This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
More than 150 passengers and crew aboard a sinking ship in the Atlantic, which is believed to have collided with a dinghy. Faster than a crack whore pouncing on a twenty-dollar bill, the crew are abandoning the sinking ship. Shame! Men, especially reasoned imperial men, should be gentlemen. They should be noble. They should be stoic. They should think of God, Queen/King and Country. When the chips were down, women and children came first—first to the lifeboats and the ration queue, last to take the bullet or the bomb. Thank you Mr. Hoff. (-'
10:08, I'm not sure if oil tankers typically carry that many passengers...maybe Walter can help me out.
HMS Anonymouse sends out a warning:
The Mexicans did it! ...---.--....- The Mexicans did it! ...---.--....-
Oh the vitriol, oh the humanity,oh the menudo!
May Day, May Day, May Day!
This one's for Walter!
Anonymous said:
1. Diesel kills 1415 people in the South Coast area annually.
In March 2000, the South Coast Air Quality Management District published results of the second Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study, indicating an overall average cancer risk in the South Coast Air Basin of about 1,400 per 1 million due to diesel emissions.
2. . Almost every one in ten kids in the LAUSD has asthma.
Close. It's 1 in 13
Asthma in schools
3. Air pollution "costs" society $12 billion per year in California.
The economic impacts of indoor pollution - including health care costs, lost productivity, legal costs, and human welfare impacts - have been estimated at billions of dollars each year.
4. Diesel truckers have a 50% greater chance of dying from heart disease than the general population.
Harvard Medical School study
March 11, 2008 10:15 AM
"Diesel truckers have a 50% greater chance of dying from heart disease than the general population."
Just from driving a truck? B.S. I'm sure the lifestyle profile of the average trucker has a LOT to do with it. Smokers... overweight... red meat...
I'm sure the lifestyle profile of the average trucker has a LOT to do with it. Smokers... overweight... red meat...
Since this also sums up the lifestyle of the general population, all things being equal, truckers have 49 percent higher incidences of heart disease than the smoking, overweight, red meat eaters in the general population.
11:48 AM,
"Since this also sums up the lifestyle of the general population"
No, it does not. Truckers fit a certain profile that is not the same as the general population.
12:57, yup, yup, gotta agree with ya...
What do those idiots at Harvard Medical School know about anything anyway, huh?
Suggestion: Next time, have somebody read you the SacBee article a little slower...
Is this slower enough?
The study said the trucking industry workers overall were heavier smokers than the general population but not so much as to explain the elevated lung cancer and heart disease according to the Bee.
20/20 Hindsight Comment:
"FYI, did you know peanut butter is carcinogenic? The FDA says so."
Thanks for the source, Walter, but what was the methodology?
(sigh) shouldacouldawoulda...
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