Law Enforcement & Politicians attended LA's March for kids
About two thousand people attended, A Better LA & Unity One, March for kids event on Saturday, August 2, 2008.
A press conference was held before the March and a moment of silence was observed in honor of Jasmin Sanders, (the 8 year old girl murdered on July 23, 2008) and for Sheriff Deputy, Juan Abel Escalante (murdered Saturday, August 2, 2008). Sheriff Lee Baca spoke on behalf of Deputy Escalante.
During the press conference, it was obvious to see and hear the passion that Coach Carroll has for the City of Los Angeles. Sheriff Lee Baca, Councilman Parks and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, also spoke at the press conference. Mayor Newsom stated, "I am here to watch and learn".
I didn't see Councilman Parks or Mayor Newsom during the March. Neither were they seen at the rally held inside of the Coliseum.
Chief, Charlie Beck spoke at the Rally and represented LAPD. Reverend Jackson, (Advisor to the Mayor of Los Angeles) was present during the press conference. Vicky Lindsey represented Project Cry No More. She spoke on the pain the family goes through when dealing with gun violence and on the funeral services for Jasmin Sanders, which was taking place at Bethelehem Temple Missionary Baptist Church.
Gang Intervention workers Bo Taylor, Alex Sanchez, Blinky Rodriquez and Aguil Basheer also spoke at the Rally.
Jamiel was invited by A Better LA to speak on Jamiel's Law and on the importance of community involvement in legislature. He spoke on the importance of getting involved in legislature, but was asked not to speak on Jamiel's Law. This happened before at LAUSD and at the Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall. Jamiel was invited to speak there , but moments before speaking he was asked not to speak on Jamiel's Law.
It's clear that Jamiel's Law only targets illegal alien gangbangers. Illegal alien gangs must be addressed. Although our leaders are lumping all gangs together, it's just a matter of time before the politicians and the people see the mistake in doing this.
One of the representatives of A Better LA, did apologize for what happened. They also put us in contact with an organization which appears ready to help us gather signatures. We met with this organization and so far, they stand behind Jamiel's Law.
It's going to take some real politicians to stand up for Jamiel's Law and target illegal alien gangbangers!
It's going to take some real politicians to stand up for Jamiel's Law and target illegal alien gangbangers!
That Jamiel Shaw, Sr. is invited to speak, and then told not to talk about Jamiel's Law, is obscene.
It shows how deeply committed our so-called "leaders" are to aiding and abetting illegal immigration.
Fight back: sign the petition. You can download it from, or you can sign it at one of the locations where my volunteers will be on Saturday, August 16, 2008, from noon to 1:00 p.m., to collect signatures.
This City's treatment of the Shaw Family is absolutely disgraceful. We must put this law on the ballot, and get a city-wide discussion on whether we want to be a sanctuary for families, or a sanctuary for gangs.
You post that sleaze Gavin Newsom of Sanctuary City S. F. having the nerve to show up in LA, and pretend to care about gang victims, let alone illegal ones -- are so you uninformed about what HE's done, actively hiding from the law illegal gangbangers from Salvador, Honduras and Mexico -- including the cholo who killed the Balognas?
Paying for many more to fly back to their home countries under city escort, to escape ICE? Putting up still others in San Bernardino in halfway houses from which they escape to terrorize the city, instead of turning them over the ICE?
That Gavin's approved of this ever since he took office, and his city's done this for 20 years?
I'm deeply sorry for your loss, but the ignorant way you've approached this politically, alienating and attacking our city's cops and Mayor and Jack Weiss, instead of the Sheriff's Dept. and DA Cooley's investigators, who let Espinoza out of County Jail? It's their joint job to ID illegal felons, turn them over to ICE and NOT let them out.
Even legally-clueless Zine put in his motion that it was the Sheriff's dept. who screwed up and he wants answers. (He SHOULD have added Cooley's, as being in charge of felonies, but he's sucking upto Cooley as one old, fat, provincial Republican to another, so he won't ever face facts -- he's been going after only the understaffed LAPD. And we see how much Bratton thinks of him and his "laws.") Your approach in linking up with those attacking the people who could have helped you is foolish -- sorry, that's my opinion.
Your family has also alienated Cooley from the start, though, over how his office was representing you against Espinoza, so they're not likely to listen to you either, if you go after him now. Though he IS the guilty party. I hope you don't anguish yourself endlessly.
Elected officials work for us, not vice versa. They need to worry about whether they are serving their constituents, not the other way around.
What about the American Gangbanger?
Walter, you're so naive on so many levels, it's hard to know where to start. Which no doubt pleases the current crop of electeds just fine. (Platitudes ain't results, Walter.)
7:00 p.m. - Keep up the smug comments. You're not going to stop Walter or anyone else who is pissed off at the City leadership.
This revolution may be at present small, rag-tag, lacking in major resources and little known.
But revolutions always start that way.
You may want to read up on Marie Antoinette.
I agree with 5:53. If we can't start with illegal gangbangers, can we at least start with the legal, American gangbangers?
Off with their heads..
or is it, Let them eat cake?
we are staring with illegal gangs first!
At 3:45 Anonymous accuses Althea of 'alienating and attacking our city's cops and Mayor and Jack Weiss'.
So YOU try to strategize for Althea? Who do you think is protecting the stinking illegal alien criminals? I would cheer if every single illegal gangbanger just 'disappeared' one night in mysterious drive-bys. You are happy with the current pols? Or are you one of those incompetent fools?
Higby, if you knew the first thing about Marie Antoinette, you wouldn't be likening this "rag tag" bunch to the mobs who chopped off her head so blithely.
If you knew the first thing about Marie Antoinette, you'd know that she was in fact a teenaged Austrian girl forced to marry the French king, who had nothing to do with the dissatisfaction of the mobs, who were a motley lynch mob, ignorant and uninformed, blood-thirsty and full of blind class envy. Not a flattering comparison, but if you want to run with it, fine by me. The French aren't even that proud of that in retrospect, preferring to whitewash their revolution into more like ours, one carried out against an army in a mostly honorable fashion.
I'm not trying to "stop" Walter -- his naivity and lack of acumen has sabottaged himself. I'd actually like to see a change at the top, and see the issue of illegal immigration and illegal gang crimes addressed -- but replacing him with someone so naive would be more disastrous. The rule of ignorant mobs by the naive is the perfect storm for disaster -- so luckily there's not a chance.
You know Nancy, I'm not the poster you're referring to, but neither am I an incompetent fool. I really think that the federal government needs to protect you from illegal gang members.
The moaning and complaining about the local elected pols just falls on deaf ears because it's out of their jurisdiction.
You really need to ride Cooley.
8:34 keep it up. Not sure why you want to throw Cooley and some others under the bus, but it leads us to figure out who you are (well we probably know already).
Marie Antoinette didn't see the revolution coming. The fact that she was an Austrian whore isn't much different than what our Mayor is.
But keep pretending. The revolution is gaining steam. It may not happen next year or the year after. But the corruption can only go on so long.
Sure we know how things work. And that's why the people are coming after you.
Que Viva La revolucion fuera con Mayor VillaBabosa, Reyes, La Bonge, Weiss, Perry, Parks, Huizar, Alarcon, Cardenas, Garcetti, Hahn and the other ass-clown Don Quackers.
Si se Puede, Si se Puede
Again, where the hell were the idiot council members. No doubt if this was an illegal immigrant type of assembly they would have all come. Sad what are city has come to with them as representatives. They speak Spanish instead of being the role models and telling the arrogant illegals to learn English. I'm Latino and my parents in their late 70's who spoke Spanish learned English really quickly because they respect this nation. At least Newsome came to Los Angeles where was the cholo Mayor of ours?
There's nothing wrong with SPEAKING Spanish. The problem is being disdainful or just indifferent about LEARNING and USING the English language.
And SF Mayor Newsom is not off the hook for his role in the scheme of things. You can say, "At least Newsome came to L.A...." O.K. at least he recognizes some things, but it has erased nothing from his past, and recent past at that.
BTW, coming to L.A. was not any onerous task for him. He was in Malibu anyway, if you see Zuma Dogg's YouTube clips posted over the weekend.
And it looks like some of the posts are trying to rearrange the ranking of blame of public officials. Maybe there's cause for that, aside from the influence of partisan politics, but there is PLENTY of blame of various quantities and weight to pass around the dinner table- some of these guys are just continuing to partake as they have in the past, getting heavier and others are trying now to lose weight, laying off the high-calorie items, if you will.
A view that says we should not differentiate between gang bangers here by birthright or legal immigration versus illegal aliens ignores the fact that the former is not given a pass on this. What we want, as a start to address the gang problem, is using the ready-made condition and extract that illegal alien gang banger component that shouldn't even be here.
Just that step could have some impact but we don't really know how much since we’ve never really tried. And this is because certain people want to just leave the matter alone. The status quo is not doing us any good. I thought we had a scarcity of police resources. Why would you want to continue to keep more removable individuals in the mix to constantly be recycled throughout the system, leaving a range of ills in their wake?
Critics of such action say that it would overtax the already scarce police resources, but the alternative, to do nothing is continuing to victimize people with physical and financial harm, neither of which is needed and neither of which should continue. The police don’t need to be recycling the same people, responding to crimes and making reports, interviewing victims and all the while costing us in assorted ways that don’t have to be endured.
It is a mistake to hold up anything being started that will address the problem while waiting in the hope of finding the "perfect" or "acceptable" ACTION (which still may not even be close to a "SOLUTION").
The earlier posted reference to the French Revolution rightly noted that Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) was a teenager- but it leaves out the rest. She was married at age 14, but it was not until 1793 that she was guillotined at age 37. She was not a child then, and the poor conditions for the general public in France contributed to the French Revolution, all while she was part of the ruling monarchy. We are not quite there yet, but you know what they say about being aware of history.
Hushing any advocacy of Jamiel's Law stinks, plain and simple. If politicians don't like it and don’t want it to be adopted, air it out in public and, for each notable, stop hiding behind technicalities and each other's apron strings. Stand behind your commitments, being such smart people that you are. Show us why you deserve that $185,000.00 annual salary. If we wanted silence and inaction, we could get that for free.
Bratton's opinion is widely known, but he was going to CLARIFY the position on Spec. Order 40. Bratton was going to tell us why it covers any and all things we need and why we need IT, and that it will protect us. If the March 2nd murder of Jamiel Shaw II has not moved the council to ANY action, what will? Ultimately we want solutions. Meanwhile, we need action from the city council and what do we get? We get lots of general money proposals for unproven gang “intervention”, most of which potentially would be spent enrich various entities, often having the ever-present “political connections”, and we still have the problems, just minus the taxpayer money.
Jack Weiss apparently is still waiting for that Bratton clarification before doing anything on the Zine motion. What do we need to handle our timeframe for that, Jack, a perpetual calendar? If Mr. Weiss has the objective of becoming city attorney as “Plan A”, he had better start dusting off “Plan B.”
Our politicians: Everyone wants to take the credit for accomplishments, no one wants to accept responsibility for mistakes or failures, and talk, in its various forms- press conferences, newsletters, council resolutions, constituent meetings, and more- is presented as a substitute for any real action.
Nothing will change without action.
Latino in eagle rock- another part of l.a.
Newsom should of prevented San Francisco from being a Sanctuary City!
At the least, Newsom should of went to the Bologna Family Funeral services! Where was he that day?
He's a criminal.
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