Monica to Arnold: "Unacceptable!"
The same woman who four years ago ushered all those costly architects and contractors into Jose Huizar's office, ultimately costing local property owners $12 billion to build classrooms for students the LAUSD won't have by 2012, is now calling the Governor's proposed budget cuts to schools "unacceptable," the former fishwrap of record reports.
Let the budget games begin!
Let the budget games begin!
Labels: lausd, los angeles politics, monica garcia
God forbid...illegals would be denied dental and optometry!!!
What's UNACCEPTABLE is the 10 BILLION we are forced to spend on freeloader illgals!!!
Monica mad that "HOME ED CLASSES" were deleted from the budget.
The Daily News noted a study yesterday that illegals are costing L A a half Billion $/year WITHOUT taking into account the billions spent on educating illegals, and their part of the 8 billion $/year hospitals are losing from the uninsured (and we're paying for by higher premiums for less quality).
Illegals are the only growing segment of the student population -- there is otherwise a net exodus even among working class Hispanics and blacks, to areas with cheaper housing and better schools. (Isn't that an interesting combination...)
Plus much of the westside, unless they live in Beverly Hills or maybe Santa Monica (though their schools have gotten pretty dubious, too) puts their kids into private school out of necessity because theirs are taken over the these illegals and other kids bused in from where they bring their gang culture. (As the westside mom explains in post below on PTA thread, but apparently this is way too complicated for some MS readers to understand.)
These people are contributing their taxes to a large % of LAUSD's budget but not using the schools -- basically, giving to a "charity."
My solution: privatize the schools and let people choose between those that meet the standards of the Cal State Curriculum (as do Charters), by giving them vouchers. Privately runs groups can run these schools with accountability to parents in a safe, local environment -- even if it means small, multi-age classrooms that share teachers for a while. Some private schools do this anyway by choice -- teachers love such chances to innovate while delivering a good education. Now, more than half the school day is devoted to "crowd control" anyway.
This is like the idea being floated to private the state prisons: Baca's Sheriff's deputies have a powerful union which sucks up a large part of their budget -- plus the administrative costs are high.
Privately run prisons (with close oversight from law enforcement agencies) could run the prisons more humanely as well as cheaply -- meaning criminals wouldn't hav to be released back onto the streets, as Arnold wants.
I just heard about how Will Rogers State Park is about to be closed because of the budget. What B S.
There going to talk about closing a park already established while they spend taxpayer $$$ on special interest parks like the Discovery Center in the Whittier Narrows area.
Tell whomever is in charge to take the money from the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, they have millions of $$$ of Californian's money to spare.
Isn't that what prop 84 was all about?
Steve Poizner YOU WERE RIGHT???
They're closing parks in Topanga and the coastal areas because that's the "safest" place to do it, the "rich, white" areas. While in Whittier, the L A River boondoggle revitalization scheme, etc., the recipients are Hispanics. Might have something to do with the last redistricting, where the westside/ mostly white CM's were reduced from 3 to just 2 while Hispanics districts increased to 5.
This is just like how decisions are made as to which areas to fund with schools and where to cut, savvy?
Coincidence that even Palisades' Paul Revere Middle Schools and Pali High can't/ won't guarantee admission to locals because it's a bigger priority to bus kids in?
Pointing this out makes one "reactionary?" This has been a scandal for a long time that's been under wraps precisely because of the bizarre reverse racism which brands anyone sane as racists. Even the Hispanics and blacks have been going to areas outside of LAUSD. It's LAUSD that's insane.
Only now that it's also happening to parks do people see how the game is played. Again, the "rich" westsiders are stepping in with plans to make up for this loss of state funding with private funds.
Just as Arnold and the Republicans wanted them to do.
Just as westsiders have done when deprived of their schools a couple of decades ago, when "minorities" became the controlling voice regarding LAUSD spending.
If only all of those damn hispanics and illegals would just go back home we'd be ok. Hopefully the blacks and orientals will follow them too. Heck, while we're at it, maybe we get get those jews to follow them too. You know that they are always sympathetic to hispanics, blacks and orientals. Maybe we can get the gays to follow them too. Gays are always bitching about some right that they don't have (adoption, marriage, happiness.)Lastly, if we could only get women of all races and religions to follow too. Yeah, then LA would rock!!
Col Jack Ripper writes:
Well there's only a couple of solutions I can see working at this late date.
White people! forget that new Mercedes, second home in Palm Springs, Shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch, and the rest of the good life stuff and have more baby's, that's an order!
Those Mexicans are subverting "our culture" and having all the kids in some insidious plot based on the Darwinian principles of survival of the fittest! damn it all!
And there is a secret conspiracy by these unwashed hordes to illegally vote for Commie's oops I mean Democrats!
Hell I heard it on the radio! It must be true.
Hide the white women and circle the wagons! And while your at it bring me a double latte please.
Every time I pass the Home Depot and see those brown devils plotting against our way of life I just want to, I want to, I.... really would like to, happiness is a warm gun oohhh oohhh oohhh....happiness,
Uh oh!
And white people! Remember to withold your precious bodily fluids! The commies only drink Vodka and the Mexicans only drink Tequila, I only drink pure grain alcohol (100 proof) cause it's a conspiracy see, they flouridated our water supply the tricky devils.
Wake up America!
PS; And start to mow your own damn lawns we've got to fight back!
LAUSD, under Huizar, WASTED 35 million in designing a new payroll system. The only people who benefited were the designers who Huizar selected. I wonder how much of the 35 Mil Huizar got to put in his war chest.
This year when Huizar runs to Miami to pick up money for Villa and Alatorre, he can ride first class; as the story about the projects was released this morning.
Thats 2 BILLLION for developers. If we are 14 Billion short in the State and 25 Million in the City, where the hell are they going to get 2 BILLION; float loans and taxes?
Between the welfare and the LAUSD this state should be in bankruptcy within 10 years.
3:37 p.m.
Are you sure that Pali High can't guarantee admission to locals???
If this is true, it's a sad, sad day. My kids graduated Pali many years ago, and I never thought I would see the day when our own kids were locked out!
We are in Big Bear now, so I don't get down to the city often and haven't checked Pali out in several years.
I am so happy we didn't have to experience the magical world of multiculturalism, aka biculturalism!
The Governor is getting his signals crossed. At the same time he was suppose to be releasing public info about the sanctions facing LAUSD's struggling schools today, he's telling them to cut back on things they were already doing. I'm nto sure that adds up to our kids getting an education.
Col Jack Ripper writes:
Well there's only a couple of solutions I can see working at this late date.
White people! forget that new Mercedes, second home in Palm Springs, Shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch, and the rest of the good life stuff and have more baby's, that's an order!
Those Mexicans are subverting "our culture" and having all the kids in some insidious plot based on the Darwinian principles of survival of the fittest! damn it all!
And there is a secret conspiracy by these unwashed hordes to illegally vote for Commie's oops I mean Democrats!
Hell I heard it on the radio! It must be true.
Hide the white women and circle the wagons! And while your at it bring me a double latte please.
Every time I pass the Home Depot and see those brown devils plotting against our way of life I just want to, I want to, I.... really would like to, happiness is a warm gun oohhh oohhh oohhh....happiness,
Uh oh!
And white people! Remember to withold your precious bodily fluids! The commies only drink Vodka and the Mexicans only drink Tequila, I only drink pure grain alcohol (100 proof) cause it's a conspiracy see, they flouridated our water supply the tricky devils.
Wake up America!
PS; And start to mow your own damn lawns we've got to fight back!
Let's start by deporting Don Quixote back to the Psych Ward, he is the biggest waste of time here.
Then we can send the millions of illegal mexicans back to their own country, your free ride is over.
We spend billions on jails, hospital care and schools for illegal aliens which are a drain to our social services.
About 25% of jail inmates in California are illegal aliens.
"People who come here illegally and commit crimes need to be prosecuted, do their time and then return to their home country," Sheriff Lee Baca said Monday. Currently, two federal immigration agents stationed at Twin Towers Jail interview as many as 20 convicted foreign-born inmates daily.
About 80% are placed in federal custody for possible deportation or prosecution on federal immigration charges. But federal officials estimate that about 40,000 of the 170,000 inmates who come through the county jail each year are in the United States illegally., just the illegals.
Joe Mailander only posts here beacuse he can't get any traffic on his own blog. Wonder why...
f*ck who's blog it is fool, what about the Mayor of Los Angeles and Monica Garcia, reaming the district and ultimately of course, you.
8:17 pm...No, everyone.
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