Unofficial Election Results for Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council
Elena Popp 306
Hugo Pacheco 259
William Morrison 17
Manny Z. Rodriguez 176
Carmen M. Serrano 258
Martha "Sevin" Riley 303
Frank Wada 316
Jesus "Jesse" Rosas 238
Quick take on this election. Student vote the key to victory for the "Action" slate.
Labels: David Galaviz, Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council, Vera Padilla
Student vote my foot. Pacheco and his cockroaches called the high school saying they were parents and didn't want their kids to vote so votes were pulled out and all the kids were taken back to class. Yet again, you morons can't accept reality. Freaks.
Will the Jesus freaks ever get it? NO ONE GIVES A RAT'S ASS ABOUT YOU IDIOTS.
Give it up. You should be ashamed to be part of a religious community since you are full of lies and deception. LOSERS...I guess the rest of the community agrees. HA!!!
What happened to the Sacred Heart parish vote by mail they collected all those Sundays?
Guess when the parishoners figured out they all were liars, they decided not to vote.
Too bad their plan backfired.
Wonder if they'll have their precious Rosie Quintero throw them a taco party this time. LMAO!!!
Holy Shnikes!
Vera Padilla handed out that school memorandum AND SHE WAS ON THE BALLOT?!?!?
I'm not sure what a RICO lawsuit smells like, but I think it smells like that school memo.
Zuma - You need to just STFU, have you ever even attended a Lincoln Heights, Boyle Heights, or other Eastside NC?
All you do is talk smack in council for 2 minutes, so just keep that up mr. 2-minute man.
Zuma dog - You may not know what a RICO suit smells like, but we know what you smell like.
Zuma Douche - If this was so important to you and red spot, why weren't you even there?
Busy trying to get your t-shirt spot back from the Machete Juggler or not enough bus $$?
Here are a few more notes on this election that Mayor Sham will not cover:
- Manny Rodriguez, AKA John Wayne, was going class to class during adult school and misrepresenting himself as a current member of the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council.
- Scott Johnson, AKA Crocodile Dundee, lover of Sierra Club that does ZZZZZZZZZ, was basically guaranteeing Lincoln students that he was going to make sure the funds stayed at Lincoln High School.
- The Lincoln Heights Neighborhood "Council Coalition" actually walked people thru the Vote by Mail applications, made copies, paid for postage, and sent to City Clerk - which is a no-no.
You forgot one more - Sacred Heart allowed Hugo Pacheco the Pigeon to go to the pulpit and remind parishioners that they should not forget to vote (hint, hint) during this past Sunday's services.
No problems with that according to Mayor Scam and Zuma Dope logic.
Oh yes, and the calls from the Pacheco the Pigeon Superfriends to Lincoln High School also look like voter suppression.
Holy Shnikes!!!
Quick take on this blog - Mayor Sam you are so far up Pacheco the Pigeon and Red Spot's Culo, it isn't even funny.
Here is a scoop for you losers:
The actual coalition that kept the Pacheco Pigeons out of the Lincoln heights neighborhood council were:
- The Brewery Artists (given that Felicitas "batshit crazy hypocrite" who knew nothing of the Brewery, even though she was running to represent them). That psycho didn't even see the massive organizing that went on. The only words that needed to be said was "religious fanatics are on the loose" and they turned out bigtime.
- Former council members who were targets of Pacheco's vile bile, came out huge and organized many folks. They did everything they could to keep that a-hole from wny kind of power.
- Many organizations that have been targeted by Pacheco or others over the years, including other churches, and many other groups (not going into any more details)
Payback is a bitch, and all the Action Slate folks had to say was Hugo Pacheco is running for president and folks were like HELL NO!!!!!!
That is how they lost.
In the 04 or 05 election, the Previous Pacheco Pathetic Board lost by even bigger margins because they were too busy trying to kill the council and didn't see the massive organizing that went on. Plus, all they did was complain and they wouldn't even vote to approve the frickin' minutes.
Even though you hate him for whatever reason, Galaviz knows how to organize and in 2004 or 2005, they followed the labor organizing model - hit early, hit often, hit on the day and hit more than once.
There were also at least 10 organizations involved with that race and that is the reason over 500 people voted and kicked Pacheco to the curb in 2004-05.
Pacheco and his cohorts, especially Manny Rodriguez, AKA John Wayne, Robert Vega, Steve Lampson, and Mary Leos Pacheco have been such a-holes that "real" community folks and organizations will stop them every time.
You can't attack folks, try to embarrass them, get them fired, and then expect them to trust you - just ain't going to happen.
Mayor Sam - you have the Ass-whatever of the month.
If that award was given by the Lincoln Heights Community, Pacheco, his wife Mary, Robert Vega, Manny Rodriguez, Steven Lampson-Sarinara, Ray Covarubias Jr. would just rotate that award amongst themselves - that is how much folks don't like them.
Maybe if you came to lincoln heights and talked to folks, or just attended meetings there, you would get the picture.
is'nt it funny how these LOSSERS called the action slate can only get elected by the youth that are druggies, dropouts,and deaf and dumb and and have to bribed for class credit that attend LHS goes to show you what this losser board is made off!!!
and the real deal slate were voted with real educated people!!
TO June 14, 2008 9:05 PM:
The only folks who don't like to group you mentioned are those people who are trying to control both the Lincoln Heights Chamber AND the Neighborhood Council--Padilla, Riley, Wada, Fierro, Vivian, S. Kasten, R. Macias, Fuentes, George at Dinos (whose food sucks), Zaldavar, and Erica G.
All these folks care about is the money they are trying to control and their pet projects that will make them look good. But in reality these people (who claim to care about the community) are all fakes.
In the end, there is going to be no change in the community because the NC and the Chamber will continue to be dysfunctional.
Hey 9:05
Why such the hard-on for these folks you claim the community hates? Is it because they are exposing you for what you are? A liar, a cheat, a two-faced b-----d, a back-stabber, snake in the grass, a a--kisser, and money-monger.
Sounds like you need some therapy--you have issues. Or maybe you need a confession sessionto find God again.
Hey, if the Lincoln Heights community wants to continue to get it in the a-- from the folks on the NC and the Chamber, then let them. They deserve it and must like being screwed over.
Ignorance is bliss.
Hey 10:21, 10:53, 11:00, 11:03 -
You got it ass backwards. These folks have already been in charge and this is what has happened:
- Hugo Pacheco was already on the council and did jack-shizzle. He wouldn't vote for anything, wouldn't say anything, and wouldn't even vote for minutes.
- Robert Vega, who talks a great game, was elected to the council TWICE, and drumroll,Quit TWICE. He made a big deal about outreach, saying more is needed, blah, blah, blah, then when he was told you are right, lead us - he quit. . . twice.
- Steve Lampson and Ray Covarubias were elected as President and VP for the Lincoln Heights Chamber. They left that chamber in shambles and it is still reeling from their BS.
If you were a real activist, you would know that the chamber and council never got a long until recently - when Hugo Pacheco, Lampson, Covarubias, etc. decided to run for council.
They don't try to hold people accountable, they are just a-holes.
The Pacheco superfriends also have never, ever said what they were going to do, except say will be better from the previous group.
They have only looked at what other folks have done and said "oh we won't do that". They are the ultimate Monday Morning Quarterbacks.
Hey 10:21 - It isn't LOSSERS, it's LOSER. Only a real loser like U would get it wrong.
What is funny is that numbnuts like you want to use the kids for your purpose. You want to say, oh kids are druggies, dropouts, etc. They are pawns of the action slate!!
Then you say, we can't build a project like Las Villas, because we need to protect the kids.
So, which is it - are kids druggies, dropouts, and deaf, or do they need protection from the bad action slate?
Or are they druggies, dropouts and deaf that need protection?
is'nt it funny how these LOSSERS called the action slate can only get elected by the youth that are druggies, dropouts,and deaf and dumb and and have to bribed for class credit that attend LHS goes to show you what this losser board is made off!!!
and the real deal slate were voted with real educated people!!
June 14, 2008 10:21 PM
10:53 - Wrong again, those folks never really worked together.
The NC was also far from dysfunctional.
You just don't like them and never will, so why don't you just go to Dino's and get some breakfast.
Hey 11:00 -
Why does it always come back to God for you? Don't worry about my relationship with God. Most of us are not like you, where we have to parade around and force our views on others.
The hard-on first came from the Pacheco Superfriends - for years they have been doing this BS. They have had a four year hard-on for folks.
They expose nothing aside from their hate (very Jesus like, given they are from a church)
11:03 - So, in addition to God, it always come back to "getting it in the a--" for you??? Why is that??
So you have all the answers, and no one else does? Let me know where I can sign up for that.
Your Ignorance is bliss, because you seem very happy together.
SO what has the NC done for the community since it started? Can any of you really tell me that? I know for a fact that both sides of this "debate" have served on LHNC and are equally to blame. Instead of finding solutions, the NC divided from the beginning, mostly over the Wall. (Remember that one?) Furthermore, those who were one the action slate have been on the NC for a while. So how come it takes so long for these NC members to approve funding for local non-profits, but they snap their fingers and Fierro get more money for her pathetic ribbons to decorate the trees on Broadway? Is that action?
As for the Chamber, what have they done for the community? They did nothing-have not done a darn thing for 20 years (and I’m talking about the time before Lampson). It was a dead organization with folks who were more concerned about having luncheons that never made a profit and mixers where they could make themselves feel good. I know that there are several businesses in LH that are disappointed in the Chamber and have been well before Lampson's term. There were plans to get things other Chambers have (like a website, a newspaper, etc.) started under Lampson, and to fix the clock on Broadway, but because Steve Kasten didn't like the fact that Lampson took the lead and didn't need his advice, they held secret meetings and plotted to get rid of Lampson. (Which they did illegally and that is why the Chamber is in debt-they have to now fight a lawsuit.)
Both organizations are a waste of time and should be dismantled.
Wow-someone out there has issues with God or is it because the folks from Sacred Heart don't like how you are representing their community?
Dino's/George's food really sucks-it breaks peoples teeth and is full of unhealthy, re-used grease. It should be sighted for health code violations.
Since he has always thought of himself as the Lincoln Heights plantation owner, old man Kasten did not like the field hands rising up in rebellion and questioning his 20+ years reign as Chamber president. His solution? Find his buddy Art Snyder to put the slaves back into their place. Kasten has always been the bully's sniveling little friend because he has no balls of his own. But all is well on Broadway because Stevie has his puppet Richard Macias in place.
If you really think the Chamber and LHNC "get along" then you are the most ignorant and blind person in LH.
And you must have forgotten that Steve Kasten was also on the LHNC when it started and he was one of the first to give up and quit.
And where were all of these "community leaders" that were on the NC, (and that you claim they get along so well) when the LHNC only had three board members responsible enough to put aside their personal feelings, and attend and conduct meetings?
Action Slate??!!?? LH has had no action from anyone on the LHNC (and Chamber) for a long time.
Hey Zuma,
I saw and overheard a kid with a school pass from Vera Padilla show up to the auditorium ready to pass out "flyers" to the voters....
The folks running the election stopped him... but I find it very disturbing that Padilla would send a student, during school hours, to pass out something to voters in line preparing to vote. Being that she has been the Treasurer for the LHNC for a while (and is now back on the Chamber after being voted out only a year earlier) shouldn't she know better?
"Action Team Idiots" this isn't finished. It's just beginning. Nobody is going to roll over. Bring all your loose canicas back to play! You are scared, pathetic, WEENERS. The stench of fear is all over your postings. More fun and games are yet to be played. Installed? MAYBE? It will be VERY short lived. Look over your shoulder, that whisper will soon be getting very loud. I've got a surprise.
The worst you can call us is "Jesus Freaks", it is a badge of honor. We accept proudly. This "Nomme de Guerre" you have penned for us to be ashamed will be our edge to victory. How can we lose with Jesus and La Virgen De Guadalupe to inspiring us. That is all we need.
P.S. Why doesn't somebody do some charity work and do up Erica "Kool Aid" Gallo such vitrolic postings, she needs to get some, if you can find it. Remember you won. I don't hear victory! Chill!
4:18 a.m.
Haven't we heard that before.
I'm sure the Action Team is crying from laughter at all the empty threats.
Oh, and it's not spelled weeners, it's spelled WINNERS. Someone needs to go back to public school. Call Vera, I'm sure she'd help you get enrolled.
The So called "action slate" had member inside school campus handing out flyers for the "action slate" during school time before the elections, one teacher (Health) also excuse a student from class because his father was running against "action slate", she wanted to explain to her student why they should elect the members of the action slate. is it because the L.H.N.C has givien $165.000.? is it becuase 2-3 teachers are on the board? more to come.
Word on the streets is Mary Pacheco hasn't groomed for years leaving her with creepy cobwebs between the legs. She's sure to be the main attraction for the next Halloween Sacred Heart Haunted House.
More to come...
Isn't it time to call in the LA City Human Relations Commission to help heal the divide at least with Subarea 5. If the newly elected Residential Rep can wield his cane in a threatening manner while spewing disparring remarks about the beloved parish in Subarea 5, it's time for mediation and reconciliation. Stay classy Chavez.
Throw in Galaviz to the Human Relations mediation session so we could feel his pain and understand his tears when the archdiocese didn't return his calls about silencing stakeholders in Fr. Mario's parish. At least with him no longer the prez, incoming prez Elena Popp can use her housing advocacy experience to rectify the Livable Places debacle now that they have gone bankrupt and their project on San Fernando Road is in limbo. (No offense to non-limbo believing Epiphany Church.)Popp had perfect timing.
Hey, is it true love Elena Popp & Erica Gallo. Has Erica already moved in on Elena's partner. Good reason for those late night LHNC meetings. Honey, sorry I'm late had to pick up some dry cleaning! Is Verga Padilla p.o'd. about Elena mentoring her Erica.
Throw Galaviz under the bus. Can you believe I heard that the Mayor was going to nominate him to serve as a commissioner???
He had to turn it down due to his new role with that university.
Gala-whatever still sits on the Board of two Salesian Boys and Girls Clubs and still brings in money to them, which indirectly helps the Catholic Church.
You should use your efforts trying to remove him from all the local boards he sits on, (and he does sit on a lot), instead of bringing up some phone call that may have occured once.
Just get him removed from all those boards!!! Try it and organize something.
Elena Popp???????????
and the jokes continue.
You don't hear victory - well here it is VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The hard-on for Galaviz continues -As the commercial states, if an erection lasts for more than 4 hours, please consult your physician.
Man-crush here, man-crush there, man-crush everywhere.
Party overhere, party overthere!!!
So what is everyone's opinion on the Catholic Church not recognizing Gay Marriage - Good, bad, ugly?
How about Comments from:
Red Spot?
Frito Bandito?
Don Quackers?
Valley Doll?
Who is the better 80's band:
- Bananarama or the Bangles? Discuss among yourselves.
Great Googly Moogly - This is terrible!!! I wish Pacheco and his folks would have won.
I think the current board should just give you all the finger and start their own non-profit.
Maybe the Old Councilmember Mike Hernandez needs to come back and rectify this situation.
Is it true that the only reason that Galaviz bad mouths Felicitas is because he wanted her and she turned "Prez Pelon" down. Good for Felicitas she knows a rotten watermelon when she sees it. i wish a had a watermelon!
12:10 p.m.
I know there is a lot of hate between these two factions, but wow, this is really a low blow and very inappropriate. Your relatives and parents must be ashamed of you for such nasty comments. But it does go to show how low the Action Slate and their pals are willing to go. And these are the folks the neighborhood elected to represent them on the LHNC and Chamber. Yikes! Elena Popp is going to quit once she gets the real picture of what is going on...
Really Mayor Sam-can we clean this up a bit?
They tried the City Human Relations folks before when the NC was divided about the Wall.
It didn't work.
That department is just as corrupt as the rest.
Speaking of the Wall-found it funny to see Steve Kasten speaking with Zaldavar during voting last week at Lincoln. Wasn't Kasten against the Wall when he served on the LHNC?
Oh whatever Hugo , Robert I like the “verga” Vega, Scary Mary , and the other freaks at the church got Father Mario demoted back to his original church.
They are useless as tits on a boar.
Hugo can you answer me why the Archdiocese had someone form there internal affairs office sent to the church during the whole Las villa scandal.
Glad to see that the majority members of parish are sick and tired of your lies!
Steve Kasten voted for the wall It was Scary Mary who was afraid of the gays & voted against it . Hey Mary and Hugo I didn’t know your daughters were into LPGA golf! Wink Wink!
Robert I loved how you were driving around Los Angeles with that old car on your flat bed! Its nice see you rolling with your X clover homies.
Why didn’t that butch wife of yours come with her camera? Or she doing another documentary on the sister hood of the lesbo cholas of clover.
So the Sacred Heart Coalition can dish it but they can't take it now. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! This board needs an all around clean up starting with the trash Pacheco and Verga post here about the real leaders of this community.
Admit it. You asked for it and now that your honey Scary Mary is the subject of ridicule, you can't handle it.
You reap what U sow, AKA what goes around, comes around.
All this for volunteer positions.
Is this a great recruiting tool or what??
So, 3:34 PM, the rest of this is ok?
These BS attacks on both sides are just that, BS, but sounds like you think some stuff is ok if directed at some people, and bad, OMG, what do we tell the children bad, if directed at others?
You can't have it both ways. Pacheco and Aguilar started this and you know that they are going to use the Voice to do something later this month.
Yes, the headline of the voice will be "Banging for Votes"
Vera and Galaviz have sex in front of students to entice them to vote.
It be something off the wall like that.
Hey Red Spot - can we get a preview of what the voice is going to print this month?
How 'bt an article on how Jose Aguilar, writer for the voice ran for two seperate eastside councils.
Why didn't he just run for El Sereno so he could score the hat trick?
Ofcourse the Voice will post something in their next issue. Has anyone thought about suiing the voice?
Oh, I'm sure they have.
Wait, but then they'll have nothing. Oh wait, they are already worthless.
So Elena "Never Been" Popped is going to be the president of the LHNC?? What in God's name does she know about the community she moved into to just to run against Kevin De Leon? She certainly has not been seen anywhere in the neighborhood!
Another worthless wannabe politico!!!
9:29 PM - Thanks for playing. There are lovely parting gifts for you.
Remember to eat your Wheaties, comb your hair, take your vitamins, say your prayers, tie your shoes, say thank you after every meal, and look both ways before you cross the street.
You big cuddlie meanie. Do you need a hug??
9:29 - Thanks to that e-mail. Everyone you mentioned is quiting and joining the French Foreign Legion.
Others are joining a Barbershop Quartet.
And others are going to open a typewriter repair shop.
Thank you for your public service. You deserve a medal, but I think you would be better served with a hug - you big poo bear.
People who type IN CAPS ARE CRAZY (plus men that do this have little wee-wees), so you are two for two.
Obviously 4:50pm and some don't have a clue how the Catholic Church functions. If you get sent as a Pastor to a bigger wealthier parish, that is a ... say it with me now syllable by syllable... a promotion. If Galaviz sits on the board of the Salesians Boys Club in Boyle Heights, great for him. But, I'm sure he wasn't calling Archdiocesan Media Relations, the Cardinal's Office, the Chancellor, and the Director of Priest Personnel to say what a nice job the Salesians are doing in East LA. But, it's nice of him to give so much money to sit on a nice board. He might want to try for the Boys and Girls Club in Lincoln Heights next time.
I must say I am a bit disturbed if any of this disgustin vitriol is coming from Sacred Heart parishioners not just Action Slate Chavez supporters pretending to be the opposition. As a fellow co-belligerant from St. Camillus, I feel your frustration with the system but there is no point to the juvenile name calling. This has turned into a bad episode of South Park. The Catholic Church is not a club for bigots. You can visit our circle of hope website if you want more information on the St. Camillus Ministry to Gay and Lesbian Catholics. But is there truth to the post on Zuma Dog's blog about absentee ballots not being counted!
The Boys Club has the "Murderer's Row" of Lincoln Heights losers for a Board: Richard "Mumbles" Macias, Shirley "The Wicked Witch of the Northeast" Fierro, Martha "Scarecrow - If I only had a brain" Riley, and Alice "Cabeza Libre" Corona. It's sure to go to hell soon!
Not as great of a "Murderer's Row" of Lincoln Heights losers" as Robert Vega's precious Clover gang.
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