Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Thursday
This story should make you giggle. Mayor Villaraigosa is looking for every way he can to tax you more and more. But of course they're not taxes but fees because he can't increase your taxes (well legally anyway) without your vote. And what makes it deliciously fun is the City Council might insist - at least for a couple minutes, about as long as they were opposed to water and power rate increases - that any increases be offset by cuts in "spending at City Hall." Ha ha that's they them! They won' t even give up their slush funds that they use to pay for event waivers, free food for Matt Dowd and other nonsense. Incredible! Hope you people wake up soon! Get ready soon for the city income tax!
Columnist Ira Mehlman does an excellent job of deconstructing the liberal hypocrisy in the reaction to the calls by Jamiel Shaw's family to pass Jamiel's Law. Mehlman perfectly captures the usual arrogance of some of our City Clowncil members, "Councilman Bill Rosendahl condescendingly explained that the reasons for city policies that shield illegal immigrants – even those who commit crimes – were far too complex for them to grasp and that further discussion needs to be put off for another time."
A blogger thinks that the members of the DWP Commission should be responsive and accountable to the people. Were they hitting the medical marijuana y'all?
Future Mayor Zev Yaroslavsky had an Antonio type moment over the weekend. He picked up a major "man of the year" type award from a local film festival.
Labels: bill rosendahl, city income tax, dwp, Jamiel Shaw, Jamiel's Law, matt dowd, mayor antonio villaraigosa, taxes, zev yaroslavsky
Here's another post on CNN about Special Issue 40. THis issue has legs and now cable news outlets are reporting it.
LOU DOBBS TONIGHTL.A.'s Special Order 40 Criticized....rising anger at the city of Los Angeles and its sanctuary policy for illegal aliens -- that policy protecting illegal alien gang members from both arrest and deportation. We'll have our special report on all that.
DOBBS: In Los Angeles tonight -- Los Angeles, a sanctuary city -- some city officials are beginning to fight back against that illegal alien sanctuary policy, known as Special Order 40. One city council member is actually fighting for police to be able to question suspected illegal alien gang members and to be able to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. That's right, Los Angeles is part of the United States.
Casey Wians has our report. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)
WIANS (voice-over): If you're an illegal alien gang member in Los Angeles and an LAPD officer spots you on the street, you have nothing to fear, unless you're wanted for another crime. The city's Special Order 40 prohibits police from making arrests solely for immigration law violations even if officers know a gang member has been previously deported.
Now city councilman Dennis Zine, who spent almost four decades as an active and reserve LAPD officer, wants to allow officers to question gang suspects about their immigration status and require the LAPD to turn over illegal alien gang members to federal immigration authorities.
DENNIS ZINE, L.A. CITY COUNCIL: You've got these ruthless thugs that are gang members that come here from all parts of the world that terrorize the immigrant population.
WIANS: Zine's proposal is in response to the killing of Jamiel Shaw, a star high school football player allegedly murdered by an illegal alien gang member last month.
continued on transcript.
The outright corruption in this city since Villar clawed his way into City now becoming more apparent with each passing day. You and I have always known how the Mexican mafia rules this city, but now the public-at-large is becoming informed...thanks to this blog and talk radio...especially Kevin James!
Unless and until we get rid of the MEXICANS in City Hall and Sacramento, we will have more of the same. The Mexicans MUST be replaced with good old American citizens who do not have Mexico's agenda before that of this country! AND DON'T BOTHER CALLING ME A RACIST...THESE ARE FACTS!
I hasten to add that we have to get rid of the few remaining whites also...Bratton, Garcetti, Gruel, Hahn (?), Rosendahl, Zine, Weiss, et al. They have become corrupt by association. They bend over for Mexico and, in many ways, they are worse...they are American traitors!
The Jan Perry article where she is sitting with her Spanish tutor in her office on company time blabbering about how wonderful it is to speak to her constituents in "THEIR" language...just blew my mind! What more to our citizens need to know???
Villar thinks he will be re-elected...what chutzpah! Does he not know that he is Public Enemy #1? We need to get the FBI or ICE to moniter the election next year...Villar's been collecting millions of illegals to insure that he is re-elected...voter fraud is a felony and punishable by up to a $250,000 fine and 2 years in prison. What a way to get rid of a few million illegals!
Tony the Thug will be looking for work...just like his amigo, Antonio Gonzales (former US Atty General who can't get a job with any law firm in the US)! That really worked out well for him! I wonder if he's tried to get a job with LULAC or MALDEF! Remember...Gonzales stood next to Villar last year and said that gangbangers were 'just poor kids who ran into a streak of bad luck'! was Los Angeles that just ran into a streak of bad luck...we ended up with the Mexican mafia running the city. Let's throw 'em out!
Rosendahl is an idiot with comments like that. translate his comment: I'm too dumb and stupid to understand this legislation, and as a legislator I'm too dumb and stupid to modify it.
If "City Income tax",
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish. Puts hat back on and looks puzzled):
Sots, is it my imagination or did I mention something that was some-such-or-other about the possibility of a personal income tax for all within the City limits? (Crew nods in the affirmative) Ah, I thought so. So if you don’t mind to terribly much you should, if you will, give credit where credit is due, savvy? (Grins broadly and points to himself and rest of crew)
The City income tax has already been worked out, and now only a motion is needed to put it on the ballot for November. We hear that it’s a 2.5% tax on income over $35,000 per year which would put at least $875 per income earning person into City coffers per year. (Whispers) Sots, that’s what greed looks like.
But it’s the public school student head tax that is proving problematic, for those within the school district that have the power to make the head tax a reality are not as cooperative as some others would wish, savvy?
(Taps head) Oh, before I forget…a big HALLOO to Captain Stede Bonnet and his crew who were successful in FINALLY getting a certain deputy mayor’s aide liquored up enough to spill just enough beans to almost get themselves fired, while at the same time, leaving a copy of someone else’s expense reports in the back of the car. (Whispers) We’ll put Digger on them post haste to see what it is he comes up with. (Clears throat) And for She-Who-Runs-A-Tight-Ship: since Mister Ship has a business dinner to attend, we’ll slip Mister Ship a slip with the name of a certain pip who knows a quip or two about some lip that will make Our Lady Of The Shoes flip. Savvy?
8:01 don't you mean Alberto Gonzales? The Bush appointee who quit in disgrace and under pressure of impeachment?
Well don't worry about him, he once was Bush's personal attorney (got him out of a couple of coke beefs) and he's probably working the horse barn in Crawford Texas
Let me get this straight; Bill Rosenfdahl, a successful TV comentrator and now Councilmemberof the LA City Council is an idiot.
That label is applied by a fool who is unemployed, probably illegal immigrant (thanks to S.O. 40, he's still walking the streets), and a person who spouts lunacy every time he appears at the Los Angeles City Council meetings to use his precious two minutes of public comment.
O.K. I think I've got it; does Bill dress up in KKK garb or just hang out with those that do?
Maybe I've got the wrong idiot.
Too much name calling on the blog gets us away from the point.
Bill just is a crafty politcal creature who knows how to table the matter, maybe even avoid it altogether.
And he is pretty smart, getting over $175,000.00 a year for doing very little in - not "quality of life in this city" - but actual "survival of lives" here.
They all do this. It was just his turn to say the baffling comment of the day.
LAT has a piece on Bratton defending his SP40 but admitting that even many cops haven't understood they're allowed to report illegal gangmembers (does that mean all criminal illegals or only those in a gangbanger database?) to ICE. He's going to give them all training, and wants to start with Zine who he's very condescending about. Zine says he's seen LAPD before and since SP40 and knows L A better than Bratton -- no love lost between these two, good for Zine.
Article says privately many cops don't touch the illegal issue even if they know they technically could because their top brass gets very mad about it, there's an implicit order NOT to report illegals. That is clearly from Bratton by his tone and the Mexican politicians and the liberals who call it "profiling."
Meanwhile, look what we go through to fly -- now there's a machine that lets screeners see your naked genitals in Terminal 5, and we've been patted down like criminals, women their boobs flattened by hand for years. Some pulled aside for even more -- so who cares about cries of "profiling" if it gets rid of the thousands of gangbangers who are also international terrorists.
Reader poll running 80& in favor of repealing SP40 and over 600 comments slamming Bratton, exacept for a few who sound like illegals or anchor babies or liberal lefties.
ICE Sweeps Illegal Employers
Immigrations and Customs
Enforcement conducted raids yesterday on 12 businesses in nine states. The biggest targets were Pilgrim’s Pride chicken plants in Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Florida. ICE made more than 280 arrests, including more than 60 on criminal charges of identity theft. Illegal aliens were also arrested for immigration violations at Mexican restaurants and a doughnut factory. In many cases, they were working 72 hours per week and receiving slave wages.
Ahoy thar, Captain Sparrow! Whilst thou and thy crew hath made merry during the early springtime in the enchanted land of the fount of youth, I and me crew didst winter o'er in Tahiti! The natives were most hospitable, and their maidens were... ah, but enough o' that! A few of me crew petitioned me leave to abide thar (Sven amongst them), and I didst grant them their request.
We paid a courtesy call to Her Majesty in thine own country, and we bear news for thee from her. Mayhap ye send word Wednesday or Thursday next that thou hath received mine communique?
A new tax, saith thee? Methinks thou doth think thyself fortunate to not endure the taxation wrought 'pon the people of Virginia 'round 1879! I doth quote Mister William Saunders:
"On land, one-half percent on the value; on every male over 21, $1; on personal estate, including pianos, bowie-knives, carriages, etc., one-half percent; probate on every will, one-tenth percent; on deeds, one-tenth percent; on lawsuits, one-tenth percent of the amount claimed; merchants, one-half percent on their sales; pedlars, $50; retailers of tobacco, $5; common criers, $10; saloons, $25; pool halls, $10 and $5 for each additional table over one; circuses, $25 to $100 per day; hobby horses, $10; attorneys-at-law, $25; doctors and dentists, $15; photographers, $20; house agents, $30; stallions or jackasses, $10."
Mayhap it be most needful for city office-holders to tax themselves at 25% of their entire amassed wealth?
We should be so lucky in this City that Zev Yaroslavsky would want to run for Mayor!
He's got a cushy job at the county and he's not about to give it up--but he would be a fabulous mayor.
If the proposed city income tax is going on the could the clowns ever expect it to be passed??? Oh, how silly of me...of course it will be on the ballot! It's gonna be billed as a "Reduction of the city income tax from 3% to 2-1/2%. Of course everyone will show up to vote for a reduction...half of the city has a -50 IQ!
Re: SO 40...the ACLU, MALDEF, LUCLAC and LA RAZA are protecting the gangbangers under the threat of 'racial profiling'lawsuits! The gangs will be protected forever because they are the army for the Mexican mafia and drug cartels. We will always have a few ICE raids on some poor, hard working illegals in a chicken factory or wherever; but very few of them are even deported. It's all a dog and pony show to take the spotlight off the illegal gangbangers. And the public falls for it every time!
BTW, Kevin James made an interesting comment tonite...he said that it was no coincidence that Villar and his delegation of 200 clowns decided to lobby for more money for illegals ....the real reason is that the Pope is in Washington and Villar wants to kiss his ring! Oh, yeah...he's gonna give Chertoff a piece of his mind(less) about no more raids. Taxpayers need to get him on this one!!
Everyone upset at the recent tragedy of Jamiel Shaw should take a look at this letter on FreedomSpeaks - No More "Sanctuary City" Protection For Gangs! and forward it on. Our Mayor and City Council Members are a bunch of buffoons.
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