporter and edtior - as far as “respected” that would be Ms. Fremon’s OPINION. He is now a BLOGGER for his own blog called LAObserved. Ms. Fremon states that fact, but fails to realize her own conflicting statements.

3) Eric Longabardi is not a “former TV reporter” - Ms Fremon again needs a class in reporting 101. She might want to do some ‘research’ before she spouts off inaccurate statements about fellow professional journalists.

4) Ms. Fremon states there was no editor for the story published by ERSNews.com about Kevin Roderick’s false claims concerning his bogus connection in “sharing” Pulitzer Prizes. Ms. Fremon is again providing inaccurate statements to her readers, 5 minutes of research would reveal to her that ERSNews does in fact have an editor and this particular story and all stories for this news organization are edited and vetted for publication.

5) The notion that ERSNews or Eric Longabardi is some how able to “bully” Kevin Roderick and LAO with a TRUE story is as hilarious as it is false.

6) As for Ms. Fremon’s opinions that telling TRUE stories is somehow a “threat”, then all we can say is that Ms. Fremon is clearly now a blogger and not a journalist. ERSNews will cop to “threatening” to tell TRUE stories — reported accurately and fairly — that’s what we do as professional journalists and as a news organization and online news website.

We appreciate Ms. Fremon’s backhanded compliment about Mr. Longabardi’s talent and doing “some good work at times” but since clearly she is in the dark about anything other than what she reads in a personal opinion blog called LAObserved - we’ll let the intelligence of her own readers determine whether she’s a blogger or a pop-Psychologist pretending to be a journalist (we can’t tell for sure because of her opinions seem to run the gammut from one to the other)

As for her personal attack on Mr. Longabardi as being “very unpleasant” .. we’ve never met Ms. Fremon, but we can assure you ERSNews.com would never deface a photo of someone or Ms. Fremon and post it on our news site and call it anything related to journalism.

For the record the photo Ms. Fremon defaces on her blog was a picture taken of Mr. Longabardi in June 2008, when he attended The LA Press Club Southern California Journalism Awards to pick-up a few awards for his journalistic work this year — including ERSNews being named BEST ONLINE ONLY WEBSITE IN LOS ANGELES, among other awards Mr. Longabardi received that evening for his journalistic work. Any reader of this blog, blogger or anyone with a internet connection can check that if they want too.

It’s called Journalism-101.

August 20, 2008 8:22 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The son of illegal immigrants, American wrestler hoists his flag with pride

Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times
Henry Cejudo of the U.S. celebrates winning the gold medal in freestyle wrestling at 55 kilograms (121 pounds) on Tuesday in Beijing.

Henry Cejudo had a ragged upbringing. Now he has a gold medal in the 55 kilogram freestyle.

Illegal immigrants in South L.A.

August 20, 2008 8:32 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yup, Rocktard's office and CD 8 using LAPD and OPS to harass the Shaws. What a surprise.

What I want to know is: who did Rocktard/Villar have iced for Bernard Parks so that Parks owes him this treatment of the Shaws? SERIOUSLY it's scary.

August 20, 2008 8:38 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Celeste Fremon has become as smug and annoying as Kevin Roderick. Higby you should call her "Westside White Gal."

August 20, 2008 9:25 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

She's the Queen of the Red Herring.

August 20, 2008 9:25 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

All this happens just as soon as the City Council goes on vacation.

Now there will be lots for them to do when they get back, especially when the tangled web of mistruths is being woven with more participants every day.

As the Council continues managing the City as bad as a ship's captain aiming for icebergs, the rest of the city departments act like kids getting out the illegal fireworks when mom and dad have left them home alone.

It is another example of the officials fighting for the credit when something goes right but heading for the bunkers when things go wrong.

Is anyone in charge here?

Well, Garcetti and the rest of the "parents" will be back in September and will have to clean up the damage, size up the costs, spank the kids or give them time outs, make peace with the neighbors (and attorneys) and get things back to normal and get back on course looking for icebergs.

in 90041

August 20, 2008 9:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why the hell does it matter if it was LAPD, OPS, Office of 1st Amendment Infringement, or anything ELSE.

They were WRONG to do that. They're retaliating against the Shaws for standing up to the corrupt city officials and Councilscum Bernard Parks.

If they were SO concerned about street vending, they can go harrass people in Echo Park or MacArthur Park. They again lied saying nearby business were complaining... The Shaws weren't SELLING anything.

August 20, 2008 9:50 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Where is Senator Watson or Waters?

wHERE's the investigation?

Where is U.S. Attorney Jerry Brown?

We know that Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton don't give a darn.

But where the heck is the ACLU, NAACP?

Is there any leadership in this city or this State?

August 20, 2008 10:02 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

9:25 Im kinda tired of the race stuff, arent you?

How about calling her "Boring Hack"?

August 20, 2008 10:09 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Something is not quite right.

August 20, 2008 10:09 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You guys are trying to spin something into what happened and blame the wrong people. Officers from Southwest tell us there's been many issues in that park and they WERE NOT THERE FOR THE SHAWS. Its called sweeps you idiots and they do it at many parks to keep the drug dealers, transients, molesters and others out. Michael there is a big difference between LAPD cops and Public Safety Officers from the city. IF you don't know the difference then don't speak out. People on other blogs are laughing at the postings here. The Shaw's are being used and we all know it. I feel very sorry for them.

August 20, 2008 10:52 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If you're getting tired of name calling and throwing around charges, anyone could do a Public Records Act request of the agencies that were suspected to have been involved in this.

A request doesn't need to be fancy. Requests can even be verbal. The agency must respond with 10 days as to whether or not they will provide the records.

If you want to be formal about it (not necessary) here are sample letters provided by the First Amendment Coalition for your use.


August 20, 2008 11:04 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

From Celeste Fremon who at least did her own investigation.

...All day yesterday I was with some wonderfully smart new USC graduate students so did no reporting and no blogging of my own. But, it seems that, while I was out and about, a blogger at Mayor Sam’s who posts under the name PetraFried, picked up the ball I tossed out yesterday morning suggesting that someone else begin looking into the truth—or lack thereof—of the tale of the Leimert Park “raids” on Sunday.

As you remember, I’d done a little bit of checking on the claim that LAPD officers had harassed the Shaw family members while they were gathering signatures on Sunday in order to put Jamiel’s law on the ballot. From the information I was able to gather in a half hour of late night calling, it seemed that, if anyone bothered the Shaws it was the General Services cops known as the Office of Public Safety police or OPS.

PetraFried took the story a step further with some interesting background on OPS.

Coincidentally, while I was at USC, I happened to talk to another journalist friend who also suggested that the OPS Cops were often somewhat on the loose cannon side of things—which is pretty much what PetraFried had to say too.

My guess is that the Illegal Food Sales task force had little to do with the Shaws and more to do with other things going on at the park.

But, whatever the case, it would be interesting to know who ordered all those agencies into the park and why?

August 20, 2008 11:41 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

So you devalue what Celeste Fremon, a professor of journalism at USC as well as respected writer, is willing to say on record, from an on-record officer in LAPD, in favor of "Our Sister City sources," who are "anonymous" as are their "sources" and "allegedly" this and that. Fremon admits she's a liberal but that has NOTHING to do with getting a quote from an LAPD source willing to go on record. And she's got the respect of both LAPD and the left, very unusual.

Crazy throw-the-blame-like-manure Doug McIntyre, on the other hand, couldn't get anyone to talk to him from LAPD because they know he distorts anything to suit his politics and doesn't respect anyone who's not sucking upto him for his ratings.

Even lots of people who want to do something about illegal gang crime are disgusted with how Moore, creepy Doug McIntyre, Kevin james and the KFI screamers are using the simple and gullible Shaws to create a circus for their own PR.

Do you Higby honestly think a slimy little blog like this, with guest bloggers and former blog ruiners like the insane Zuma Dogg and HaikuLA, Valley Doll, Red Spott, HD-obsessed Joe B -- all with their axes to grand and motivated by pure hatred of anyone in City Hall or one particular person they want to "get even with" -- "refuting" interviews based on anonymous sources referring to more anonmymous and ignorant sources, know anything?

Sorry, but Althea Shaw and Shaw Sr. are more than a little biased and paranoid in this situation, and are no more educated or with any training or cred as "journalists" than anyone who posts on this blog.

People should read Witness LA just to see how Wally Moore falls apart and shows how hysterical he is the moment he's challenged.

August 20, 2008 12:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Wet Spot, that diatribe you post from ERS/ 8:22, using them to discredit Fremon, is absurd.

ERS is nothing but a tabloid blog looking for scandal, a more upscale version of this stupid blog and its bloggers -- they just refrain from openly sliming by name any and everyone like Mayor Sam does.

Longobardi and others at least run their salacious stories under bylines, unlike HaikuLA, Valley Dolt, Petrafried the giant Muffin, or you yourself, WEt Spooot. ERS has photogs running around hoping to catch celebs and officials in embarassing moments, but when that fails, they resort to posting innuendo -- like showing attractive women officers in LAPD Special Ops, implying they're in relationships with Antonio. Like after the Mirthala "scoop" of her condo, when everyone was trying to ID more girlfriends of Antonio, dragging all kinds of women's names into the mud. ERS front and center.

Yeah, I'll buy an ERS hit piece on Roderick or ANYone. (They AND Zuma have their panties in a snit about him and any real journalist who has what they don't -- integrity.)

You can't hide the fact, that along with Wally Moore, Doug McIntyre and Handel and JonKen Kevin James etc., you've all milked the Shaw situation for ratings -- and taken advantage of the fact that Althea's not too savvy. Look at her Nunez post, or other claims, or fact that she shows up in chambers day before they go on recess to ATTACK them again, instead of thanking them for scheduling an October hearing and preparing for it.) Sad thing is, she's a nice, emotional lady who's had a huge tragedy -- but your ilk is making her look ignorant as the rest of you.

The Shaws were at that park every Sunday for months, and finally got caught up in a general sweep. There was illegal vending going on and lots of citizen complaints over months about gangs hanging out -- sure, they brought in a giant garbage truck just for them.


August 20, 2008 12:22 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

PhD = Piled Higher and Deeper.

Give the ivy league name-dropping a rest, Ms. Fremon.

...coincidentally... your educational and employment background is pretty much irrelevant and impresses no one but yourself.

August 20, 2008 12:27 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

Celeste Fremon thinks its wonderful she was with some j student from the University of Spoiled Children yesterday. Not sure that's relevant but whatever. Does she think she's Yoda?

Anyway, her "checking" says the LAPD was not involved in the action. Yet our sources at the City confirm LAPD was a participating task force member, held the pre-deployment briefing at SW and an LAPD SLO handled the roll call.

I also got confirmation from CD 8, Bernard Parks, Jr. himself that LAPD was involved.

What I have asked BP Jr and will ask Celeste is to get us details of similar raids on Leimert or any other park prior to the Shaws starting their weekly event.

We also want to know why the Department of Recreation and Parks was not involved nor were the Park Rangers from what OPS is saying.

I also want to know why a Senior Lead Officer reported there was no written plan from either the LAPD or the City Attorney. If this was a standard procedure, it has to be documented.

Tomorrow I will post who I think is being thrown under the bus here and why.

August 20, 2008 12:29 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

1205 -

Now that you've learned that LAPD's involvement has been confirmed by a senior lead officer as well as Bernie Parks, Jr. himself want to change your story?

Dude you don't even know what material we have, who we've talked to and what we know. It's not the kind of stuff you get from calling the desk sgt or buying what the Westside White Guy tells you is the gospel. Are we going to tip or hand or hurt our sources? You've got to be nuts.

You can go on about rag-tag blogs, me being fat, the Shaws being stupid or whatever you want to say.

And you can go on and on because you don't know what you're talking about and are really looking rather stupid.

August 20, 2008 12:34 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Ha, ha -- Celeste Freemon quoting an anonymous source whose photo is a giant fried muffin as someone sees it (WHAT is it?) as her informed source!

Those poor "very smart" students of hers at USC. Whatever faith I had in her as a "reporter" is gone, but her blog did smoke out what an idiot Walter Moore is, for those who didn't already see his other comments or him in person.

One thing about Fremon: She's very pro-illegal immigrant and is wrong to call anyone trying to get rid of illegal gangmembers "xenophobic." She's an old-guard tax-and-spend liberal, like Janice Hahn and Bill Rosendahl. She veers from bleeding heart stories favoring gangmembers over the cops, to some sympathetic to the cops. She strongly supports spending more money on gang programs instead of punishment as a core agenda. Just think her pal Marc Cooper and you've got her nailed. But to stand up to her kind of liberalism, you need a "smart" person who can speak to them in their own language, not a hick like Higby or Walter Moore.

August 20, 2008 12:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Well. One certainly misses out if they stay away from blogging for too long of a period...

I'm embarrassed that I've never even heard of Celeste Fremon, but you can bet I'm going to go look at her blog now also.

All this LAPD vs OPS reminds me of the Griffith Park mess a year or so ago. I suppose it's apparent to people now why it was such an issue.

August 20, 2008 12:56 PM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:

I called into Councilmemeber Bernard Parks' office and they told me CM Parks DID NOT call this into the City Attorney's office; had no knowlege of this task force in advance and has opened an investigation into the matter and why the Shaws were confronted by the task force.

Cause if you read LA Times, this event never happened that Parks is investigating. Looks like you don't need the Times anymore when you gots the blogs, y'all.

August 20, 2008 12:56 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Just spoke with a collegue who encountered Celeste Freman flitting about a USC conference earlier this year. About Freman my collegue says

-inappropriately dressed

-begged to be the 'conference blogger' and was allowed to do so because no one else cared

-a 'wannabe', some kind of associate with USC, not the real deal

-was overly obnoxious trying to network

-a nobody


August 20, 2008 12:57 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mailander at 12:56, what Griffith issue are you hinting at exactly?

August 20, 2008 1:03 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Celeste Freemon is a bleeding heart liberal who thinks every gang criminal is a victim of society. And thinks if a convicted murderer writes poetry he has been reformed, remember Tookie Williams.

Celeste also expects every American citizen to support and pay for every social program for illegal aliens.

It's funny how some liberals say "yes we need to deport criminals" but don't want any immigration laws enforced. How are we supposed to keep any previously deported criminal from returning again and again.

August 20, 2008 1:31 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What is Celeste's story? Why is some great journalist reduced to blogging? Did she win the same paperweight as Roderick?

August 20, 2008 1:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

12:57, that's pretty mean and snide, don't you think? I've met her and she's a Topanga hippie-chick, who thinks this is still 1973.

But if looks were a key factor, no one who blogs here would get a pass -- except if you take her own inflated claims of how gorgeous she is and her abs, claims to be an older sister look- a- like to the Paraguayan pole vaulter chick she's drooling over: HaikuLA.

August 20, 2008 1:41 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Celeste Fremon is WitnessLA’s creator and editor. She is also an award winning freelance journalist specializing in gangs, law enforcement, criminal justice and education policy. She’s the author of G-Dog and the Homeboys, and is working on a new book, An American Family, about the life of a parolee, his wife and kids, during his first four years out of prison (based on her LA Weekly series of the same name). She’s a senior fellow at the USC Annenberg Institute for Justice and Journalism, the co-director of the Homeboy Stories Project, on the Board of Directors for PEN USA, and a Pereira Visiting Writer at UC Irvine where she teaches literary journalism as it relates to social justice. She rafts the Middle Fork of the Flathead River in West Glacier, Montana, whenever practicality, work and weather allows, and is wildly proud of her 22-year-old son all year round.

August 20, 2008 1:45 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

12:57, I wondered when someone was going to pick up on her ugliness. She's so ugly that I'll bet she has to sneak up on her glasses to put them on her face, otherwise her glasses might run and pull a disappearing act! Definitely an Unbelievably Scummy Chicken! No wonder her writing reflects her appearance, not to mention her journalistic "integrity."

Imagine having to wake up with someone looking like that next to you! Yeeecch!!

August 20, 2008 1:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What actual awards has she won?

August 20, 2008 2:33 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Well, thank you for that information 1:45.

I will go to the blog and judge all for myself.

Why the hell this blog always gets reduced to personal name-calling about pretty/ugly, fat/skinny is beyond me.

I'll read her commentary and then decide.

Oh, and I'm not Mailander either. Everyone always accuses me of being Joe. I'm a female. A chunky, not too cute female. And when I was very skinny, I never made fun of fat people. Stupid people, on the other hand, open season..bash away.

August 20, 2008 2:41 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

From the photos I've seen I think Celeste is kind of hot. But I could be wrong.

August 20, 2008 3:52 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

So Higby says we have it on good authority, including first-hand from Bernie Parks, Jr., that his daddy and LAPD were involved in the sweep.

Then nutt dogg swears he talked to Bernie Parks, Jr. who denied any involvement and claims ignorance.

Yes, this is a very reliable blog.

August 20, 2008 4:31 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I live near Leimert Park and, through community work, work closely with LA City departments. General Services was there because they are the department responsible for city parks. It was purely a matter of protocol. I guarantee you the helicopter was LAPD's.

Illegal food vendors are not a problem at this location, especially on Sundays. Sundays the park is usually filled with people who participate in a drum circle. The "illegal food vendor task force" was a ruse to harass this family.

I find it ironic that the City can put together a task force because a family is passing out free water and chips, while the community has been pleading for YEARS with the city to clean up the day laborers at Ruthelen and Slauson. Community groups have repeatedly been told that there's nothing the LAPD can do to stop the gambling, public urination, blocking sidewalks and streets, drinking in public, drug dealing, etc. etc. etc. This is outrageous. I hope residents of CD 8 take their outrage to the voting booth on November 4th, and vote for Mark Ridley-Thomas!!

August 20, 2008 5:02 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

Stupid wack-job at 4:31 -

I should delete your comment because you are a liar but people need to see your spinning you crybaby loser!

(dang I'm sounding like Zuma Dogg)

Back to the topic at hand. I never said that Bernie, Jr. confirmed his office was involved GO BACK AND READ THE POST.

I said that Bernie confirmed that LAPD was involved as did the OPS. This is in direct contravention of what Celeste Fremon reported and the LAPD Watch Commander claimed.

It is also interesting that Recreation and Parks appears to not have been informed of the task force. If there really was an issue at the park you think they would be involved.

So far, no one has confirmed the existence of any similar operation at Leimert or any other park previously. And no one has disputed that there was no documented plan for the operation.

August 20, 2008 5:22 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

Mrs. Bergeron -

Very interesting. One of the issues that was in the follow up report my tipster saw was a complaint about "excessively loud drumming."

I didn't know that was an issue in LA.

It's getting weirder and weirder.

And someone is trying to throw someone else under the bus.

August 20, 2008 5:24 PM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:


You say, "So far, no one has confirmed the existence of any similar operation at Leimert or any other park previously. And no one has disputed that there was no documented plan for the operation."

HUGE!!! This is what I was wondering.


No paperwork!!! What did they do, wake up int the morning and decide to slap this together?


But the main thing is they are saying this was an ongoing illegal vending task force. LET'S SEE THE OTHER BUSTS!!! If you are busting illegal vendors, this is about 845th on the list.

So if you believe this was about more than illegal vending, who ordered it.

ZD feels someone knew the Shaws usually have hot dogs at these signature gathering sessions, so they sent the health department (county) out there with the cops to bust them for the food/hot dogs.

BUT, this one week they didn't have hot dogs, so the cops were stuck with their own hot dogs in their hands, so some cop who wanted to be a superstar, or someone who was desperate to make something happen, since they spent all this time and money (LOL!), so they go after them for a table blocking the path.




So this was a botched effort if nothing else.

Cause look what happened once they approached the Shaw table. (Someone had to show ID and was run for warrants and their Social Security info was requested.




I hope you had a hell of a piss, Arnold!

August 20, 2008 5:56 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor Sam you going to ask Celeste her phone number?

August 20, 2008 8:42 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Zuma get the hell out of here! New low talking about Arnold pissing.

I can't wait until a task force sends YOU to jail you homeless freak.

August 20, 2008 8:43 PM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:


chill, that was a fast time at ridgemont high reference

August 20, 2008 9:55 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I am usually not a Zuma Dogg fan, but Zuma actually has the best information on what really happened at Leimert Park.

Zuma actually has some very good information and summary of what probably happened at Leimert park, I t will be interesting to see what Bernard Parks office says about this.

August 20, 2008 11:05 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Who knew the Shaws were at Leimert regularly?

THE CITY ATTORNEY, you can bet on it.

Who conducted the briefing for the sweep? LAPD and THE CITY ATTY

'nuff said

August 21, 2008 7:23 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

mrsbergeron, General Services have never been the department responsible for City parks. Recreation and Parks is the department ultimately responsible for everything City parks. Look it up in the municipal code. If someone has told you otherwise, they're doing it for a reason and you might want to ask yourself what the reason is.

August 21, 2008 7:26 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Re: mrsbergeron, General Services have never been the department responsible for City parks. Recreation and Parks is the department ultimately responsible for everything City parks. Look it up in the municipal code. If someone has told you otherwise, they're doing it for a reason and you might want to ask yourself what the reason is.

I should have specifically said, General Services Police are responsible for public safety issues in city parks. The Park Rangers were absorbed into the General Services department. Our block club has tried to work with them to deal with problems at Chesterfield Square Park. Their patrol areas are huge and only one officer is assigned to a car. It's very difficult to contact them, and they are understandably not very proactive when it comes to patrolling some of our more dangerous parks.

If you call LAPD's front desk regarding crime issues in a city park, unless it's a 911 emergency, you will be told to contact General Services.

August 21, 2008 9:38 AM  

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