Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Wednesday
Is anyone in Los Angeles more arrogant than William Bratton? Rick Orlov reports that Bratton "has made clear during his tenure it's that he doesn't like anyone telling him how to run the LAPD." His latest target is Dennis Zine who is attempting a change to Special Order 40 albeit a highly watered down version of Jamiel's Law. Apparently the New York fool with the Culver City spin thinks he knows more about the LAPD than the former motorcycle cop turned Clowncilman who's been LAPD for like what nearly 50 years? Go to hell Bratton!
Mayor Villaraigosa is telling you that his next annual trash tax hike will pay for more cops. But city records say the money raised won't even come close. So, after a few months of that, what's next? November's City Income Tax measure on the ballot (called something else of course).
Blogger Robert in Monterey reports that rising gas and transportation costs have made living in the suburbs more expensive and causing home prices to fall. Living in the city center in dense concentrations will meet some of the housing needs for many; hence Zev Yaroslavsky's support for suburban sprawl probably doesn't make sense.
Speaking of Zev, I spoke to one of the bigger developer types in LA today; he's convinced Zev will run for Mayor. And this piece here represents more of the "coming city superstorm" that is going to cause a massive anti-development political earthquake in Los Angeles.
Labels: chief william bratton, city income tax, coming city superstorm, dennis zine, Jamiel's Law, lapd, mayor antonio villaraigosa, zev yarovslasky
Michael, Michael, Michael you are going to get a stroke being upset with Bratton. The fact is even though Zine has been with LAPD a long time he is an idiot and doesnt know as much as you think. First he wants an ordinance to protect rich movie stars (dumb dumb dumb), then without even knowing the facts Zine came out aginst Bratton about lowering standards and allowing recruits who used drugs to come on board (totally false). So you see many of us understand why Bratton loves to attack Zine because he's an idiot. He doesn't do his homework and if you read his motion on Special Issue 40 its the same thing LAPD is doing now. No difference so Zine loves to pretend he's doing something worthy.
Shady politics
Re "Nunez aide gets city planning post" (April 16):
The Los Angeles City Council "unanimously confirmed ... without discussion" Ricardo Lara, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez's former aide, to the city Planning Commission. Coincidentally, Lara dropped out of the race for Nunez's termed-out seat, leaving Antonio Villaraigosa's cousin, John Perez, essentially running unopposed.
Smell like a steamin' pile of quid pro quo to you, too? And I thought we had shady elections and appointment processes here in Burbank! Unbelievable!
Uh yes I would think Bratton knows a little more about police matters than the ex motorcycle cop Zine, Bratton has as much tenure as the ex motorcycle cop as not only a patrolman and walking the beat but as a chief in both NYC and LA.
Start making sense Higby.
"Go to hell Bratton!"
You've lost it, Higby.
I agree with Mayor Sam on Bratton going to H-E- double tooth picks. I used to like Bill too, but now I just see him as an ass-kissing panderer. If the Mayor was not a Chicano, then Bill would have changed Special ODOR 40 already. But he is, and he won't. I have never seen a more arrogant city council bunch than this. These people have no shame. Is there a way to initiate a recall for each one of them? For collectively abdicating their duties?
Mayor Sam is right. LAPD has had a few problems like Rampart but there has never ever been the widespread, daily, extensive graft and corruption as in the East Coast police departments Bratton hails from. But the longer Bratton is here it could change. Don't forget Bernard Karrick.
Didn't he have an affair with some TV lady during his last marriage? How many times has he been married? He got married to some reporter which is a total conflict of interest.
The Times, which Higby is ignoring because Moore seems to have caused an unnecessary flap with its editorial editor, actually elaborated on what ORlov said, making Bratton look even more arrogant than he does here. His quotes about Zine were condescending, which MAY be deserved in some cases (his pap law is backwards, and should be protecting civilians from the crush of paps as they chase Britney's and overtake neighbors' homes -- the neighbors get no positives from the media, unlike the bimbos involved).
Zine is right, as is Moore in principle, but they lack the nuance in their arguments to persuade.
BUT the Times has run a couple of articles confirming that cops don't check legal status even when they stop suspects for something else, because there's a culture of fear being set at the top, by Bratton and the Mayor and Mexican electeds he's kissing butt to.
Then the 40 on 40 quotes blogger cop "Dunphy" saying that to ask re: immigration status under ANY circumstances would be "career suicide."
David Z had an article demolishing the idiotic excuses about "Culver City," since if LAPD didn't hide its gangbanger database from even other cops (only a few involved with gangs can see it now), let alone from neighboring cities and the Sheriff's office and ICE (who SHOULD have had this data, when they released psycho-killer Espinoza who was in the city's databank), then Jamiel's murder WOULD have been prevented along with many others. Not to mention, Shaw was often arrested by LAPD, too, but due to some bizarre secrecy laws, even LAPD laws can't run checks on legal status when they've stopped a suspect. (So Bratton's claim is a Catch-22: sure, the law "allows" this questioning of suspects, but LAPD makes it impossible by hiding the gangbanger database, refusing to share it internally or externally, and if a cop should ask anyway, it's "career suicide.")
The Times also quoted Darryl Gates, who Bratton and the Mayor have kept harking back to, as saying the LAPD is NOT doing what it can and should to combat gangs, by starting with the illegals. He's fed up with his name misused relative to SP40.
This pro-cholo apologist at 6:45 is tiresomely stupid, and just confirms the sickening idolatry going on around Bratton. Who's as arrogant as he is wrong.
Remember that before the City Council and before the elected charter reform commission, Zine was on the board of directors of the police officer's union which is always at odds with police chiefs. And his chief of staff used to be president of that union.
Doesn't anyone find it as odd as I do that when Zine became a councilman all of a sudden he became best friends with Parks who he hated as a cop. It goes to the heart of a person's character when you can turn that easily. Say what you want about Bratton but the fact is he's turned around LAPD like no other chief. People on 3rd floor say Zine, Smith and Bitter Bernie are very jealous of Bratton and try and get their little boy licks in the media any chance they get. Funny thing is they come out looking like morons everytime.
8:55 was supposed to read, "Espinoza was often arrested by LAPD, too," NOT Shaw as mistakenly put there. Shaw, of course, had no criminal record or known association with gangs.
So Zine was active in the Police Protective League, made up of beat cops who actually know what's going on on the streets... AND oppose this stupid interpretration of SP40, which is used today to squash ALL attempts to ID illegals. Deny it all he wants Bratton has created a culture of fear in the force. As reflected in his hate speech, aped by Tim Rutten in his hateful Op Ed today: Anyone who opposes illegal immigration -- in other words, is FOR enforcing the laws, which is the ostensible job of the police and other law enforcement -- is called "an immigration hater," in a blatant attempt to kill distinctions between legal and illegal. Insidious way to kill all open discussion, really sickening, and the ever-dwindling middle class isn't fooled any more. has a great piece yesterday, about being middle class in this city.
Was he pushed out of the Daily News because he wasn't P C, and had the guts to speak for real people?
Bratton is an arrogant prick, and whats more, he's a figure head. There is a cabal of deputy chiefs and commanders that really run the LAPD. Bratton is here, what 3 days out of the week if were lucky. The command staff is out of control, they keep Bratton insulated, and only tell him what they want him to know. He is totally clueless as to what is really happening. I can tell you this, a HUGE scandal is brewing, and it will slap Bratton right up the side of his head. He will have to resign when this comes out.....mark my words. And the sad thing is, that it will totally take him by surprise because his command staff has tried to hush this up, and keep him out of the loop. Keep an eye on the news in the coming months....this will shock the hell out of you.
Bratton is an arrogant prick, and whats more, he's a figure head. There is a cabal of deputy chiefs and commanders that really run the LAPD. Bratton is here, what 3 days out of the week if were lucky. The command staff is out of control, they keep Bratton insulated, and only tell him what they want him to know. He is totally clueless as to what is really happening. I can tell you this, a HUGE scandal is brewing, and it will slap Bratton right up the side of his head. He will have to resign when this comes out.....mark my words. And the sad thing is, that it will totally take him by surprise because his command staff has tried to hush this up, and keep him out of the loop. Keep an eye on the news in the coming months....this will shock the hell out of you.
8;30 and 8:55 are right on the money.
I would just like to say that 8:30 and 8:55 are RIGHT ON THE MONEY. AMEN BROTHER./
I agree with 12:19, 12:24, 12:27 and 1:09. 8:30 and 8:55 ARE RIGHT ON THE MONEY, HONEY!
Tamar is just being savvy with those lawn signs. She knows she won't have the money to buy new ones during her CD2 bid. The powers that be are going to come down hard on her in 2009.
I love the doom and gloom about everything and everybody!!!
But, they are in power, and, guess what? You're not.
I have to say that you are a bunch of prick pulling fools, waiting for some magic to give you power. The shrinks call it "shadenfreud". Sorry, guys, go back to CD 14 and get a real job.
Antonio is the Mayor, Bill is the Chief and the others are Councilmembers, and, well, you guessed it, you're not.
12:41 you give the same speech all the time, but what is your POINT?
I'm not the Mayor.... so therefore I can't criticize the way business is conducted in my city???
That makes no sense!
12:41......your billy boy Bratton aint going to be there much longer....and I'm in a position to know, unlike yourself. This scandal is going to rip LAPD command staff a new one. Resignations, and criminal filings to follow. This will be precident setting.
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