Mayor V's Report Card
A flyer passed out at tonight's neighborhood council by a rep from the Mayor's office says the following has happened in LA since the Mayor took office in 2007:
LA ON THE MOVE2005-2007
Leading fundamental reform in our schools
LA is Booming
Creating a Cleaner and Greener Los Angeles
Demanding Fiscal Responsibility and Results
More Police...Less Crime
A Relentless Campaign Against Traffic
Extending Opportunity for All Angelenos
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
LA ON THE MOVE2005-2007
Leading fundamental reform in our schools
LA is Booming
Creating a Cleaner and Greener Los Angeles
Demanding Fiscal Responsibility and Results
More Police...Less Crime
A Relentless Campaign Against Traffic
Extending Opportunity for All Angelenos
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Mayor Sam,
Thanks for the comedy script as provided by the mayor's office.
Let's review:
* Leading fundamental reform in our schools.
[Like Clinton says, talking about change isn't change. What fundamental reform? Setting up non-profits so you can raise funds doesn't count. ALL TALK, NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED EXCEPT LOSING FEDERAL COURT BATTLES COSTING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.]
* LA is Booming
[That's why the mayor declared a financial emergency. Illegal street vending flourishing on the streets doesn't count, mayor!]
* Creating a Cleaner and Greener Los Angeles
[It's not enough to call it "Million Trees L.A." -- YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO PLANT A MILLION TREES. Besides that...what is greener, besides your private coffers?]
* Demanding Fiscal Responsibility and Results
[First of all...this one is too easy. Secondly..."Demanding" is one thing...having the knowledge and leadership to accomplish this is different. But yeah, I'll give him that one...he "demands" fiscal responsibility and results...even though he couldn't attain the goal even if he actually wanted to.]
* More Police...Less Crime
[Great taste, less filling! Are there more police? Does everyone reading this, feel that crime is down? (I don't mean by looking at statistics whose parameters keep changing/apples and oranges.)
* A Relentless Campaign Against Traffic
[I though you already admitted that your (Dumb) "Smart Growth" was going to bring traffic to a gridlock halt, by design?]
* Extending Opportunity for All Angelenos [Middle Class is about to get reamed again to pay for a bunch of social services for people who are over-burdening the system. And the rich will get more tax breaks and subsidies.]
I think this list of achievements is as empty and laughable as the mayor. Good luck in the private sector in '09!
hilarious is right.
but you have to give him the cleaner and greener....they cleaned off Venice Beach and him and Rocky pump thousands of gallons of water onto their most green lawns.
"Leading fundamental reform in our schools"
What has been reformed? The payroll situation has only gotten more expensive and somehow the lunch workers got another $35 mil to extend the lunch hour. Would prefer "LAUSD Lunch Hour Reformed."
"LA is Booming"
...with graffiti and an out of control gang situation...
"Creating a Cleaner and Greener Los Angeles"
Somehow we misplaced 100K to 1M trees... Can't find 'em anywhere. Name change suggestion: City of Los Angeles to City Of Lost Trees. Cleaner, greener ports? Sure thing! No particulars, no step by step plans, just the big idea that we SHOULD have a cleaner, greener port..which will triple in size by when?? Please...
"Demanding Fiscal Responsibility and Results"
City workers get raises, electeds get extended terms and now we're voting to cover a budget shortfall with a new, improved way of taxing ourselves. Okay, no...
"More Police...Less Crime"
I'd go with "Some More Police"...
"A Relentless Campaign Against Traffic"
...with the relentless gridlock winning...
"Extending Opportunity for All Angelenos"
...unless you're looking for a job in the fast food sector in Jan Perry's district!
This is the same stuff from that report the Mayor put out in July, with a little bit of updating.
That's Parke Skelton spinning away.
Just because you say it, doesn't make it so. More lies, lies, lies.
It started with the "My father was an alcoholic..." to "He's a family man..." to "I accept responsibility...."
Has he no shame?
Lynyrd Skynyrd, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Randy Rhodes and Buddy Holly were all tragically lost in air accidents.
Antonio continues to fly all over the country unscathed. Life can be so unfair.
Accomplishments in two years:
--Gave quiet residential neighborhoods away to Taco Bell Tuscan condo developers.
--Worst planning chief and traffic czars in City history.
--Tilted at LAUSD windmills to no result.
--Sucked big campaign money union trust funds while delivering nothing.
--Writer's strike crippling Hollywood, but no Mayoral response.
--Failed, costly Affordable Housing Bond campaign.
--Homelessness now spread out all over City.
Jack Hoff you sound freakin Republican there!
You better come to the party Sunday!
People will give him credit for trying on school reform.
L.A. IS booming -- which is why Villaraigosa will get reelected.
Cleaner greener L.A. is funny. This place is not cleaner or greener and everybody knows it.
Demanding fiscal responsibility is funny too since the city keeps hiking taxes and people resent it.
More police, less crime -another reason the mayor will get reelected (though I guess we should thank Jim Hahn for that since he hired Bratton.)
'Relentless campaign against traffic' is another funny one. the wording is so melodramatic.
Extending opportunity for all Angelenos .. very blah blah blah, what does that even mean.
But I think the economy is good, crime is down, and his affair is yesterday's news so I predict no one will dare challenge him and he will get reelected - meaning you guys can keep talking smack about him for four more years!
How come a man who works for the mayor (Trujillo) calls them self LA Woman?
History will show: a very forgettable term. One termers with no accomplishments are like used kleenex.
Added comment to my previous post of 6:20, before the 3rd floor brown-nose propagandists respond... accomplishments are different from headlines.
After his term is over, its nothing gain..4 yrs lost.
HILARIOUS!!!! Funny those idiots who go to meetings to hand out this crap always get negative comments made to them about the slimy Mayor. Too bad Obama is a man with morals and intergrity. People should remember that the MAYOR wrote that letter as well as Bill Clinton to pardon the drug dealer Vignali. The Mayor is still friends with Vignali and in fact has helped him with major land deals in downtown. The blacks should know that although Vignali was pardoned there are still 12 blacks in jail doing time that were Vignali's runners. Guess someone forgot about them.
Matt dowd's comment - The Mayor wasn't responsible for cleaning the beaches, that was a result of the Baykeeper lawsuit that was going on before he put on his one black suit. Sanitation worked out the plan to clean the street basins, not the Mayor's office
L.A. Woman - Caruso will dare and win in 2009.
You think? While that would make for a fascinating race since conservative people would actually have someone palatable to vote for, I think Caruso will sit it out. He's a businessman. Why get directly involved in the political b.s. when you're already making $ doing what you're doing? The idea of Caruso having to deal w/ neighborhood council types .. time is $ for a businessman, why would he spend his time doing things that to a man like him must seem like really small potatoes?
Don't forget, number of animals dying on their own in the animal shelters has tripled since Villaraigosa took over.
Caruso would be a great mayor for this city. Why would he run? DUHHHH maybe because he's a man of his word, ethics and truly cares about people. Everyone who comes into contact with Rick loves him. If people oppose something he is doing he's the only man I know who actually takes the time to sit and listen to them not bullshit them. Ok c'mon you idiot people and slam him but for a millionaire Rick has given tons of money to the less fortunate. Caruso and wife Tina had a bldg. named for them by Para Los Ninos because they've truly helped the struggling Latino families. Of course it was a surprise to them and an honor.
l.a. woman does not work for the mayor. She wishes she did. I don't doubt that the mayor has spinners on this blog. The MS voice is powerful. I'm only saying that l.a. woman isn't one of them.
Mike's writing style is very distinct whether he's living as a woman or not.
Mayor Sam (or Blogger?) has included a Google search window at the top of the blog. You can search all the stories on Mayor Sam. Very nice tool. Do a search to Google "Chief Parker" or MEAT on Mayor Sam's Blog. Read those posts by Chief Parkr or Meat and you will see they sound like the spinning Mike does here on the blogs.
The flyer sounds like the typical drivel I've been hearing from this current two-timing one-term mayor.
Every one of you who critiqued the flyer did a great job! I laughed and each of you stayed on point.
LA Woman - I couldn't have said it better than your 10:39 post.
I agree.. the Mayor is here to stay. Get used to it. Caruso? Not a chance.
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