Jan Perry Shilling for Bitter Bernie?
Rick Orlov reports that Jan Perry is back on the beat trying one way or another to get rid of the LAPD's 3/12 schedule. This is the popular plan that allows police officers to have four days off if they work three straight 12 hour days. Considering the nature of police work as well as the fact that many police officers are forced to commute great distances from home to work; officers are understandably reticent to change the schedule. Perry has been accused of carrying water for Bitter Bernie, who's been opposed to the schedule ever since he was Police Chief and, as is true to his name, still bitter over losing that battle (and many others).
In the meantime, Orlov also reports that members of the City Clowncil are considering forcing LAPD officers to pay for their uniforms, more taxes and some of the other following ideas to raise money to cover the city's budget deficit:
"I know what people say, but I'm thinking for myself and looking any way we can to get more police officers on the street,"
Councilwoman Jan Perry
In the meantime, Orlov also reports that members of the City Clowncil are considering forcing LAPD officers to pay for their uniforms, more taxes and some of the other following ideas to raise money to cover the city's budget deficit:
Councilman Bill Rosendahl has advocated for more - and higher-priced - parking meters around the city.
Councilwoman Janice Hahn wants the city to have an oil extraction fee similar to one that Long Beach charges oil companies.
Councilman Dennis Zine has suggested that people who are arrested be charged the cost for officers' time.
And others have suggested the city look at selling advertising or naming rights to city facilities.
Among the options suggested has been selling ads for gunmaker Smith & Wesson on police cars around the "To protect and serve" logo - or renaming the new police headquarters after Glock, another gunmaker.
The transport division could be renamed after a car, such as the politically correct Prius.
Fire trucks could be sponsored by an insurance company or a brush-clearance firm. The DWP could have its trucks emblazoned with Sparkletts water ads.
Labels: Bitter Bernie, city of los angeles budget, jan perry
Jan Perry "thinking for herself," just as bad as Shilling for Bitter Bernie. Last time she did that, she came up with banning all fast food because her district is too stupid to choose wisely or go to the market. Instead of bringing in more markets with fresh food if that's her beef.
Rosesndahl wants to raise parking fees to $1.00/15 mins. from 25c, making it $4.00 an hour. While the consumer-friendly are doing the opposite, offering 2 free hours. This is so dumb, and it will drive people into private lots wherever possible -- the daily rate will look pretty good by comparision. OR they'll just avoid the city. He's trying to make it like London or New York, but since we have no mass transit to speak of, certainly not to serve the business/ affluent class, people will just avoid business and shopping in the city. Good move, Bill.
(This, while he and Wesson are refusing to go along with the Mayor's plan on Pico and Olympic to make traffic flow by cutting curbside meter parking during rush hour, claiming that will hurt business -- having senior moments, both of you, putting facts together?)
Zine's proposal to charge people for their own arrest and incarcertation is brilliant -- just what they did in some police states in history, fostering rebellion. Besides, while it may be appealing to do this with gangbangers, repeat offenders, they're the ones likely to claim poverty (their drug sales are undeclred, after all), so this would end up penalizing the average Joe, the poor slob getting busted for traffic tickets or spitting on the sidewalk.
(Maybe, they can start arresting those who don't spay their pets bu 4 months, or who buy fast food -- arresting those who don't pick up their dog's poop, and charging them for it, sounds overdue, though.)
If the 3/12 is taken away all of the LAPD officers would not be able to work all of the easy over time at LAX.
Rosendahl you are an ass. That's right: AN ASS. Don't punish law-abiding residents for YOUR drunken budget foolishness. Zine has the right idea- make life worse for the criminals.
What a joke this city has become because of the poor leadership and Antonio would rather be gone campaigning for Hillary. If that doesn't send the message to the residents of this city that he doesn't give a shit I dont' know what will. Yeah, let council take away 3/12 and you'll see a mass exodus worst then when Bitter Bernie was chief and 1,000 left. I say get rid of the 5 commissioners on PUblic Works like Cynthia Ruiz who's paid $115,000, and the rest, get rid of 2 cars from each council office, don't give any more money to corrupt gang programs or Father Boyle, stop special event waivers and so much more.
Isn't it intersting that the first ones these asshole council people go after are the cops. Yup, the cops who are getting shot at and assaulted, the cops who run towards the violent criminals, and the cops who cringed when they saw all the hypocritical clowncil members at Officer Randy Simmons funeral pretending as if they cared. BASTARDS
got that right ..go after the cops , again and again but you cops always support these super clowns that screw up the city year after year. get ready for the next cop screw over...the clowncil wants to take away your uniform bonus and your lunch break to save money. cry all u want but you always support these fools. lil tony balogna the midget gansta is laughting in your face!!!
you last two clowns, blaming the cop bashing on the Mayor: why don't you read the papers at least before posting your idiotic opinions. You can blame Tony for a lot of things, but he's the one along with his allies who are fighting FOR the cops, stupid, insisting on the hiring goal of 10,000 and NOT cutting their salaries. Tony got attacked for standing WITH the cops on the financial disclosure issues, attacked by many on the Council including big fat Tim Rutten of the Times. The cops' "union"/Protective League wrote a letter supporting him on that.
You wanna know who to blame for going after the cops, just watch a reply of last week's City Council meeting: Of course, Bernie, Jan Perry, but also Janice Hahn, Alarcon, Zine and Smith -- almost all of them except Wendy Greuel and Jack Weiss.
The Opinion section of the Daily News attacks the whole council with a broad brush on this, not wanting to single out names pro or con == which is clearly contributing to a misinformed public, if you are any indication.
They DO mention Tony Cardenas by name, though, for holding up progress on Chick/Rice's gang consolidation program and report showing current efforts aren't accountable enough.
A broad brush is the best we can have for this city!
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