Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Tuesday
The city has no cash, members of the City Clowncil refuse to give up their personal slush funds and the Mayor wants to charge kids to borrow books from distant libraries. The Daily Breeze sees a solution in this: give the Council slush fund to the libraries.
Lots of people like cool, well-designed electronic billboards but they don't have the time NIMBY cranks do to organize against them all over the City. And now it looks like Long Beach will be one of the only South Bay cities without revenue generating, entertaining, civic pride bearing electronic billboards along the 405. For Christ Sake, do we have wait until Lawndale to see what's going to be on the next episode of 24?
The City is supposed to broke. The Mayor is raising your taxes and fees to make up for a budget deficit. He says he's making spending cuts. So why - as Walter Moore reports something you won't read in the Former Fishwrap of Record - is the recently announced budget INCREASING overall spending nearly a quarter of a billion dollars over last year?
Zuma Dogg has a run in with the Governor and got most of it on video. The KENNEDY REPUBLICAN didn't seem to want to respond to Zuma.
We get stupid emails sometimes. Just because you want some reforms to illegal immigration and alien gang members deported doesn't mean you agree with ignorant drivel like this.
Apparently bubble gum star and superstar sibling Ashlee Simpson arriving with her boyfriend at LAX is news. It's nowhere near as important as Britney Spear's legal bills. Who knew?
Labels: arnold schwarzenegger, ashlee simpson, billboards, city budget, library tax, Los Angeles City Council, nimby, walter moore, zuma dogg
This guy was stuck in an elevator for 41 hours (3 days) before being rescued.
...Guy Stuck In Elevator 3 Days Is Illegal Alien...appalling is this statement that Michelle Malkin pointed out in part of an article
When asked at the news conference if he ever tried to use the intercom or emergency bell, [the deliveryman] didn't answer. Police sources say his family told them he is in this country illegally.
City Councilman John Liu accused the NYPD of violating a Bloomberg administration policy not to reveal anyone's immigration status out of concern federal authorities might take action. The department responded that it did not give out the information, saying it can't be blamed if the news media use their sources.
The L.A. city budget PDF file says
"Los Angeles is America’s undisputed creative capital. This beautiful City, perched on the Pacific Ocean, has always drawn its strength from the boundless energy and imagination of one of the most talented diverse populations anywhere.
I made a correction to the first sentence of Mayor VillaCholo's budget report, after reading yet another news story today about a young girl being murdered in L.A.
Los Angeles is America’s undisputed Gang capital.,0,2575406.story
Drive-by shooting of girl, 15, in Watts gang-related, police say
Mayor Sam
Why are you surprised crackpots send you ignorant racist drivel? You're Ignorant Drivel Headquarters lately and while you persist at your stump for Walter Moore realize that you're one misstated racial blog away from being labeled "Crackpot" too.
In his speech to the World Affairs Conference Villaraigosa was happy at telling the crowd that LA has more people employed by the fashion industry then any other city. He fogot to tell the group that they're all illegal.
So you you're shilling for billboard companies like Clear Channel/CBS, Highby you numskull. Are you pimping yourself out to get a job as Rocky's gofer when he goes into private law, presumably at Latham? If ever a guy shouldn't be blogging most of the time, if ever there was an issue that shows why we need "old school" papers and writers like at the Times (most of them, anyway) vs. any fat fool who can type in a keyboard, this is it.
If you were remotely concerned about generating revenue for the city you'd be yammering AGAINST the billboard companies, not the people who justifiably have a right to not turn their neighborhoods into Times Square or Mexico City. OH, wait, in Mexico City they don't allow this either, and the better, leafier areas are very, very, determined to keep this low-class blight and low-income projects and congestion out of their city.
Actually, you should be working as a shill for Ed Reyes, the stupidest pro-illegal cholo on the Council -- tied with Alarcon and even worse than Huizar -- cuz that's where this thinking belongs.
Apart from the fact that westsiders want the beach and Santa Monica Blvd. in Century City to resemble more a resort and boulevards in Europe than tacky slum, Clear Channel already owes the city many millions for the thousands of illegal billboards it's got up and is supposed to pay inspection fees for. $300/ per sign, would really help the city. Instead they're suing the city to get out of even this too-generous deal they got by buying off Rocky with half a mil.
So shut your fat fact, idiot, about NIMBY crap when it comes to the people who don't want to let their neighborhoods be turned into a Third-World commercial district, to profit a criminally anti-community billboard industry which believes its "rights" to trash any area with vulgar signs supercedes the rights of the community or its financial obligations.
Go kiss Rocktard and Reyes' butt, Higby.
Geez, I'd have never known Ashlee Simpson's whatever was "news" if you hadn't posted something about it here.
Pot calling the kettle black?
They let Tom LaBong sit in as Council Prez today, and the first thing he did was lose control of the Chambers. So what does the second dullest tool in the Council shed do when ZD asks for some quiet...because it really was quite loud (watch the playback)...I'm not just talking usual chit-chat. They had just finished a vote on a big item, with a lot of people, and they were talking to CMs and each other afterward -- and it was flat out loud.
So what does Councildummy LaBong do? Instead of assuming the leadership role as Prez Pro-Tem and asking the Chamber to quite down, or move your convesations outside (as every other President would have done)...
Councildummy tells me to keep going...and doesn't take control of his chambers.
Says a lot about his leadership ability and his lack of judgement and knowledge of the process.
So I will be lobbying Garcetti and the Mayor's office to prevent Councilmember Tom LaBong from being able to sit in as President during the meetings.
To put it to you in terms you can understand, didn't read the playbook, and you couldn't lead the team.
You are a loser by my scorecard, you shady DWP money sucker and Griffith Park Masterplan wrecker.
(Hey Tom, I bet you are not following the law on your G. Park Masterplan. I better look into it and get back to you on TV 35, undistinguished Losermember.
Question about the racist drivel charge: Since there was not any particular item pointed out, I would like to see which items fall into that group.
Is it the S.O. 40 criticism? All of critics?
Is it the black v. brown situation? What about it, then? Or that such a conflict exists at all?
The blog is for posting different ideas. If someone doesn't want to discuss, they can move on or post their own position for another viewpoint. The problem with lots of posts is that they are accuse without supporting information to follow the idea put forward.
About Walter Moore- if you dismiss everything he brings up, what type of pre-judged process is that?
It is not impossible for people you dislike to come up with ideas that can improve things. Moore at least has ideas that might help a lot of what's wrong now.
The city council is NOT about working (and I could let the sentence end there) for the constituents in the city. They are the highest paid CM in the nation. On top of that, these council people are already bought and paid for by special interests.
The billboards, the developers, the variances, the event waivers, the no-bid deals, and more that help earn favor for them.
The real action is work to ensure keeping an elected (or appointed) position and cultivate campaign support, even if it means spending money on low- or no-priority causes.
You can add to the picture the fact that paid-for staff and perks are used to advance such goals and not working for the benefit of the city's well-being.
It scares me to think that I'm about to agree with Zuma Dogg, but even a blind pig finds a corn cob now and then.
The way he was treated by LaBonge when he tried to address the City Council showed that LaBonge's prime concern was pleasing his "teammates" -- the other Councilmembers -- and not those to whom he is accountable -- the public.
Zuma, Tom LaBongo is an idiot. He only cares about photo ops and his useless vision of LA history. He wastes money that could be used to fill the budget gap on his stupid anachronistic Santa parade even though nobody goes! He's dispicable and needs to retire already. They ALL do.
Higby, read Dennis Hathaway's article in the current CityWatch, about the "Orwellian" double-speak Rocky's office is using to make it sound like putting up 7-story lighted billboards on a freeway by an abandoned warehouse is somehow "creating pedestrian friendly" environments and other garbage.
He's too easy on the extent to which Perry and Reyes diss the westsiders they attack, those who oppose blight of neighborhoods and aren't stupid enough to buy the "logic" of Rocky and the billboard companies.
Perry and Reyes come off as stupid, but in reality they're more than that, and Hathaway is afraid to go there: their comments against CDs 5 and 11 as shallow people whose concern with aesthetics trumps parks for the poor (a connection she made up, in fact, he explains), are outright racist and class politics.
Lashing out at those who have subsidized this city with their taxes to a huge degree, getting nothing back and now, when they fight the unfair and harmful actions of a predatory company, Perry and Reyes attack them even for that.
Read the article and see how stupid your comments are, supporting these two anti-white "rich people" nitwits in their attacks.
Zuma, you were rude and loud and ADD again today. You could have asked them to quiet the place politely, La Bong was right about your behavior.
Not that he isn't a fool who should go for other reasons, never knows what's going on, just apes Janice Hahn or sometimes Smith (two polar opposites, so that shows ya), and Hahn and Rosendahl make white people look bad, too. Then there's the pro- illegal criminal Mexicans, and Perry whose resentment of white people comes out in her billboard rants -- there are maybe a few who could be okay, if they didn't have to show comraderie with this bunch. Anyone who's tried it, was always under attack.
Even Zev used to be when he actually stuck out for his constituents against this ethnic socialism of the rest. Zev is more able to speak out now, as a Supervisor than where he was.
The Mexicans have to throw out their own idiots before the whole council can go in a more moderate direction. That may happen, since they seem to hate Reyes, Huizar and Alarcon especially.
"You could have asked them to quiet the place politely, La Bong was right about your behavior."
You got it all wrong dummy.
I DID ask for quiet politely, and stopped to wait for the President (La Bonghead) to take control of chambers.
But the arrogant dummy told me to keep speaking, rather than telling people to quiet down.
THEN, after it was obvious I couldn't even think over the loud noise...I walked away and shouted, "Shut up everyone".
AND FOR THAT, The Bong asked the police to remind me how to behave.
Meanwhile a certain bully of a dummy should be more concerned about his own behavior and lack of leadership.
Next time ask the police to remind the council the proper behavior they should perform with the public.
Did you notice how Lebonge directed those newspaper foreign visitors out of the council chamber just before public comment? I guess he didn’t want them to hear the council’s dirty laundry and write about it.
C'mon the entire city knows LaBonge is a moron just like the rest of the group. They behave like 3 year olds and lack discipline as adults. They are a shameful group of morons who embarrass LA to the entire nation. We've never had such bad publicity on the cable news channels since this group got into office. And thanks to the blogs they get slammed all the time.
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