40th Anniversary of East L.A. Walkouts
It was 40 years ago this month that the East L.A. Walkouts, or Chicano Blowouts, started with demands for "better teachers, smaller classes and equal opportunity in higher education." Five local high schools were initially involved--Roosevelt, Garfield, Wilson, Belmont and Lincoln--and the efforts grew to 15 schools and over 20,000 students.
It was a "transformative experience" for participant and current journalist, Luís Torres. The "watershed event" for him was a "stand against discrimiantion against Mexican Americans." Sadly, however, the dropout rate at his alma mater, Lincoln High School, was 45% back then and remains pretty much the same now.
L.A.U.S.D Board President, Mónica García, said in a Sunday op-ed that "L.A. Unified must be a leader in urban school reform so that we can finally realize the goals of the '68 protests: giving all our youth the support and opportunities they need to learn and succeed."
The question remains: Are we still failing our students?
Labels: Chicano Movement, East L.A. Walkouts, Luis Torres, monica garcia
Amazing that Ed Headuphisass actually wrote something.
This is the 60s that gave us crooked Mexi-pests like Tony Villar, Alartorre and Zoro Alarcon.
We should have done something.
Edward Head-up-Your-Butt, the "questioning remaining" isn't "Are we still failing our students?" it's is our city still failing us, bringing in all these illiterate illegals who can't help or even encourage or be good educational role models for their kids.
They've sunk LAUSD, sucked up our funds, and 40 years later, are still as ignorant and apathetic about education as before.
There are always new crops of illegals, with the same old problems. How many even want their kids to go to college? They want them to get jobs and support the rest of the huge family as soon as possible.
In another 15 years when all the city council members are Latino, the Mayor is Latino, the Police Chief is Latino, 90% of LAPD cops are Latino and 90% of political appointments are held by Latinos will Ed HeadUpAss and Don "Culo" Quixote still be blaming the problems in the Latino communities on somebody else?
What a bunch of idiots in East Los Angeles and this blog, Latinos control the power base in most of Los Angeles and they still are trying to blame the current lack of progress and failures and on somebody else.
Let the Latino Politicos keep bringing in more illegal aliens from Mexico, and let the Mexican gang get larger and more violent and we will see who the Chicanos will blame the gang and crime problems on. Los Angeles will soon find itself under the siege of Mexican prison gangs and Mexican drug cartels and the Chicanos of Los Angeles will still be blaming the “gavachos” for their problems.
Viva the walkouts of the 60's! Chicanos made they're presence known and started to control there own destiny's.
The great teacher Sal Castro from Lincoln High fired the first shot and started the protests against the mistreatment and non education Chicano's were receiving.
The war continues today but many
battles have been won.
To the obnoxious and worn out hater from 11:55, I don't hear anyone but you complaining Miss PMS, continually about Mexicans and Mexican Americans as is your obsession, so that must mean we Mexican AMericans are really doing the right thing and continually progressing.
Viva! Yea, go Lincoln!
Monica Garcia said she wants to see a 100 percent graduation rate but that WOULD be amazing. as even a 20 to 30 percent rate was not doing to badly in some places over the years nationally.
In the 60's, most LAUSD students, even dropouts, had reading abilities that would be well ahead of the average ability of today's students. A simple test is to observe how well job applications are being filled out.
The reinventing of the wheel has not done much for progress. Small learning academies are an attempt to have students and teachers work in smaller groups and know each other better, with higher performance as one outcome.
The continuing faculty turnover works against this idea. The current practice of "teaching to the test" has put the "bar" at the lowest level so that just passing the CAHSEE and State tests is sought. We are settling for "good enough" and not "to excel."
Most classes in high school now are academic only. The days of meaningfull "electives" added to your class schedule are gone. Those small respites in the issued schedule allowed for more learning in areas that the student chose. Often, these classes were the part of the school day that made up for the less enjoyable classes.
Now, there are not any "chosen" classes of that kind, selected by students. Even homerooms where you had a brief period each day with the same students and teacher for all your high school years is gone. The subtle changes have a cumulative effect.
P.E. was a requirement each year. Sports programs recruited well in those times. P.E. is now only required for 2 of the 4 high school years and sports programs generally are more sparse.
Lots of changes. The "A to G" college prep track that Garcia boasts of actually will turn off many students who do not have an interest in college. Vocational training "on campus" is a rarity today. This is short-changing many students who might flourish if allowed offerings in this area.
What the past 40 years has done is to make things more equal so that minority members have their own politicians in office to screw up things for everyone directly. We now have equal-opportunity pigs at the trough in terms of salaries and benefits, without meaningful accountability or improvement. Or wasn't that the goal?
In CD-14
Anonymouse 10:16 on higher education.
Edward Head-up-Your-Butt, the "questioning remaining" isn't "Are we still failing our students?"
"the questioning remaining"??
Who was your role model miss thing?
You must have been a student at the Ding Dong School for anonymouse's
"Did the Japanese sit down with Pearl Harbor before they bombed it?"
Don Quixote (racist hypocrite writes).....
"To the obnoxious and worn out hater from 11:55, I don't hear anyone but you complaining Miss PMS, continually about Mexicans and Mexican Americans as is your obsession"
We are still waiting for Don Q. the hypocrite and African American xenophobe to explain his calling black "changos" (monkeys) and mayates on the other blog. Don Quackers has an opinion on everything, but his own vile hypocritical racism. Pretty telling, don't you think, Don Q.?
Don Q. the Racist Speaks
Who is going to listen to a racist like Don Quackers lecture anybody about racism....
Don Q. don't be afraid, why don't you expalin yourself?
I will post your other comments about - blacks "mayates, being lazy, condescending cvil service employees and etc....."
Viva the walkouts of the 60's! Chicanos made they're presence known and started to control there own destiny's.
The great teacher Sal Castro from Lincoln High fired the first shot and started the protests against the mistreatment and non education Chicano's were receiving.
The war continues today but many
battles have been won.
And now that LAUSD is under the control of "Chicanos" it is one of the worst school districts in the country. Is that the destiny Don Quackers is bragging about?
Or is Don Quackers proud that LAUSD has more gangs than any other school district in the country?
I'm sorry to urinate on the 40th anniversary, but the students of the 60s have been absolutely failed by our open border policies that have taken public education in California to the point of no return.
30 years from now when our cities are filled with unemployable illiterates and run by drug gangs, we'll wish we had enforced our immigration laws like every other country around the world.
Don Q. the illegal alien apologist
"To the obnoxious and worn out hater from 11:55, I don't hear anyone but you complaining Miss PMS, continually about Mexicans and Mexican Americans as is your obsession,"
And we don't see anybody but Don Q. Mexican and Ed HeadUpAss, telling us that we should embrace every illegal alien who sneaks across the border. Don Q. should complain about Mexico deporting the poor Central Americans who sneak into Mexico.
Ed HeadUpAss and Don Q, should go to McArthur Park and adopt a few illegal aliens and put their money where their mouth is. Hurry up boys, they are waiting to be adopted.
"Mexican Americans are really doing the right thing and continually progressing.
Viva! Yea, go Lincoln!"
Here is the "great progress" achieved in education, in Los Angeles our lovely sanctuary city.
In the Los/Angeles Unified School District, the graduation rate is 45% - 39% for Latinos and 46% for African-Americans.
Pathetic that we have a Latino mayor, Congresswoman Roybal Allard, Congressman Becerra, Senator Cedillo, Assemblyman Nunez, Sen. Romero, Councilmen Cardenas, Alarcon, Reyes, Huizar AND NONE OF THEM care enough or have the leadership to fix a damn thing in the Latino communities. Gang violence is high and that's a community problem not LAPD, schools overcrowded, clinics closing, filth and trash line streets because of illegal vendors, LA is looking like Tijuana and all these Latino politicans combined are failures to their people. Walkouts are a failure since nothing became of them and schools are worst off today then back in the 60's
Si Se Puede!!
Brown Power!!
Chicano Power!!
Viva Mexico!!
We didn't cross the border, the border cross us!!
Those were some of the chants radiating from the mouths of Ed Reyes, Jose Huizar, Monica Garcia, Yolie Aguilar, Gloria Romero and others.
In the marching ranks were Mecha Chapters, Brown Berets, Academia Semillas del Pueblo, Zapataistas, and lots of bus in students.
The irony here was that the March started near a vacant lot where Ed Reyes wants to built the Las Villas Project. Then ended at Hazard Park which is part of the Adelante Eastside Redevelopement Zone.
Looking back, it looks like we were better off 40 years ago. At least we had whitey to blame for all our ills.
Now who do we blame for the lame legislation. Higher water fees, higher electric fees, higher trash fees, higher sewer fees, delapidated schools conditions and a Mayor who can not run the city but wants to get his hands on our childrens schools.
The latest is a beer and wine arcade next to the birthplace of the walkouts, Lincoln High School.
Give me back whitey at least he wasn't that insensitive and I knew what his motives were.
Looking back, it looks like we were better off 40 years ago. At least we had whitey to blame for all our ills.
I think you meant, "we had the gavachos and republicans to blame". The vitriol, oh the vitriol.
It reminds me of the five year old kid who left Wrigley Field after the Cubs lost the Series in 1945. His dad says to him, "OK, well get 'em next year!"
Kid is now 68 years old. No trip back to the Series yet.
Talking about the '68 protesters is like talking about the '45 Cub team. It made big strides, but all of subsequent history has let them down.
One thing missing in the course of the public discussions is the impact- most of it negative- that illegal immigration had on Los Angeles in particular.
In 1986, an amnesty bill became operational. There were a few million then who were legalized. There was the idea that border would be controlled and hiring of illegals would be punished and things would be solved.
Failings by both Republican and Democrat administrations to follow the law resulted in what we have now.
It seems that both sides of the issue lump legal and illegal latinos together- "The Mexicans" is the often used description for illegals. Not all Mexicans are illegal, and not all latinos are Mexican. The civil war in El Salvador gave us a surge in refugees many years ago, for example. Even white and Asian illegals seem to slip through the discussions more readily with all the focus on latinos now.
The "we" this and "we" that is about what? There are many latinos that are just as tired of the deterioration illegal immigration has caused and do not favor amnesty. The latino community is really a mixture of opinions, so that lumping all of these persons into one mindset is a big error by anti-latino elements or by latino activists.
Back to the issue of education- if each student could read English, we could teach with more consistent results, postive results and make some progress.
Continuing to have Non-English speakers poured into the schools means teaching English at the same time as the rest of the curriculum. Many people refuse to assimilate and that is part of the reason learning English is not grasped as a tool for learning and progress. Teen pregancies don't help, particularly so with latinos. "Babies having babies." Doomed children? No home-schooling to be an issue there.
There's your impact of uncontrolled immigration.
Parents are part of the equation that spinners leave out of the discussion as well. That is a HUGE part of the education problem; they need to be involved with the process of education for their children. Parent visits to classrooms might make for a different demeanor in teaching and in student behavior. What student is going to act like a fool in front of his own parent? And what teacher is going show anything but their best when a parent visits?
Things are better now with more opportunity than before, but the opportunities are being wasted right in front of your eyes everyday. There is enough blame for everyone to share.
Looks like a pro Mexican American post really set Miss Thing off, I wonder how a post about some small victories in the fight for equality and justice could send someone off on such a vitriolic, and xenophobic verbal diarrhea like binge of racist blather and uncontrollable rage.
Miss Things draconian solutions (or better yet non solutions)to any topic on MS always includes her mysterious and convoluted diatribe's blaming Mexicans, legal or not, for all problems. Talk about reactionary! It's downright humorous at times.
Space Shuttle having problems in reentry?
Anonymouse: "It's the illegal Mexicans fault, there's too many and they're blurring the radar from space."
The California Grey Whale migration not on schedule?
Anonymouse: It's the Mexicans! There swimming across the border now and clogging up the ocean and whale routes!
UFO spotted in the sky over Death Valley?
Anonymouse: It's not a UFO it's "Illegal Aliens" using hot air balloons to sneak across the border! They're devious!
I don't know what happened to make Miss Thing such a shrieking racist and such an obsessive compulsive, Could be her Mexican Gardener accidentally ran her poodle through the chipper machine.
Don Q Racist you are an idiot. I looked at the post at 3:39Am and there are your words, calling blacks changos (spanish for monkey) and mayates.
You are the only xenophobic verbal diarrhea racist blathering idiot and uncontrollable raging pendejo.
Don Q please STFU you African-American hater and Xenophobe.
Don Quackers reminds me of the "Slick Willy", State Senator R. Clayton "Clay" Davis. He keeps avoiding his hate of African Americans.
Don Quackers also talks alot of sheeeeeeeeit, just like Senator Clay Davis.
JM post's up,
"Talking about the '68 protesters is like talking about the '45 Cub team. It made big strides, but all of subsequent history has let them down."
JM, I humbly disagree with your assessment of the East Side Walkouts of the 60's. These protests were one of the first mass protests against the discriminatory practices that were so embedded into the social fabric of that time.
They may have not solved all problems for Mexican Americans but they were a large first step in the fight for equal representation and put the society at large on notice that Mexican Americans were not going to be silent on issues that were important to us at that time and now.
JM I don't know how old you are or if you were even in LA at the time but we Chicano's were the recipients of some blatant and not so blatant discriminatory practices.
There were housing CC&R's in many areas which prohibited non whites from buying a home, there was absolutely a policy by the LAPD to brutalize and ride roughshod over the Mexican American communities,
(Chief Wm Parker would regularly make outrageous racist and ethnocentric statements), and no oversight or recourse was to be had for the many incidents of police brutality),
There was a school system that was based on and thrived on De facto segregation and answered to no one in the Chicano community.
The hiring practices of LA City and County, (especially by the Police and Fire Depts) was almost as bad as one could find in the deep South.
The total hypocrisy that existed at that time in regards to any real political representation was a nightmare of legendary proportions. The East Side of LA was gerrymandered and cut up into so many voting districts that it was impossible to ever elect a representative that had the best interest's of the largely Mexican American community's on the East Side.
There were many other critical issues in those days that were addressed and corrected or dealt with, that began with the vociferous and historic protests and school walkouts of the 60's .
Is everything now hunky dory? No of course not, but to dismiss the Chicano protests of the 60's as non consequential is not being totally honest or historically aware of past injustices and practices that are now thankfully relegated to the dust bin of history.
Is everything now hunky dory? No of course not, but to have Sr. Quackers dismiss his own hate of African American since the 60's as non consequential is not being totally honest.
Come on Don Quackers tell us all what you really think of African Americans, you remember the "changos" and "mayates".
don quixote you refuse to answer the question of your feelings towards blacks,you have said horrible things about them in the past and now your here calling people rascist.please explain your hate towards blacks.
Don't forget to ask Don Cholo about the republicans, gavachos and the LAPD because he hates them as well. Oh and Don Q., also thinks sureno/mexican gang members are men of honor. I'll find some of his words of wisdom on sureno gangs.
Monica Garcia is another puppet. She claims to be working for what is best for our students, but at the same time supporting projects which will sell booze right across the street from Lincoln High and Gates Elem. What a hypocrite.
Did Monica Garcia sell -out or buy-in?
ed reyes - you silly knucklehead
Galaviz = lap dog
as soon as you bring up don culo's rascists feelings he ignores the question or leaves the thread and won't come back.
Hey, Don Cholo at 12:48: That was a paraphrase of E-Head-Up-His Butt's comments -- parody obviously escapes you as much as logic does. To be expected of the lone apologist for your masses of illiterate, uneducated and impoverished masses that their masters in Mexico don't want to bother with, or even acknowledge that they're the same race. --
Funny, all those "Degrees of Separation" from the Indian, Mayan/Aztec peasantry, the the mixed mestizos, all the way "up" to the white-skinned oligarchy who all claim descent from the Spanish conquistadors -- who are the "bad" guys in history, however. What a messed-up culture: they scramble to distance themselves from their illiterate, brown peasant masses, then try to use America's principles of equality to make us sound like racists in order to shove their illiterate masses down our throats.
The idiot baby boomers like Janice Hahn, an Bill Rosendahl, who still live in some sort of white guilt for a society that they long ago sold down the river, are a soft mark for the Zorro Marxist Alarcon and his other 4-5 Mexicans (if you count Garcetti, which he sometimes does himself, as Mexican).
These Mexicans have been so intent on "reclaiming" an Aztlan that never existed. (What did they leave California with, exactly? What's ever been positive about California culture before the miyates came west with their education, culture and technology?)
And now they're teaching it to their ignorant followers in places like the Academia Semillia, which is one of the very lowest- performing schools even in LAUSD.
The irony is, this is the low-class "culture" the Mexican oligarchs, who prefer French food or fusion types of Mexican-Spanish, disdain.
It keeps the ignorant peasants busy though, no, Cholo?
Hey Don Cholo, don your feathers instead of wasting everyone's time with your same old drivel on this blog. Do some "traditional" dances, raise your fists and shout "La Raza," post the video here and give us all an educational laugh.
You would think with the gang violence of blacks vs Latinos and vice versa those dumb ass politicans like Huizar, Reyes, romero and idiot Monica Garcia would be more responsible in DIVIDING THE RACES. Brown power is bullshit and the worst thing to teach the kids right now. No wonder why they're killing eachother out in the streets when you have the most idiotic Latinos who have no class out there telling them its ok. They are militant assholes who give Latinos a bad name. We speak English, are educated, are professional and live in clean neighborhoods because we don't tolerate crap.
All these posts slapping Don Cholo have to be from from the same
"Miss Things draconian solutions (or better yet non solutions)to any topic on MS always includes her mysterious and convoluted diatribe's blaming Mexicans, legal or not, for all problems. Talk about reactionary! It's downright humorous at times."
Don Quackers is so out of touch with the reality here in the Los Angeles area. Don Quackers should get off his ass, AND ACTUALLY go ask the parents on the west-side if they want a bunch of illegal aliens and young cholos bused into their school district from other parts of Los Angeles.
Don Quackers does not even admit that any middle class parent will not risk placing their kids in most Los Angeles schools.
once you bring up d.q. rascist post he switches over to drinking with tony for the rest of the day.
See what a post by me, don quixote will do for the anonymouse?
Another shit storm of uncontrollable babel from my most ardent admirer.
I'm better for her than a bottle of Geritol.
She's a beaut ain't she?
Don Quackers says:
"Another shit storm of uncontrollable babel from my most ardent admirer."
"Admirer" should be plural, pendejo. Your admirers are increasing by the day.. Oh the tangled webs we weave when first we practice to be a f---ing know-it-all..
The girl can't help it, 1957 Little Richard,
More great news from East Los Angeles, the walkouts 40 years ago were big a success, these stories now occur regularly in the new and improved East Los Angeles, which is finally under the control of dedicated Latino politicians.
East L.A.: Jorge Casillas, a 28-year-old Latino man, was shot in the back with a shotgun in the block of 3500 E. Siskiyou Street near the Boyle Heights area at about 10 p.m. Friday, March 7. Casillas had just arrived home and had exited his vehicle when several Latino men approached him and shot him, said Det. Scott Smith from LAPD's Rampart Division. Casillas was transported to County-USC Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead at 12:31 a.m. the next day. Anyone with information about the incident can call (323) 526-3000.
Miss Rona Barett,
Oh wow! Thanks anonymouse!
Where is Don Quackers to defend his comments on black.
The foolish racist can only resort to childish name calling, because he doesn't have the courage to explain his racsit rants about African Americans.
40 years of struggle and this is how most Chicanos/Mexicans/Latinos make the news.
A 19-year-old alleged gang member was charged this morning with capital murder in the shooting death of Jamiel Shaw Jr., just hours before the standout football player's family gathered with city leaders and his uniformed teammates to lay him to rest.
The alleged gunman, Pedro Espinoza, had walked out of Los Angeles County Jail about 28 hours before Jamiel's March 2 slaying, according to law enforcement officials and jail records. Espinoza had been sentenced to 180 days after being convicted on charges of displaying a firearm and resisting officers in a November arrest in Culver City.
Espinoza, described by law enforcement as an 18th Street gang member, had been scheduled for arraignment this afternoon in a downtown Los Angeles courthouse. Although Espinoza appeared briefly in court, his arraignment was postponed until later in the month.
Viva la Raza, My Ass!
Our own people are fu-king us.
Education is worst, after 40 years of bull-sh*t..
Political Latino's are nothing for us to be proud of...Just take a good look around you, thing have gotten worse..Trash, gangs, and other shit in the so called varrios, nothing to be proud of after 40 years.
Take it from a mom who has kids in LAUSD, has no more problems with them than any other school district I live in because I'm very involved.
There are many things wrong with LAUSD but immigrants aren't one of them. I'd like to see the school where they teach in Spanish and I've been to a LOT of schools. The immersion program works and they don't dumb things down for "poor little Mexican children". You're crazy to think such a thing.
Stop the magnet program. It's insane. It's busing with a different name. Move to the neighborhood where you want your kids to go to school and that is how they'll get there. Magnet programs are ludicrous. The "gifted" program is a joke. None of those kids are gifted. The school tells them that so they get an extra $100 per kid. Every parent thinks their kid is the smartest kid in the world. Dream on.. Your gifted kid is average. Get used to it.
If you want a good school with parental involvement, make it in the neighborhood. LA is so dense that LAUSD doesn't need any buses at all except for field trips. All that happens is moms are driving like maniacs all over the city and when they drop off their kids, they'll hit yours in a second as they speed away.
And magnets for teachers, doctors, etc. Get real - what kid in elementary, junior or high school know what they really want to be? That's what college is for.
Teaching to the test is one of the biggest problems. It's a race amongst schools to get the best scores. Meanwhile, none of the kids learn what they should be learning-they're just learning to fill in bubbles and how to guess correct answers on standardized testing.
Bad teachers are impossible to get rid of. The teachers union is too strong. They're insane. They're lazy and they make me sick. They would endanger your child's life as opposed to walking their fat asses across the playground to unlock a gate because "it's not their job". And they know the union will protect them.
All kids don't need Algebra. All kids aren't going to college. Face it. We need plumbers, auto mechanics, etc. and when a smart kid who isn't good in Math fails - their self-esteem plummets and they feel like a failure when Algebra simply isn't for everybody.
All kids should wear uniforms. They are so obsessed with their clothing, they can't learn. If a school doesn't have a uniform, they make up nonsensical dress codes that shouldn't be enforced and couldn't in most places. They are random codes, like boys can have 1 earring and girls can have 2. Shut the fuck up. Girls can have long hair but not boys. Who gets to make up these rules? How about something sensible like no sandals and that's it?
PE and Music should be mandatory. Instead of that, we have kids who don't really have good electives so they sit at school and watch movies. I take my kids out that day and I will NOT write excuses for them pretending (lying) that the kids are sick. I say there is no reason for them to watch movies just to be in attendance. They can come home and read books.
All of the schools are overcrowded which causes problems. Everyone bitches that LAUSD is building new schools, but we need them. The parents all know that. We don't care what the out-of-touch politicians claim.
Good teachers should be rewarded if they go to low-performing schools. Again, if all the parents had their kids in neighborhood schools, the teachers would have an easier time.
Tardy rooms in high school are the most stupid thing I've ever heard of. I won't take my kids if they're going to be 5 minutes late. Why should they sit in a stupid tardy room learning nothing because they were late? Is this supposed to teach them something? Bullshit. And if mine are late to class in the middle of the day, I'll pull them out of the tardy class and make up any excuse to do something but NOT waste time in the tardy class. What brilliant person thought this up?
We have tons of problems but none of them have to do with Mexicans, I hate to tell you..
Yes the teaches union and Mr. Duffy has to much power over the LAUSD but that is just one of many problems.
If we Americans pay our tax dollars to educate the kids of people who just sneak across the border, than it is a large problem. Who decided that mostly latinos are allowed to sneak into the country by virtue of having a common border with the U.S.
Why are we spending billions of dollars to build schools for the kids of people who are here illegally, ooh hell no.
You say Los Angeles is over-crowded, do the millions of illegal aliens help this situation?
Everybody with 1/2 a brain knows there are many illegal alien gang members in the LAUSD schools, I personally know of a few.
What school has actually raised test scores because of illegal aliens in LAUSD schools.
Many schools which have bilingual classes are full and the spanish speaking kid has to attend a regular english school. LAUSD can't keep up with the constant immigration of illegal aliens.
Go to Belmomt High School and ask their adminsitrators if they can accomadate all the spanish speaking students they have, the answer is NO !!!
Any city which has millions of poor people pouring into the schools and city is going to have financial troubles.
To say illegal aliens do not add the problems in LAUSD schools is just plain stupid and ridiculous.
The 40th Anniversary of the East L.A student walkouts was a circus or should I say a Greek tragedy. There was enough comedy for the Pocho Hour of power. When I read about it in the paper and watched it on TV, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...so I did both. It had a cast of characters that included cast-offs, wannabes, has-beens, and oportunistic Latino politicians. These so-called Chicano walkout leaders only come out every ten years; other than that, you never hear about them. Take for example, Bobby Verdugo. This guy's claim to fame is that he is a wannabe comedian, a college drop out, and a convicted felon. Then you have the great Sal Castro, this guy has not done anything since the walkouts 40 years ago. In fact, when 40,000 Latino immigrant students walked out in March 2006 against HR 4437, an anti-immigrant piece of legislation, he spoke out against the walkouts. Maybe he was a little jealous because the student walkouts in 2006 were bigger than those of '68 and he was not asked to lead them. Then there is Mita Cuaron. This wannabe artist is a 55 year old lesbian who wants all drops put in jail..Mita, with an educational system so screwed up, do you blame anyone for dropping out? Next, you have Vickie Castro, wasn't this the same Vickie Castro, who as a school board member was responsible for spending $300 million on the Belmont Learning Complex that never got built because it was built on land that was contaminated? Then you have Big Mamma, Monica Garcia, a 300-pound lesbian leading the march. Other than having a big mouth and eating double cheese burgers with menudo, she has not done a thing as president of the LAUSD Board. Finally, you have the ex-bed buddy of the late, great, Miguel Contreras, state Senator Gloria Romero. This woman has never done a thing for education and never participated in the '68 walkouts. As a matter of fact, she sponsored SB 1381 the Mayor's proposed take over of the LAUSD, which was thrown out by the courts. Her and High roller, Fabian Nunez wanted to deprive voters of an opportunity to vote on the issue. When we finally met the enemy...we realized...that the enemy was us.
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